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{{DISPLAYTITLE: 3-x: Unterwelt}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE: 3-X: Unterwelt}}
{{Languages|Dragon Nest: Abyss}}
| Color={{ColorSel|Village|3}}
| DunButton=3-XButton.png
| SmallPic=3-x_(Renewal)DE.png
<center>{{quotation|Kaya's Plan ist noch nicht vorbei. Die verbotene und versiegelte Tür in die Unterwelt zu öffnen.}}</center>
| BigPic=3x-newDE.jpg
{| width="100%" style="font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;"
| DunName=Unterwelt
| valign="top" style="border:2px solid #f7812b; border-radius: 1px;"|
| Quotation=Noch hat Kaya seinen hinterhältigen Plan nicht vollständig in die Tat umgesetzt. Die verbotene und versiegelte Tür zur Unterwelt...
{| cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" rules="all" style="margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; empty-cells:show;"
| Description=Ein Ort in der Tiefe der verfluchten Unterwelt. Eine verbotene Lavahöhle der Echsenmenschen, in der sich Kaya versteckt hat.
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Beschreibung:'''
| LvNeed=70-99
| LvFit=90
| XEntryReq=<dfn>{{</dfn>
*Eine '''Geheimdungeon-Zutrittserlaubnis''' [[File:HQ Shop Item 700015.png|50px]] muss im Inventar sein.
*Kann erst mit einem Level von 70 oder höher betreten werden.
| Mob=<dfn>{{</dfn>
|'''Saurus-Antreiber''' - Ähnlich zu den Saurus-Kriegern im [[Bethma Lake (Night)/de|Besma-See (Nacht)]], abgesehen davon, dass ihre Rüstung dicker ist und sie nun einen Helm tragen. Die Wächter können sich selbst ebenfalls einen K.O.-Schutz verleihen, wenn sie angreifen und ihren Schwellenwert erreicht haben. Normalerweise löst sich der K.O.-Schutz kurz vor der Attacke wieder auf, anders als bei der normalen Version.
|width="100%" colspan="12" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
Even though the team believed that the conflict with the Lizardmen was over, Kayak was still at large and news has sprung up of his latest plan.
|'''Schattenechsen-Schamane''' - Ähnlich zu den Echsenschamanen in der Besma-Region. Er kann das [[Magic Missile/de|Magische Geschoss]] mehrmals hintereinander beschwören und erhält im Hölle-Modus einen K.O.-Schutz während er sich heilt.
|rowspan="6" | [[File:3x-newDE.jpg|800px]]
|align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="12" | '''Empfohlenes Level:'''
|'''Echsenkrieger''' - Ähnlich zu den [[Dragon Road/de|Echsenkriegern]] um [[Dragon Road/de|Drachenweg]], abgesehen dass dieser seine Wirbelwind-Attacke immer einsetzen kann, sobald er im Hölle-Modus seinen Schwellenwert erreicht.
| style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" colspan="12" | 50-70
|'''Schattenechse''' - Ähnlich zu den Schattenkriegern im [[Bethma Lake (Night)/de|Besma-See (Nacht)]]. Diese Version kann nun Speere werfen (mit einem K.O.-Schutz) und trägt einen Helm.
!" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="12" Benötigtes Item-Level (Normal):{{!}}
|'''Feuer-Komodo''' - Ähnlich zu den Feuer-Komodos aus der Besma-Region, abgesehen davon, dass dieser schneller und öfter Feuer spucken kann. Er erhält ebenfalls vor und während des Feueratems einen K.O.-Schutz, oder wenn er geschlagen wird. Anders als die Armbrust-Soldaten im [[Wally's Underground Laboratory/de|Untergrundlabor]], die nur K.O.-Schutz erhalten, wenn sie von hinten getroffen werden, erhalten die Komodos diesen bei jeder Art von Attacke für die Dauer ihrer Stun-Animation (straucheln).
| style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" colspan="12" | 70
|'''Knochengargoyle''' - Fliegende Gargoyle-Skelette, welche dasselbe Angriffsschema wie die [[Shrine of Dedication Entrance/de|Wyverns]] besitzen.
| General=<dfn>{{</dfn>
|'''Manipulierter Saurus-Soldat''': Die Attacken dieses Saurus entsprechen denen der normalen Version. Ihr K.O.-Schutz hält länger an.
-Hat einen Schwellenwert von 30 Treffern.
!" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="12" Benötigtes Item-Level (Hölle):{{!}}
|'''Dunkler Berauk''': Die Attacken des Berauks entsprechen denen der Version im [[Dragon Nest/de|Drachennest]].
-Hat einen Schwellenwert von 20 Treffern.
| style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" colspan="12" | 85
|'''Manipulierter Echsenkrieger''': Dieser beeinflusste Echsenkrieger besitzt die selben Attacken wie der normale '''Echsenkrieger'''.
-Hat einen Schwellenwert von 30 Treffern..
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Eintrittsvorraussetzungen:'''
|'''Schattenkrieger''': Die Attacken dieses Gegners entsprechen denen des Bosses aus dem [[Bethma Lake (Night)/de|Besma-See (Nacht)]].
-Hat einen Schwellenwert von 20 Treffern.
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
*Alle Dungeons in [[Bethma/de|Besma]] auf Experte geschafft.
|'''Manipulierter Echsen-Kriegshäuptling''': Die Attacken dieses Gegners entsprechen denen des [[Monster_List/Bethma/Field_Boss/de|Feldbosses]], der in der Besma-Region erscheinen kann.
*Man braucht "Karte zur Unterwelt" im Inventar. (Geheimkarte zur Unterwelt ist für den Hölle Modus benötigt)
*Man muss Level 50 oder höher sein.
-Hat einen Schwellenwert von 30 Treffern.  
| Obstacle=<dfn>{{</dfn>
|'''Totem''' - Ein fixiertes Totem, das aktiviert wird, sobald sich ein Spieler nah an ihm befindet. Es sprüht eine kleine horizontale Feuersäule aus.
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" width="100%" colspan="12"| '''Feinde:'''
|'''Geysir''' - Ein Loch, dass Feuer ausspucken und Verbrennungen verursachen kann. Es wird ausgelöst, wenn ein Spieler in der Nähe steht.
| colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" valign="top" width="100%" |
|[[File:Large Boulder.png|60px]]
|'''Großer Felsbrocken''' - Ein gigantischer Felsbrocken, der einen Hügel herunter gestoßen wird, gefolgt von kleineren Brocken. Dieser Stein plättet den Spieler bei einem Treffer eine längere Zeit und richtet relativ hohen Schaden an.
'''Saurus Guardian''' - Similar to the '''Saurus Guardians''' in [[3-3|Bethma Lake (Night)]], except that its armor has more intricate patterns and it now wears a helmet. It also super armors itself frequently when attacking and possesses a stoic threshold.  It will usually drop its super armor before attacking unlike the normal version.<br>
*Es ist weiterhin möglich, diese Felsbrocken zu vermeiden. Siehe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evWDJM2LKN8 Video]. Aktuell können nur [[Aisha/de|Aisha]], [[Yama Raja/de|Yama-raja]] dank ihres Schwebens und [[Eve/de|Eve]] durch ihr Gleiten diesen Trick ausführen.
'''Shadow Shaman Lizardman''' - Similar to the Shaman Lizardmen seen in the Bethma Region, except that it can summon [[High Magician]]'s [[Magic Missile]] in a row, and super armor itself while healing on Hell Mode.<br>
'''Lizardman Warrior''' - Similar to the [[3-1|Lizardman Warriors]] in [[3-1|Dragon Road]], except that it can use a spinning whirlwind attack whenever it reaches its stoic threshold on Hell Mode.<br>
'''Shadow Warrior''' - Similar to the [[3-3|Shadow Warrior]] in [[3-3|Bethma Lake (Night)]], but their attack are similar to '''Lizardman Warrior'''. This version only has one sword and so cannot transform it into a boomerang like the boss version.<br>
'''Shadow Lizardman''' - Similar to the '''Shadow Lizardmen''', in [[3-3|Bethma Lake (Night)]], except that it can now throw spears (while in super armor) and wears a helmet.<br>
'''Fire Komodo''' - Similar to the Fire Komodos seen in the Bethma Region, except that it breathes fire faster and more often. It also super armors itself before & during it breathes fire and when struck. Also, whenever attacked they will gain super armor for the duration of their stun animation, unlike Crossbowmen Soldier in [[2-x]] it only gain super armor when hit from behind.
*These enemies drop Heated Scales needed for crafting and are more common on the 'bottom' route through the stage.<br>
'''Flame Bat''' - Similar to the Flame Bats seen in the Bethma Region, it will try to latch onto players and self destruct, its explosion does enormous damage.<br>
'''Bone Gargoyle''' - Flying gargoyle skeletons that attack in a similar manner to [[5-1|Wyverns]].<br>
== General ==
'''Saurus General''': This mob's attack is virtually similar to regular mobs but its stoic lasts longer.
