(→‎Dungeon Modifiers?: new section)
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== About Noblesse ==
== Dungeon Modifiers? ==
What do you mean by that?
-- Lu's damage is extremely irregular compared to everyone else on certain commands. Whereas calculating % for other characters will always result in a value ending in X.9XXXX (ie 272.932574 => 273%), Lu's do not. As happens to be the case, the gap between her attacks that have this hidden modifier and those that don't is much lower in PvP, implying these are specifically dungeon-related damage boosts innate to the character (which isn't unique to her actually, Chung used to have them too, maybe even still does).
We used to list them next to the values (ie her first Z is x1.1, her second Z is x1.5 etc). I'm not sure why that was removed (clutter maybe?) but they ended up being incorporated into the % on the page, PvP accuracy be damned, apparently. --[[User:ED Senne|ED Senne]] ([[User talk:ED Senne|talk]]) 21:08, 3 January 2018 (UTC)
== Lab flasks? ==
Do you mean the ones attached to his belt (or whatever it is)?  'Cause they're part of his promo costume.
-- Yes, those. I overly simplified my edit message a bit I guess; I meant they were missing a function and never show up in skills, serving no functional purpose and as such acting the same as Empire Sword's flag (which while absent on the promo does show up in poses). --[[User:ED Senne|ED Senne]] ([[User talk:ED Senne|talk]]) 08:37, 24 January 2018 (EST)
== Hello ==
I don't know how to talk where you send me the message. But thank you for correcting me, I was trying to undo my changes, but you were one step ahead of me. Sorry, I didn't mean to change her backstory, and no it wasn't any belief that I had, I must of just misunderstood it. Again thank you for clearing that up for me
Yes, I won't touch it. Thank you! O/
I'm not sure if this is true, but is what he saying is true. Then isn't Nisha's using Laby's body? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWAdCsNfoBE]?
== Hi! ==
Just wanted to ask, how do you know about 7/04 Patch Notes? (came from Giant Wheel edit) --[[User:Ritsu|Ritsu]] ([[User talk:Ritsu|talk]]) 07:35, 27 June 2019 (EDT)
-- http://elsword.nexon.com/news/update/view.aspx?n4ArticleSN=972 --[[User:ED Senne|ED Senne]] ([[User talk:ED Senne|talk]]) 07:37, 27 June 2019 (EDT)
*Thanks~! --[[User:Ritsu|Ritsu]] ([[User talk:Ritsu|talk]]) 07:39, 27 June 2019 (EDT)
== Varnimyr's meaning ==
I checked [https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%B0%94%EB%8B%88%EB%AF%B8%EB%A5%B4/%EC%97%90%ED%94%BD%20%ED%80%98%EC%8A%A4%ED%8A%B8 namu wiki]. NA didn't translate the last two lines.
응? 그게 무슨 뜻이냐고? 흠... 그들은 바니미르라고 변형해서 부르지만...<br>
...거짓된 고향. 뭐, 대충 그런 의미야.
KOG explained the meaning of Varnimyr is "false hometown"(거짓된 고향).
-[[User:IceSoulMOG|IceSoulMOG]] ([[User talk:IceSoulMOG|talk]]) 10:22, 20 August 2019 (EDT)
-- I know, I forgot to add that. NA did translate that part too, apologies. The elves themselves say  "...false home, well, I guess it could be considered that, yes", so it's not as direct of a translation, and the meaning is very close to the root translation as well. I'll add it in a bit.
== Huh? ==
Are you saying that you can do the Trans skill quest in Elysion now and not just Atlas?  'Cause I was sure the Trans quest could only be done in Atlas and not Elysion. [[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 10:39, 7 December 2019 (EST)
* Yes. The first one was updated from just Lanox to Lanox ~ Atlas, while the second one was updated from just Atlas to Atlas ~ Elysion. So you can now do both at the same time by just doing Atlas only - I was just looking for alternatives since the shadow clones were listed as minibosses on the wiki (which would be 5/7 in one run, similar to 4/7 for Lanox doing Grand Chasm), but nope, they're not minibosses. At least just doing Atlas on its own for both quests is still very fast so I ain't complaining.
**Huh, didn't know that.  Babel didn't say anything about it, and the skill quest page hasn't been updated for it.  Thanks for letting me know.  [[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 05:22, 8 December 2019 (EST)
== Re: Scans/Uploads ==
Hi! I'm not entirely sure if this is how replying works on the wiki, but regardless, thank you for letting me know the issues with uploading artbook scans--I understand. I have another question related to uploading images: Would uploading rips from the game onto pages be alright (ie. story portrait expressions not currently on the wiki)? If so, would it be appropriate to put them in character galleries or should another page/section be made? If not, thank you! I will continue to support the wiki in others ways. :]
--[[User:Restoreheart|Restoreheart]] ([[User talk:Restoreheart|talk]]) 07:42, 19 May 2020 (PST)

