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=== Background ===
=== Wątek poboczny ===
Laby remembers her old friend when she sees the monsters at the harbor and feels Nisha exuding unpleasant energy. Laby decides to focus on training to ignore the feelings that are coursing through her. Laby is absolutely fascinated with the strength that comes with tireless training.
Laby ogarnia niepokojące uczucie, kiedy myśli o Nishy. Dlatego nie zawsze czuje się komfortowo, walcząc z Nishą. Laby jest zafascynowana siłą, jaką daje niestrudzony trening. Szybko się uczy i staje się silniejsza w miarę postępu treningu.
But the feelings Laby has turned away from can no longer be ignored, and they begin to resonate through her mind with crystal clarity. Laby no longer wants to fight with Nisha, the source of this unpleasant energy, but she doesn't want to stray from Nisha either. Laby embraces the source of her own strength and escapes being haunted by these feelings with the source that's driven her...
If she doesn't get help from Nisha she won't have to say goodbye to her or feel bad so Laby decides to rely only on her own power to acquire new techniques and become stronger.

Revision as of 14:06, 5 March 2020

Full Name
Lustro (Nisha), Uderzenia / Kopnięcia, Inner Energy
Class Tree
> > > >
Release Date
6 Grudnia 2018
3 Stycznia 2019
3 Stycznia 2019
3 Stycznia 2019
9 Stycznia 2019
File:Flag-tw.png 10 Stycznia 2019
File:Europeanunion.png 26 Czerwca 2019
Raz, dwa, trzy! Gotowa, poszalejemy, Nisha?

Sparky Child

[Nowicjuszka, która szybko rozwija się poprzez trening.]

Przez trening ze swoim nauczycielem Bellondem klasa ta może stosować znacznie silniejsze techniki walki wręcz. Dzięki swojemu zapałowi uczy się szybko nowych technik walki.

[Kapow Punch]
Fire a threatening aura ahead. The aura explodes and damages enemies.
[Swirly Punch]
Powerful spinning punch. You can gather enemies while spinning your arm.
[Super Laby Bomb]
Create a scarily strong energy above your head.
Increase Physical Attack Power and use [command activated skills].

Wątek poboczny

Laby ogarnia niepokojące uczucie, kiedy myśli o Nishy. Dlatego nie zawsze czuje się komfortowo, walcząc z Nishą. Laby jest zafascynowana siłą, jaką daje niestrudzony trening. Szybko się uczy i staje się silniejsza w miarę postępu treningu.

First Class Advancement

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
Level 15
Level 25

Level 30
Level 35
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 40.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.

Additional Combos

 : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.05x multiplier during 1st job.
Combo Description Damage
File:SparkyChildCombo1EN.png Flailing Dash

After attacking enemies with a dash, flail your arms wildly to continuously attack enemies while in Super Armor.

169% Phy. Damage
28% Phy. Damage x7

File:SparkyChildCombo2EN.png Dive Stomp

After doing two aerial attacks, dive straight down and stomp the ground. You will be in Super Armor for a short time upon hitting the ground.

183% Phy. Damage
161% Phy. Damage
307% Phy. Damage + 215% Phy. Damage


Sparky Child/Skills


Full Gallery: Laby/Gallery




  • Various tooltips and icons of this path's skills refer to her teacher, Gaia, as he teaches her how to fend for herself during their time together.
  • Sparky Child is shown wearing a small accessory in the shape of her friend from the Black Forest.
  • As Sparky Child refuses to use Nisha and wants to be more powerful by her own strength, none of the skills or new commands involve her at all.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 스파키 차일드 Sparky Child
Japan スパーキーチャイルド Sparky Child
Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 曜心少女 Shining Child
China (Simplified Chinese) 活力萌萝 Energetic Child
Germany Funkenspross Spark Bud
Spain Niña refulgente Radiant Child
France Bébé étincelle Baby Spark
Italy Bocciolo di luce Lightbud
Poland Iskierka Little Spark
United Kingdom Sparkly Child
Brazil Criança Reluzente Sparkly Child
