Story/Side Story/Add/fr: Difference between revisions

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m (Gameboy224 moved page Add's Story/fr to Story/Side Story/Edward/fr)
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*"Dans une pièce au calme, un homme se tenait assis à une table jonchée de piles de documents en désordre, et tapait du pied nerveusement. Les douze coups de minuit avaient sonné depuis longtemps, mais il n'avait pas reçu le message tant attendu."
*"Dans une pièce au calme, un homme se tenait assis à une table jonchée de piles de documents en désordre, et tapait du pied nerveusement. Les douze coups de minuit avaient sonné depuis longtemps, mais il n'avait pas reçu le message tant attendu."
*"L'homme prît sa tête dans ses mains et lut rapidement le papier qui était devant ses yeux. Il avait lu et relu cette lettre, tant et si bien qu'il la connaissait par coeur, mais il lui fallait faire quelque chose pour masquer sa nervosité."
*"L'homme prît sa tête dans ses mains et lut rapidement le papier qui était devant ses yeux. Il avait lu et relu cette lettre, tant et si bien qu'il la connaissait par coeur, mais il lui fallait faire quelque chose pour masquer sa nervosité."
*'''Majordome''': ''Messire Esker, une lettre est arrivée.''
*'''Majordome:''' ''Messire Esker, une lettre est arrivée.''
*''La voix du majordome lui parvenait de l'autre coté de la port. A distance, on entendit également les pleurs d'un bébé.''
*''La voix du majordome lui parvenait de l'autre coté de la port. A distance, on entendit également les pleurs d'un bébé.''
*'''Servante''': ''Messire Esker, votre femme a donné naissance à l'enfant sans complications !''
*'''Servante:''' ''Messire Esker, votre femme a donné naissance à l'enfant sans complications !''
*''Toute en sueur, la servante semble être venue à la hate et reprit son soufle après avoir annoncé la nouvelle. Esker ne jeta pas même un regard à la servante et ouvrit l'enveloppe que lui tendait le majordome.''
*''Toute en sueur, la servante semble être venue à la hate et reprit son soufle après avoir annoncé la nouvelle. Esker ne jeta pas même un regard à la servante et ouvrit l'enveloppe que lui tendait le majordome.''
*'''Servante''': ''Messire Esker... votre femme est à bout de forces... Vous devriez la rejoindre..."
*'''Servante:''' ''Messire Esker... votre femme est à bout de forces... Vous devriez la rejoindre..."
*''La servante s'adressait à Esker avec précaution, mais celui-ci ne prêtait attention qu'au contenu de la lettre. Il resta longuement sur place en lisant la lettre. Au fur et à mesure,son visage se décomposait et il déchira le courrier en mille morceaux.''
*''La servante s'adressait à Esker avec précaution, mais celui-ci ne prêtait attention qu'au contenu de la lettre. Il resta longuement sur place en lisant la lettre. Au fur et à mesure,son visage se décomposait et il déchira le courrier en mille morceaux.''
*'''Esker''': ''Brûle-le.''
*'''Esker:''' ''Brûle-le.''
*''Il referma violemment la porte et s'enferma danns la pièce. Il s'installa dans une chaise en chancelant.''
*''Il referma violemment la porte et s'enferma danns la pièce. Il s'installa dans une chaise en chancelant.''
*'''Esker''': ''(Des Nasods dominateurs... Nous sommes pris sur le fait.)''
*'''Esker:''' ''(Des Nasods dominateurs... Nous sommes pris sur le fait.)''
*''Nasod dominateur est un terme qui ser à décrire l'organisation de destruction florissante pour grand Nasod. La méthode d'élimination efficace des Nasods a été inventée en se servant de la connaissance des anciens Nasods de combat.''
*''Nasod dominateur est un terme qui ser à décrire l'organisation de destruction florissante pour grand Nasod. La méthode d'élimination efficace des Nasods a été inventée en se servant de la connaissance des anciens Nasods de combat.''
*''La plupart d'entre eux avaient disparu à l'issue de la querre des Nasods, mais leur savoir fut conservé. Une partie des suivivants recréa l'organisation, détruisit les Nasods existants, attaqua les chercheurs spécialisés dans les Nasods et fit disparaïtre les archives de recherches.''
*''La plupart d'entre eux avaient disparu à l'issue de la querre des Nasods, mais leur savoir fut conservé. Une partie des suivivants recréa l'organisation, détruisit les Nasods existants, attaqua les chercheurs spécialisés dans les Nasods et fit disparaïtre les archives de recherches.''
*''Grenoir, un  membre de la famille Esker,travaillait à s'y opposer sans relâche au travers de recherches de long cours menées depuis des générations sur des Nasods semblables à l'homme? Comme ce thème de recherche était intersit, tout devait se faire dans le pus grand secret. C'est pour cette raison que sa résidence fut érigée sur un terrain désert et abrupt au plus profond de la f^^oret de Belder, dans le Nord-ouest.''
*''Grenoir, un  membre de la famille Esker,travaillait à s'y opposer sans relâche au travers de recherches de long cours menées depuis des générations sur des Nasods semblables à l'homme? Comme ce thème de recherche était intersit, tout devait se faire dans le pus grand secret. C'est pour cette raison que sa résidence fut érigée sur un terrain désert et abrupt au plus profond de la f^^oret de Belder, dans le Nord-ouest.''
*''Même les employés qu'il avait recrutés étaient des gens du cru qui n'avait pas de famille. Dès qu'il avait des soupçons concernant l'un d'entre eux, il était mis au placard.''
*''Même les employés qu'il avait recrutés étaient des gens du cru qui n'avait pas de famille. Dès qu'il avait des soupçons concernant l'un d'entre eux, il était mis au placard.''
*'''Esker''':''(Maintenant que les Nasods dominateur ont flairé le travail de la famile Esker, il faut vite trouver une solution. Commençons par nous débarrasser des serviteurs.)''
*'''Esker:'''''(Maintenant que les Nasods dominateur ont flairé le travail de la famile Esker, il faut vite trouver une solution. Commençons par nous débarrasser des serviteurs.)''
*''Fatigué, il se massait le nez entre les deux yeux, et ôta ses lunettes. Il les posa sur la table et se pencha en arrière. Le bébé avait cessé de pousser les cris sonores qui avaient résonné dans toute la maison.''
*''Fatigué, il se massait le nez entre les deux yeux, et ôta ses lunettes. Il les posa sur la table et se pencha en arrière. Le bébé avait cessé de pousser les cris sonores qui avaient résonné dans toute la maison.''
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|CImage1=[[File:Pendulum of Memories.png]]
|CImage1=[[File:Pendulum of Memories.png]]
|CReward1=Pendule du souvenir (7 jours)
|CReward1=Pendule du souvenir (7 jours)
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*''Young boy walked slowly with limp shoulders and weakly opened the door to his room. The lessons with his father ended again today when the sun had completely set.''
*''Young boy walked slowly with limp shoulders and weakly opened the door to his room. The lessons with his father ended again today when the sun had completely set.''
*'''Asker''': ''(You got it wrong again, Edward. Just who do you take after to be so stupid…..? You'll get one smack on the hand from now on each time you get something wrong.)''
*'''Asker:''' ''(You got it wrong again, Edward. Just who do you take after to be so stupid…..? You'll get one smack on the hand from now on each time you get something wrong.)''
*''His father was always strict but became even stricter during lessons. He absolutely didn't accept mistakes. Edward blew wind onto his red swollen hands as he dropped down to sit on his bed.''
*''His father was always strict but became even stricter during lessons. He absolutely didn't accept mistakes. Edward blew wind onto his red swollen hands as he dropped down to sit on his bed.''
*'''Edward''': ''(If I don't review what I learned today….. I'll get scolded again tomorrow…..)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(If I don't review what I learned today….. I'll get scolded again tomorrow…..)''
*''Learning about Nasod related knowledge and skills was fun. But ten minutes felt like one hour whenever he was in front of his father. In his father's lessons, even stories about Nasods that used to be fun felt tiresome.''
*''Learning about Nasod related knowledge and skills was fun. But ten minutes felt like one hour whenever he was in front of his father. In his father's lessons, even stories about Nasods that used to be fun felt tiresome.''
*'''Edward''': ''(… I'm so tired. Maybe I should sleep for a bit….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(… I'm so tired. Maybe I should sleep for a bit….)''
*''Edward lied down on the bed as he recalled the details of what he learned today in his head. Ancient Nasod language, mechanical engineering, Nasod engineering…. Yesterday was physics and chemistry and tomorrow was supposed to be on hand Nasod assembly using Nasod parts.''
