Story/Chapter 61: Difference between revisions

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After the Red Demon King leaves, the El Search Party contemplate whether or not to accept the request.
After the Red Demon King leaves, the El Search Party contemplate whether or not to accept the request.
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Mrr... Tir, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong... I would have considered the possibilities myself without him having to butt in... Mrrrr...!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Tir seems so mean but always helps out. We received a lot of help already.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Help? Don't be mistaken! I told you multiple times. All he's interested in is poking around other people's business for his own entertainment!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Aww... Don't you wanna go, Lu?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''I don't think that's the case. She's just bothered that the Red Demon King specifically told her what to do.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''You know, when you're planning on doing something, but someone nags you about it, so you suddenly don't want to do it?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Mm, Laby don't really get it. What about you, Aisha? Do you wanna go?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''Me? I am curious. Of course, the reward is enticing as well, but as a collector, she must have many interesting artifacts from the Demon Realm, you know?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''As the Red Demon King said, people like that tend to be well-informed. I'm sure we can even ask about the Dark El.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Is that so? Hm...''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Since they also seem amicable at the moment, I think it's fine to pay her a visit... What do you think, Elsword?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''I agree. We have to pass through the Abyss if we want to avoid those Tarts or whatever, but you said it's still too dangerous.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''A casual investigation might be just what we need. But what do I know?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Hmph...''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''If we became well-known due to the disappearance of the Abyss, it will be good to know what the general consensus is within the Red Demon Territory.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Hm? What do you think? We can get information AND get a read on the situation. Surely then, we would naturally figure out what the Red Demon King meant.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Yes. It's purely for our investigation. Nothing to do with what the Red Demon King said. Right, Lu?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Sigh, you're all incorrigible. Instead of resting to recover, you're all so ready for action.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''There's no helping it. I still think we're playing into Tir's tricks... But I'll play along if all of you insist!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Whoopee!!''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''Ridiculous.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''So it's decided? Let's get ready! You too, Add. Come on!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vasili}} '''Vasili:''' ''Ah....''
*{{StoryIcon|Diana}} '''Diana:''' ''Hm...''
*{{StoryIcon|Vasili}} '''Vasili:''' ''Yana. Have you heard anything about the Queen of Gold lately?''
*{{StoryIcon|Diana}} '''Diana:''' ''Aw honey! You know how long it's been since I left. I only heard bits and pieces from my pen pal.''
*{{StoryIcon|Diana}} '''Diana:''' ''Something definitely happened due to the Abyss. I heard the Queen let everyone go, so my friend had to go somewhere else.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vasili}} '''Vasili:''' ''Everyone...? I understand that Medovine is much closer to the Abyss than we are, but was that really necessary...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Diana}} '''Diana:''' ''Hm! Usually, you're the worrywart and I always reassure you, but this time, I got a strange feeling about this one.''
*{{StoryIcon|Diana}} '''Diana:''' ''It's probably best to have some kind of insurance. Leave it to me! I have an idea.''
tr "GFX_ID_39814" = "[Red Demon Territory, Eastern Fields]''
tr "GFX_ID_39815" = "Yawn... Hmm.''
tr "GFX_ID_39816" = "You look tired. Rough night?''
tr "GFX_ID_39817" = "No? I slept well. Yaaawn.''
tr "GFX_ID_39818" = "Are you sure? You really do look tired.''
tr "GFX_ID_39819" = "Your eyes are visibly bloodshot. They're also quite dry.''
tr "GFX_ID_39820" = "It's probably the aftereffects of the Abyss. But it's interesting how the effects differ per person.''
tr "GFX_ID_39821" = "Let's see, Raven passed out from high fever, Laby had problems with her balance, Ara and I slept for days, and Chung... Sleepwalked.''
tr "GFX_ID_39822" = "Rose had motion sickness, Add had ringing in his ears with a severe headache... and I believe Lu and Ciel had terrible muscle cramps? There's no commonality at all. Is it all random since the Abyss itself is full of anomalies?''
tr "GFX_ID_39823" = "Hm, I don't know. I think I see a pattern.''
tr "GFX_ID_39824" = "What is it? Don't keep it to yourself.''
tr "GFX_ID_39825" = "All the effects make it harder for the individual to escape the Abyss. With the exception of me and Zero.''
tr "GFX_ID_39826" = "The whispering voices from the depths of the Abyss, the path that seemed to connect the entire Abyss despite the different stratums...''
tr "GFX_ID_39827" = "It was like a single organism.''
tr "GFX_ID_39828" = "Organism? The Abyss?''
tr "GFX_ID_39829" = "Yes. The symptoms combined make it more difficult to escape the Abyss, until in the end, you are completely absorbed to serve as a nutrient for the Abyss.''
