Story/Lithia Chapter 2: Difference between revisions

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|Description=Exhausted, Lithia and others return to camp to rest.
|Description=Exhausted, Lithia and others return to camp to rest.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Lithia:''' ''[When we came back to the camping site, we were absolutely exhausted.]''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Lithia:''' ''[Of course, considering the hikes and the battles, it's understandable, but... I think the load in our hearts played a bigger role.]''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Lithia:''' ''[Though we had no other option, we killed a holy beast, and we were unable to figure out who was behind the lake or what purpose they had.]''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Lithia:''' ''[We were worried about the perpetrator that polluted the lake, so we renewed the protection spells and decided to take turns night watching.]''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Lithia:''' ''[But sleep didn't come easy, as we were all troubled.]''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''We saw this in Sander, but the Demon Invasion has become a feature.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I think it's possible that the people behind it are ruffians who are trying to make the most out of this situation.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''But what good can come out of something like this?''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''It's a terrible thought... But wouldn't it be more beneficial to do something where it's noticeable, if they wanted to make profit out of it?''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Let's not dwell on it too much. It would be difficult to figure things out with how little we know.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''... ... ... ... Ahh... This doesn't work either.''
*''(FLIP, FLIP)''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''La cumen otuasa... Mi ne etuaro...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''You... Are you going to go through every curse related spell in that book? I need to work, you know.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''We need to do whatever we can. Unless you want to live with that curse.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Surely it won't last forever.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''And... I don't think this is a curse.''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''I wish it wasn't either.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''But regardless of my wish, it's more likely to be one. So I'm going to try everything and you can't stop met!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Ahhh... bother...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Huhu....''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Oh, Mathi. How is your wound. You were injured injuring the fight at the lake.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''My wittle Mathi is hurt?! How terrible! We need to get it healed at once!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''What? No, it's fine! I already treated most of it, so there's nothing left to do!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Uh uh, no can do! A healer should prioritize looking after themselves!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''How can I sleep at night when you are injured, my dear friend! No! My heart won't allow it!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''You're trying to get out of treating your curse, aren't you?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Hehehe... Come now, I'll fix you up!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''N, no! You're terrible at healing...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''ACK!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Excuse you, I am perfectly capable in casting healing spells.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Uh... It made some terrifying noise...''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Oh! This must have been the first method of healing! Using the patient's own stamina as restorative energy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Yup. You're quick to learn. I'm proud of you. How about it? What to change careers and become a magician's apprentice?''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Haha, but I can't use magic. Do you still want me as your apprentice?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Better than becoming a monarch. Haha!''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''Oh my, that's very tempting. Hahaha!''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Ah, healing aches... Can't... move...''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''Debilitating me to avoid treatment and having fun without me...''
*{{StoryIcon|Mathi2}} '''Mathi:''' ''You... underhanded... ugh....''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Lithia:''' ''[...And that's how the night at Zaya Mountains ended.]''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''So... What did you two talk about, after knocking me out with terrible healing aches?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Do you even need to ask? You're just an illusion created from my memory anyway.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''You know everything I know already.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''I'm telling you... I'm not just an illusion!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''Sigh... Why do I even bother. Pretend that I don't know. You have to remember properly, or there's no reason for doing this.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Ugh, fine... We talked about stuff. How she used to live, what she's going to do when we arrive in Velder, that kind of stuff.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I finished a scroll I had worked on with the libra herbs and listened to Vera talk.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I was putting off finishing this because I ran out of ink, but good thing.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Wow... So this is where you use the flower.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Be careful. If you rip it by accident, it's ging to activate right away.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|You said it's a teleportation scroll? Where does it go?}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Wherever. It's great if you want to leave without a set destination.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''After that was an extension of the earlier conversation.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I asked why she decided to go to Velder.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Did they think they can get rid of the threat by sending you far away since you're so far down the line of succession?}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Yes. But due to an unprecedented incident that happened in the capital, everyone in the line of succession...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|And now it's your turn. It's astonishing how everything spiraled...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|But if you're planning on refusing, why do you have to go? It's going to be hard to refuse when you have to see them face-to-face.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|.......}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Family to me, are people who threatened my life.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|That's why after I left Velder, I never thought about seeing them, or hoped to hear from them.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|But... when I heard about what happened in Velder...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I was scared. But I was scared even more by the fact that I was feeling lonely.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Can you imagine?}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|The feeling of numerous ties that connects me and my family all being severed overnight due to a terrible disaster...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Vera hugged her legs as if she felt cold.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''... I don't think it was a cold night.''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|This brooch is my grandmother's. It's the symbol of the royal family, and it was passed to me through Mathi.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I accepted it without thinking, but... Huhu, it felt warm.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|As if blood is coursing through it. Strange, isn't it?}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|That moment, this brooch became the connection that tied me to the few relatives that I have left.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|That's when I decided, that I will return to Velder to refuse, and hand the brooch back myself.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|So... It's merely an excuse to say I wanted to see the family that survived the tragedy.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|.......}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''I see...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I was somehow moved by that story... So I told her mine.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''The story of Joy and Felix.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I didn't have as many as you, and we were not connected by blood... But I had a family too.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Joy took me in, so I spent my childhood in the house by the hill owned by the Beryl family.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|The house wasn't big, but definitely felt more cramped when Felix moved in, and Joy started a new research for Felix.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|You see... Felix wasn't from this world.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Was he... a demon?}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Yeah. You don't seem surprised.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Earlier, when we faced the demons, I was terrified and frozen in place.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|While neither of you were that affected. That's when I thought...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Ah, these people are used to demons.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I see. Haha, I guess I wasn't the only one figuring things out.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|We were happy... But that happiness didn't last long. I did something stupid.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Everything fell apart when I, scared that Joy and Felix would leave me behind, meddled in Joy's research.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Because of me, we were all separated.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Joy went somewhere far, far away where I can't follow her... And Felix and I decided to go our separate ways.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|It would be great if I knew, if he's still in Elrios, or if he found a way back to the Demon Realm...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|.......}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Just like your brooch, I have Joy's research.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I want to complete it for Joy, since she couldnt' finish it because of me.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Do you accept missions and requests because of the research?}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Heheh, it's an expensive research.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|I see. I think it's admirable to continue your family's will. You're amazing, Lithia.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|It's funny you say that. You could do it, too.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Inherit the throne? That's... It's a terrible punishment for the people of Velder.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Vera}} '''Vera:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|He, hehe.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Hahaha!}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''So that's what you talked about. You must have become pretty close to Vera that night.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''I know you. You don't like new people. Do you even have any friends other than me?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''If you ask me that one more time, I'm going to take you off my friend list.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Well... I suppose I have a soft spot for people like Vera.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''What about her?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''You know. Kinda like you, and me...''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''The fact that we were all once unwanted kids?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''Ah....''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''I think that's where I felt a connection. I wanted to be nice, because I pitied her in someway...''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''But... I never thought you would have told her about Joy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''Huhu, it reminds me of her.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Who, Vera? I don't know. She's nice and kind, but I don't find her reliable like Joy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''In fact, it was me that was doing the caring. Haha, first Mathi, and now Vera, they both require so much care.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''I'm talking about you, dummy. The way you treat Vera reminds me of Joy.''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''Vera seems to think of you as an older sister as well.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Me? Me...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''Noooo! Me and Joy? Don't be ridiculous! Hahaha!''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''Of course, Vera is not like you at all.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''The Lithia I know, was a total troublemaker who got into fights with other kids and always causing problems.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} '''Lithia:''' ''What did you say?''
*{{StoryIcon|Rift}} '''Rift:''' ''-''
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