*''Edward lied down on the bed as he recalled the details of what he learned today in his head. Ancient Nasod language, mechanical engineering, Nasod engineering…. Yesterday was physics and chemistry and tomorrow was supposed to be on hand Nasod assembly using Nasod parts.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Just for…. one hour….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Just for…. one hour….)''
*''Sleep flowed in when he closed his eyes. Edward was worn out from the rigorous study schedule that continued each day.''
*''Sleep flowed in when he closed his eyes. Edward was worn out from the rigorous study schedule that continued each day.''
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*''Edward picked up the Nasods parts with trembling hands and started to assemble them one at a time. Asker sat behind Edward and observed quietly.''
*''Edward picked up the Nasods parts with trembling hands and started to assemble them one at a time. Asker sat behind Edward and observed quietly.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Not being able to check over the output calculation again bothers me…. But there's no time.)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Not being able to check over the output calculation again bothers me…. But there's no time.)''
*''Edward who was quickly picking up parts and completing his Nasod assembly finally held up the last Nasod engine part.''
*''Edward who was quickly picking up parts and completing his Nasod assembly finally held up the last Nasod engine part.''
*'''Edward''': ''(If I connect this here….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(If I connect this here….)''
*''Voice saying 'stop' was heard from behind Edward soon as the engine part was installed.''
*''Voice saying 'stop' was heard from behind Edward soon as the engine part was installed.''
*'''Asker''': ''Time is up.''
*'''Asker:''' ''Time is up.''
*''Asker got up from his seat and approached the place where the small Nasod Edward finished was. Edward gulped as he backed out.''
*''Asker got up from his seat and approached the place where the small Nasod Edward finished was. Edward gulped as he backed out.''
*'''Asker''': ''I'll try activating it.''
*'''Asker:''' ''I'll try activating it.''
*''Asker activated Edward's Nasod immediately after he spoke. But not before long, a smoke started rising from the Nasod's body and a small sound of an explosion was heard.''
*''Asker activated Edward's Nasod immediately after he spoke. But not before long, a smoke started rising from the Nasod's body and a small sound of an explosion was heard.''
*'''Asker''': ''….!''
*'''Asker:''' ''….!''
*''Asker started to tear apart the overheated Nasod's body with his bare hands. Edward saw his father's hands quickly becoming red and hastily picked up the appropriate disassembly tools and handed them to his father.''
*''Asker started to tear apart the overheated Nasod's body with his bare hands. Edward saw his father's hands quickly becoming red and hastily picked up the appropriate disassembly tools and handed them to his father.''
*'''Asker''': ''Damn it, Edward!!!!''
*'''Asker:''' ''Damn it, Edward!!!!''
*''Engine that was planted inside had already been burnt and turned into a dark black mess. Asker screamed as he slapped across Edward's cheek.''
*''Engine that was planted inside had already been burnt and turned into a dark black mess. Asker screamed as he slapped across Edward's cheek.''
*'''Asker''': ''Do you know how hard it was to get this part….?! And you break it?!''
*'''Asker:''' ''Do you know how hard it was to get this part….?! And you break it?!''
*'''Edward''': ''I… I'm sorry, father….''
*'''Edward:''' ''I… I'm sorry, father….''
*''Asker menacingly stared down at Edward who had fallen on the ground then picked up a crumpled paper that was on the table. It was an output calculation that Edward had hastily written down.''
*''Asker menacingly stared down at Edward who had fallen on the ground then picked up a crumpled paper that was on the table. It was an output calculation that Edward had hastily written down.''
*'''Asker''': ''You imbecile!!! You got it wrong!!!''
*'''Asker:''' ''You imbecile!!! You got it wrong!!!''
*''Asker threw the paper toward Edward then left the laboratory. When his father was gone, Edward who was left alone picked up the paper and started to quickly read through it.''
*''Asker threw the paper toward Edward then left the laboratory. When his father was gone, Edward who was left alone picked up the paper and started to quickly read through it.''
*'''Edward''': ''(I made a mistake…in this part….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(I made a mistake…in this part….)''
*''It was a very simple mistake but the result was tragic. Edward stood up while rubbing his cheek.''
*''It was a very simple mistake but the result was tragic. Edward stood up while rubbing his cheek.''
*'''Edward''': ''(I heard that Nasods are completely extinct in this age…. so it's hard to find their parts. Father becoming angry is understandable.)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(I heard that Nasods are completely extinct in this age…. so it's hard to find their parts. Father becoming angry is understandable.)''
*''Edward who was looking down at the Nasod that was in shambles exited the laboratory with weak footsteps while quietly wiping his eyes.''
*''Edward who was looking down at the Nasod that was in shambles exited the laboratory with weak footsteps while quietly wiping his eyes.''
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|Description= After finishing up with his father, Edward headed towards his mother's research lab.
|Description= After finishing up with his father, Edward headed towards his mother's research lab.
*'''Grace''': ''Edward….? What happened to your face…?''
*'''Grace:''' ''Edward….? What happened to your face…?''
*'''Edward''': ''…. There was a small accident. I'm fine.''
*'''Edward:''' ''…. There was a small accident. I'm fine.''
*''Grace stared vacantly at her son forcing a smile as he came to hug her. She then slowly petted her son's head.''
*''Grace stared vacantly at her son forcing a smile as he came to hug her. She then slowly petted her son's head.''
*'''Grace''': ''…. Edward, are you really okay?''
*'''Grace:''' ''…. Edward, are you really okay?''
*''Edward who had his head buried deep into Grace's clothes twitched his mouth for a bit but shook his head in the end. It's not fine…. I'm having a really hard time…. these words surged almost up to Edward's throat but he couldn't say them because he was afraid of his father.''
*''Edward who had his head buried deep into Grace's clothes twitched his mouth for a bit but shook his head in the end. It's not fine…. I'm having a really hard time…. these words surged almost up to Edward's throat but he couldn't say them because he was afraid of his father.''
*'''Edward''': ''I smell something nice. Is it a different flower this time?''
*'''Edward:''' ''I smell something nice. Is it a different flower this time?''
*''Grace smiled beamingly as she grabbed Edward's hand and headed to a greenhouse inside the laboratory. The greenhouse was filled with small white flowers.''
*''Grace smiled beamingly as she grabbed Edward's hand and headed to a greenhouse inside the laboratory. The greenhouse was filled with small white flowers.''
*'''Grace''': ''Come here Edward.''
*'''Grace:''' ''Come here Edward.''
*''Grace went to the middle of the garden and sat down. Edward also followed his mother and carefully entered the greenhouse.''
*''Grace went to the middle of the garden and sat down. Edward also followed his mother and carefully entered the greenhouse.''
*'''Grace''': ''It's an ancient flower that had gone extinct very long ago. When the wind blows, it's petals fall off and fly about like snowflake but when the wind stops, it's petals grow back very quickly. The ancestors called this flower a windflower.''
*'''Grace:''' ''It's an ancient flower that had gone extinct very long ago. When the wind blows, it's petals fall off and fly about like snowflake but when the wind stops, it's petals grow back very quickly. The ancestors called this flower a windflower.''
*''The Nasods inside the greenhouse quickly started leave when Grace signaled them. Edward's eyes shined in wonderment as he went beside Grace and sat down. Edward lay his head on Grace's lap and quietly closed his eyes. Grace wordlessly stroked Edward's hair and cheek. Edward thought that he wouldn't have been able to keep up with his father's strict schedule if he didn't have his mother who always embraced him warmly. His mother's laboratory had a warm feeling for some reason. His mother was a Nasod engineer just like his father but she was more interested in regenerative energy and environments so her garden was always filled with flowers and green plants.''