tr "GFX_ID_39830" = "Uhh! I'm glad we managed to escape.''
tr "GFX_ID_39831" = "The aftereffects? Come to think of it, I think I dreamed a lot. Not that I remember anything.''
tr "GFX_ID_39832" = "Hm... Just what are you up to, Tir...''
tr "GFX_ID_39833" = "No, I'm surely playing into his hands by thinking about it...''
tr "GFX_ID_39834" = "Mrrmr... I don't know... I don't know! I don't want to seem like I'm obsessing over what he said!''
tr "GFX_ID_39835" = "(It seems you're plenty obsessing over it already.)''
tr "GFX_ID_39836" = "Hey, Ciel. Are you listening?''
tr "GFX_ID_39837" = "...Ah, sorry. What are we talking about?''
tr "GFX_ID_39838" = "Dreams. Come to think of it, I had a dream recently, too. I wanted to see my family and the Elder.''
tr "GFX_ID_39839" = "I dreamed about something too, but I'd rather not talk about it. It was really strange.''
tr "GFX_ID_39840" = "Did you have a nostalgic dream as well, Ciel? What was your sister's name again? ... Tir?''
tr "GFX_ID_39841" = "It's Terre. Please don't mistake her with the Red Demon King... She was much more adorable.''
tr "GFX_ID_39842" = "Let's see... I did dream about something. But I don't remember what.''
tr "GFX_ID_39843" = "Wow, so everyone had similar dreams? That's fascinating. Do you think this is also a type of Dream Demon magic?''
tr "GFX_ID_39844" = "If everyone dreamed based on what happened in the past, it's 100% due to the Abyss.''
tr "GFX_ID_39845" = "What does that have anything to do with the Abyss?''
tr "GFX_ID_39846" = "When someone has sudden flashbacks...''
tr "GFX_ID_39847" = "... It's a near-death experience? Don't be ridiculous!''
tr "GFX_ID_39848" = "Hahaha. What about you, Lu? Did you dream about anything?''
tr "GFX_ID_39849" = "... Hm? A dream? I slept deeply without a single dream. Huhu, were you curious about my past?''
tr "GFX_ID_39850" = "Yes. I don't think we ever heard about your family or your life in the past.''
tr "GFX_ID_39851" = "Is that so? I thought I have shared a lot... But I suppose they were mostly of the time with the Demon King or after I met Ciel.''
tr "GFX_ID_39852" = "Laby wanna know more about Lu, too. Laby is curious why Tir said something like that. What's in Lu's land? Did you have family and close friends?''
tr "GFX_ID_39853" = ".......''
tr "GFX_ID_39854" = "The Demon Realm did remind me of many things in my past. I suppose I can share a few.''
tr "GFX_ID_39856" = "It may be hard for you to imagine, but before the Demon King, the Demon Realm was much more chaotic.''
tr "GFX_ID_39857" = "Even more than now?''
tr "GFX_ID_39858" = "Yes. For example, the Dream Demons act almost indistinguishably from humans.''
tr "GFX_ID_39859" = "Dream Demons, Aegirp's people... They've all been influenced by humans in some way. I think it's a good thing.''
tr "GFX_ID_39860" = "A time of chaos and disorder... That was the Demon Realm before I was sealed.''
tr "GFX_ID_39861" = "It was the same for my land. Though not all of it was mine."
tr "GFX_ID_39862" = "Was there another ruler besides you?''
tr "GFX_ID_39863" = "There was a tyrant by the name, Bifron. Though he was more a monster than a ruler from his actions.''
tr "GFX_ID_39864" = "He was ruthless beyond comparison. If you rubbed him the wrong way, even a little bit, you were severely punished.''
tr "GFX_ID_39865" = "Not only that, he had a strange obsession. He saw his people as possessions."
tr "GFX_ID_39866" = "As... possessions?''
tr "GFX_ID_39867" = "He would capture them every opportunity he got and lock them up. As such, his castle had more dungeon cells than living spaces.''
tr "GFX_ID_39868" = "A previous lord... Is this before the Demon King? That must be at least several centuries ago.''
tr "GFX_ID_39869" = "That's a long time ago...''
tr "GFX_ID_39870" = "(...Wait, she was alive several centuries ago?)''
tr "GFX_ID_39871" = "Huhuhu, that's how it was back then. It's easy to see why his reputation wasn't great.''
tr "GFX_ID_39872" = "It was to a point that when I managed to defeat him, not a single demon wished to revolt against me.''
tr "GFX_ID_39873" = "Anyway, he really must have been something else. I thought stories of rulers throwing people in the dungeon was just that, a story.''
tr "GFX_ID_39874" = "... Yeah! The Lord Laby knows is a really nice person!''
tr "GFX_ID_39875" = "Hm? Huhu, you're listening so seriously, it's a little embarrassing.''
tr "GFX_ID_39876" = "I was always curious. But figured we should wait until you felt comfortable sharing.''
tr "GFX_ID_39877" = "I was starting to think you were full of it, with barely anyone recognizing you despite calling yourself 'queen'.''
tr "GFX_ID_39878" = "Hohoho, would you like to repeat that again?''
tr "GFX_ID_39879" = "Hmph.''
tr "GFX_ID_39880" = "Anyway, I could no longer turn a blind eye to his tyranny and decided to act with the help from Barkat, who was Bifron's subordinate at the time.''
tr "GFX_ID_39881" = "I snuck inside the dungeon and set everyone free... But could not take back all the harm Bifron has already caused.''
tr "GFX_ID_39882" = "Of course, what I have done is nothing to scoff at. In fact, that's where the legend of the merciless Steel Queen started...''
tr "GFX_ID_39883" = "When I defeated him, those who suffered under his rule came forward and asked me to promise not to follow in his footsteps.''
tr "GFX_ID_39884" = "So I claimed the throne not as a King but as a benevolent ruler, to cut the cycle of violence and open a new era.''
tr "GFX_ID_39885" = "So that's why you're the Steel Queen, not the Steel King.''
tr "GFX_ID_39886" = ".......''
tr "GFX_ID_39887" = "...? What is it, Lu?''
tr "GFX_ID_39888" = "Uhh, come to think of it, it was Barkat who suggested that as well! It's infuriating to think about it!!''
tr "GFX_ID_39889" = "Hold the thought, I think we're here. It's the Queen of Gold's Palace.''
tr "GFX_ID_39890" = "(Blackout)''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''

