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  • English

2:Before Joining 2

Before Joining 2

Ara tries to find out what is going on with the young holy spirit. Stubborn to resolve the situation, she discovers it was under the influence of a demonic curse. Ara releases the spirit and tells the village that the situation has been resolved. Ara moves on from the nameless village, with the path ahead still unclear, but still steadfast in moving forwards.

Strange Beast and the Girl 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

When the girl encounters the monster again, she notices something.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ara: ... Kya!
  • CRASH!
  • Ara was thrown out of the shrine again. As she rubbed her hip, Eun informed her that this was her sixth attempt.
  • The white weasel didn't actively harm Ara, due to its fear of Eun, but that didn't mean it allowed Ara to approach it.
  • Eun: Even without words, it's obvious that's a no.
  • Ara: Yes... I can feel it in my bones.
  • Ara decided to take a rest and eat, so she sat down and took out the rice balls she made with Jen Che.
  • She heard a crack, as she took a big bite out of the bumpy rice ball, and bit into something hard along with a salty taste. It was a rough salt grain. It must have been the rice ball that Jen Che made.
  • Despite the inconsistent taste and size, Ara was touched because she knew that Jen Che made them with care. Though, they did make her thirsty.
  • Ara: ... Mm, (GULP) it refuses to listen despite all my attempts. What other options do I have?
  • Eun: You can always leave.
  • Ara: Except that.
  • Eun: Or defeat it with your own hands.
  • Ara: Or that.
  • Eun: Then I have nothing to tell you.
  • Ara: ... Or that.
  • She was getting exhausted just thinking about it. Ara licked her lips covered in salt and tried to swallow despite her dry throat.
  • Ara: When Jen Che said bothers me.
  • Eun: Ara you sure it's not the food that's bothering you?
  • Ara: Don't be like that, Eun. If you think about it, I must pose quite a threat to this spirit. I hold a spear that's much bigger than it, and also have a thousand year old fox spirit by my side.
  • Ara: But even when I continue to bother it, it doesn't seem willing to leave this shrine. I thought it would give up and leave soon, if only because of my pestering, or because of how terrified it is of you.
  • Ara: And if it wanted to harm humans, it could have easily gone down to the village, but it didn't even do that.
  • Eun: I don't understand its actions either. Perhaps it's seeking attention.
  • Ara: Attention?
  • Eun: Why else would it settle in a shrine? It's the place that reeks the most of human scent in the mountains.
  • Ara: Oh...? That's true! How confusing. Maybe it doesn't hate humans after all.
  • Eun: I'm more worried about the cursed aura that's emanating from it. I know I felt something similar before...
  • Ara: Cursed...? Does it feel different from other spirits?
  • Eun: Not exactly. It's just... strange.
  • Ara and Eun struggled to make sense of the situation, when the white weasel peaked outside the shrine and started sniffing.
  • Ara: Oh?
  • ... Then went back insie when it noticed Ara.
  • Ara: Do you think it smelled the rice balls? It must be hungry.
  • Eun: Oh good. Then we can use the rice balls as bait.
  • Ara: Uhh... But that's deception. Then the spirit will really hate humans.
  • Ara laid the cloth she used to wrap the rice balls in front of the shrine and placed several rice balls on it. Then she stepped back and put her hands together, as if she's praying.
  • Eun: What are you doing?
  • Ara: Making an offering. I must pay my respects to a holy spirit!
  • Eun: Right... Whenever that works, I supposed. Don't come running to me if you're blown away again by its wind.
  • Thankfully, the white weasel didn't attack Ara, and showed interest only in the rice balls. Ara immediately noticed her blunder.
  • Ara: Maybe I should have left out the rice balls made by Jen Che. It's pretty salty... It should be fine though, right?
  • Eun: I'm sure it will find water if it needs to. From how it's devouring those awful rice balls, it must have been very hungry.
  • Ara studied the white weasel devouring the food, before she noticed something.