*''The Nasods inside the greenhouse quickly started leave when Grace signaled them. Edward's eyes shined in wonderment as he went beside Grace and sat down. Edward lay his head on Grace's lap and quietly closed his eyes. Grace wordlessly stroked Edward's hair and cheek. Edward thought that he wouldn't have been able to keep up with his father's strict schedule if he didn't have his mother who always embraced him warmly. His mother's laboratory had a warm feeling for some reason. His mother was a Nasod engineer just like his father but she was more interested in regenerative energy and environments so her garden was always filled with flowers and green plants.''
*'''Grace''': ''Your father is very strict, am I right Edward?''
*'''Grace:''' ''Your father is very strict, am I right Edward?''
*''Grace continued speaking with a gentle voice.''
*''Grace continued speaking with a gentle voice.''
*'''Grace''': ''Please understand, he became very sensitive because some bad things happened. How are the lessons?''
*'''Grace:''' ''Please understand, he became very sensitive because some bad things happened. How are the lessons?''
*''Edward kept his mouth shut and didn't answer. Grace made an expression as if she understood Edward's feelings then opened her mouth.''
*''Edward kept his mouth shut and didn't answer. Grace made an expression as if she understood Edward's feelings then opened her mouth.''
*'''Grace''': ''It must have been very hard for you…. I'm sorry that I couldn't help…..''
*'''Grace:''' ''It must have been very hard for you…. I'm sorry that I couldn't help…..''
*''Edward shook his head as he closed his eyes again.''
*''Edward shook his head as he closed his eyes again.''
*'''Grace''': ''Your father isn't treating you so harshly because he hates you. Do you know how happy he was the day when you were born? It was the first time I've seen your father so happy. There are no parents that hates their children, Edward. Your father and me, we both love you very much.''
*'''Grace:''' ''Your father isn't treating you so harshly because he hates you. Do you know how happy he was the day when you were born? It was the first time I've seen your father so happy. There are no parents that hates their children, Edward. Your father and me, we both love you very much.''
*''Edward quietly grabbed Grace's hand. Edward fell asleep thinking that it would be nice if every moment was like this.''
*''Edward quietly grabbed Grace's hand. Edward fell asleep thinking that it would be nice if every moment was like this.''
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*''Asker pushed all the dusty books that were on top the desk off to the side. He then dug inside his bag to pull out more books and placed them on top of the desk.''
*''Asker pushed all the dusty books that were on top the desk off to the side. He then dug inside his bag to pull out more books and placed them on top of the desk.''
*'''Asker''': ''(It was quite profitable this time. I might finally be able to find a clue this time.)''
*'''Asker:''' ''(It was quite profitable this time. I might finally be able to find a clue this time.)''
*''He pulled up his ragged sleeves that were worn out from many months of travel and started to quickly write down formulas with his pen.''
*''He pulled up his ragged sleeves that were worn out from many months of travel and started to quickly write down formulas with his pen.''
*'''Asker''': ''(Kuhaha, yes…. With this formula…. No, this isn't it. This method will consume too much energy.)''
*'''Asker:''' ''(Kuhaha, yes…. With this formula…. No, this isn't it. This method will consume too much energy.)''
*''Asker annoyingly crumpled up a piece of paper then threw it away. He flipped through his new books as he started to write down a different formula than before. Sound of someone knocking on the laboratory door was heard but it didn't seem like Asker had heard it.''
*''Asker annoyingly crumpled up a piece of paper then threw it away. He flipped through his new books as he started to write down a different formula than before. Sound of someone knocking on the laboratory door was heard but it didn't seem like Asker had heard it.''
*'''Edward''': ''I'm coming in, father….''
*'''Edward:''' ''I'm coming in, father….''
*''Sound of a door opening was heard and Edward entered. The boy had grown a bit taller during the time Asker was away for many months.''
*''Sound of a door opening was heard and Edward entered. The boy had grown a bit taller during the time Asker was away for many months.''
*'''Edward''': ''…. Father, mother was worried a lot.''
*'''Edward:''' ''…. Father, mother was worried a lot.''
*'''Asker''': ''…..''
*'''Asker:''' ''…..''
*''Asker didn't answer.''
*''Asker didn't answer.''
*'''Edward''': ''….. Nasod assembly assignment you gave me last time… I finished it perfectly, father. I even modified it a bit, will you have a look at it….?''
*'''Edward:''' ''….. Nasod assembly assignment you gave me last time… I finished it perfectly, father. I even modified it a bit, will you have a look at it….?''
*'''Asker''': ''…. This isn't it. It won't be any different than the formula from before…''
*'''Asker:''' ''…. This isn't it. It won't be any different than the formula from before…''
*''Asker murmured as he crumpled up another piece of paper and threw it on the ground. Edward took out a small Nasod that he completed assembling and handed it to his father. But Asker only gave it a slight glance and didn't say anything else in particular.''
*''Asker murmured as he crumpled up another piece of paper and threw it on the ground. Edward took out a small Nasod that he completed assembling and handed it to his father. But Asker only gave it a slight glance and didn't say anything else in particular.''
*'''Edward''': ''How is it, father?''
*'''Edward:''' ''How is it, father?''
*'''Asker''': ''…. Edward.''
*'''Asker:''' ''…. Edward.''
*''Asker who was writing busily raised his upper body as he called Edward's name.''
*''Asker who was writing busily raised his upper body as he called Edward's name.''
*'''Asker''': ''Stop being so noisy and get out.''
*'''Asker:''' ''Stop being so noisy and get out.''
*'''Edward''': ''What…?''
*'''Edward:''' ''What…?''
*''Edward got startled and asked back. Asker clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed then grabbed the Nasod Edward handed to him and threw it half-heartedly towards corner of the laboratory.''
*''Edward got startled and asked back. Asker clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed then grabbed the Nasod Edward handed to him and threw it half-heartedly towards corner of the laboratory.''
*'''Asker''': ''I said I'll take a look at it later so stop distracting me and get out.''
*'''Asker:''' ''I said I'll take a look at it later so stop distracting me and get out.''
*''Edward looked up blankly at Asker who had turned his gaze around to focus on his research. Edward answered weakly then made his way to exit the laboratory.''
*''Edward looked up blankly at Asker who had turned his gaze around to focus on his research. Edward answered weakly then made his way to exit the laboratory.''
*'''Edward''': ''(What kind of research is he doing this time…?)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(What kind of research is he doing this time…?)''
*''When a certain time period came, Asker tended to pack up and leave the house and didn't return for many months. Then when he came back, he stayed holed up in his laboratory and focused on his research for many days.''
*''When a certain time period came, Asker tended to pack up and leave the house and didn't return for many months. Then when he came back, he stayed holed up in his laboratory and focused on his research for many days.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Mother will be very sad.)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Mother will be very sad.)''
*''Edward was glad that lessons with his father had became looser, but his mind became uneasy whenever he thought about his mother who would be saddened and worried.''
*''Edward was glad that lessons with his father had became looser, but his mind became uneasy whenever he thought about his mother who would be saddened and worried.''
*'''Edward''': ''(I should tell this to mother as well…)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(I should tell this to mother as well…)''
*''Edward headed to Grace's laboratory while struggling to think about how to comfort his mother.''
*''Edward headed to Grace's laboratory while struggling to think about how to comfort his mother.''
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|Description= As time passed, Edward began to receive Asker's examinations.
|Description= As time passed, Edward began to receive Asker's examinations.
*'''Asker''': ''Stay still.''
*'''Asker:''' ''Stay still.''
*''Edward sat on a chair and waited for the result of something Asker injected into him with a syringe.''
*''Edward sat on a chair and waited for the result of something Asker injected into him with a syringe.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Will something even change? I don't feel any different…..) Achoo!''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Will something even change? I don't feel any different…..) Achoo!''
