Story/Lithia Chapter 6: Difference between revisions

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|Description=Lithia holds her breath to listen to her client and the duke.
|Description=Lithia holds her breath to listen to her client and the duke.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''We have done as you have ordered.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Though the plan was thwarted or misfired in some places without quite achieving the desired effect...''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''That too, is within the realm of our calculations, so it should pose a problem. Our goal is not to ruin Elrios, after all.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''Sometimes you need a hard hand to week out the weak.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''Yes. In that perspective, an invasion may not be too bad.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(... What? What is he saying?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''A true blessing in disguise. When the Invasion first happened, I thought I was witnessing the end of the world...''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''But to think, I was able to turn that into an opportunity. Ha! It's all thanks to you. It was a blessing to be able to make a move before them.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''I will lay down the foundation with this opportunity I got.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Doesn't he realize how many people suffered because of the Invasion? What a piece of trash!)''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''It was an ideal situation for the both of us. With this, Velder gains the opportunity to quell the rebellion and a justification to retrieve the El...''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''... And we gain the opportunity to enter Elrianode.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Retrieve the El? How?)''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Now that we've planted the seeds of fear, it's time to sprout those seeds.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''What's soon to happen during the celebrated festival will be the signal that spreads out throughout the land.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Everything will go back to how it was when the El is returned... When more and more voices claim the same thing, it will become a reason that cannot be ignored.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''It's all going according to plan. However, you should stay vigilant until it's over.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''... Which reminds me, how is the princess? Will she be any use for us?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''Tsk, not at all. I thought I could mold her to my liking sine she's essentially a commoner, but she had more of a bite than I expected.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''She kept prattling on, nitpicking on everything since she took a look at the speech.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Nitpicking?''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''She said, the speech should focus on consoling the people more than talk about the glory and the revival of the Kingdom.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Oh dear... How unfortunate.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''If she were a self-important child believing to be the next monarch, she could have avoided an immediate... misfortune.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''There's nothing more unyielding than a weed on the road. Tell them to proceed with the plans.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''I suppose congratulations are in order... Your Majesty.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''Watch your mouth. You don't know who's listening.''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''And it won't be me. The title will be given to my son.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Technicalities. You humble me, Lord Laudius.''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(......What?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Wait, let's calmly think about this. I think I can match this with the information I know.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(That member of the Society said her goal was to enter Elrianode. Does that relate to my job in some way?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Maybe it wasn't an ecological research...)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(The El... Each of the Els that was spread across Elrios are now all gathered in Elrianode.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Retrieving the El... Do they mean they're going to take the El back from Elrianode? Justification? ...Ah!)''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Denice Resident A:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|It's the wrath of the Goddess. She's punishing us for losing the El.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Denice Resident D:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|It's because the Water El is no longer with us! This is all because Hamel...}}''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''{{color|#F1670A|Everything will go back to how it was when the El is returned... When more and more voices claim the same thing, it will become a reason that cannot be ignored.}}''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Create a justified cause by causing panic?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(To make it seem like the tragedies are happening due to the El disappearing?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(The signal of the Festival... ...Vera?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(!! Vera is in danger! Vera was their target all along!)''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Soldier C:''' ''Who's there!''
*{{StoryIcon|Lithia}} ''Lithia:''' ''(Damn it, they got me...! I need to find Vera!)''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''Soldier C:''' ''An intruder! Get her!''
*{{StoryIcon|Laudius}} '''Laudius:''' ''...! What is going on?''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''Oh my... You were right. There was someone listening in our conversation.''
*{{StoryIcon|SocietyMember}} '''Society Member:''' ''There's no need for concern. I'll take care of it while you get ready for the Festival.''
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