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Revision as of 16:50, 8 December 2021

  • English

1:Rose's Story 1

Rose's Story 1

One day, two letters were delivered to Anna Testarossa pertaining to her father, whom she strongly aspired to be like. The first letter informed her of her father's death in battle, which left her devastated. The second letter was a posthumous one from her father himself, stating how he felt his life would soon come to an end due to him disobeying the corrupt military's orders. She was also informed that the Imperial Princess would be visiting her military academy soon. Anna felt lost, and things only felt worse as she overheard fellow students gossiping about her father, and how he was seen as a disgrace in their eyes.

On the day of the Princess' arrival, Anna was on guard duty in the cafeteria when she managed to catch a strange child who had snuck into the kitchen. The child agreed to leave, and commended Anna on her excellent guard duty. Meanwhile, attendees of the event argued against having Anna on guard duty due to her father's actions, in which prompted the professor to dismiss her. She fled to a small storage area to be alone and gather her thoughts. The strange child appeared once more, expressing concern and offering a bit of advice after hearing Anna's story. She once again disappeared as Anna tried to control her anger.

The Soldier's State of Mind 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • No requirements needed
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

One day, two letters were delivered to Anna Testarossa.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Two different colored envelops laid side by side on top of the desk. Both envelops were addressed to Anna Testarossa.
  • Anna: These letters... I wonder who they're from?
  • Anna wiped the sweat off her brow and gently placed the revolver on the desk. The weak scent of gunpowder filled the room since she had just come back from shooting practice.
  • Anna: (I wasn't expecting a letter from anyone... Was it father?)
  • Anna picked up the letter and looked at the front and back then slightly cocked her head to the side. Her father was a distinguished general and due to his missions he was always busy. When her father was on a mission, he would not send a single letter home and it wasn't until the end of the mission that he would return with a tired expression.
  • Though she was only able to see her father two times year, Anna understood her father's situation. No, if anything, she longed for the same. The reason she had enrolled into military school was so she could be in the military just like her father.
  • The military school was not just a school to play soldier, but to become a real soldier that goes on missions. It was a place that would allow her to become the proud servicewoman that she had wished to become and be fairly acknowledged.
  • To Anna Testarossa. We would like to report the death of...
  • Anna: Your father, General Testarossa...
  • She collapsed in place and stared blankly at the words in the letter as if she couldn't believe it. We would like to give our condolences. He met with the enemy, fought bravely, and we appreciate his efforts. Though she finished reading until the end, the only thing Anna could think about was the words 'report the death of'.
  • Anna: (Father... No. This must be someone's cruel joke... Yeah, that's what it is...)
  • Anna crumpled up the fancy letter and envelope and threw it into the corner of the room and opened the dark colored envelope and quickly read the contents.
  • To Anna. It's been a long time, Anna. Are you doing well? I hope you are able to safely receive this letter... Even if you receive this along with receiving terrible news, I hope that you will not be startled.
  • I have been deployed to the very front lines of the battlefield. As a soldier, everyday you live is just life prolonged, so even if I die tomorrow on the battlefield there will be nothing wrong with it. Dying on the battlefield has always been my greatest desire. Though I don't think it is yet time for me... the current situation has made me think otherwise.
  • A few weeks ago, I was put in charge of taking over a territory. This mission itself was very quick but an additional mission was sent to kill all natives of that land. The natives had already surrendered and unarmed. When we first arrived, the natives didn't put up any resistance and simply gave us the land.
  • I disobeyed the direct order for the first time. I just couldn't murder hundreds of innocents. After that, I was demoted and relocated to a different place. I don't regret my decision, even if I was given the same choice today, I would still disobey it.
  • I never regret my decisions... But I thought of you a lot. I remembered that I really never took the time to watch you grow. I wish I had taken more time to be with you... and be a great father to you. I am sorry that I let you down.
  • This letter might be the last letter I send you. Tomorrow, the troops are heading into a dangerous battle. I hope I live to send you another letter, but....
  • If you happen to receive this letter along with my death.. Do not be sad. I know you are strong and you will make me proud. Never back down, always believe in yourself, Anna.
  • Anna: ...
  • The letter fell to the ground as Anna's grip weakened.
  • Anna: (The path of the soldier... The army... What good is it for?)
  • Anna: (How can I be a proud soldier... When it is so corrupt...?)
  • Anna: ...
  • Anna: ... Father...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories (7 Days) N/A
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Soldier's State of Mind 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Soldier's State of Mind 1
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Attached was an announcement that the princess would be visiting the military school.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Student 1: Hey, did you hear? The princess is coming!
  • Student 2: The princess is? Here?
  • Student 1: Yup! You didn't see the huge notice posted on the board? She's coming for an inspection...
  • Anna: ... Do you mind getting out of the way?
  • The two students who were walking down the hallway side by side had to move aside and turned around from the emotionless voice.
  • Student 2: An-... Anna Testarossa...
  • The two stare at each other for a brief moment before stepping back to let Anna through.
  • The news of General Testarossa's death quickly spread through the campus. The General who disobeyed a direct order. Each time Anna would walk by, the students would quietly talk about it amongst themselves.
  • Anna: (My father lived an honorable life. His name shouldn't be talked amongst these who are unworthy...)
  • Anna bit down on her lips and quickly walked toward her room. She then stopped in front of the message board and thought of what others were saying about her father.
  • Anna: (The Imperial Princess is visiting...)
  • The Imperial Princess was always a hot topic around the campus as the young Princess that took over the reign of running the empire and has the support of all the citizens.
  • Anna: (Who cares... This doesn't concern me...)
  • While Anna was mindlessly reading down on the notice, she noticed that her name was up on 'Cafeteria Guard Duty'.
  • Anna: (.. Tsk, they didn't even tell me this was happening... How annoying..)
  • Anna holds up her pen to scratch out her name but quickly put it back down and walks back to her room. She was just not interested in doing anything at the moment. Nothing interested her, the Imperial Princess or the guard duty.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Soldier's State of Mind 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Soldier's State of Mind 2
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