  • Ara: Eun. Over there. I see something that looks like a stain. Perhaps that's the reason for the cursed aura you spoke of...?
  • Eun: ... Oh? Yes, I see it now. It's the scent of demons.
  • Ara: Demons?!
  • Eun: Yes. I understand why I couldn't put a paw on it. The scent is faint compared to actual demons.
  • Eun: It must be some kind of demonic spell... a curse if you would.
  • Ara: Oh dear. Do you think it was the demons that hurt its leg? How unfortunate...
  • Ara unconsciously lifted her hand to cover her mouth, when she remembered the bracelet that Jen Che gave her.
  • Ara: ... Eun? Do you think this bracelet might help? You did say it's a charm.
  • Eun: I can't tell what kind of curse it is... But I believe the charm is strong enough to work. But can you do it?
  • Eun: Trying to wrap that around its body will be much more difficult that just capturing it.
  • Ara: I will if it helps. Now, let us try to put a bell around the cat's neck.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Strange Beast and the Girl 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Strange Beast and the Girl 5
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl returns to the village and says farewell to the child.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • By the time everything was over, the sun was setting, and the sky turned vermillion red.
  • Ara brought the good news and told the villagers that everything worked out.
  • Ara: I'm not sure what kind of curse it was, but it affected the holy spirit in some way. When I put Jen Che's bracelet around it, it calmed down immediately.
  • Ara: It did seem like it was confused for a moment.
  • Ara: But the ominous arua dissipated, and the wind is calm, so it should be fine to climb the mountains again.
  • The villagers also noticed that the wind has calmed down, so they rejoiced and showed gratitude.
  • Jen Che looked happy too, but also upset that Ara was scratched all over.
  • Jen Che: I'm glad that the bracelet helped, but you should have been more careful!
  • Jen Che fussed, checking all the injuries on Ara before she sighed.
  • Jen Che: It really did a number on your, and there's dirt all over... But it's not like your first injury. It should heal quickly!
  • Ara: You said the reason why the scratch on the hand didn't heal well was because it was cursed, right?
  • Ara: Then perhaps the reason why these wounds are fine must be because the holy spirit is now back to normal! That's good.
  • Jen Che: That's good? You mean it was reckless! I know I'm the one who asked you for a favor, but I didn't think you'd go this far!
  • Jen Che: Sigh... Anway, I didn't think the holy spirit was sick. I t would have been bad if we called an exorcist on a sick spirit.
  • Jen Che: I'm glad you were passing by. Thanks for working hard to stop the holy spirit from turning bad.
  • Ara: No problem. I'm glad I was able to help.
  • Ara didn't plan on staying the night, so she decided to leave before it turned dark. Jen Che talked as she followed Ara to the entrance to say her last goodbye.
  • Jen Che: Hey, Ara? Did the holy spirit eat the rice balls that I made? Do you think it will like it if I made some more?
  • Ara thought about the white weasel that ran around the shrine with a mouthful of Jen CHe's rice balls. It was a cute sight.
  • Ara: I'm sure it will. Oh, make sure to season it lightly.
  • Ara tacked on, thinking of the white weasel's health.
  • Ara: It's really time to get going. Thank you for everything, Jen Che. Stay healthy.
  • It was truly time to say goodbye. Ara and Jen Che said farewell, as if they were parting from an old friend.
  • Ara walked towards the mountains again. But this time, she wouldn't come back. Every time she turned around she could see Jen Che waving her hands.
  • She will probably keep waving her hands until she can no longer see Ara.
  • It felt like Ara gained a trouble maker younger sister. She rounded her hands around her mouth and shouted out.
  • Ara: It's- getting dark-! Go inside-!
  • Jen Che: I will-! Ara- Safe travels!
  • Jen Che: And your fox friend too! See you next time!
  • Shocked, Ara stopped and called Jen Che. But Jen Che was waving her hand a couple more times before she went inside.
  • ... ... ... ...