'''Dark Berauk''': This mob's attack is virtually similar when he appears as a miniboss in [[3-4]].
'''Lizardman General''': This mob's attack is virtually similar to '''Lizardman Warrior'''.
'''Shadow Warrior''': This mob's attack is virtually similar to when it appears as a boss in [[3-3]].
'''Captain Vescoo''': This mob's attack is virtually similar to when it appears as a field boss in [[Bethma]].
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" width="100%" colspan="12"| '''Mini Boss:'''
|[[File:3-X Small Boulder.png|60px]]
|'''Kleiner Felsbrocken''' - Ein kleiner Felsbrocken, der einen Hügel herunterrollt und Spieler K.O. wirft. Er richtet relativ wenig Schaden an.
| colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" valign="top" width="100%" |
*Dank des grollenden Geräusches seiner Bewegung, kann man feststellen, wie weit sich der Stein entfernt befindet.
'''Dark Berauk''' - A stronger version of the boss of [[3-2|Bethma Lake]], fights identically to the boss version minus the ability to summon more minions.
| Boss=<dfn>{{</dfn>
|'''Schattenschamane Kaya''' - Der Boss des [[Dragon Nest/de|Drachennests]] ist zurück. Seine Bewegungen sind identisch, doch er beschwört einen Klon, der ihm im Kampf hilft.
-''Beschwörung:'' Kaya beschwört sofort einen Klon, der ihn im Kampf unterstützt.  
-''Schlag:'' Kaya schlägt mit seinem Stab zu.
-''Energy Ball:'' Berauk fires a ball of energy at you.
-''[[Chain Fireball/de|Kettenfeuerball]]:'' Kaya bewegt seine Arme nach vorne und schießt drei Feuerbälle ab.
-''Thunder:'' Berauk will summon a smashing thunder in front of him.
-''[[Magic Missile/de|Magisches Geschoss]]:'' Wie Berauk kann auch Kaya eine geschwächte Version des '''Magischen Geschosses''' beschwören, das dem Spieler folgt. Anders als Berauks Geschoss macht dieses allerdings mehr Schaden.
-''Power Accelerator:'' Berauk will buff his attack power.
-''Leuchtfeuer:'' Kaya hebt eine Hand hoch und beschwört zwei Feuersäulen, um mehr Platz zu gewinnen. Diese verursachen Verbrennungen.
-''[[Magic Missile]]:'' Berauk will cast a flying '''[[Magic Missile]]''' from his hands that'll follow you!
-''Multiple Geysire:'' Kaya besitzt die Fähigkeit, eine verbesserte Version des [[Triple Geyser/de|Triadengeysirs]] zu verwenden. Er hebt seinen Stab und beschwört vier Geysire um sich herum, die jedem in Reichweite hohen Schaden zufügen.
-''[[Lightning Shower]]:'' Berauk's strongest skill: the boss will raise his staff high into the air when he has full MP and cast multiple '''Thunders''' all around him. They are much more quicker and are harder to dodge.
|[[File:Kayak SHShman Clone.png|60px]]
|'''Schattenschamane Kaya (Klon)''' - In vielerlei Hinsicht identisch zum Bossgegner, sogar der Name ist derselbe. Er besitzt dieselben Fähigkeiten, hat allerdings nur die Hälfte seiner HP und ist etwas dunkler in seiner Erscheinung. Der Klon stirbt automatisch, sobald das Original getötet wird.
'''Beachtende Sachen: '''<br>
-Appears only in the 'top' route through the stage.<br>
-''Schlag:'' Kaya schlägt mit seinem Stab zu.
-In Luto Mode, Dark Berauk is a regular enemy that appears throughout the stage.<br>
-8/28/2013 KR: This miniboss becomes a General monster because there is no bottom path anymore.<br>
'''Shadow Warrior (Large)''' - A giant version of the Shadow Warrior boss in [[3-3|Bethma Lake (Night)]], except that it is larger and has much higher attack speed.
-''[[Chain Fireball/de|Kettenfeuerball]]:'' Kaya bewegt seine Arme nach vorne und schießt drei Feuerbälle ab.
-''Swipe:'' The Lizardman will run over to you and use its dual swords to repeatedly hit you.