Revision as of 15:16, 21 September 2023

  • English
61:Suspicious Invite

Chapter 61: Suspicious Invite

Uninvited Guest Inside the Dream
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

An unfamiliar voice intrudes a familiar nightmare.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (... ... ... ...)
  • Raven: (... It's the dream of that night. The night I lost everything.)
  • Raven: (We wanted to change the world. But our actions were tarnished with disgrace... and relations, forever ruined.)
  • Raven: (Perhaps it didn't have to be this way. If we knew what would eventually come to be...)
  • Raven: (If they knew that despite their greed and unrelenting grip, they would lose all that they own to an invasion that devastates everything.)
  • Raven: (Then perhaps we would have all made a different choice.)
  • Soldier: There's someone ahead. Who's there! Reveal your alliance at once!
  • Raven: (It's all in the past... It doesn't matter any more.)
  • Seris: Let go of him.
  • Raven: (I don't want to see any longer.)
  • ???: ... Oho.
  • Raven: ...? Who are you?
  • ???: Oh... Ohh! Nice. Very nice.
  • Raven: Did you hear me?
  • ???: Haha... You know, I enjoy watching those who fight tooth and nail to survive. Only those who have reached the bottom understand what it means to be desperate.
  • ???: Loss. Severance. Those who have been betrayed and isolated and reveal their most vulnerable parts.
  • ???: Only to be toughened by the storms of hardship that can snap trees and shatter stones to finally be set free...
  • ???: Scars are marks of honor.
  • ???: Kuhuhu... So how did this experience shaped you? I'd like to know the details.
  • Raven: You...!
  • (SWING!)
  • Add: Ack, what are you doing? Stay still!
  • Raven: Ah...? Was it a dream?
  • Add: So you had a sweet old dream, while I'm here toiling away.
  • Raven: Ah... Sorry. I must have dosed off.
  • Raven: ...So the maintenance... Did you find anything?
  • Add: As I told you multiple times before, there's not a lot of data on those who use Nasod prosthetics, so there's nothing conclusive.
  • Add: You already deviate greatly from what I, or the Queen, know of Nasods.
  • Add: But one thing's for certain... What happened at the Abyss is not because of a malfunction on the Nasod Arm part.
  • Raven: Hm... You say that even as you admit your lack of data.
  • Add: You don't believe me. What, you thought your arm was going to grow bigger on its own until it devours you in the end?
  • Raven: That is not my concern. If that was possible, it would have already happened.
  • Raven: What I'm worried about... is the potential survival instincts my arm might have separate from my own.
  • Raven: If it does, what will happen if I'm in a situation where I must harm an ally to escape the dangerous situation I'm in.
  • Add: Did you only think about your survival in the Abyss regardless of who gets hurt?
  • Raven: ... I won't put it so crassly...
  • Raven: But nobody wants to die. Something like that could have crossed my mind, even if I myself am not aware of it.
  • Add: A simple 'no' would have sufficed.
  • Raven: You may think I'm worried about nothing,
  • Raven: but if a simple slip have the potential to be disastrous, who wouldn't be?
  • Add: Everyone here has the potential to be disastrous with a simple slip.
  • Add: Heh, even I have the power to wipe out everyone here.
  • Raven: ... The Nasod Arm has a mind of its own.
  • Add: So do her Majesty's drones. And they actually threaten you.
  • Raven: ... Isn't that because of your constant meddling for 'research purposes'?
  • Add: Your point being?
  • Raven: ... Unbelievable.
  • Add: Anyway, you're overreacting. Assuming the worst and fixating on it is a sure way to spiral into paranoia.
  • Add: Either stop thinking, or find something else to focus on.
  • Raven: I don't think that's helpful...
  • Raven: ...Add, have you ever been in a situation where you couldn't control yourself.
  • Add: ... No.
  • Raven: Or feared you might lose control?
  • Add: Never. Why?
  • Raven: ... Hm. I see. Alright.
  • Raven: .......
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 1,350,000 N/A N/A
EP 15 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Uneasy Rest
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Uninvited Guest Inside the Dream story quest

