Story/Noah Chapter 10: Difference between revisions

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|Description=When Noah reaches the Sanctum, he receives help from Darkmoon to stabilize the conflicting powers within him.
|Description=When Noah reaches the Sanctum, he receives help from Darkmoon to stabilize the conflicting powers within him.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''So this is the sanctum. It feels different from Moonlight Hill.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''You're right. Maybe because we're so close to the El, but the power of the El feels stronger here.''
*{{StoryIcon|Darkmoon2}} '''Darkmoon:''' ''Now, Noah. Please lie down. I will use the power of healing and regeneration to heal you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Do you also need my power?''
*{{StoryIcon|Darkmoon2}} '''Darkmoon:''' ''There's no need. The energy in the Sanctum should compensate for my lacking power. You just need to lie down and relax. Better if you fall asleep.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Hear that, Noah? You should take some rest.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Not doing anything is actually making me more nervous.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''... Should I sing you a lullaby?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''No.''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''Task, so heartless.''
*{{StoryIcon|Darkmoon2}} '''Darkmoon:''' ''Noah, I will now cast the spell. Close your eyes. Relax, and breathe slowly... in... out...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... ... ... ...''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''......? What is this place? I thought I was at the Sanctum?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Hello.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''You...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Did you forget? I said we'll see each other again.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''You... ah, you did. Inside the illusion. Wait, am I under another illusion spell?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Nope. Your body is safe at the Sanctum, sleeping. Consider this... your mindscape.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''A dream? Like lucid dreaming?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''That works as well.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Huhu, since it's a dream, you'd rather if Harque showed up, right? Are you disappointed?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... Honestly, yes.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''I can do that for you, but I shouldn't. Since you'll end up running away.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Run away? What do you mean?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Because you were going to say farewell to Yuria.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... I know this is a dream, but that's kind of random.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''It will all make sense in the end. You're a model student. You try to lay groundwork no matter what you do. You demand perfection, and when you find something lacking, you feel uneasy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''What does that have to do with anything?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''It has everything to do with it. You had a clear goal when you were defeating Titania with Yuria. Defeat the bad guy and save everyone! Plain and simple, right? But after you defeated Titania, you didn't know what to do. Without Titania, you no longer had a shared goal with Yuria to continue the bond. Creating a bond between people... It's an unfamiliar concept to you, isn't it? Because every person you had a bond with ended with the other person dying.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''You mean I end the bond before it becomes stronger because I'm afraid?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Precisely. At least it seems you're making an effort on that front. Or else, you wouldn't have woken up Clamor. You're not good at it, but since it's something you want, you'll get better eventually.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Who are you?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''I'm you. Don't question it. No tricks here. You can say... I'm your inner voice. Let's talk about something else. What do you think about the conversation you had with Rosso?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''About revenge? Rosso said it's meaningless...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''But you don't agree?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ebalon2}} '''Harque:''' ''That's it, Noah. Avenge me. The devil that murdered me and stole my identity! Punish the ones who became sinners of the world by causing the El Explosion! You'll do that for me, won't you? Noah...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''What are you doing?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Hahaha... Are you mad?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Do you even have to ask? Harque won't say something like that! ... Ah.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Huhu, see? You understand. Harque isn't someone to request something like that.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Right? We brothers suffered enough from the household. It was a gilded cage. They watched over Harque like a hawk in the name of bringing honor to the family, while you, who didn't meet their expectation, were neglected.... We just wanted each other to be happy. You wished Harque could escape by becoming a Master, and Harque hoped that becoming a Master would lead to better treatment of you.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''You know already. What you really want isn't revenge. You only think you do to ease your guilt. You couldn't prevent your brother's death, you didn't remember him... yet your brother gave you a chance to live on. This overwhelmed you with a sense of guilt. And it's that guilt that led you to force 'revenge' as a piece to complete the puzzle of why you are still alive.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I forced it?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Yes. It's always like that with you. Instead of saying thank you, you say sorry. When you want to stay, you run away because you're too 'shy'. You don't allow yourself to be happy. Ah, wel... I understand though. Your ideal happiness only existed with your brother by your side. But he's not here anymore. It's time to look for another path.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... It's not as easy as you say.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''Hmph. You wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for Yuria and Clamor anyway. I suppose it's not that bad.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Are you saying... chasing the Order goes against my true desire? That it's wrong?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah2}} '''Young Noah:''' ''That's not what I'm saying. Though your reasoning was twisted, your determination is true. Don't focus on the cover that is revenge, and look beyond that. When you faced against the Order, trying to stop them, there must have been something meaningful that remained? That is your motivation, not revenge.''
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