-''[[Magic Missile/de|Magisches Geschoss]]:'' Wie Berauk kann auch Kaya eine geschwächte Version des '''Magischen Geschosses''' beschwören, das dem Spieler folgt. Anders als Berauks Geschoss macht dieses allerdings mehr Schaden.
-''Boomerang:'' A very strong skill, the Shadow Lizardman will throw its swords across the field like a boomerang slashing anything that gets in its way. If you are behind it when their swords return, you will be hit.
-''Leuchtfeuer:'' Kaya hebt eine Hand hoch und beschwört zwei Feuersäulen, um mehr Platz zu gewinnen. Diese verursachen Verbrennungen.
-''[[Parry]]:'' Like [[Elsword]]'s [[Parry]] skill, the boss will put up a stance and if you hit him during it, he'll deflect your attack and counter you with his swords, sending you high up into the air.
-''Multiple Geysire:'' Kaya besitzt die Fähigkeit, eine verbesserte Version des [[Triple Geyser/de|Triadengeysirs]] zu verwenden. Er hebt seinen Stab und beschwört vier Geysire um sich herum, die jedem in Reichweite hohen Schaden zufügen.
'''Beachtende Sachen: '''<br>
-This enemy can drop the same accessory as the stage boss version.<br>
-In Luto Mode this is a regular enemy that appears throughout the stage.<br>
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Hindernisse:'''
|'''Knochendrache''' - Am Ende des ersten Bosskampfes beschwört der Schattenschamane den '''Antiken Knochendrachen''', der in der Mitte der Stage Feuer ausatmet, sobald er erschienen ist (die Flammen können Spieler während der Cutszene bereits verletzen). Dann fliegt der Knochendrache zum rechten Teil des Bildschirms und der Kampf beginnt.
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
-''Spießende Knochenspeere:'' Der Drache steigt mit seinen Vorderbeinen auf die Plattform und wirft die Spieler dabei in die Luft. Danach feuert er einige Knochen ab, die hohen Schaden verursachen.
'''Totem''' - An inert Totem that stands still. But don't get too close to it or else fire will come out of its mouth straight at you!<br>
'''Geyser''' - A hole that spits fire at intervals and can cause burning damage. They are triggered by proximity<br>
'''Large Boulder''' - A giant boulder that is pushed down hills ahead of the smaller boulders, flattens players for a long period of time and does extremely high damage.
*In Luto Mode there is an endless stream of these boulders.
*8/28/2013 KR : In Luto Mode these boulders only roll once, which are then followed by Small Boulders like Normal and Hell Mode.<br>
'''Small Boulder''' - Similar to that of [[2-3]], there will be vents that will exert steam at regular intervals that can damage you.
*You can generally tell how close they are by listening to the rumbling sounds of their movement.<br>
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Boss:'''
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
'''Kayak the Shadow Shaman''' - The boss from [[3-4|Dragon's Nest]] is back.  His moves are exactly the same except he immediately summons a clone to aid in battle.
-''Kopfschlag:'' Der Drache geht einige Schritte zurück und schwingt seinen Kopf nach rechts. Dabei verursacht er mittelmäßigen Schaden und schmeißt die Spieler in die Luft.
-''Summon:'' Kayak will immediately summon a clone to aid in battle.
-''Drachenfeuer'': Der Drache atmet kurz Rauch aus, steigt mit seinen Vorderbeinen auf die Plattform, um die Spieler in die Luft zu werfen und atmet dann über eine lange Strecke Feuer aus, welches den Spieler nach hinten mitreißt. Der Feueratem verursacht einen hohen Combo-Schaden und verursacht starke Verbrennungen. Diese Attacke wird vom Knochendrachen oft verwendet, wenn sein Kopfschlag erfolgreich war.
-''Whack:'' Whacks you with his staff.
-''Flug-Drachenfeuer:'' Der Knochendrache versucht diese Fähigkeit meist zu Beginn des Kampfes einzusetzen. Er fliegt zur anderen Seite der Höhle und kehrt dann zurück. Dabei speit er Feuer auf den Boden. Im Hölle- oder Luto-Modus macht er dies nicht nur zwei Mal, due Abstände zwischen jedem Feueratem wird nach jedem Mal auch geringer. Sollte ein Spieler vom Feueratem getroffen werden, kann er sich durch die schnellen Treffer nicht mehr bewegenNachdem der Knochendrache den Atem eingesetzt hat, tritt ein Cooldown von 30 Sekunden ein. Er tendiert ebenfalls weniger dazu, die Fähigkeit einzusetzen, wenn er aktiv attackiert wird.