*''Edward sneezed. Asker sighed as he wrote down something on the chart then held out a cup containing an unknown liquid towards Edward. Asker started calling Edward to his laboratory to perform various tests on him. He collected blood samples and even tested immunity levels using various syringes and drugs. The most terrifying experience for Edward was when he had to go inside the analyzer.''
*''Edward sneezed. Asker sighed as he wrote down something on the chart then held out a cup containing an unknown liquid towards Edward. Asker started calling Edward to his laboratory to perform various tests on him. He collected blood samples and even tested immunity levels using various syringes and drugs. The most terrifying experience for Edward was when he had to go inside the analyzer.''
*'''Edward''': ''(It was really scary. Mechanical noises were way too loud….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(It was really scary. Mechanical noises were way too loud….)''
*''Edward frowned as he swallowed the drug Asker gave him. It was very bitter.''
*''Edward frowned as he swallowed the drug Asker gave him. It was very bitter.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Come to think of it, mother seemed a bit strange recently too…)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Come to think of it, mother seemed a bit strange recently too…)''
*''Grace also had been leaving her laboratory frequently. It's been a while since she had tended to her flowers and plants, and at one time, she took Edward who was in middle of a test outside then got into a big fight with Asker.''
*''Grace also had been leaving her laboratory frequently. It's been a while since she had tended to her flowers and plants, and at one time, she took Edward who was in middle of a test outside then got into a big fight with Asker.''
*'''Edward''': ''(There are lot of days when mother isn't there even though I go to see her….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(There are lot of days when mother isn't there even though I go to see her….)''
*''Even Edward knew very well that the atmosphere in the house was a bit strange. But he didn't have any clue as to what was about to happen.''
*''Even Edward knew very well that the atmosphere in the house was a bit strange. But he didn't have any clue as to what was about to happen.''
*'''Edward''': ''I'm here.''
*'''Edward:''' ''I'm here.''
*''Edward headed to Grace's laboratory after finishing the test then carefully knocked on the door. But as Edward expected, Grace wasn't in her laboratory today as well. Edward waited in front of the laboratory for a long time then finally turned around to head towards his room. As Edward weakly moved his steps, he thought that it was bit lonely for some reason.''
*''Edward headed to Grace's laboratory after finishing the test then carefully knocked on the door. But as Edward expected, Grace wasn't in her laboratory today as well. Edward waited in front of the laboratory for a long time then finally turned around to head towards his room. As Edward weakly moved his steps, he thought that it was bit lonely for some reason.''
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|Description= As Edward walked around the villa in search of his mother, he came upon a glowing light seeping from his father's research lab.
|Description= As Edward walked around the villa in search of his mother, he came upon a glowing light seeping from his father's research lab.
*'''Edward''': ''(Where did mother go….?)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Where did mother go….?)''
*''Edward frequently roamed around the mansion looking for any traces of Grace.''
*''Edward frequently roamed around the mansion looking for any traces of Grace.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Only place I haven't been to is father's laboratory….)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Only place I haven't been to is father's laboratory….)''
*''Edward headed to Asker's laboratory with a doubtful mind then saw a light seeping out from far away and hastily ran towards it.''
*''Edward headed to Asker's laboratory with a doubtful mind then saw a light seeping out from far away and hastily ran towards it.''
*'''Grace''': ''Asker…. are you seriously planning to go through with that plan?''
*'''Grace:''' ''Asker…. are you seriously planning to go through with that plan?''
*''Grace's voice was heard. Edward quickly hid himself and listened in on the two's conversation.''
*''Grace's voice was heard. Edward quickly hid himself and listened in on the two's conversation.''
*'''Asker''': ''It must be done. You should know too darling.''
*'''Asker:''' ''It must be done. You should know too darling.''
*''Grace didn't say anything for a long time, then answered with a trembling voice.''
*''Grace didn't say anything for a long time, then answered with a trembling voice.''
*'''Grace''': ''…. He's your child. He's our only son. Aren't you his…. father….?''
*'''Grace:''' ''…. He's your child. He's our only son. Aren't you his…. father….?''
*''Asker snorted when Grace's words ended.''
*''Asker snorted when Grace's words ended.''
*'''Asker''': ''Son? Child? Those mean nothing. That kid was merely a central piece to my plan ever since he was born.''
*'''Asker:''' ''Son? Child? Those mean nothing. That kid was merely a central piece to my plan ever since he was born.''
*'''Grace''': ''How could you say such a thing! Have you….. really been thinking that way all this time?''
*'''Grace:''' ''How could you say such a thing! Have you….. really been thinking that way all this time?''
*'''Asker''': ''Kahaha… isn't that obvious?''
*'''Asker:''' ''Kahaha… isn't that obvious?''
*''Edward pressed on the ground with his two trembling hands and carefully peeked his head inside to see the two of them. His father had his head buried in the table focusing on his research and his mother was standing far away from his father shaking her head as if she was at a loss for words.''
*''Edward pressed on the ground with his two trembling hands and carefully peeked his head inside to see the two of them. His father had his head buried in the table focusing on his research and his mother was standing far away from his father shaking her head as if she was at a loss for words.''
*'''Grace''': ''No matter what happens, I'll stop it from happening.''
*'''Grace:''' ''No matter what happens, I'll stop it from happening.''
*''There was a never before seen mechanical device behind Asker. Edward stretched his head inside more to take a look at it closely, at that moment….''
*''There was a never before seen mechanical device behind Asker. Edward stretched his head inside more to take a look at it closely, at that moment….''
*'''Asker''': ''Who is it!?''
*'''Asker:''' ''Who is it!?''
*''Edward's arm ended up touching the shelf near the door. Component that was on the shelf made a loud noise as it fell to the ground.''
*''Edward's arm ended up touching the shelf near the door. Component that was on the shelf made a loud noise as it fell to the ground.''
*'''Grace''': ''I'll go take a look.''
*'''Grace:''' ''I'll go take a look.''
*''Grace approached the laboratory door and took a look outside.''
*''Grace approached the laboratory door and took a look outside.''
*'''Edward''': ''….''
*'''Edward:''' ''….''
*''Edward hastily threw his body behind a pillar that was nearby to hide. Grace's footsteps started to get closer.''
*''Edward hastily threw his body behind a pillar that was nearby to hide. Grace's footsteps started to get closer.''
*'''Grace''': ''…. There's no one here.''
*'''Grace:''' ''…. There's no one here.''
*''Grace turned her head around in various directions to look then moved back inside the laboratory.''
*''Grace turned her head around in various directions to look then moved back inside the laboratory.''
*'''Edward''': ''(Haah…. I thought I was going to get caught.)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(Haah…. I thought I was going to get caught.)''
*''Edward confirmed Grace closing the door to the laboratory then quickly turned around to escape from the hallway. His father and mother's conversation worried him but there was nothing Edward could do. Fear about what will happen after started to flow into him.''
*''Edward confirmed Grace closing the door to the laboratory then quickly turned around to escape from the hallway. His father and mother's conversation worried him but there was nothing Edward could do. Fear about what will happen after started to flow into him.''
*'''Edward''': ''(…. I'm scared…. What's about to happen?)''
*'''Edward:''' ''(…. I'm scared…. What's about to happen?)''
*''Edward huddled up his trembling body as he lied down on his bed. He missed his mother's warm embrace so much.''
*''Edward huddled up his trembling body as he lied down on his bed. He missed his mother's warm embrace so much.''
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Revision as of 20:34, 4 May 2022

