Story/Chapter 63: Difference between revisions

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The El Search Party follows Eris's guide to the Hunter's Canyon.
The El Search Party follows Eris's guide to the Hunter's Canyon.
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Hello everyone! Can everyone hear me? Your lovely tour guide Eris will give you a brief introduction of the area.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Hello everyone! Can everyone hear me? Your lovely tour guide Eris will give you a brief introduction of the area.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Where we are standing right now is Hunter's Canyon, where Torta's main base is located.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Where we are standing right now is Hunter's Canyon, where Torta's main base is located.''
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*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Hm... Ah! Just in case, shall we corroborate that we captured Ms. Demon?''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Hm... Ah! Just in case, shall we corroborate that we captured Ms. Demon?''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''You...! Stop planning on selling me off!''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''You...! Stop planning on selling me off!''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Oh, there's a large steel gate. That must be the entrance.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Oh, there's a large steel gate. That must be the entrance.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''This should be the right way... But I've never seen that gate before.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''This should be the right way... But I've never seen that gate before.''
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As they pass through the dangerous passage Rena and Elesis comfort Ara.
As they pass through the dangerous passage Rena and Elesis comfort Ara.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''GRRR! GROWL!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''Ugh, ah, I feel, nauseous...''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor3}} '''Clamor:''' ''Are you alright? The air quality must be really bad. Maybe even toxic.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''It's not somewhere we should linger. Since it's impossible not to breathe... We should take in as little as possible. Oof!''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Mmhm.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''......Rena.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Yes, Ara?''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''You tried to tickle me, didn't you!''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Nope! I have no idea what you're talking about!''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''What is it? Why is everyone teasing me today!''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Huhu, sorry! It's just that you were so cute and mopey like that.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''You were thinking about Aren leaving, weren't you? Don't worry about it. I'm sure Aren has his reasons for making his decision.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Sigh... I understand. As I have my own path, my brother has his own.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''I keep... thinking back to when we were escaping the Abyss together with Aren, and how anxious I felt inside.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''I was disappointed about my brother's decision, but at the same time, also felt relief... Is that strange?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''I think I get it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''You do?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Hm... It might be different since I'm the older sister... But whenever I'm fighting with Elsword, I get worried a lot.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''I'm also more careful. Haha, it's like I feel responsible for him all the time.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''When you cherish someone, they become a part of you. When they are hurt, you feel like you're hurt along side with them.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Ara, I think you felt that way because you feel responsible for your brother.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''But Aren seems like someone who has the strength and capability to take care of his own. He's surprisingly resilient.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Though, he also seems like a trouble magnet.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''Yes. He seems like the type who would panic, but still manage to overcome whatever comes his way.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Hahaha... You're right. I think so, too.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''I'm embarrassed. I didn't know you were worried about those kind of things.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''I'm not as worried these days. He is a full-fledged knight, after all. You have to trust the ones you love.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Besides, now there are many others who look after him and play with him for me. Look.''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''... This stuff looks kinda thick. Do you think it's actually water?''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''If you want to know, why don't you stick your hand in it?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''Ew, no! You do it.''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Hm. How about rock paper scissors?''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''Hehe, only if Elsword does it.''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''... You're on! And you can't protect your hand with magic!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''Wait... Are you really doing this...?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''Wouldn't it be too dangerous? I don't think it's a good idea...''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''You chicken?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''I, I'm not chicken! Fine! Let's do this! No spells, and you have to use your bare hand!''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''You can't take back! If you lose, you have to put your bare hand for 5 seconds inside that water without using a spell. Agreed?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''R, Rena? Can you please stop them...?''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''I can't believe you all! Didn't we say loud and clear that you can get electrocuted?''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''... I have analyzed the components. It's full of toxins that, while not immediately effective, have negative long term side effects.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''Do not put your hands in it. Stupid.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''See? He's doing fine. Hahaha.''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''Ahaha... Maybe you should step in for that?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Father once told me, life has many crossroads, but in the end, they all lead to your destination.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Even Lu is going back to her home... A long journey must come to an end, and there will come a time when you can reunite with those you miss. It doesn't matter how soon or late.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Don't think about it too much. Compared to your adventure, the parting will only last a moment.''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*''(BZZT- BE-EEP!)''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''That device... It keeps ringing.''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''Damn it, what's going on? What is it reacting to?''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''Maybe it's a malfunction?''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''It can't be! It's sensing something...! Something ahead...''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''There's something over there!''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''No. It's not that close. It's much farther away.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Uh, no. There's really something coming this way.''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Beast:''' ''GRRR, ROAAR!''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Shh, stay. We have to confirm they're the right ones. One, two, three...''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''I think they're the one! Yo! You must be the guests Boss was looking for! I'm not sure why you came this way, but welcome!''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''Are you the guide that will take us to King of Torta?''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''There's no need for a guide! This is the only path, and it will lead you straight to our base.''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''I'm here to test the challengers that come this way!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Whoa...! A test! We have to take a test, even though we're guests?''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Yup! Shaddie and friends are responsible to check everyone's skill and condition!''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Why would you care about our condition if fighting is the goal.''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Understood. We need to face you to pass?''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''But that means we're at the final stretch. Come on, everyone!''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Ooh! That's cool! Then I, Shaddie, will also give it my all!''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Let's go, Checky! Tweety! Attack!''