-''Feuerregen:'' Der Knochendrache speit Feuerkugeln in die Luft und ein Flammenregen fällt auf die Mitte des Schlachtfeldes herab.
-''[[Chain Fireball]]:'' Kayak puts his arm in front of himself and fires three fireballs.
-''[[Magic Missile]]:'' Like '''Berauk''', Kayak can also summon a weakened version of [[Magic Missile]] that follows you.
-''Bonfire:'' Kayak will raise one of his hands and summon two fiery pillars that enables him for more space. If you touch one, you'll get burned, so watch out!
-''Multiple Geyser:''  Kayak is capable of using an enhanced version of [[Elsword]]'s [[Triple Geyser]] skill. Raising his staff, Kayak will summon four Geysers all around him, doing very heavy damage to all those near him.
'''Kayak the Shadow Shaman (Clone)''' - Identical to the boss in many ways, even the name is exactly the same. It has same abilities as the boss, the main difference being the clone has roughly half as much HP and is slightly darker in appearanceThe clone will die automatically if its original is killed.
*[[File:Ancient_Bone_Dragon_Head.jpg|120px]] '''Knochendrache'''
At the end of the sub-boss battle, '''Kayak the Shadow Shaman''', summons the '''Ancient Bone Dragon''' which will breathe flame at the center of the stage immediately after it's summoned. (Though this is a cutscene, the flame can still injure you substantially.) The Ancient Bone Dragon then flies to the right of the screen and the fight starts.
'''aufspießende Knochenspeere''': The dragon steps up with its front leg onto the platform, which will propel you upwards, then fires a few bones at you dealing high damage.<br/>
'''Kopf-Schlag''': The dragon steps back, then swings its head to the right, dealing moderate damage while propelling you upwards.<br/>
'''Flammenatem''': The dragon breathes smoke momentarily, then steps up with its front leg onto the platform, which will propel you upwards, then breathes a long stretch of fire, continuously juggling you. This deals extremely high combo damage and the burning ailment will further intensify it.  It will often use this move after a successful '''Head-whack'''.<br/>
'''Flammenatem aus der Luft''': The dragon will usually try to use this skill right at the start of the fight.  It flies up and over to the other end of the cave and then back while breathing fire on the ground, on Hell or Luto Mode it will not only do this twice but the delay between breaths will be less after each pass. If you get caught by the fire breath, you will be stun-locked due to the rapid hits.  There is roughly a 30 second cool-down period after this skill where it will not be able to activate this skill again, it will also tend to not use this skill as often when being actively attacked.<br/>
'''Feuerregen''': The dragon fires a bolt of fire up into the air, and flames rain onto the middle battleground.<br/>
'''Überhitzen''': When you reduce the Ancient Bone Dragon's health to about 1/4, the dragon will start smoking. While it is in this state, you will receive damage, [[Status_Effects|Burned]] status, and MP gain will be reduced to zero on each hit made on it, even with ranged attacks such as arrows, fireballs and electron balls (Special Actives are an exception). This effect can kill you if your HP is low enough.<br/>
*Since you receive damage, you can trigger an effect that normally activates when attacked.
*You will still gain 3 MP for each hit made on the dragon because of the damage taken from attacking it, this allows you to gain MP from attacks that do not normally generate MP as well.
'''Gargoyles beschwören''': On Hell Difficulty it will summon two Gargoyles that fight identically to Wyverns at the start.  If there are no Gargoyles alive after '''Aerial Dragon Fire''' it will summon two more to replace them.
*8/28/2013 KR:
**It won't summon any Gargoyles anymore. And Gargoyles will appear as normal mobs.
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed"
! style="background:#f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" | '''Taktik'''
|*When the Dragon flies up to use '''Aerial Dragon Fire''', that is a signal to run to the furthest left platform in order to avoid getting burnt by the flames. Then quickly run back to the furthest right platform once the flames have died down.<br/>
**Ravens may go to the top right part of the nearest platform and hold UP to continuously jump, if done correctly all the flames will completely fail to harm him.
***Properly positioned Raven can simply stand still on the top right part of the platform nearest to the dragon and not take any damage as well.
**Eves can use their ability to double jump and glide to stay up in the air long enough for the fires to die down if done from on top of a platform.
**Aishas can also jump from the top of the right platform just as the dragon flies by and safely 'float' until the the flames die down.
**Deadly Chaser can stay airborne long enough with (Dash)(Jump)XX with the Silver Shooter for the flames to die down in a similar fashion.
