Story/Chapter 64: Difference between revisions

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An introduction that grips the attention of the crowd comes out of the amplifier and speakers, reverberating throughout the arena.
An introduction that grips the attention of the crowd comes out of the amplifier and speakers, reverberating throughout the arena.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris4}} '''Eris:''' ''Hunters, Adventurers, Thugs, and Spectators! We're now at round 4 and new challengers are joining the fight!''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris4}} '''Eris:''' ''They are up and coming fighters that even caught the eyes of our Boss! Rumor has it they have something to do with the recent Abyss...! Believe it or not!''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''Ugh... Are we really doing the right thing?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''I believe Eris gave us sound advice. A 1 on 1 is much more advantageous for us than an all out war with Tortas.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''True... But being a spectacle seems to put Lu on edge. Maybe we should have stopped her.''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Spectator A:''' ''Come on! Show us a proper fight! Show them that size doesn't matter, kid!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Who are you calling kid! Do you know who you're talking to?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Hm? And who might you be?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''I am the Steel Queen, the true ruler of the Steel Throne! So stop this foolery at once and open the path to the Land of Steel!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''What?! The Steel Queen?! Forgive me, your highness!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''How could I fail to recognize the Steel Queen... Men! What are you waiting for! Show her the way!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Huhu, at least words still go through that thick skull of yours.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''... As if I'd say that.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''Huh?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Ah, I'm sick of it! If I had gold for every instance someone claimed they're the Steel Queen, I'd be as rich as the Queen of Gold!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''The first few, I took them to the wall, but they were all fake! All enticed by promise of the bounty...''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''My brothers! Next time someone claims they're the Steel Queen, beat them up and kick them to the curb!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''I, I, I... I won't stand for this offense! I am the true Steel Queen!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Yeah, yeah. Take her away and send for the next one.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''How dare you! Insolent fool! I won't let you get away with this insult!''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''... There must have been a lot of demons who impersonated Lu.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Since Torta's territory is at the border... All those impersonators must have passed through here.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''Then there must be something that can distinguish the true Steel Queen from the fakes near the border. That's useful information.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''(But a wall? I don't remember Lu mentioning one...)''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''I'm done waiting! Bring him in! Let them face the Champion!''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Come on... Hurry up and show me!''
*''(STOMP, STOMP!)''
*{{StoryIcon|Champion}} '''Champion:''' ''GRRRR....''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Let's go, Raven! Win and take him down a notch!''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris4}} '''Eris:''' ''Unbelievable... The challenger takes down the Champion! What an amazing feat by the challenger!''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Phew, what a relief!''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Of course he wins! It's Raven, after all!''
*{{StoryIcon|Iccus3}} '''Ikus:''' ''Boss! He's stronger than he looks. For the Champion to go down like that!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Of course! I'm the one who picked him, and I'm never wrong.''
*{{StoryIcon|Iccus3}} '''Ikus:''' ''It's not something to celebrate, Boss! We don't have anyone to send out! Shall we close doors for today?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''We can't end the party now. I picked him out, but I know his entourage ain't half bad either.''
*{{StoryIcon|Ricardo}} '''Ricardo:''' ''Let's make them fight each other. Oh, it won't do if they get hurt themselves, so make sure to stop them before it gets too heated.''
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