Story/Pruinaum: Difference between revisions

6,339 bytes added ,  11 September 2020
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*'''???:''' ''-''
*'''Haivan:''' ''... Damn it. You're usually so clueless... Why are you so quick to catch on in these kinds of situations?''
*'''Winster:''' ''Haivan! Is that true?''
*'''Haivan:''' ''... Will you let me finish? besides... this method will guarantee the White-Ghost King's revival. I'm not exactly fond of this situation, but...''
*'''Winster:''' ''Nonsense! I won't allow it!''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Calm down. Think positively! Your long wish of the White-Ghost King's revival will finally be realized. Though, she wouldn't look like the old White-Ghost King that you know.''
*'''Winster:''' ''Don't be foolish! I... How could you think I'd be willing to give you up...!''
*'''Elsword:''' ''You're going to kill yourself! What's so positive about that?''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Sorry, this is the best possible outcome in this situation. Actually, well... I deliberated for a long time to make sure no one else will be tangled in this mess, but everything king of spiraled out of control... B, but some of this is your fault for meddling! ... So just help me sort this out for this, yeah?''
*'''Chung:''' ''But... but... this...''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Aww, why the long face? We fought each other just moments ago. Besides, Berthe and the White-Ghost King clashed because of their differences. And... that might not happen with me. Well, I guess I could be swallowed up by her overwhelming power. If I'm lucky, we will coexist. I mean, it's just a theory, but it seemed feasible! So...''
*'''Nichel:''' ''... Alright. Thank you Haivan. El Search Party, please, carry out according to Haivan's plan.''
*'''Rena:''' ''Nichel...!''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Sigh... Thanks for the understanding.''
*'''Nichel:''' ''Don't get me wrong, I'm thanking you for telling me the method. I'm going to be the one to make contact with the soul.''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Wait, what?!''
*'''Nichel:''' ''Didn't you tell the El Search Party to stop acting like a hero? Well right now, you're the one that's acting like you have a hero complex. Those who sacrifice themselves are no hero. They're just casualties. If you want to be a hero so much, grow up. Really, you may have gotten taller, but you're still such a kid. You can't do whatever you want and expect the rest of us to just follow you.''
*'''Haivan:''' ''You're the one doing whatever you want right now! Why are you jumping into my mess! There's no way you can survive slashing with the White-Ghost King! I didn't do all this just to lose you!''
*'''Winster:''' ''Yes, Nichel, don't do it. I can't let you do this... There must be another way. So...!''
*'''Nichel:''' ''Winster, I'm not trying to sacrifice myself. I have a plan. I'm going to convince the White-Ghost King. El Search Party! Will you trust me and open the path?''
*'''Elsword:''' ''... Nichel, are you sure? You're really going to be fine?''
*'''Elesis:''' ''Elsword?!''
*'''Elsword:''' ''Nichel was the first one to hear the White-Ghost King, and the first to be led by the soul.... If something doesn't seem right, we're going to drag you out no matter what happens. So I'll ask this one last time. Nichel, are you sure?''
*'''Nichel:''' ''... Yah! I can do this! As long as the White-Ghost King didn't completely lose herself, she will be compelled to respond to my request, just like she did with the Demon King.''
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*'''???:''' ''-''
*'''Ara:''' ''Oh...! Look at the sky. The white barrier that surrounded the area is rescinding!''
*'''Raven:''' ''The violent energy is calming down... Did she succeed?''
*'''Chung:''' ''Is this a good sign? I can't see anything because of the fog. Is Nichel alright?''
*'''Rena:''' ''I don't think it's safe to approach her yet. Let's have faith and wait a little longer.''
*'''Deborah:''' ''You! What is going on?''
*'''Laby:''' ''Oh, hey Furry! Did you come after the fog disappeared?''
*'''Asella:''' ''Yes, is everyone alright? Something here stopped us from approaching any closer. The communication device wasn't working as well. Was it Berthe's doing?''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Nichel...! Let me go! Nichel! Nichel!!!''
*'''Asella:''' ''Nichel? Is Nichel over there? Would somebody please explain what's going on right now!''
*'''Lu:''' ''Shhh, look over there.''
*'''White-Ghost King (Nichel):''' ''... My arrogance is what has caused all of this.''
*'''Deborah:''' ''White-Ghost King... Lord Aegirp!''
*'''Elsword:''' ''Huh? But she sounds like Nichel...?''
*'''White-Ghost King (Nichel):''' ''... As I witnessed my land flourish, I foolheartedly believed that I was walking the right path. I was blinded by my pride of what I have managed to accomplish. I believed that as long as I show good faith, the others would follow. Even though I knew that people did no change easily... My hasty decision and arrogance led to losing a treasured subordinate today.''
*'''Chung:''' ''White-Ghost King...!''
*'''Calonne:''' ''But you still have us.''
*'''White-Ghost King (Nichel):''' ''... I can only thank you for your loyalty, Calonne. And... Luciela.''
*'''Lu:''' ''Long time no see, Aegirp.''
*'''White-Ghost King (Nichel):''' ''You've changed... since we last saw each other.''
*'''Lu:''' ''Huhu, I could say the same for you. What happened?''
*'''Ara:''' ''The White-Ghost King is back. But that must mean...''
*'''Eun:''' ''I feel a familiar presence within the White-Ghost King. Pay close attention, Ara.''
*'''Ara:''' ''Huh? Oh... That means...!''
*'''Winster:''' ''Lord Aegirp... Your presence...''
*'''White-Ghost King (Nichel):''' ''I am aware of what you fear. Do not worry. This child is merely stepping aside momentarily to allow me to say my piece.''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Nichel! What happened to Nichel?!''
*'''Ara:''' ''Right now, the two souls within Nichel are at a balance. We won't have to worry about her losing control of one of their souls being destroyed.''
*'''Haivan:''' ''She didn't... disappear? They are existing together...? Truly?''
*'''Ain:''' ''So... like Ms. Fox.''
*'''Rena:''' ''Huh? What did you say?''
*'''Ain:''' ''It's nothing. Anyway, it seems Ms. Dog's gamble paid off.''
*'''Laby:''' ''Haivan! Nichel is ok! So don't cry!''
*'''Haivan:''' ''Wh, who's crying?! And you, if you're done talking, get out of Nichel's body, you wraith!''
*'''Elesis:''' ''Sigh... the way he changes his tune...!''
*'''White-Ghost King (Nichel):''' ''I'm sorry, but I must decline. I cannot help but look forward to see the world this child is dreaming of.''
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