HistoireEdward 1
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description


  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Two pieces of news were delivered to Asker.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • "Dans une pièce au calme, un homme se tenait assis à une table jonchée de piles de documents en désordre, et tapait du pied nerveusement. Les douze coups de minuit avaient sonné depuis longtemps, mais il n'avait pas reçu le message tant attendu."
  • "L'homme prît sa tête dans ses mains et lut rapidement le papier qui était devant ses yeux. Il avait lu et relu cette lettre, tant et si bien qu'il la connaissait par coeur, mais il lui fallait faire quelque chose pour masquer sa nervosité."
  • Majordome: Messire Esker, une lettre est arrivée.
  • La voix du majordome lui parvenait de l'autre coté de la port. A distance, on entendit également les pleurs d'un bébé.
  • Servante: Messire Esker, votre femme a donné naissance à l'enfant sans complications !
  • Toute en sueur, la servante semble être venue à la hate et reprit son soufle après avoir annoncé la nouvelle. Esker ne jeta pas même un regard à la servante et ouvrit l'enveloppe que lui tendait le majordome.
  • Servante: Messire Esker... votre femme est à bout de forces... Vous devriez la rejoindre..."
  • La servante s'adressait à Esker avec précaution, mais celui-ci ne prêtait attention qu'au contenu de la lettre. Il resta longuement sur place en lisant la lettre. Au fur et à mesure,son visage se décomposait et il déchira le courrier en mille morceaux.
  • Esker: Brûle-le.
  • Il referma violemment la porte et s'enferma danns la pièce. Il s'installa dans une chaise en chancelant.
  • Esker: (Des Nasods dominateurs... Nous sommes pris sur le fait.)
  • Nasod dominateur est un terme qui ser à décrire l'organisation de destruction florissante pour grand Nasod. La méthode d'élimination efficace des Nasods a été inventée en se servant de la connaissance des anciens Nasods de combat.
  • La plupart d'entre eux avaient disparu à l'issue de la querre des Nasods, mais leur savoir fut conservé. Une partie des suivivants recréa l'organisation, détruisit les Nasods existants, attaqua les chercheurs spécialisés dans les Nasods et fit disparaïtre les archives de recherches.
  • Grenoir, un membre de la famille Esker,travaillait à s'y opposer sans relâche au travers de recherches de long cours menées depuis des générations sur des Nasods semblables à l'homme? Comme ce thème de recherche était intersit, tout devait se faire dans le pus grand secret. C'est pour cette raison que sa résidence fut érigée sur un terrain désert et abrupt au plus profond de la f^^oret de Belder, dans le Nord-ouest.
  • Même les employés qu'il avait recrutés étaient des gens du cru qui n'avait pas de famille. Dès qu'il avait des soupçons concernant l'un d'entre eux, il était mis au placard.
  • Esker:(Maintenant que les Nasods dominateur ont flairé le travail de la famile Esker, il faut vite trouver une solution. Commençons par nous débarrasser des serviteurs.)
  • Fatigué, il se massait le nez entre les deux yeux, et ôta ses lunettes. Il les posa sur la table et se pencha en arrière. Le bébé avait cessé de pousser les cris sonores qui avaient résonné dans toute la maison.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendule du souvenir (7 jours) N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireEdward 2
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Quête "Edward 1" Terminé