The El Search Party is finally able to res properly after finally overcoming the effects of the Abyss.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Diana: Next, close your eyes and march in place!
  • Diana: Follow my lead! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight..
  • Laby: Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... Tada!
  • Laby: How was that? Good? Amazing?
  • Rose: Please wait. We are waiting for the verdict from the judge.
  • Ain: And the result is?
  • Rena: Hm... ... Alright, you're all healed!
  • Laby: Yay! Now Laby is all healed, too!
  • Diana: Hip, hip, hooray!
  • Laby: Hooray!
  • Rose: It took a while, but I would say we all recovered relatively quickly from the aftereffects of the Abyss.
  • Aisha: It's terrifying how the effects lingered even after we managed to escape. I was really shocked when I learned Elesis's arm was paralyzed.
  • Elesis: Haha! But I recovered quickly with physical therapy!
  • Aisha: I don't know how many times I have to tell you... It's really important for patients to rest! Jeez, you and your brother both don't listen!
  • Chung: Raven still looked pale. It seems he hasn't gotten enough sleep recently.
  • Ain: At least he's not sleep-walking. Won't you say so?
  • Chung: Oof... Still, how could you tie me down to my bed! It really startled me!
  • Ain: In any case, you should thank Ms. Knight-Captain later. If she didn't find you while training, you would have traveled across the Red Demon Territory in your sleep.
  • Chung: I will....
  • Rena: Even though Laby no longer sways while walking, I would prefer if she rests some more...
  • Rose: But I wouldn't want to impose even further when Magmelia is still struggling financially...
  • Stirbargen: Who cares about that? Stay as long as you want.
  • Lu: ... And we don't want to be a burden. Besides, who are you to give us permission.
  • Stirbargen: Why, the lord of this land, of course. If you're jealous, why don't you go back to yours and play princess to your heart's content.
  • Diana: It's really fine, though. It's the least I can do for you!
  • Aisha: Can you say that in front of Vasili?
  • Diana: That's why I'm saying it now.
  • Noah: Come to think of it, what happened to all the customers?
  • Iccus: The Abyss happened. Usually, they stay longer when an Abyss appears, but...
  • Eris: The last one got sooo big, they got scared and all ran off.
  • Stirbargen: I heard there's also a new arena somewhere in my land. Apparently they were all headed there.
  • Diana: Sigh, I don't know what to do. It pains me every time Vasili looks at the account book and sighs.
  • Rena: Then maybe you should help, instead of hiding away with us?
  • Diana: Teehee, I'm happy no one nags me here.
  • Diana: Besides, there's really nothing we can do. Let's enjoy the peace while it lasts.
  • Diana: Even Victoria is using this downtime to work on a new song. You need to rest hard to work hard later!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Late Introduction
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Uneasy Rest story quest

They're not prepared to head to the next location. The El Search Party tries to calm Lu down and finally have a proper introduction with Clamor.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Oh! Does anyone know the status of the Abyss? Has it hardened enough to pass?
  • Elesis: It will take sometime until it completely hardens. It wasn't as bad as that time when I checked it with Aren, but my legs would still sink.
  • Ain: Did something happen?
  • Eve: Aren tried to test the ground to see if it completely hardened. Instead, it reacted like quicksand and he sank. It could have ended badly.
  • Stirbargen: Hahaha, it was pretty funny. I thought Ran came back from the depths of the Abyss to drag you all with him!
  • Elesis: Chung tried to rescue him but he started sinking faster. It was almost like he was being sucked in.
  • Chung: Haha... I didn't think about the weight of the armor.
  • Lu: Thanks to that, the Erises had to work twice as hard. Sigh... The Land of Steel is right around the corner, and yet we're no closer to reaching it.
  • Ciel: Relax, Lu. I'm sure we'll be able to go across soon.
  • Elsword: Oof!... I mean, it makes sense that a crevice like that doesn't fill up instantly.
  • Aisha: But it appeared instantly. Why can't it fill up instantly as well?
  • Aisha: Oh, Elsword! Watch out. You might get hurt.
  • Elsword: Sorry! I never saw a weapon like this before, so I got curious.
  • Clamor: Oh...! It seems those who are professionally trained instinctively know how to utilize their body, even when it's their first time using the weapon. This must be what they call a difference in experience!
  • Noah: Haha, you're very good considering it's your first time.
  • Aisha: Amazing. Who would have thought that this sickle is what altered my magic?
  • Noah: I'm sorry for the trouble he caused.
  • Aisha: Don’t sweat it. I was really surprised when I found out you had a talking weapon, though. I've heard of demonic, or ego weapons, but this is the first time I've seen one in person.
  • Noah: I heard you spent a lot of time investigating different ruins, Aisha, and you still haven't seen one before? It must be really rare then.
  • Ain: How interesting. I thought a weapon capable of magic would be coveted by everyone. If I'm not mistaken, Nasods were invented to seek out such convenience, weren't they?
  • Aisha: That's because they're unbelievably hard to make. It's considered a great achievement even for an experienced magician to successfully create one in their life time.
  • Aisha: First, the weapon itself has to be made with material that can easily conduct magic. That alone costs a hefty amount.
  • Ciel: Aha, you mean the kind of minerals Dwarves go nuts over?
  • Aisha: Yes, and the magician themselves have to have good understanding of weapons and battle. Not to mention, creating an ego is a difficult, dangerous task.
  • Aisha: Due to the dangerous nature involved with the process, it was forbidden multiple times through out history to create ego weapons. Since, ego weapons are also most likely to turn into demonic weapons.
  • Noah: Really...?
  • Clamor: True...
  • Noah: Anyway, I'm glad all the misunderstanding cleared up. I wanted to tell you earlier, but Clamor insisted I needed to keep it a secret.
  • Chung: The reason why he didn't wanted to say anything... Does it have anything to do with the Order?
  • Clamor: Hm... Not exactly. It's my own insecurities. I'm glad you don't have any prejudice against ego weapons...
  • Clamor: Though maybe I would have been more helpful if I actually was one...
  • Clamor: Regardless, I'm just an ordinary person whose soul happened to be bound to a weapon. I'm not particularly proficient in battle magic, nor do I have experience in using them against other people.
  • Clamor: That's why, I thought it would be better for both you and Noah to keep it a secret.
  • Clamor: So, I would rather if you all don't acknowledge my presence. I believe that's best for everyone involved.
  • Aisha: So that's how you felt...
  • Noah: Hmph, for someone who wanted to be kept a secret, you did everything in your power to announce your presence.
  • Aisha: Haha! I'm really grateful for your help in the Abyss. I was startled, but I would feel much better if you continue to support us like that.
  • Rena: I agree. We can all be taken off guard no matter how strong we are, so you'd be like... a card up our sleeves!
  • Noah: Yes... He did say something like that.

