Story/Rigomor: Difference between revisions

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*Complete the '''Icerite Mine''' story quest
*Complete the '''Icerite Mine''' story quest
*Defeat 20 '''A.M.P.S Monsters''' in [[13-4|Abandonded Icerite Plant]]
His eyes burn with silent rage as the loyal follower speaks of the bitter betrayal.
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|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
*'''Zero:''' ''This plant... Isn't it too big to be containing just the portal and the soul?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Ah, so you've noticed. Right now, we use it as a gateway into the laboratory... But the reason why we've built this place was to create weapons and the energy source for those weapons.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''Weapons... Is that to take revenge on the traitors?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Should there be any other reason?''
*'''Ain:''' ''You've said the White-Ghost King ended the war. Are you this is what the White-Ghost King wants?''
*'''Winster:''' ''It has crossed my mind. I'm sure this isn't the path my lord would endorse.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''You know, yet you seek revenge?''
*'''Winster:''' ''I've lost my lord overnight, and lost my family to those I've trusted my back. There's not a lot that hold us together and kept us going.''
*'''Chung:''' ''So you're living for vengeance...''
*'''Ciel:''' ''... You'd be betraying your lord's wishes.''
*'''Winster:''' ''But is it betrayal to punish those who've betrayed? Those Garens living on the surface are curs that bit the hand that fed them. There's no guarantee it won't happen again. They should be removed in order to realize my lord's ideas.... Of course, I'm not saying right now, we have no chance of winning. It's not easy to overcome natural differences in strength. So we've resolved to fight in our own way. This plant was found in preparation for that fight.''
*'''Chung:''' ''If this place was so important... Why was it closed down?''
*'''Winster:''' ''... Because of an incident that happened with the gas.''
*'''Chung:''' ''An incident? Was someone hurt?''
*'''Winster:''' ''... We could not risk lives just to keep this place running. So now, we are looking for another way.''
*'''Lu:''' ''Haivan said your will is the will of the village. If they all agreed to revenge against the Garens, they must have been disappointed.''
*'''Winster:''' ''Thankfully, they still have the drive... But it's not easy to find resources on this barren land. The only way to assure our victory is lord Aegirp's revival. But as someone who've accepted both races and ended the long standing war... I'm not sure if Aegirp would wish for revenge... Of course, our lord will likely wish for peace.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''Then?''
*'''Winster:''' ''But she will punish those who betrayed her accordingly. That is enough. Those who betrayed her will pay their price.''
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|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
*'''Chung:''' ''Um, Winster. You said, you've maintained the tunnel to use it to move to the surface, right? Was there anyone before us that found themselves there?''
*'''Winster:''' ''There was one, long ago. The intruder came in through the collasping tunnel. Thankfully it was a child, and was of no harm to us... But I've increased security just in case. You're the first visitor since.''
*'''Rose:''' ''Are you speaking of the machines that were at the tunnel?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Yes, I've released the proto-types we were building here.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''I did think it was rather violent for a transporting robot.''
*'''Winster:''' ''Of course. It's important to keep the place secure, after all. Who knows what kind of dangerous beings would make it in the tunnel? If you were any enemy, that would have been devastating.''
*'''Lu:''' ''For someone who've tested my intention so boldly, you speak as if you were afraid.''
*'''Winster:''' ''It's not an unfounded fear. I have heard that the Red Demon General Ran contracted with the Garens which was a cause for concern.''
*'''Chung:''' ''Ran?! Ran was here?''
*'''Winster:''' ''So I've heard. Are you looking for him?''
*'''Chung:''' ''I'm looking for the black-armored knight that's with Ran. Have you heard anything about him?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Unfortunately no... However, I did hear that he transferred some of his subordinates. Perhaps the black armored knight was also among those who transferred. But this is all speculation. I apologize I wasn't much help.''
*'''Chung:''' ''N, no. It helped plenty. Thank you! (Ran's near...! I might be able to find father at last!)''
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*Complete the '''Price of Betrayal''' story quest
*Complete the '''Price of Betrayal''' story quest
*Defeat 20 '''Small Frost Hermit''', '''Icy Anemone''', '''Sea Chameleon''' in [[13-4|Abandoned Icerite Plant]]
Winster is collecting information from the surface. Ain doesn't know what to think of his cooperative attitude.
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|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
*'''Lu:''' ''If you heard such rumors... Does that mean you have a way to communicate with the surface?''
*'''Ain:''' ''So it was a lie, when you said you didn't know anything from the surface.''
*'''Winster:''' ''Haha, actually, we have a temporary base up on the surface. It's not completely settled, as we're operating discreetly to avoid detection... But the Garens from the village are helping with carrying the message and the mission. Nichel helps out a lot in the operation.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''Collecting the information from the surface... You said you had ways to revive the White-Ghost King without our help.''
*'''Lu:''' ''A path far more dangerous and difficult that me lending my hand. Did you plan to seek for Aegirp's soul directly?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Yes. We were going to proceed with the plan once Nichel grows of age. She's still young, but she should be able to handle my lord's power once she's mature. After absorbing the soul here, it would have been a long journey, since we do not know the actual locations of other fragments.''
*'''Rose:''' ''How accurate is the information? Even with our help, it should take a long time without proper guidance.''