  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Once again today, the lessons with his father didn't end until the sun had completely set.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Young boy walked slowly with limp shoulders and weakly opened the door to his room. The lessons with his father ended again today when the sun had completely set.
  • Asker: (You got it wrong again, Edward. Just who do you take after to be so stupid…..? You'll get one smack on the hand from now on each time you get something wrong.)
  • His father was always strict but became even stricter during lessons. He absolutely didn't accept mistakes. Edward blew wind onto his red swollen hands as he dropped down to sit on his bed.
  • Edward: (If I don't review what I learned today….. I'll get scolded again tomorrow…..)
  • Learning about Nasod related knowledge and skills was fun. But ten minutes felt like one hour whenever he was in front of his father. In his father's lessons, even stories about Nasods that used to be fun felt tiresome.
  • Edward: (… I'm so tired. Maybe I should sleep for a bit….)
  • Edward lied down on the bed as he recalled the details of what he learned today in his head. Ancient Nasod language, mechanical engineering, Nasod engineering…. Yesterday was physics and chemistry and tomorrow was supposed to be on hand Nasod assembly using Nasod parts.
  • Edward: (Just for…. one hour….)
  • Sleep flowed in when he closed his eyes. Edward was worn out from the rigorous study schedule that continued each day.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireEdward 3
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Quête "Edward 2" Terminé

