Topic on User talk:FlareKyn
From Elwiki
- (cur prev topic) 17:04, 14 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) marked the topic "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" as resolved (marked as resolved) . . 0
- (cur prev topic) 17:04, 14 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (Thanks. Now I can delete these images.) . . +38
- (cur prev topic) 02:42, 14 July 2023 . . G123u (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (It is all done now! \o/) . . +23
- (cur prev topic) 15:00, 13 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) edited a post on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" . . +26
- (cur prev topic) 14:59, 13 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) edited a post on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" . . −48
- (cur prev topic) 14:59, 13 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) edited a post on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" . . +2
- (cur prev topic) 14:59, 13 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) edited a post on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" . . +103
- (cur prev topic) 14:58, 13 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (I think they want the clear lines to be typed up with the exact wording that's used in the game. There are some clear lines with genuine...) . . +157
- (cur prev topic) 02:12, 13 July 2023 . . G123u (talk | contribs) edited a post on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" . . −32
- (cur prev topic) 02:11, 13 July 2023 . . G123u (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (..You're right, I was being too forward and that was rather insensitive of me, my apologies. I just finished Resiam Outskirts. I can post...) . . +202
- (cur prev topic) 01:34, 13 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (I don't think that's a good thing to joke about. Thank you for doing this for me. I just noticed that some of the lines I took screenshot...) . . +327
- (cur prev topic) 00:22, 13 July 2023 . . G123u (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (You left your IGNs in the screenshots! Time to get doxxed. < w > //hit I've got some free time and I'm procrastinating on the costume pag...) . . +206
- (cur prev topic) 18:00, 12 July 2023 . . FlareKyn (talk | contribs) commented on "I Collected Some Elboy/Aisha Clear Lines A While Back" (However, I haven't really had the desire to go through the pages for the dungeons to add them in. Can anyone do that for me? Thanks in ad...) . . +253