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Strange Beast and the Girl 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest Strange Beast and the Girl 6
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The girl and the fox spirit talks about the past and journeys to the next village.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Now, as Ara climbed down the mountain, she felt a gentle breeze.
  • She needed to hurry before the sun completely sets, so she continued walking.
  • Ara spoke, as she hurried her steps.
  • Ara: Still, I'm glad.
  • Eun: ... What do you mean?
  • Ara stopped, catching her breath from climbing down a large boulder. There were lots of stones on the steep path, and the shadow cast from the trees made it harder to see.
  • She walked a bit further, and responded quietly.
  • Ara: That the holy spirit likes its new home.
  • Eun: .......
  • Ara: ... When your mind is set, it takes effort to like something.
  • Ara: I've left my home, and started on a journey. I was able to meet many new people.
  • Ara: Some didn't end well, but I'm sure I'll meet many people whom I will form lasting relationships.
  • Ara: But... I thought, no matter where I go, it wouldn't be home.
  • Ara: I think I'm similar to my brother that way. We should really hurry and track him down.
  • Eun: ... Then why do you waste your time with other things?
  • Ara: Haha... At first, I thought it was related to demons.
  • Ara: But even after I realized that wasn't the case, I still wanted to help. Not only was it hard to refuse Jen Che's request, but... The holy beast looked lonely.
  • Ara: I wasn't good at making friends when I was little. I was shy and timid.
  • Ara: I always hung out where other children around my age would play to make friends, yet whenever someone asked if I wanted to join, I would refuse.
  • Eun: Why did you?
  • Ara: I'm not sure. Myabe I was embarrassed. Maybe I was scared they wouldn't like me... It's complicated. I guess I just couldn't make up my mind.
  • Ara: That's why I thought maybe the spirit couldn't make up its mind eaither.
  • Ara: In the end... I just felt like it. There's really no way of telling whether or not the spirit felt lonely.
  • Eun: Your mind is the window in which you view the world. You see as much as your mind can perceive.
  • Ara: Then I should broaden my perspective. So I can see more.
  • Ara: ... Come to think of it, what do you think that curse was? It's good we were able to figure out it was a demonic curse, but I've never seen anything like it before.
  • Eun: I thought I was finally getting used to fighting demons, but a curse that affects the mind of holy beasts...? Will we have to fight other beings as well from now on, and not just demons?
  • Eun: No use worrying about that now. There's no way to know what the future will bring.
  • Ara: It's not easy as you say. I really wish you still had clairvoyance in times like these.
  • Eun: Hmph. Even when I had my clairvoyance, humans never stopped worrying.
  • Eun: They were pathetic, always worrying about worrying.
  • Ara: Then what should we do if we want tot stop worrying about worrying?
  • Eun: Same reason why your eyes are placed at the front. Look at what's right in front of you.
  • (... GROOOWL.)
  • That moment, Ara's stomach started growling loudly. Ara just couldn't help but smile in embarrassment.
  • Eun: And eating is part of that. Look, I see light. We must be close to a village.
  • Ara: Oh! You're right! If we climbed the mountains in the morning, we might have missed it. I guess some things are more clear when it's dark.
  • Eun: Just like that child who had a gift in seeing spirits, you must also have a gift.
  • Ara: What gift?
  • Eun: A gift of filling your empty stomach. Seeing how you've found a village just in time, you are truly blessed.
  • Ara: Oh! What a useful gift. I like it.
  • Eun: I'm sure you do. Let's hurry. Any longer, and your first greeting will be said with your stomach instead of your mouth.
  • Ara: Yes, Eun!
  • Ara ran toward the light. Even as she ran, her body felt light, and the wind was refreshing.
  • In that moment when she ran towards the light, nothing seemed important. Not the demon's curse, nor the uncertain future ahead of her.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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