**Iron Paladin may [[Guard]] through the attack.
**Elswords may find it easier to [[stoic]] and jump repeatedly to minimize contact with the flames.
**As the dragon's 'location' is fixed to the right side of the screen throughout the fight, you can use special actives near the right side of the screen to skill delay it still as it does this.
**Beware of geysers in a party as they are triggered by proximity and by running across the center area almost all of them will usually be activated.
*The dragon's '''Head-whack''' can be avoided by double jumping or [[Chung]]'s >>^X, but timing is vital.
*When the Dragon is about to use '''Dragon Fire''', run to the middle battlefield and stick to the right wall, to avoid getting roasted. 
**Another more advanced tactic is to jump over the ledge just after the Dragon slams its claw down and breathes fire, enabling you get some hits in while the Dragon's body is stretched out. This is useful for skills with wide hitboxes such as [[Valkyrie's Javelin]], noted [[Rising Slash]], noted [[Flying Impact]], etc. If you attempt this tactic, your timing must be perfect.<br/>
**Be warned that because of the geysers, if one activates nearby, it may launch you right into the flame breath.
**Ravens may instead run against the right side of the platform and the dragon will just barely miss him with its initial launching attack.
**Renas may do a slide kick against the platform or double jump over the dragon's head for the same purpose, timing must be perfect.
**An option every class has to avoid the launch is to run against the same platform and use a skill\awakening for invincibility frames just outside the range where it will skill delay the dragon.  This will allow players to remain in position to attack during '''Dragon Fire'''.
*The Light element may prove useful with this boss, as it creates windows of opportunities for attacking, Aisha's [[Binding Circle]] is also effective.<br/>
*It is best to mana-break (hold Z up to 100MP) if you are hit by his combo attacks, such as '''Dragon Fire''' and '''Aerial Dragon Fire''', to minimize the damage you receive.
*Large AoE moves such as [[Dimension Link Guardian]], [[Gungnir]], [[Nuclear]], [[Valkyrie's Javelin]], [[Sword Fire]], [[Crescent Kick]], [[Meteor Shower]], [[Blizzard Shower]], and [[Aceldama]] work very well against this boss.  Most of these are especially effective when the boss is using his '''Dragon Fire''' attack.
*Ravens can use [[Burning Rush]] to stay in place whenever the Dragon attacks, and then follow up with [[Valkyrie's Javelin]] for the damage. It can help prevent you from getting hit by '''Dragon Fire''' and his other moves which throw you. (In NA this has been patched. Meaning you will still stay in place, but will still receive damage from the dragon.)
**Elswords may use [[Stoic]] for the same purpose.
*An option to defend against '''Impaling Bone Spears''' for characters that cannot stoic through its launch animation is to back up against the platform. Its launching attack will knockdown instead of launching the player into the pit and all the spears will miss.
**If you are extremely quick you can jump around and over the dragon's claw just before it fires and escape its attack that way, timing as well as control must be perfect as coming in contact with many parts of its body will launch as well.
*A simple, effective strategy to defeat it in a party is to stun-lock the dragon, denying it any opportunity to attack until it dies.
**A [[Combat Ranger]]'s [[Low Kick]], Nature enchanted weapons, and other Attack Speed lowering effects make keeping the dragon stun-locked much easier as Attack Speed is also responsible for the speed in recovering from hit stun.
-''Überhitzen:'' Sobald der Knochendrache nur noch 1/4 HP besitzt, fängt er an Rauch auszustoßen. Durch diesen Zustand erhalten die Spieler Schaden, [[Status Effects/de|Verbrennungen]] und ihre MP-Regeneration wird bei jedem Treffer auf 0 reduziert, auch bei Fernattacken, wie Pfeilen, Feuerbällen und Elektronengeschossen (spezialaktive Skills sind ausgenommen). Dieser Zustand kann Spieler mit wenigen HP töten.
*Da Schaden erhalten wird, können Effekte aktiviert werden, die auftreten wenn man attackiert wird.
===Additional Information (NA) ===
*Bei jedem Treffer werden weiterhin 3 MP regeneriert, durch den Schaden der bei jeder Attacke erhalten wird. Dies erlaubt MP bei Attacken zu erhalten, die normalerweise keine generieren.
*These stats assume that the player is level 60.