I don't know if it can actually be said that her gauntlets are no longer active weapons.  I did get the point of her skills from RG-onward appearing to rely on them, but she never actually puts them away in any of her new skills and combos.  While it could be taken as her using them to amplify them, it could equally be possible that she's unable to use the attacks without them, unless KoG themselves confirmed either to be true.  Also, I just looked at Noblesse's Backstory, and it doesn't actually say that she got her power back, so it's equally possible that her Noblesse power is something she developed with Ciel and her Gauntlets, and not her original power from before she was sealed away.
== Gottvergessen Sense Henir Release Proof ==

Hi, I do have a Youtube video to prove it but it seems like I cannot send link for "blacklist reason" ?

--The backstory most definitely says she gets her original powers back...<br>
== My Bad ==
"With substantial help from Ciel, Lu finally '''gets back''' her authority in the demon realm. She can now control evil spirits with the astounding power of her lineage."<br>
"Huhuhu, observe how much power I '''recovered''' thanks to Ciel."<br>
She's also the only Lu to naturally get quite a bit taller again, Chiliarch and regular Diabla stay as small as base.<br>
The point is, she never uses her gauntlets actively as a weapon of their own anymore. It's comparable to BM, who obviously still has his claw, but he neither relies on it nor uses it actively anymore. Even the one new combo that still involves it (black hole thing) doesnt have Raven actually attack with it.
As for her not putting them away during attacks, that's simply a technical limitation. There's a lot of classes that realistically should be fighting differently simply because of their weapon, or where something should/shouldn't be there all the time. RG's blaster is always on his back, just not shown. CAv and BH both should be fighting one-handed, their weapon is a regular sword and not a claymore. NB's Spears, DL's Knives, DM's Sniper etc are all hardly used because they can't really rework every single combo before that to fit their new weapon of choice. DL especially would be using only one gunblade + knives if it was accurate to his artwork. But they obviously can't really make that happen ingame.

--Characters have been shown to be wrong about what they think in the past, and Lu would be no exception to that.  Also, note how the only point that she "recovered her power" is mentioned is from Lu's dialogueAnd her authority is not directly linked to her original power, so that argument falls flat.
I was completely emptying my ECP and seeing how long it took to fill back up, not realizing it refilled faster in Over Strike[[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 22:46, 29 June 2021 (CEST)

I'm not trying to say that you're completely wrong, I just feel like it's too much of an assumption at this point of time.
== About Knight Emperor ==

--I just thought of another point.  You know how after we heal, we say we've "recovered", even if what we're healing from is a scar of some kind?  But the fact is, the cells that cover the scars actually aren't the same cells we used to have, and yet we still say we've "recovered", so in a similar sense, Lu could be saying that she "recovered" her power, but it could actually just be "rebuilt" power, like how our bodies make new cells to replace the ones we lose.
I think the reason why "wind" was listed as one of Knight Emperor's weapons was because of [[Windmill]] (especially the mod version, which fires mini-storms forwardas you hold it), [[Sandstorm]] (which is a literal mini-tornado), and [[Wind Slicer]] (its attacks are literally called "Wind Attacks" (and I checked it in-game on the NA server as I was typing this)).  If you don't think those are good enough, though, then you should also change [[Lord Knight]], which also has "wind" listed as a weapon.  [[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 10:19, 19 July 2021 (CEST)

