Story Summary: Difference between revisions

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=== Rise of Nasods ===
=== Rise of Nasods ===
Among the Debrians was [[Adrian|Adrian Nasod]], who sought to create sentient machines. While initially he was mocked by everybody around him believing his ideas were ridiculous and impossible, Adrian soon proved them wrong when he was able to build his first automaton. Immediately after Adrian unveiled his first automaton, people began to think of ways their could make use of the robots. People began naming the machines after their creator Adrian Nasod, from then on they were known as "Nasods". Adrian began to construct Nasods to aid people with their daily lives, completing menial tasks. However soon the King and other people of power began to enlist Adrian to construct specialized Nasods to build up an army. With the King's sponsorship, Adrian agreed to further his research with the kingdom's funding. Needing assistance in the manufacturing of Nasods and need to negate any human error, Adrian constructed an AI designed to help him do so, he named this AI "[[King Nasod|Adam]]".
Among the Debrians was [[Adrian|Adrian Nasod]], a man who sought to create sentient machines. While initially he was mocked by his peers, believing his ideas were ridiculous and impossible, Adrian soon proved them wrong when he was able to build his first automaton. Immediately after Adrian unveiled his first automaton, people began to think of ways their could make use of the robots. People began naming the machines after their creator Adrian Nasod, from then on they were known as "Nasods". Adrian began to construct Nasods to aid people with their daily lives, completing menial tasks. However soon the King and other people of power began to enlist Adrian to construct specialized Nasods to build up an army. With the King's sponsorship, Adrian agreed to further his research with the kingdom's funding. Needing assistance in the manufacturing of Nasods and need to negate any human error, Adrian constructed an AI designed to help him do so, he named this AI "[[King Nasod|Adam]]".

After having constructed [[King Nasod|Adam]], he alongside his AI manufactured countless Nasods. However, Adrian would receive a series of complaints regarding Nasods shutting down at what appears to be random. Adrian confronted [[King Nasod|Adam]] about this situation to see if anybody had tampered with the Nasods' coding. He was shocked to learn that [[King Nasod|Adam]] had taken the liberty of installing a remotely controlled update system which allowed him shut down and update any Nasods with the modified code. Adrian became enraged at [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s for modifying to code without consulting him first. Adrian urged [[King Nasod|Adam]] not to do such a thing again however the AI told him that the changes were a necessary step in advancing the efficiency of Nasods. Adrian is left concerned about what this could lead to.
After having constructed [[King Nasod|Adam]], he alongside his AI manufactured countless Nasods. However, Adrian would receive a series of complaints regarding Nasods shutting down at what appears to be random times. Adrian confronted [[King Nasod|Adam]] about this situation to see if anybody had tampered with the Nasods' coding. He was shocked to learn that [[King Nasod|Adam]] had taken the liberty of installing a remotely controlled update system which allowed him shut down and update any Nasods with the modified code. Adrian became enraged at [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s for modifying to code without consulting him first. Adrian urged [[King Nasod|Adam]] not to do such a thing again however the AI told him that the changes were a necessary step in advancing the efficiency of Nasods. Adrian is left concerned about what this could lead to.

=== Steel Guardian Eltrion ===
=== Nasod Queen Eve ===
During this era, the use of Nasods in the Elrian Kingdom exploded and they became a staple of Elrian society. Many great achievements were made with the use of Nasods, notably the create of [[City in the Sky|Aero City]], a floating defense fortress which housed the Steel Guardian Eltrion that protected the capital of Elrianode.
Onward, [[King Nasod|Adam]] did not fall out of line to the point Adrian's worries had subsided. However, Adrian still found it best he prepare a form of countermeasure to prevent another outburst from going too far. He concluded that he needed to create a Nasod capable of understanding human emotions unlike [[King Nasod|Adam]] who strives for efficiency. Unfortunately, Adrian realized his plans would be compromised and questioned if [[King Nasod|Adam]] were to realize he made a Nasod that went against his ideal standards. In order to allow himself to develop this new Nasod without arousing [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s suspicion, Adrian decided to modify [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s code during maintenance to make him believe he proposed to idea of this new Nasod. Successful with his plan, [[King Nasod|Adam]] allowed Adrian to continue with his secret project "[[Eve]]".