  • Noah: Um... Aisha... Did you hear anything about the relationship between the Landar family and the Order?
  • Aisha: No... I thought about what you said, but I can't think of anything. Well, there is this one thing...
  • Aisha: I used to travel with my grandfather, but had to part ways when something came up that he had to take care of.
  • Aisha: I never heard why he had to leave. Just assumed it must be important if he had to take care of it himself.
  • Aisha: And maybe, that something is somehow related to the Order... Or, that's what I think anyway.
  • Noah: I see... How strange. And none of you heard of the Order before?
  • Aisha: I did hear that such an organization existed long ago during Elrian Kingdom era in my lessons. Though I didn't know they were still around.
  • Rena: Come to think of it... I wonder when the Order began their activity? We always assumed it was the Large El and the restoration of Elrianode.
  • Rena: But according to Aren, the Order was active way before then.
  • Laby: Laby would have loved to be there, too... What did Aren say?
  • Rena: He told us about a strange incident he experienced when he was the Royal Guard Captain.
  • Ara: Aren decided to make rounds when he heard about someone suspicious wandering around the alleyway.
  • Ara: And found someone fully covered in robes, precariously holding on to the wall.
  • Ara: He thought the person could be a patient and tried talking to them, but the robbed figure screamed and turned into a hideous monster right before his eyes.
  • Eve: ... It's likely something similar, if not identical, to what we witnessed in Elrianode.
  • Chung: But it's different from Elrianode. It happened at the center of the capital...
  • Chung: I can only imagine the shock felt by the people witnessing such an event.
  • Ara: Aren thought it was odd, and wanted to investigate further... But he didn't have the authority.
  • Noah: Wait... You mean there was no proper investigation? I don't understand...
  • Ciel: What you think is common sense manifests differently when power is involved.
  • Noah: But... This isn't something to be brushed aside...!
  • Rose: Let me explain with an example. Here I am, holding a weapon. If I let go, this weapon will fall to the ground.
  • Rose: But as long as I hold on to it, it will not fall, because the force I am applying to this weapon is greater than the force pulling the weapon to the ground.
  • Ciel: I heard that the Northern Empire was in a state of unrest. I suppose this incident was also exploited in some way.
  • Elesis: Even the smallest mistake can be used against you. Or swept under the rug so you can pretend it never happened.
  • Ciel: If it's something that can be exploited, even a minor offense like stealing a piece of bread can be blown out of proportion and become something punishable by death.
  • Ciel: It happens all across Elrios. If I'm not mistaken, even Velder went through several rebellions due to social unrest.
  • Ara: The request for investigation was denied, and the case left Aren's hands with the order of nondisclosure.
  • Ara: The monsters body was also moved to an unknown location, and after a few days, everyone acted like the incident never happened.
  • Ara: Ever since, my brother couldn't trust anyone.
  • Ara: No matter how much one values the delicate struggle for power, how can anyone prioritize that over human life? What if the negligence today leads to a casualty tomorrow?
  • Ara: Who will be responsible then, when something similar happens again...
  • Eun: .......
  • Eun: Your brother believed that the tragedies he brought about stemmed from his weakness. But that is not the case.
  • Eun: What happened was the result of a conviction that was shattered and rebuilt again and again until it formed a sharp edge.
  • Eun: But destiny is a fickle thing. A path paved with good intentions may still lead you down a fiery path. Especially when you hold a weapon that can very easily turn against you.
  • Ara: ... I only hope our own path, doesn't end the same way.
  • Eve: What happened in Northern Empire indicates that the Order was active before the restoration of Elrianode.
  • Elesis: Aren seemed to think that the Order had something to do with the demon invasion as well. I personally think that's a bit of a stretch...
  • Elesis: But he was directly involved in it, so maybe he noticed a connection we didn't see.
  • Elsword: Well, the Order's headquarters is in the Demon Realm, right? Then let's go and find out.
  • Noah: That... sounds dangerous.
  • Elsword: That's how the Order will think of US.
  • Aisha: Oh, stop it you! Ever since we made it out of the Abyss, your confidence has been through the roof!
  • Aisha: Oh, Noah. I almost forgot... Thank you, for helping the Landar family.
  • Noah: Oh, it's... It's nothing. Anyone else would have done the same...
  • Aisha: Haha, no need to be shy. What you have done is definitely worth the gratitude.
  • Aisha: The Titania that I remember... I actually haven't met her since I was little, but I heard a lot through my relatives.
  • Aisha: That she's hard working, cautious, and leaves a good impression.
  • Aisha: But like a book, I suppose you cannot judge them by the cover...
  • Noah: .......
  • Diana: Yoohoo! Hey, come check this out!
  • Diana: There are letters addressed to you.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Ominous Invitation
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Late Introduction story quest