  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

As Asker watched on, with his trembling hands, Edward began to assemble the Nasod.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Edward picked up the Nasods parts with trembling hands and started to assemble them one at a time. Asker sat behind Edward and observed quietly.
  • Edward: (Not being able to check over the output calculation again bothers me…. But there's no time.)
  • Edward who was quickly picking up parts and completing his Nasod assembly finally held up the last Nasod engine part.
  • Edward: (If I connect this here….)
  • Voice saying 'stop' was heard from behind Edward soon as the engine part was installed.
  • Asker: Time is up.
  • Asker got up from his seat and approached the place where the small Nasod Edward finished was. Edward gulped as he backed out.
  • Asker: I'll try activating it.
  • Asker activated Edward's Nasod immediately after he spoke. But not before long, a smoke started rising from the Nasod's body and a small sound of an explosion was heard.
  • Asker: ….!
  • Asker started to tear apart the overheated Nasod's body with his bare hands. Edward saw his father's hands quickly becoming red and hastily picked up the appropriate disassembly tools and handed them to his father.
  • Asker: Damn it, Edward!!!!
  • Engine that was planted inside had already been burnt and turned into a dark black mess. Asker screamed as he slapped across Edward's cheek.
  • Asker: Do you know how hard it was to get this part….?! And you break it?!
  • Edward: I… I'm sorry, father….
  • Asker menacingly stared down at Edward who had fallen on the ground then picked up a crumpled paper that was on the table. It was an output calculation that Edward had hastily written down.
  • Asker: You imbecile!!! You got it wrong!!!
  • Asker threw the paper toward Edward then left the laboratory. When his father was gone, Edward who was left alone picked up the paper and started to quickly read through it.
  • Edward: (I made a mistake…in this part….)
  • It was a very simple mistake but the result was tragic. Edward stood up while rubbing his cheek.
  • Edward: (I heard that Nasods are completely extinct in this age…. so it's hard to find their parts. Father becoming angry is understandable.)
  • Edward who was looking down at the Nasod that was in shambles exited the laboratory with weak footsteps while quietly wiping his eyes.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireEdward 4
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Quête "Edward 3" Terminé

  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

After finishing up with his father, Edward headed towards his mother's research lab.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Grace: Edward….? What happened to your face…?
  • Edward: …. There was a small accident. I'm fine.
  • Grace stared vacantly at her son forcing a smile as he came to hug her. She then slowly petted her son's head.
  • Grace: …. Edward, are you really okay?
  • Edward who had his head buried deep into Grace's clothes twitched his mouth for a bit but shook his head in the end. It's not fine…. I'm having a really hard time…. these words surged almost up to Edward's throat but he couldn't say them because he was afraid of his father.
  • Edward: I smell something nice. Is it a different flower this time?
  • Grace smiled beamingly as she grabbed Edward's hand and headed to a greenhouse inside the laboratory. The greenhouse was filled with small white flowers.
  • Grace: Come here Edward.
  • Grace went to the middle of the garden and sat down. Edward also followed his mother and carefully entered the greenhouse.
  • Grace: It's an ancient flower that had gone extinct very long ago. When the wind blows, it's petals fall off and fly about like snowflake but when the wind stops, it's petals grow back very quickly. The ancestors called this flower a windflower.
  • The Nasods inside the greenhouse quickly started leave when Grace signaled them. Edward's eyes shined in wonderment as he went beside Grace and sat down. Edward lay his head on Grace's lap and quietly closed his eyes. Grace wordlessly stroked Edward's hair and cheek. Edward thought that he wouldn't have been able to keep up with his father's strict schedule if he didn't have his mother who always embraced him warmly. His mother's laboratory had a warm feeling for some reason. His mother was a Nasod engineer just like his father but she was more interested in regenerative energy and environments so her garden was always filled with flowers and green plants.
  • Grace: Your father is very strict, am I right Edward?
  • Grace continued speaking with a gentle voice.
  • Grace: Please understand, he became very sensitive because some bad things happened. How are the lessons?
  • Edward kept his mouth shut and didn't answer. Grace made an expression as if she understood Edward's feelings then opened her mouth.
  • Grace: It must have been very hard for you…. I'm sorry that I couldn't help…..
  • Edward shook his head as he closed his eyes again.
  • Grace: Your father isn't treating you so harshly because he hates you. Do you know how happy he was the day when you were born? It was the first time I've seen your father so happy. There are no parents that hates their children, Edward. Your father and me, we both love you very much.
  • Edward quietly grabbed Grace's hand. Edward fell asleep thinking that it would be nice if every moment was like this.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireEdward 5
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Quête "Edward 4" Terminé