**The Ancient Bone Dragon will regenerate at around ~2,000 HP per second on Normal Mode and ~5,000 HP per second on Hell Mode.
| XSet=
**Its defense reduces damage by ~33% on Normal Mode and by ~45% on Hell Mode. (needs more testing)
**It has around ~5.4M HP (21 Lifebars) on Normal Mode and on Hell Mode it has around ~5.5M HP (35 Lifebars). (needs more testing)
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Drops:'''
  |tab2=(Alt) Drachenkraft-Set
|width="100%" colspan="12" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse;"
  |tab3=(Alt) Drachenära-Set
! width="29%" | Bild
  |tab4=(Alt) Drachenschuppenset
! width="150" | Name
! width="100" | Klasse
  |tab5=(Alt) Drachenset
! width="200" | Werte
! width="300" | Set-Effekt
| [[Image:3-xaccA.png|center|3-xaccA.png]]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmZFwnDrBRw '''''music018_stage''''']<br>
| Dragonic-Caligo Sting
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwibAlaIZkk '''''music019_stage''''']<br>
| All
'''Lv46 Accessory (Arm):'''
Critical +1%
| width="20%" rowspan="6" |
'''2 Pieces Effect:'''
When inflicted with '''Status Infliction''', your MP regeneration increases by 1 for 10 seconds<br />
'''3 Pieces Effect:'''
Critical Hit Rate +3%
'''4 Pieces Effect:'''
Damage increased by 2.0 times to enemies in down state<br />
'''(The damage done does not exceed the damage when the enemy is not knocked down)'''<br />
Accuracy +2%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
'''5 Pieces Effect:'''
10% chance to activate a shield buff when you get hit.<br />
The shield absorbs a total of 10 hits of 30% damage or (if you didn't get hit) it lasts for 15 seconds<br />
'''(Deactivates when attacked 5 times or after 15 seconds)'''<br />
'''(During the buff, you cannot reactivate the buff until the cooldown ends)'''<br />
'''Cooldown 15 seconds after activation'''<br />
| [[Image:3-xtopA.png|center|3x-topA.png]]
| Dragonic-Caligo Top Piece
| All
'''Lv46 Top Piece:'''
Critical +1%
| [[Image:3-xpantsA.png|center|3-xpantsA.png]]
| Dragonic-Caligo Bottom Piece
| All
'''Lv46 Bottom Piece:'''
Critical +1%
| [[Image:3-xgloveA.png|center|3-xgloveA.png]]
| Dragonic-Caligo Gloves
| All
'''Lv46 Gloves:'''
Action Speed +1%
| [[Image:3-xbootA.png|center|3-xbootA.png]]
| Dragonic-Caligo Shoes
| All
'''Lv46 Shoes:'''
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%
| [[Image:3-xweapA.png|center|3x-weapA.png]]
| Dragonic-Caligo Weapon
| All
'''Lv46 Weapon:'''
Critical +2%
Action Speed +1%
1% chance for Splash Fire Damage<br />(Gives targets a burn state, will hit more than 1 target)
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''Triviales:'''
|valign="top" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;" width="50%" colspan="6"| '''BGMs:'''
| colspan="6" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" width="60%" valign="top"|
*Earlier versions of Ancient Bone Dragon did not have geysers in the center of the battlefield, it also used to have a stoic threshold where it would gain super armor after taking a certain number of hits to prevent players from stun-locking it.  In that version Light element weapons would also reset its animation to its standing pose, negating any attack it was in the process of using.
**The Ancient Bone Dragon also used to have much less HP but regenerate several times faster.
*In the earliest versions of this stage there was no Ancient Bone Dragon, the player would fight Kayak the Shadow Shaman along with his clone and two ordinary Lizardmen and the stage would be cleared after they were defeated without the summoning of the Ancient Bone Dragon being successful.
*If a player looks to the right edge of the stage while fighting '''Kayak the Shadow Shaman''' they may see the name '''Ancient Bone Dragon''' floating in the air, this is because the dragon has already been placed into that room as an enemy and is waiting to be activated after Kayak's death.
**The dragon may be de-buffed by Elemental Masters with the [[Abundance of Energy]] passive before it has properly spawned due to this.
**Also due to this, the wait time on '''Aerial Dragon Fire''' has already expired before it has properly spawned and it may use it right at the start of the fight.
**A very rare glitch sometimes occurs where the dragon is activated prematurely and the player is then forced to fight both Kayak and the Ancient Bone Dragon at the same time because of this as well.
*Before a certain update, the Luto boulders were infamous for going out of its way to roll over players who managed to get past its dropping point before continuing normally.