I understand where it would have come from, but then we might as well add wind to a whole bunch of characters where it is simply produced by their weapon being swung hard enough: Think of things like [[Shockwave - Divider]], [[Genocide Cross]] or [[Brutal Swing]]. Removing it from LK too. --[[User:ED Senne|ED Senne]] ([[User talk:ED Senne|talk]]) 10:45, 19 July 2021 (CEST)
It only needs to be mentioned once for it to be canon. Since Lu says she recovered her powers, that's what happened, no ifs about it. And no, it's not just an NA thing, she says the same in KR.
The cell analogy is a real stretch...

== Comment on Gyro Kick multihit ==
== Secret Arts ==

No, I did not mistake it. I'd seen it happen several times in pvp and in PvE as well, and it was actually visible in the video before it was replaced with a streamlined version. Since the most recent patch, it seems that it has been silently removed or has become significantly harder to do; more likely it was removed as it doesn't seem it was intended behavior, but it wasn't something major enough to announce as a bugfix.
The Secret Arts for the other paths will need to be moved as well, since they only use their shortened names. [[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 11:33, 18 February 2022 (CET)

---It's impossible to tell if there was any multihits in your video because you're attacking 5 monkeys within very close proximity of eachother. I've been examining streams and videos of WS with Gyro Kick right after patch went live and I cannot see any multihits anywhere. It's not a recent change...
*I'm well aware. Just trying to figure some stuff out regarding the green colour on the 4th stance pages, since typing out the full name twice just to have it colored green is frustrating... [[User:ED Senne|ED Senne]] ([[User talk:ED Senne|talk]])

I wish I'd recorded it. However, I also went to look over everything for alternative explanations and nothing really makes sense. Maybe it was lag? -shrugs- I have actually seen it double hit multiple times for full damage in pvp though, which is a guaranteed instant kill when it does happen. I suppose it must be my armor's double hit chance effect activating there, though, as opposed to the other anomaly I was seeing. I don't intend to put the tip back since I haven't observed the phenomenon since one of the emergency maints they had when it went live, but I was curious as to possible explanations for what I saw. However, as recently as this morning, about 10 hours ago I watched it double hit in pvp. Guess it was my armor.
== About Your Communication - Restoration Suggestion ==

== About Innocent ==
Spectral Spear isn't a Chain Skill, and I don't see any suggestions to make it one.  [[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 22:40, 18 January 2023 (CET)

Please see this if you didn't see it: [[Talk:Innocent]] - [[User:Antiaris|Antiaris]] ([[User talk:Antiaris|talk]]) 11:20, 29 December 2017 (UTC)
*It's not mentioned yet because I'm not at Spectral Spear yet... :worrystare: (if you must know, it'd be into Rain of Chaos, naturally)

== Dungeon Modifiers? ==
== Aura of Punishment Suggestion ==
Similar Skills tend to use the same animation as Awakening (with the exception of Seal of Time, but that makes sense due to Add's non-standard Awakening), and Ciel uses his Awakening animation with Aura of Punishment, so I think Lu's animation for Aura of Punishment should be changed to her Awakening Animation instead of the Force Skill or Soul Sigel animations.  [[User:FlareKyn|FlareKyn]] ([[User talk:FlareKyn|talk]]) 00:58, 19 January 2023 (CET)
== Casting speed ==

