Lore: Difference between revisions

300 bytes added ,  27 August 2019
→‎El Masters: I'm just gonna remove this purely on the premise it's kind of up an air between Solace, Ebalon, and Ventus.
(→‎El Masters: I'm just gonna remove this purely on the premise it's kind of up an air between Solace, Ebalon, and Ventus.)
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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== Elsword'un Efsanesi ==
== The Lore of Elsword ==
[[Image:Lore-1.png|thumb|El Kristali|250px]]
[[Image:Lore-1.png|thumb|The El Crystal|250px]]

=== Tanrıça'nın Doğuşu ===
=== Birth of the Goddess ===
Başlangıçta, Karanlığın Tanrı'sı [[Henir]] ve Işık Tanrıça'sı [[Elria]] yaşardı. [[Elria]] maddi alemi yarattı, bunun üzerine şeytan aleminin yaratılışı sonuçlandı. Tanrıça [[Elria]], Tanrıça [[Ishmael]]'i maddi dünyanın bir kâhyası olmakla görevlendirdi.
In the beginning, there lived the god of Darkness, [[Henir]], and the goddess of light, [[Elria]]. [[Elria]] created the material realm, the demon realm's creation followed as a result. The Goddess [[Elria]] tasked the Goddess [[Ishmael]] to become a steward of the material world.

=== Elrios, El Yaşam Kristali'nin Anakarası ===
=== Elrios, Continent of the El Life Crystal ===
[[Image:Lore-2.png|thumb|Toprağa hayat veren El|250px]]
[[Image:Lore-2.png|thumb|The El bringing life to the land|250px]]
Maddi dünyada karanlık vardı ve Kaos doğdu. Bu dev kıtada herhangi bir yaşam belirtisi aramak kolay değildi. Maddi alemi korumak için, [[Ishmael]] kıtanın kalbine yıldırım çakar gibi kocaman bir mücevher gönderdi. Kısa bir süre sonra, kıta hayatla büyüdü ve bolluk dolu bir yer oldu. Bir zamanlar ölü olan tüm bitkiler yeniden hayata döndü ve yeşillikler çıplak ve kuru topraklarda gelişmeye başladı. Okyanus canlandı, bir ırmak ormanlara akmaya başladı ve onlara hayat verdi. Huzurlu rüzgar hayatı tekrar karaya getirdi ve alevi havaya uçurdu. İnsanların ve hayvanların, yeniden canlanan toprağın enerjisinde zevk aldıkları ortaya çıktı.
There was darkness in the material world and Chaos was born out of it. It wasn't easy to look for any signs of life on this huge continent. To protect the material realm, [[Ishmael]] sent a huge gem to the heart of the continent like lightning. Soon after, the continent thrived with life and became a place of abundance. All the plants that were once dead came back to life and greeneries began to thrive in the bare, dry land. The ocean became alive, a river began to flow into the forests giving it life. The peaceful wind brought life back onto the land and blew away the flame. People and animals appeared to relish in the energy of the revived land.

Topraklar kutsanmış bir yer haline geldi ve tam insanlar ve hayvanlar görünmeye başladığında, bir yaşam nefesi mücevherden doğmuş gibiydi. Mücevher parlayacaktı ve kendi parıltıları ile her tarafa enerji verecekti. İnsanlar, El olarak adlandırdıkları mücevhere hayran kalmak için birçok farklı yerden geliyorlardı. Canlandırdığı toprağa Elrios adı verilecekti.
The land became a blessed place, and just as people and animals began to appear, a breath of life seemed to emanate from the gem. The gem would shine and glisten on its own and give energy all around. People would come from many different places to admire the gem they would call El. The land it revived would be named Elrios.

=== The Monster Outbreak and the Elrian ===
=== The Monster Outbreak and the Elrian ===
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=== El Masters ===
=== El Masters ===
[[File:El_Masters.jpg|thumb|The El Masters|400px]]
[[File:El_Masters.jpg|thumb|The El Masters.|400px]]

Everyone rejoiced in the blessed life again and people started to preserve the power of El that the [[Hernia|El Lady]] left behind. The Masters were chosen to govern the El, and they in turn found a new [[Hernia|El Lady]] to watch over it.
Everyone rejoiced in the blessed life again and people started to preserve the power of El that the [[Hernia|El Lady]] left behind. The Masters were chosen to govern the El, and they in turn found a new [[Hernia|El Lady]] to watch over it.
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*Nasods were invented 550 years into the Elrian Kingdom's reign.
*Nasods were invented 550 years into the Elrian Kingdom's reign.
*The El Explosion took place 500 years prior to the beginning of the El Search Party's adventure.
*The El Explosion took place 500 years prior to the beginning of the El Search Party's adventure.
*As it was likely drawn while all the masters' designs were already being planned out (notably Solace, who was set to appear in the region the webcomic is about), the [[ElType Season 4/Volume 1]] image of the El Masters in their cloaks matches their current designs almost exactly, including their height as well as Denif, Solace and Ventus's pose, making it easy to tell who is who in the image.
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