*'''Winster:''' ''I should explain. Before the betrayal, she informed each of her most trusted subjects the location of each fragment. That location was somewhere precious to her subjects. For example, mine was the secret laboratory.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''Is the important thing that your son mentioned earlier, the White-Ghost King's soul?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Yes. That's why I was desperate to know what happened to Calonne, as he would know the location of another fragment.''
*'''Rose:''' ''That's why you wished to hear Laby's story.''
*'''Ain:''' ''(Telling us the location of the soul fragments, that only the most trusted followers of the White-Ghost King were made aware? He's suspiciously cooperative. Does he have an ulterior motive? Or is it because demons also believe in faith.)''
*'''Lu:''' ''Seeking the soul fragments while avoiding detection from the Garens? You're more reckless than I thought.''
*'''Winster:''' ''Haha. As long as I witnessed the return of my lord before my dying breath, that was enough. Thankfully, you've offered help, so I believe we have a chance, even if we do lack information.''
*'''Lu:''' ''A chance? With me by your side, it will be a sure success! I will make sure all the fragments are found.''
*'''Chung:''' ''I will also do my best to help!''
*'''Winster:''' ''It's been a long time since we've had anyone else we could trust... I thank you once more.''
*'''Ciel:''' ''I would like to remind you, that this is still a deal. Shouldn't we make this key if you want our help?''
*'''Lu:''' ''Yes, yes. Let us hurry.''
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|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
|tab1=Chung, Lu/Ciel, Rose, Ain
*'''Zero:''' ''This icerite... It's mostly made of water and gas, but it crystalizes in cold climates.''
*'''Chung:''' ''It combusts when it comes in contact with water, right? So I guess we're only able to mine them because of the air layer here.''
*'''Ain:''' ''So it requires many different conditions in order to exist. To use this as a resource, demons here are quite amazing. (Humans processed and transformed El shards to use them in various ways. Although they didn't have the El, looks like they've managed to develop using different resources. I always believed demons were an inferior species that went against the will of the goddess. But... The more I learn the more I realize how similar they are to humans.)''
*'''Ciel:''' ''......''
*'''Ain:''' ''Mr. Half-Demon, why are you staring at me like that?''
*'''Ciel:''' ''I've been thinking since the tower at Varnimyr, but... You seem more... amicable towards demons. Just now, for example. Before, you wold have said demons were amazing, even as empty flattery.''
*'''Lu:''' ''Hm... Ciel's right. Your disgust was almost tangible, but you seem less repulsed. Is it because of my grandeur?''
*'''Ain:''' ''Haha, do you mean delusions of grandeur?''
*'''Lu:''' ''Wh, what did you say?! I take back what I said! Ciel! He didn't change at all!''
*'''Ain:''' ''(The hatred that was imprinted within me... Must have lessened enough that others notice. They said demons were born with hatred against angels and Elrios. If that hatred is of the same origin as the hatred angels hold against demons... Then perhaps the hatred that demons hold, are created by the gods governing the demon realm. But the goddess never informed me of these things. Was it too much information for a mere messenger to handle?)''
*'''Lu:''' ''Ain?''
*'''Ain:''' ''(Luciela R. Sourcream. A demon with little to no hatred towards Elrios and the heavens. She also accepted that it's natural to hate her, for the sole reason that she's a demon. The hatred demons hold instinctively towards the heavens, the hatred I hold toward demons... If that's the case... When all this hatred is gone, will I still be an 'angel' just like she's still a demon? Or... Will I be something else entirely...)''
*'''Lu:''' ''Ain!''
*'''Ain:''' ''Yes?''
*'''Lu:''' ''What are you thinking about, with such a serious expression on your face. Are you worried about something?''
*'''Ain:''' ''Not particularly.''
*'''Lu:''' ''Huhu, be honored, I will personally listen to your troubles!''
*'''Ain:''' ''Mr. Dog, when will the mining process be over?''
*'''Lu:''' ''Don't you dare ignore me!''
*''Crash!! Grrr Crack!''
*'''Ain:''' ''Calm down, it's not something you should get angry over. I always thought you should fix that temper of yours.''
*'''Lu:''' ''You know I'm not the one making that noise!''
*'''Ciel:''' ''What is it?''
*'''Zero:''' ''Be careful guys, something's coming!''
*'''Chung:''' ''Is that... a giant hermit crab?''
*'''Ciel:''' ''And that thing it's carrying on its back looks like machinery. It's enormous.''
*'''Winster:''' ''Ah, I've never seen such a large specimen in this plant.''
*'''Chung:''' ''It's similar to the ones we've defeated earlier... But much bigger. Do you think it's angry that we've dealt with the smaller ones earlier?''
*'''Ain:''' ''Or maybe it's here because we've collected a feast for it.''
*''Sssh-!! Ssssh-!''
*'''Winster:''' ''Stop it! You can't let it approach the machines!''
*'''Rena:''' ''Haa! I think so too!''
*'''Chung:''' ''Re, Rena?''
*'''Ain:''' ''Welcome, Ms. Elf.''
*'''Rena:''' ''Yeah, good to see you again, but let's take care of this uninvited guest first, shall we?''
*'''Lu:''' ''I second that notion. Now, let's handle this quickly!''
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