What do you mean by that?
Hi, not sure if I'm doing this right, sorry if not, but if it's ok to ask questions here I wanted to know if there are plans to add to skills their casting times, like sometimes it's indicated if a skill scales or not with attack speed, but it would be cool to also know the base casting time of a skill, to grasp better their dps capabilityes
* I think you're asking the wrong person, but no, there are no plans to add it. It's too difficult to measure accurately and many other factors modify the casting speed (such as animation cancel after casting). We don't even have the Action Speed table on a quarter of skills anyway. <span class="sig"><span class="sig-icon">[[File:Ritsu-Logo.png|15px]]</span>'''[[User:Ritsu|Ritsu]]''' ([[User talk:Ritsu|talk]])</span> 12:19, 11 July 2023 (CEST)
* I see it just felt like was the last thing missing to try to make a rough estimate of a potential dps for a class, since we have ashal for everything but skills and then we have skill damages but lack the frame of time upon that damage is done, but yeah without tables one would have to measure it himself by casting skills wich can be a little inaccuarate, also sorry to you and to senne, didn't really know who to write for this, thanks for answering my question, and if I have a similiar one next time would be ok to ask you? -Redew 18:18, 12 July 2023 (CEST)

Latest revision as of 17:18, 12 July 2023

Dungeon Modifiers?

What do you mean by that?

-- Lu's damage is extremely irregular compared to everyone else on certain commands. Whereas calculating % for other characters will always result in a value ending in X.9XXXX (ie 272.932574 => 273%), Lu's do not. As happens to be the case, the gap between her attacks that have this hidden modifier and those that don't is much lower in PvP, implying these are specifically dungeon-related damage boosts innate to the character (which isn't unique to her actually, Chung used to have them too, maybe even still does). We used to list them next to the values (ie her first Z is x1.1, her second Z is x1.5 etc). I'm not sure why that was removed (clutter maybe?) but they ended up being incorporated into the % on the page, PvP accuracy be damned, apparently. --ED Senne (talk) 21:08, 3 January 2018 (UTC)

Lab flasks?

Do you mean the ones attached to his belt (or whatever it is)? 'Cause they're part of his promo costume.

-- Yes, those. I overly simplified my edit message a bit I guess; I meant they were missing a function and never show up in skills, serving no functional purpose and as such acting the same as Empire Sword's flag (which while absent on the promo does show up in poses). --ED Senne (talk) 08:37, 24 January 2018 (EST)


I don't know how to talk where you send me the message. But thank you for correcting me, I was trying to undo my changes, but you were one step ahead of me. Sorry, I didn't mean to change her backstory, and no it wasn't any belief that I had, I must of just misunderstood it. Again thank you for clearing that up for me

Yes, I won't touch it. Thank you! O/

I'm not sure if this is true, but is what he saying is true. Then isn't Nisha's using Laby's body? [1]?


Just wanted to ask, how do you know about 7/04 Patch Notes? (came from Giant Wheel edit) --Ritsu (talk) 07:35, 27 June 2019 (EDT)

-- http://elsword.nexon.com/news/update/view.aspx?n4ArticleSN=972 --ED Senne (talk) 07:37, 27 June 2019 (EDT)

  • Thanks~! --Ritsu (talk) 07:39, 27 June 2019 (EDT)

Varnimyr's meaning

I checked namu wiki. NA didn't translate the last two lines.

응? 그게 무슨 뜻이냐고? 흠... 그들은 바니미르라고 변형해서 부르지만...
...거짓된 고향. 뭐, 대충 그런 의미야.

KOG explained the meaning of Varnimyr is "false hometown"(거짓된 고향).

-IceSoulMOG (talk) 10:22, 20 August 2019 (EDT)

-- I know, I forgot to add that. NA did translate that part too, apologies. The elves themselves say "...false home, well, I guess it could be considered that, yes", so it's not as direct of a translation, and the meaning is very close to the root translation as well. I'll add it in a bit.


Are you saying that you can do the Trans skill quest in Elysion now and not just Atlas? 'Cause I was sure the Trans quest could only be done in Atlas and not Elysion. FlareKyn (talk) 10:39, 7 December 2019 (EST)

  • Yes. The first one was updated from just Lanox to Lanox ~ Atlas, while the second one was updated from just Atlas to Atlas ~ Elysion. So you can now do both at the same time by just doing Atlas only - I was just looking for alternatives since the shadow clones were listed as minibosses on the wiki (which would be 5/7 in one run, similar to 4/7 for Lanox doing Grand Chasm), but nope, they're not minibosses. At least just doing Atlas on its own for both quests is still very fast so I ain't complaining.
    • Huh, didn't know that. Babel didn't say anything about it, and the skill quest page hasn't been updated for it. Thanks for letting me know. FlareKyn (talk) 05:22, 8 December 2019 (EST)