An invitation from Medovine and Torta. The El Search Party is at a loss by the sudden interest.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Vasili: .......
  • Elesis: Medovine and Torta...? That sounds familiar. Now where did I hear that before...?
  • Vasili: It's here. I, I knew this would happen eventually.
  • Rena: (For someone who expected this to happen, he's shaking from the ears.)"
  • Elsword: Let's open them and see what they say.
  • Chung: Alright. Let's see... There's something written in gold. ...Medo...vine...? Let's see....
  • Chung: I will skip all the introductions. 'As such, I would like to see your skill first hand. It will be an honor if you can show your view and experience as adventurers.'
  • Diana: In short, she would like us to assess her collection. She might even have additional tasks for us afterwards.
  • Ain: An invitation? I've never received an invitation before. Not even in Elrios.
  • Chung: It looks more like a commission than an invitation.
  • Ain: Is that so? ... Wow! A commission! I've never received a commission before.
  • Elesis: Haha... Let's cut them some slack. I don't think anyone had the luxury to send an invitation, what with the consecutive invasion.
  • Add: It does feel peculiar receiving an official invitation in the Demon Realm when we haven't even received one in Elrios.
  • Rena: Huhuhu, if you wanted an invitation, why didn't you say so? When we go back, I'll make sure to send an official invitation through my village.
  • Rose: But why ask us to assess their collection? Shouldn't that be left to the professionals?
  • Chung: Oh, there's more on the back. 'In addition, I would like to assess your skill before commissioning a request. You will be handsomely rewarded for your efforts.'
  • Rena: ... I think Aisha will be good at it.
  • Aisha: I, I think I may be good at it?
  • Add: You're getting too excited about this 'reward'.
  • Rena: Hahaha... But she's called the Queen of Gold. Aren't you curious what she considers a 'handsome reward'?
  • Elsword: Anyway, am I the only one curious about how they knew to send their invitation here?
  • Ciel: I'm sure it's because of the Abyss. An Abyss that size was unprecedented, and for it to disappear overnight... It's truly a historic event.
  • Elsword: Still, rumor sure spreads fast. Is the next one from Torta? Let's see...
  • (FLIP)
  • Ara: What does it say?
  • Elsword: Hm? It's just tally marks. One, two, three... fifteen in total.
  • Aisha: That's it? What about the back?
  • Elsword: Nothing. Fifteen tally marks... What does it mean? Is it symbolizing us?
  • Add: So what is it? It doesn't seem like an invitation.
  • Stirbargen: Oooh, so scary. I bet they're saying something like 'I'll keep my eyes on you, watch out!'
  • Elsword: I don't like the feel of it. Let's put it aside for now.

  • Rose: Request... A request... I wonder what Medovine wants us to do?
  • Eve: Maybe she wants the Heart Core?
  • Ciel: They'll be sorely disappointed when they discover we don't have the Heart Core.
  • Add: It's suspicious. Do we have to go?
  • Chung: It doesn't reflect well if you don't show up after receiving an invitation...
  • Rena: What happened? You're all so unmotivated.
  • Aisha: I'm sure everyone's still tired. It hasn't been that long since we escaped the Abyss.
  • Ciel: It really was a struggle. Everyone gave it their all.
  • Ciel: 'We can't let that go to waste. Let's fight to the end!' Was it?
  • Rena: Hey! Stop that! Don't embarrass me like that!
  • Stirbargen: ... As you suspect, it's unlikely that their intentions are pure.
  • Stirbargen: They too, would have been in danger because of the Abyss. To send an invitation the moment it ended obviously means they want something from you.
  • Stirbargen: But, it might be a good thing for you. They're very well informed, after all.
  • Stirbargen: Lu. Don't you feel frustrated not being able to go back to your land immediately? If you accept their invitation, maybe you'll learn a thing or two about what's happening in the Land of Steel.
  • Lu: Good thing? As if. I reckon Barkat already took over and made it his own.
  • Stirbargen: I wouldn't be so sure. I'm astounded how you could be so laid back.
  • Ciel: (Not this again.)
  • Lu: Hmph, stop it! I know your tricks. You're trying to provoke me and make this into some kind of a bet.
  • Stirbargen: Oh, poo. I thought it might work, since you're more entertaining now. You're so stringent, Lu. Aegirp would have indulged me.
  • Lu: I always thought she was too indulgent.
  • Stirbargen: That's because she's nicer. But wait, we already had a bet going, didn't we?
  • Lu: That too, won't go in your favor.
  • Stirbargen: Sure! I prefer it that way. There's nothing worse than an easy bet.
  • Stirbargen: Sigh, now that there's nothing more entertaining, I guess I should get going, too.
  • Vasili: Where are you headed to?
  • Stirbargen: It's a secret. I'll see you next time. I'll always watch over your accomplishments.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Decision
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Ominous Invitation story quest