Sometime during Eltrion's reign as the Steel Guardian of Elrianode, the El Search Party found themselves against the Nasod when they passed through a Chrono Gate. After a fierce battle, the El Search Party managed to defeat Eltrion.
He would conduct many trials to produce a Nasod with the ability to understand human emotions. Unable to program a Nasod that could understand all the complexities of human emotions, Adrian rooted the Nasod with an understanding of basic human emotions as well as the ability to learn and grow. Adrian believed it would take a long time before she would be able to fulfill her duty, but it was necessary to let her grow and not to arouse [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s suspicion. He installed the code into [[Eve]]'s chassis and she soon woke up, greeting Adrian. Adrian overjoyed to see his creation he quietly grabbed her hand, for a brief second he could see a smile on her face. He held [[Eve]]'s hand as they made their way to [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s chamber where he would place [[Eve]] as Adam's code backup.

=== Nasod Queen Eve ===
Adrian was very satisfied at [[Eve]]'s curiosity when conducting her work showing that she was learning and growing. After a malfunction occurred in some anti-gravity devices while building the [[City in the Sky]], Adrian confronted [[King Nasod|Adam]] and [[Eve]]. There [[King Nasod|Adam]] informed Adrian that [[Eve]] had made mistakes in implementing certain codes which caused the disaster. While Adrian showed concern in his face, he felt joy as [[Eve]] was showing signs of her human like nature. After telling [[King Nasod|Adam]] he would perform maintenance on [[Eve]], he took her to his lab but told [[Eve]] that she had done nothing wrong. [[Eve]] expressed her own concerns and worries that her functions were not like other Nasods, Adrian hesitated as the outburst of emotions from [[Eve]] caused his to pause for a moment. He tells [[Eve]] that she is the one who will inherit the right to create the future generations of Nasods by understanding and connecting to humans, that she will be the Queen of Nasods.
Onward, [[King Nasod|Adam]] did not fall out of line to the point Adrian's worries had subsided. However, Adrian still found it best he prepare a form of countermeasure to prevent another outburst from going too far. He concluded that he needed to create a Nasod capable of understanding human emotions unlike [[King Nasod|Adam]] who strives for efficiency. Unfortunately, Adrian realized his plans would be compromised and questioned if [[King Nasod|Adam]] were to realize he made a Nasod that went against his ideal standards. In order to allow himself to develop this new Nasod without arousing [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s suspicion, Adrian decided to modify [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s code during maintenance to make him believe he proposed to idea of this new Nasod. Successful with his plan, [[King Nasod|Adam]] allowed Adrian to continue with his secret project "[[Eve]]".

He would conduct many trials to produce a Nasod with the ability to understand human emotions. Unable to program such a Nasod that could understand all the complexities of human emotions, Adrian rooted the Nasod with an understanding of basic human emotions as well as the ability to learn and grow. Adrian believed it would take a long time before she would be able to fulfill her duty, but it was necessary to let her grow and not to arouse [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s suspicion. He installed the code into [[Eve]]'s chassis and she soon woke up, greeting Adrian. Adrian overjoyed to see his creation he quietly grabbed her hand, for a brief second he could see a smile on her face. He held [[Eve]]'s hand as they made their way to [[King Nasod|Adam]]'s chamber where he would place [[Eve]] as Adam's code backup.
=== Steel Guardian Eltrion ===
During this era, the use of Nasods in the Elrian Kingdom exploded and they became a staple of Elrian society. Many great achievements were made with the use of Nasods, notably the creation of [[City in the Sky|Aero City]], a floating defense fortress which housed the Steel Guardian Eltrion that protected the capital of Elrianode.

Adrian was very satisfied as [[Eve]]'s curiosity when conducting her work showing that she learning and growing. After a malfunction occurred in some anti-gravity devices while building the [[City in the Sky]], Adrian confronted [[King Nasod|Adam]] and [[Eve]]. There [[King Nasod|Adam]] informed Adrian that [[Eve]] had made mistakes in implementing certain codes which caused the disaster. While Adrian showed concern in his face, he felt joy as [[Eve]] was showing signs of her human like nature. After telling [[King Nasod|Adam]] he would perform maintenance on [[Eve]], he took her to his lab but told [[Eve]] that she had done nothing wrong. [[Eve]] expressed her own concerns and worries that her functions were not like other Nasods, Adrian hesitated as the outburst of emotions from [[Eve]] caused his to pause for a moment. He tells [[Eve]] that she is the one who will inherit the right to create the future generations of Nasods by understanding and connection humans, that she will be the Queen of Nasods.
Sometime during Eltrion's reign as the Steel Guardian of Elrianode, the El Search Party found themselves against the Nasod when they passed through a Chrono Gate. After a fierce battle, the El Search Party managed to defeat Eltrion.