Re: Scans/Uploads

Hi! I'm not entirely sure if this is how replying works on the wiki, but regardless, thank you for letting me know the issues with uploading artbook scans--I understand. I have another question related to uploading images: Would uploading rips from the game onto pages be alright (ie. story portrait expressions not currently on the wiki)? If so, would it be appropriate to put them in character galleries or should another page/section be made? If not, thank you! I will continue to support the wiki in others ways. :]

--Restoreheart (talk) 07:42, 19 May 2020 (PST)

Gottvergessen Sense Henir Release Proof

Hi, I do have a Youtube video to prove it but it seems like I cannot send link for "blacklist reason" ?

My Bad

I was completely emptying my ECP and seeing how long it took to fill back up, not realizing it refilled faster in Over Strike. FlareKyn (talk) 22:46, 29 June 2021 (CEST)

About Knight Emperor

I think the reason why "wind" was listed as one of Knight Emperor's weapons was because of Windmill (especially the mod version, which fires mini-storms forwardas you hold it), Sandstorm (which is a literal mini-tornado), and Wind Slicer (its attacks are literally called "Wind Attacks" (and I checked it in-game on the NA server as I was typing this)). If you don't think those are good enough, though, then you should also change Lord Knight, which also has "wind" listed as a weapon. FlareKyn (talk) 10:19, 19 July 2021 (CEST)

I understand where it would have come from, but then we might as well add wind to a whole bunch of characters where it is simply produced by their weapon being swung hard enough: Think of things like Shockwave - Divider, Genocide Cross or Brutal Swing. Removing it from LK too. --ED Senne (talk) 10:45, 19 July 2021 (CEST)

Secret Arts

The Secret Arts for the other paths will need to be moved as well, since they only use their shortened names. FlareKyn (talk) 11:33, 18 February 2022 (CET)

  • I'm well aware. Just trying to figure some stuff out regarding the green colour on the 4th stance pages, since typing out the full name twice just to have it colored green is frustrating... ED Senne (talk)

About Your Communication - Restoration Suggestion

Spectral Spear isn't a Chain Skill, and I don't see any suggestions to make it one. FlareKyn (talk) 22:40, 18 January 2023 (CET)

  • It's not mentioned yet because I'm not at Spectral Spear yet... :worrystare: (if you must know, it'd be into Rain of Chaos, naturally)

Aura of Punishment Suggestion

Similar Skills tend to use the same animation as Awakening (with the exception of Seal of Time, but that makes sense due to Add's non-standard Awakening), and Ciel uses his Awakening animation with Aura of Punishment, so I think Lu's animation for Aura of Punishment should be changed to her Awakening Animation instead of the Force Skill or Soul Sigel animations. FlareKyn (talk) 00:58, 19 January 2023 (CET)

Casting speed

Hi, not sure if I'm doing this right, sorry if not, but if it's ok to ask questions here I wanted to know if there are plans to add to skills their casting times, like sometimes it's indicated if a skill scales or not with attack speed, but it would be cool to also know the base casting time of a skill, to grasp better their dps capabilityes

  • I think you're asking the wrong person, but no, there are no plans to add it. It's too difficult to measure accurately and many other factors modify the casting speed (such as animation cancel after casting). We don't even have the Action Speed table on a quarter of skills anyway.  Ritsu (talk) 12:19, 11 July 2023 (CEST)
  • I see it just felt like was the last thing missing to try to make a rough estimate of a potential dps for a class, since we have ashal for everything but skills and then we have skill damages but lack the frame of time upon that damage is done, but yeah without tables one would have to measure it himself by casting skills wich can be a little inaccuarate, also sorry to you and to senne, didn't really know who to write for this, thanks for answering my question, and if I have a similiar one next time would be ok to ask you? -Redew 18:18, 12 July 2023 (CEST)