After the Red Demon King leaves, the El Search Party contemplate whether or not to accept the request.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lu: Mrr... Tir, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong... I would have considered the possibilities myself without him having to butt in... Mrrrr...!
  • Laby: Tir seems so mean but always helps out. We received a lot of help already.
  • Lu: Help? Don't be mistaken! I told you multiple times. All he's interested in is poking around other people's business for his own entertainment!
  • Laby: Aww... Don't you wanna go, Lu?
  • Aisha: I don't think that's the case. She's just bothered that the Red Demon King specifically told her what to do.
  • Aisha: You know, when you're planning on doing something, but someone nags you about it, so you suddenly don't want to do it?
  • Laby: Mm, Laby don't really get it. What about you, Aisha? Do you wanna go?
  • Aisha: Me? I am curious. Of course, the reward is enticing as well, but as a collector, she must have many interesting artifacts from the Demon Realm, you know?
  • Rose: As the Red Demon King said, people like that tend to be well-informed. I'm sure we can even ask about the Dark El.
  • Rena: Is that so? Hm...
  • Rena: Since they also seem amicable at the moment, I think it's fine to pay her a visit... What do you think, Elsword?
  • Elsword: I agree. We have to pass through the Abyss if we want to avoid those Tarts or whatever, but you said it's still too dangerous.
  • Ain: A casual investigation might be just what we need. But what do I know?
  • Lu: Hmph...
  • Eve: If we became well-known due to the disappearance of the Abyss, it will be good to know what the general consensus is within the Red Demon Territory.
  • Rena: Hm? What do you think? We can get information AND get a read on the situation. Surely then, we would naturally figure out what the Red Demon King meant.
  • Ara: Yes. It's purely for our investigation. Nothing to do with what the Red Demon King said. Right, Lu?
  • Lu: Sigh, you're all incorrigible. Instead of resting to recover, you're all so ready for action.
  • Lu: There's no helping it. I still think we're playing into Tir's tricks... But I'll play along if all of you insist!
  • Laby: Whoopee!!
  • Add: Ridiculous.
  • Rena: So it's decided? Let's get ready! You too, Add. Come on!
  • Vasili: Ah....
  • Diana: Hm...
  • Vasili: Yana. Have you heard anything about the Queen of Gold lately?
  • Diana: Aw honey! You know how long it's been since I left. I only heard bits and pieces from my pen pal.
  • Diana: Something definitely happened due to the Abyss. I heard the Queen let everyone go, so my friend had to go somewhere else.
  • Vasili: Everyone...? I understand that Medovine is much closer to the Abyss than we are, but was that really necessary...?
  • Diana: Hm! Usually, you're the worrywart and I always reassure you, but this time, I got a strange feeling about this one.
  • Diana: It's probably best to have some kind of insurance. Leave it to me! I have an idea.

tr "GFX_ID_39814" = "[Red Demon Territory, Eastern Fields] tr "GFX_ID_39815" = "Yawn... Hmm. tr "GFX_ID_39816" = "You look tired. Rough night? tr "GFX_ID_39817" = "No? I slept well. Yaaawn. tr "GFX_ID_39818" = "Are you sure? You really do look tired. tr "GFX_ID_39819" = "Your eyes are visibly bloodshot. They're also quite dry. tr "GFX_ID_39820" = "It's probably the aftereffects of the Abyss. But it's interesting how the effects differ per person. tr "GFX_ID_39821" = "Let's see, Raven passed out from high fever, Laby had problems with her balance, Ara and I slept for days, and Chung... Sleepwalked. tr "GFX_ID_39822" = "Rose had motion sickness, Add had ringing in his ears with a severe headache... and I believe Lu and Ciel had terrible muscle cramps? There's no commonality at all. Is it all random since the Abyss itself is full of anomalies? tr "GFX_ID_39823" = "Hm, I don't know. I think I see a pattern. tr "GFX_ID_39824" = "What is it? Don't keep it to yourself. tr "GFX_ID_39825" = "All the effects make it harder for the individual to escape the Abyss. With the exception of me and Zero. tr "GFX_ID_39826" = "The whispering voices from the depths of the Abyss, the path that seemed to connect the entire Abyss despite the different stratums... tr "GFX_ID_39827" = "It was like a single organism. tr "GFX_ID_39828" = "Organism? The Abyss? tr "GFX_ID_39829" = "Yes. The symptoms combined make it more difficult to escape the Abyss, until in the end, you are completely absorbed to serve as a nutrient for the Abyss. tr "GFX_ID_39830" = "Uhh! I'm glad we managed to escape. tr "GFX_ID_39831" = "The aftereffects? Come to think of it, I think I dreamed a lot. Not that I remember anything. tr "GFX_ID_39832" = "Hm... Just what are you up to, Tir... tr "GFX_ID_39833" = "No, I'm surely playing into his hands by thinking about it... tr "GFX_ID_39834" = "Mrrmr... I don't know... I don't know! I don't want to seem like I'm obsessing over what he said! tr "GFX_ID_39835" = "(It seems you're plenty obsessing over it already.) tr "GFX_ID_39836" = "Hey, Ciel. Are you listening? tr "GFX_ID_39837" = "...Ah, sorry. What are we talking about? tr "GFX_ID_39838" = "Dreams. Come to think of it, I had a dream recently, too. I wanted to see my family and the Elder. tr "GFX_ID_39839" = "I dreamed about something too, but I'd rather not talk about it. It was really strange. tr "GFX_ID_39840" = "Did you have a nostalgic dream as well, Ciel? What was your sister's name again? ... Tir? tr "GFX_ID_39841" = "It's Terre. Please don't mistake her with the Red Demon King... She was much more adorable. tr "GFX_ID_39842" = "Let's see... I did dream about something. But I don't remember what. tr "GFX_ID_39843" = "Wow, so everyone had similar dreams? That's fascinating. Do you think this is also a type of Dream Demon magic? tr "GFX_ID_39844" = "If everyone dreamed based on what happened in the past, it's 100% due to the Abyss. tr "GFX_ID_39845" = "What does that have anything to do with the Abyss? tr "GFX_ID_39846" = "When someone has sudden flashbacks... tr "GFX_ID_39847" = "... It's a near-death experience? Don't be ridiculous! tr "GFX_ID_39848" = "Hahaha. What about you, Lu? Did you dream about anything? tr "GFX_ID_39849" = "... Hm? A dream? I slept deeply without a single dream. Huhu, were you curious about my past? tr "GFX_ID_39850" = "Yes. I don't think we ever heard about your family or your life in the past. tr "GFX_ID_39851" = "Is that so? I thought I have shared a lot... But I suppose they were mostly of the time with the Demon King or after I met Ciel. tr "GFX_ID_39852" = "Laby wanna know more about Lu, too. Laby is curious why Tir said something like that. What's in Lu's land? Did you have family and close friends? tr "GFX_ID_39853" = "....... tr "GFX_ID_39854" = "The Demon Realm did remind me of many things in my past. I suppose I can share a few.