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*Complete the '''For the Eventual Reunion''' story quest
*Complete the '''For the Eventual Reunion''' story quest
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The El Search Party continues down the path to face the next opponent 'Jecky' after safely completing Shaddie's trial.
The El Search Party continues down the path to face the next opponent 'Jecky' after safely completing Shaddie's trial.
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''(Oh, there's no visible scar on her face either.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Ooh, you're all very strong. Great! Maybe it's Shaddie who should step up the game!''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Is this enough to prove ourselves?''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Almost! Jecky will handle you next. Good luck! I have to go report to Mr. Bossman!''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Goodbye, Shaddie! Say hello for me!''
*{{StoryIcon|Shaddie}} '''Shaddie:''' ''Oh, ok Eri! See you later!''
*''... ... ... ...''
*{{StoryIcon|AS}} '''Aisha:''' ''She's lively...''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Come to think of it, I didn't ask because everyone seemed to avoid the issue, but what is the King of Torta like?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''Diana mentioned him a couple of times, but she didn't say anything other than him being a 'hooligan with no class'.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''You mean something that's useful when you're facing Boss?''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Let's see... You're not prey, so there's one less thing to worry about.''
*{{StoryIcon|CC}} '''Chung:''' ''I get the impression that he wants to win us over... How do we refuse without offending him?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''What were you going to do, Raven? You said you wanted to settle with your own hands.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''... I'm going to ask for a fight.''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''And then?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''Punch him with my fists.''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''... And then...?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''Nothing.''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''You don't have a plan?!''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''An insomniac's grudge is truly terrifying.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''Sigh... Raven always seems so calm and collected, yet is easily riled up.''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''Hm, but as a swordsman, it's disrespectful to turn down a fight.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''You're no exception, Elesis.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Oho, that sounds like a good idea! Ask for a 1 on 1 duel and list your demands.''
*{{StoryIcon|CEs}} '''Eve:''' ''Isn't it useless if the King doesn't follow through with the promise?''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Nah, Boss is definitely a man of his words. He never breaks a promise.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Oh, but he may play around with words if he thinks it's more entertaining...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Zero}} '''Zero:''' ''So he is still a man of his words.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''But if we must win to make demands, the risk of losing is that much greater.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Unlike our Lord, Boss is impulsive! He might accept as long as it sounds entertaining enough. What do you have to lose?''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''I have a request to make. If I lose and risk everyone being held hostage...''
*{{StoryIcon|ES}} '''Elesis:''' ''No need to say another word! If you lose, we'll run away as fast as we can.''
*{{StoryIcon|Eris3}} '''Eris:''' ''Tada! That's what this frame is for!''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''And... we'll do everything we can to come rescue you.''
*{{StoryIcon|DyB}} '''Rena:''' ''So don't worry about us and fight to your heart's content.''
*{{StoryIcon|RH}} '''Raven:''' ''I'm sorry for my stubbornness. Just let me have this one.''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''Ugh... The air quality is really bad here. My eyes are stinging.''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''It will hurt worse if you rub them.''
*{{StoryIcon|Chv}} '''Ciel:''' ''Ugh, cough! Cough! Shouldn't the exit be right around now?''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''She did mention another trial. I wonder what will come next?''
*{{StoryIcon|Min}} '''Rose:''' ''A 'Jecky', so it's likely another Dream Demon.''
*{{StoryIcon|DB}} '''Add:''' ''I'm done with this dark, stuffy place. Maybe it will be easier to catch the signal outside...''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Laby's excited to meet Jecky! Where would Jecky be? Maybe Jecky is waiting somewhere around here?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Jecky! Jecky where are you?''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Ooh, Jecky's here! Where's Jecky?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lib}} '''Noah:''' ''It's not up, it's down! Something's coming up!''
*''GRRR... RIBBIT....''
*{{StoryIcon|Aps}} '''Ara:''' ''It's similar to the beasts we saw earlier. It's much bigger and looks more powerful!''
*{{StoryIcon|Blu}} '''Ain:''' ''Wait... There's something written on the cage. I'm not that familiar with Demon Realm script yet. J... Ja...''
*{{StoryIcon|Ish}} '''Lu:''' ''It says Jabberwock.''
*{{StoryIcon|KE}} '''Elsword:''' ''This is Jecky?!''
*{{StoryIcon|RaS}} '''Laby:''' ''Ooooh...? Jecky... is a slippery friend!''
*{{StoryIcon|Jabberwock}} '''Jecky:''' ''GRRR...ROAR!''
|ED= 1,350,000
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|EXP= 5,154,470
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