**This caused various NA players to be wary of Abyss Luto and for them to nickname the Luto Boulder names like "God Boulder" or "Boulder with a hatred of mankind"
| colspan="6" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000;" align="center" width="60%" valign="top"|
=== Dungeon ===
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybuH_w31xpE '''''music018_stage''''']
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAVrtxgBcFs '''''music019_stage''''']
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPNtxmifAt0 '''''music022_stage''''']
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPNtxmifAt0 '''''music022_stage''''']
| DLBGM=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AG4Az5OBDso '''''music033_stage''''']

=== Luto Mode ===
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sgY6ITB-Ho '''''music011_boss''''']
| Gallery=
<gallery widths=150px heights=150px>
File:3-xExterior.jpg|Äußere Karte der Unterwelt
File:Ancient_Bone_Dragon.jpg|Der antike Knochendrache
File:3-4Button.png|Alter Dungeon-Button der Unterwelt. Dieser wird ebenfalls für das [[Dragon Nest/de|Drachennest]] verwendet.
File:HQ_Boss_Dark_Kayak.png|Das unverwendete Skill-Cut-In des Schattenschamanen Kaya.
| Video=
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfeJA8v8B5A '''Hoheritter Gameplay von 'Speed Well'''']

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVKoXEUjAPU '''''music033_stage''''']
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3avnSFfBfN4 '''Großmeister Gameplay von 'Je Hae Gwon'''']

=== Boss ===
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lbFNWP5fck '''Flammenherz Gameplay von 'Je Hae Gwon'''']
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFD3sWpqs8 '''''music011_boss''''']
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Bilder:'''
|width="100%" colspan="12" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
<br><gallery widths=150px heights=150px>
File:3-xExterior.jpg|Dragon Nest: Abyss exterior.
|valign="top" width="100%" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; background: #f7812b; color:#FFFFFF;"  colspan="12"| '''Videos:'''
|width="100%" colspan="12" align="center" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#000000; font-size:1em; line-height:1.5em;" valign="top"|
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=FPJ_5b1yLis '''Shooting Guardian & Fury Guardian 3-X Run''']

[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2mtq4O2vEY '''Infinity Sword 3-X Run by BurntBrigade''']
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df_4KoLaqv4'''Mastermind Gameplay von 'lAmazonl'''']
|KR=용의 둥지: 나락 |KRName=Drachennest: Abgrund
|TW=巨龍祭壇 |TWName=Drachen-Altar
|JP=竜の巣:奈落 |JPName=Drachennest: Abgrund
|CN=巨龙巢穴:深渊 |CNName=Drachen-Altar
|FR=Les abîmes |FRName=Die Abgründe
|DE=Unterwelt |DEName=Unterwelt
|IT=Abisso |ITName=Abgrund
|PL=Podziemia |PLName=Unterwelt
|ES=Inframundo |ESName=Unterwelt
|UK=Underworld |UKName=Unterwelt
|BR=Ninho de Dragões: Abismo |BRName=Drachennest: Abgrund

Latest revision as of 18:24, 3 May 2022


Noch hat Kaya seinen hinterhältigen Plan nicht vollständig in die Tat umgesetzt. Die verbotene und versiegelte Tür zur Unterwelt...
Ein Ort in der Tiefe der verfluchten Unterwelt. Eine verbotene Lavahöhle der Echsenmenschen, in der sich Kaya versteckt hat.
Optimales Level
  • Eine Geheimdungeon-Zutrittserlaubnis   muss im Inventar sein.
  • Kann erst mit einem Level von 70 oder höher betreten werden.




Luto Mode




Hoheritter Gameplay von 'Speed Well'

Großmeister Gameplay von 'Je Hae Gwon'

Flammenherz Gameplay von 'Je Hae Gwon'

Mastermind Gameplay von 'lAmazonl'

Alternative Namen
Server Name Translation
  South Korea 용의 둥지: 나락 Drachennest: Abgrund
  Japan 竜の巣:奈落 Drachennest: Abgrund
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 巨龍祭壇 Drachen-Altar
  China (Simplified Chinese) 巨龙巢穴:深渊 Drachen-Altar
  Germany Unterwelt
  Spain Inframundo Unterwelt
  France Les abîmes Die Abgründe
  Italy Abisso Abgrund
  Poland Podziemia Unterwelt
  United Kingdom Underworld
  Brazil Ninho de Dragões: Abismo Drachennest: Abgrund