tr "GFX_ID_39856" = "It may be hard for you to imagine, but before the Demon King, the Demon Realm was much more chaotic. tr "GFX_ID_39857" = "Even more than now? tr "GFX_ID_39858" = "Yes. For example, the Dream Demons act almost indistinguishably from humans. tr "GFX_ID_39859" = "Dream Demons, Aegirp's people... They've all been influenced by humans in some way. I think it's a good thing. tr "GFX_ID_39860" = "A time of chaos and disorder... That was the Demon Realm before I was sealed. tr "GFX_ID_39861" = "It was the same for my land. Though not all of it was mine." tr "GFX_ID_39862" = "Was there another ruler besides you? tr "GFX_ID_39863" = "There was a tyrant by the name, Bifron. Though he was more a monster than a ruler from his actions. tr "GFX_ID_39864" = "He was ruthless beyond comparison. If you rubbed him the wrong way, even a little bit, you were severely punished. tr "GFX_ID_39865" = "Not only that, he had a strange obsession. He saw his people as possessions." tr "GFX_ID_39866" = "As... possessions? tr "GFX_ID_39867" = "He would capture them every opportunity he got and lock them up. As such, his castle had more dungeon cells than living spaces. tr "GFX_ID_39868" = "A previous lord... Is this before the Demon King? That must be at least several centuries ago. tr "GFX_ID_39869" = "That's a long time ago... tr "GFX_ID_39870" = "(...Wait, she was alive several centuries ago?) tr "GFX_ID_39871" = "Huhuhu, that's how it was back then. It's easy to see why his reputation wasn't great. tr "GFX_ID_39872" = "It was to a point that when I managed to defeat him, not a single demon wished to revolt against me. tr "GFX_ID_39873" = "Anyway, he really must have been something else. I thought stories of rulers throwing people in the dungeon was just that, a story. tr "GFX_ID_39874" = "... Yeah! The Lord Laby knows is a really nice person! tr "GFX_ID_39875" = "Hm? Huhu, you're listening so seriously, it's a little embarrassing. tr "GFX_ID_39876" = "I was always curious. But figured we should wait until you felt comfortable sharing. tr "GFX_ID_39877" = "I was starting to think you were full of it, with barely anyone recognizing you despite calling yourself 'queen'. tr "GFX_ID_39878" = "Hohoho, would you like to repeat that again? tr "GFX_ID_39879" = "Hmph. tr "GFX_ID_39880" = "Anyway, I could no longer turn a blind eye to his tyranny and decided to act with the help from Barkat, who was Bifron's subordinate at the time. tr "GFX_ID_39881" = "I snuck inside the dungeon and set everyone free... But could not take back all the harm Bifron has already caused. tr "GFX_ID_39882" = "Of course, what I have done is nothing to scoff at. In fact, that's where the legend of the merciless Steel Queen started... tr "GFX_ID_39883" = "When I defeated him, those who suffered under his rule came forward and asked me to promise not to follow in his footsteps. tr "GFX_ID_39884" = "So I claimed the throne not as a King but as a benevolent ruler, to cut the cycle of violence and open a new era. tr "GFX_ID_39885" = "So that's why you're the Steel Queen, not the Steel King. tr "GFX_ID_39886" = "....... tr "GFX_ID_39887" = "...? What is it, Lu? tr "GFX_ID_39888" = "Uhh, come to think of it, it was Barkat who suggested that as well! It's infuriating to think about it!! tr "GFX_ID_39889" = "Hold the thought, I think we're here. It's the Queen of Gold's Palace. tr "GFX_ID_39890" = "(Blackout)

  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Story of the Past
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Decision story quest

Eastern fields of Red Demon Territory, the past to the Queen of Gold Medovine. Reminded of many memories since arriving in the Demon Realm, Lu tells the El Search Party of the chaotic times before the Demon King appeared.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
  • Region 19~21
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Region 19~21
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other