While working security, Anna crossed paths with an unusual child.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • On the day of the Princess's arrival, Anna was already on guard duty long before the actual arrival and was in the process of stretching inside the cafeteria.
  • The cafeteria was busy prepping for the banquet. Anna looks at the scene with zero interest. A fluttering table cloth catches her attention and she looks over.
  • Anna: (Sneaking in on my watch? Not a chance..)
  • A tiny girl was crawling across the cafeteria floor in shabby clothes.
  • Anna: (I heard the street thugs around the area orders kids to fetch left over food from wealthy areas... Is she one of them?)
  • Anna: (I feel bad but.. I can't allow this to happen today.)
  • Anna sneaks behind the girl and picks her up by the back of her neck.
  • Child: H-How dare you! It hurts! Unhand me at once!
  • The girl screamed and kicked and Anna put the girl down and looked down at her stern face.
  • Child: ... I was caught... I guess today's not my lucky day. I even disguised myself, how was I caught?
  • Anna: I know you are probably hungry but today's not a good day. Unless you want to be arrested, I think you should get out of here before more people notice us.
  • The girl takes on a shocked expression and quickly speaks.
  • Child: Y.. You never seen me before?
  • Anna: No? There are thousands of kids like you around here.
  • The girl starts to laugh after hearing Anna.
  • Anna: (W-.. What's so funny?)
  • The girl finally stops laughing and wipes away at her tears.
  • Child: Haha, thousands of kids like me? Interesting.
  • Child: Okay, I'll take my leave. Good work with the guard duty.
  • The girl turns on her heels and disappears into the kitchen and Anna just frowns as she watches her leave.
  • Anna: (Kids these days are so weird. She had a weird tone in her voice... I did hear not too many kids on the streets were sane in the head...)
  • Anna: (... Eh, who cares.)
  • Anna sighs and returns back to her position. She stands and hope that nothing like this happens again during today's duty.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Soldier's State of Mind 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Soldier's State of Mind 3
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

Anna told the unusual child her circumstances.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Attendant: We can't have the likes of her on guard duty.
  • Professor: She is his daughter but she's just a student here...
  • Attendant: You mean, she's not the daughter of the general who disobeyed a direct order and died?
  • Attendant: What are you going to do if the girl decides to hurt the Princess out of vengeance?!
  • Sharp voices flew left and right within the cafeteria and Anna just stood there with her head down. When the professor dismissed her, she bolted out of the cafeteria.
  • Anna: (They know nothing...)
  • There was a tiny storage far away from the cafeteria. It was used to store different ingredients used in the kitchen. The storage was in a secluded area and because of that, not a lot of people visited. Anna always used the storage whenever she was depressed or wanted to gather her thoughts.
  • Anna: (My father was an honorable soldier... He was no a traitor..)
  • Anna balled up in a corner. Whenever she heard other people talk badly about her father, she got angry and wanted to cry. She couldn't take other people talking about her father as if they knew everything and making it worse like a bad rumor.
  • Child: You sulking in a place like this must mean that something went wrong.
  • Anna: ...!
  • Anna almost jumped up from the shock. She never thought anyone would ever visit this place. The little girl that was caught by Anna was standing in front of her.
  • Anna: You're from before...
  • The girl sat beside Anna.
  • Child: Why were you crying?
  • Anna: ... Why do you care? I want to be alone, go away.
  • Anna goes back to her ball and the girl stares as Anna for a moment before pinching Anna by her back.
  • Anna: Ow! What are you doing?
  • Child: I don't know what you are sad about but sharing it with other people might make you feel better. So, tell me. What happened?
  • The girl smiled and stared at Anna's eyes. Anna just stared back before sighing.
  • Anna: You're a strange kid... I don't even know where to begin..
  • Once Anna gathered her thoughts, she started to tell the girl about the story of her father. Once Anna finished her story, the girl looked at Anna with serious face and said.
  • Child: That's it? I thought it was something serious.
  • Anna bolted up on her feet from shock and yelled.
  • Anna: What?! That's it?! How could...!
  • Child: I mean, what else can you do about this whole situation right now. I agree that it is very tragic but you can't turn back time or cause a revolution within the army to change anything.
  • Anna: B-But...
  • The girl looked up at Anna before brushing off her butt and walking past Anna.
  • Child: I have to get going. I don't look it but I'm a busy person.
  • Anna: Wait! Come back here! Hey!
  • The girl quickly disappeared while Anna stood inside the dark storage trying to contain her anger.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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