  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

Asker returned after a several month's trip.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Asker pushed all the dusty books that were on top the desk off to the side. He then dug inside his bag to pull out more books and placed them on top of the desk.
  • Asker: (It was quite profitable this time. I might finally be able to find a clue this time.)
  • He pulled up his ragged sleeves that were worn out from many months of travel and started to quickly write down formulas with his pen.
  • Asker: (Kuhaha, yes…. With this formula…. No, this isn't it. This method will consume too much energy.)
  • Asker annoyingly crumpled up a piece of paper then threw it away. He flipped through his new books as he started to write down a different formula than before. Sound of someone knocking on the laboratory door was heard but it didn't seem like Asker had heard it.
  • Edward: I'm coming in, father….
  • Sound of a door opening was heard and Edward entered. The boy had grown a bit taller during the time Asker was away for many months.
  • Edward: …. Father, mother was worried a lot.
  • Asker: …..
  • Asker didn't answer.
  • Edward: ….. Nasod assembly assignment you gave me last time… I finished it perfectly, father. I even modified it a bit, will you have a look at it….?
  • Asker: …. This isn't it. It won't be any different than the formula from before…
  • Asker murmured as he crumpled up another piece of paper and threw it on the ground. Edward took out a small Nasod that he completed assembling and handed it to his father. But Asker only gave it a slight glance and didn't say anything else in particular.
  • Edward: How is it, father?
  • Asker: …. Edward.
  • Asker who was writing busily raised his upper body as he called Edward's name.
  • Asker: Stop being so noisy and get out.
  • Edward: What…?
  • Edward got startled and asked back. Asker clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed then grabbed the Nasod Edward handed to him and threw it half-heartedly towards corner of the laboratory.
  • Asker: I said I'll take a look at it later so stop distracting me and get out.
  • Edward looked up blankly at Asker who had turned his gaze around to focus on his research. Edward answered weakly then made his way to exit the laboratory.
  • Edward: (What kind of research is he doing this time…?)
  • When a certain time period came, Asker tended to pack up and leave the house and didn't return for many months. Then when he came back, he stayed holed up in his laboratory and focused on his research for many days.
  • Edward: (Mother will be very sad.)
  • Edward was glad that lessons with his father had became looser, but his mind became uneasy whenever he thought about his mother who would be saddened and worried.
  • Edward: (I should tell this to mother as well…)
  • Edward headed to Grace's laboratory while struggling to think about how to comfort his mother.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireEdward 6
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Quête "Edward 5" Terminé

  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

As time passed, Edward began to receive Asker's examinations.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Asker: Stay still.
  • Edward sat on a chair and waited for the result of something Asker injected into him with a syringe.
  • Edward: (Will something even change? I don't feel any different…..) Achoo!
  • Edward sneezed. Asker sighed as he wrote down something on the chart then held out a cup containing an unknown liquid towards Edward. Asker started calling Edward to his laboratory to perform various tests on him. He collected blood samples and even tested immunity levels using various syringes and drugs. The most terrifying experience for Edward was when he had to go inside the analyzer.
  • Edward: (It was really scary. Mechanical noises were way too loud….)
  • Edward frowned as he swallowed the drug Asker gave him. It was very bitter.
  • Edward: (Come to think of it, mother seemed a bit strange recently too…)
  • Grace also had been leaving her laboratory frequently. It's been a while since she had tended to her flowers and plants, and at one time, she took Edward who was in middle of a test outside then got into a big fight with Asker.
  • Edward: (There are lot of days when mother isn't there even though I go to see her….)
  • Even Edward knew very well that the atmosphere in the house was a bit strange. But he didn't have any clue as to what was about to happen.
  • Edward: I'm here.
  • Edward headed to Grace's laboratory after finishing the test then carefully knocked on the door. But as Edward expected, Grace wasn't in her laboratory today as well. Edward waited in front of the laboratory for a long time then finally turned around to head towards his room. As Edward weakly moved his steps, he thought that it was bit lonely for some reason.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 N/A N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A
HistoireEdward 7
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description

Quête "Edward 6" Terminé

  • Compléter 5 donjons de niveau adapté (sauf Ruben, Henir et Île d'Ereda)

As Edward walked around the villa in search of his mother, he came upon a glowing light seeping from his father's research lab.

Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
  • Edward: (Where did mother go….?)
  • Edward frequently roamed around the mansion looking for any traces of Grace.
  • Edward: (Only place I haven't been to is father's laboratory….)
  • Edward headed to Asker's laboratory with a doubtful mind then saw a light seeping out from far away and hastily ran towards it.
  • Grace: Asker…. are you seriously planning to go through with that plan?
  • Grace's voice was heard. Edward quickly hid himself and listened in on the two's conversation.
  • Asker: It must be done. You should know too darling.
  • Grace didn't say anything for a long time, then answered with a trembling voice.
  • Grace: …. He's your child. He's our only son. Aren't you his…. father….?
  • Asker snorted when Grace's words ended.
  • Asker: Son? Child? Those mean nothing. That kid was merely a central piece to my plan ever since he was born.
  • Grace: How could you say such a thing! Have you….. really been thinking that way all this time?
  • Asker: Kahaha… isn't that obvious?
  • Edward pressed on the ground with his two trembling hands and carefully peeked his head inside to see the two of them. His father had his head buried in the table focusing on his research and his mother was standing far away from his father shaking her head as if she was at a loss for words.
  • Grace: No matter what happens, I'll stop it from happening.
  • There was a never before seen mechanical device behind Asker. Edward stretched his head inside more to take a look at it closely, at that moment….
  • Asker: Who is it!?
  • Edward's arm ended up touching the shelf near the door. Component that was on the shelf made a loud noise as it fell to the ground.
  • Grace: I'll go take a look.
  • Grace approached the laboratory door and took a look outside.
  • Edward: ….
  • Edward hastily threw his body behind a pillar that was nearby to hide. Grace's footsteps started to get closer.
  • Grace: …. There's no one here.
  • Grace turned her head around in various directions to look then moved back inside the laboratory.
  • Edward: (Haah…. I thought I was going to get caught.)
  • Edward confirmed Grace closing the door to the laboratory then quickly turned around to escape from the hallway. His father and mother's conversation worried him but there was nothing Edward could do. Fear about what will happen after started to flow into him.
  • Edward: (…. I'm scared…. What's about to happen?)
  • Edward huddled up his trembling body as he lied down on his bed. He missed his mother's warm embrace so much.
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 0 File:Pendulum of Memories.png Pendulum of Memories N/A
PB 0 N/A N/A


General Guides
Character Progression
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
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  • Noah
  • Lithia
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