=== Founding of Elysion ===
=== Founding of Elysion ===
As time grew, the Debrians and Kings began to see themselves as higher than the Elrian Kingdom, or even the gods themselves. They believed they could surpass the power of El with the power of science and surpass the goddess's. With their scientific discoveries, Adrian and the Debrians planned to leave Elrios and establish their own colony. Using the El's properties, they manged to open a gate into another dimension, they made their way and would find themselves in what would eventually be [[Elysion]]. The dimension they had colonized was home to a unique material known as Diceon, which allowed them to store and multiply El Energy, create an extremely sustainable environment in which they could create their new city.
As time grew, the Debrians and Kings began to see themselves as higher than the Elrian Kingdom, or even the gods themselves. They believed they could surpass the power of El with the power of science and come out above the goddess. With their scientific discoveries, Adrian and the Debrians planned to leave Elrios and establish their own colony. Using the El's properties, they manged to open a gate into another dimension, they made their way and would find themselves in what would eventually be [[Elysion]]. The dimension they had colonized was home to a unique material known as Diceon, which allowed them to store and multiply El Energy, create a large reservoir on energy which they could use to create their new city.

Adrian built [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]] a Nasod who would be the lead architect in building [[Elysion]]. Limited by his mortal body, Adrian and other Debrians would spend hundreds of years in a suspended hibernation and would occasionally check up and guide Nasods' accomplishments.
Adrian built [[Yuno & Nono|Herjuno]] a Nasod who would be the lead architect in building [[Elysion]]. Limited by his mortal body, Adrian and other Debrians would spend hundreds of years in a suspended hibernation and would occasionally check up and guide Nasods' accomplishments.
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Back in Elrios, with Adiran having abandoned Elrios, many of the Nasods he left behind were now under the sole control of Adam alongside [[Eve]].
Back in Elrios, with Adiran having abandoned Elrios, many of the Nasods he left behind were now under the sole control of Adam alongside [[Eve]].

Due to both humanity and the Nasod's greedy use of the El, its powers began to diminish. This declining essential resource soon became an ever parent looming threat to both the humans and Nasods. The two forces soon began to wage war on each other in an effort to fight for the remain El energy. This war would be known as the Nasod War.
Due to both humanity and the Nasod's greedy use of the El, its powers began to diminish. This declining essential resource soon became an ever apparent looming threat to both the humans and Nasods. The two forces soon began to wage war on each other in an effort to fight for the remaining El energy. This war would be known as the Nasod War.

As the war dragged out, the Nasods soon found themselves in an impossible situation. Humans developed Alterasia to disrupt Nasod functions and the Nasods lacked sufficient resources to continue the war against the humans. Among the chaos, Adam placed [[Eve]] into stasis to survive through the war while he would cease to function as the war would soon reach its end with the Nasod's defeat.
As the war dragged out, the Nasods soon found themselves in an impossible situation. Humans developed Alterasia to disrupt Nasod functions and the Nasods lacked sufficient resources to continue the war against the humans. Among the chaos, Adam placed [[Eve]] into stasis to survive through the war while he would cease to function as the war soon reached its end with the Nasod's defeat.

Nasod production stopped and the sea spilled over to the land, dividing the earth up. The El was at its breaking point due to the constant harnessing of its power but with the help of a lady possessed by [[Ishmael]]'s power, she was able to restore the El. Life slowly returned and the people started to venerate the [[Hernia|El Lady]].
Nasod production stopped and the sea spilled over to the land, dividing the earth up. The El was at its breaking point due to the constant harnessing of its power but with the help of a lady possessed by [[Ishmael]]'s power, she was able to restore the El. Life slowly returned and the people started to venerate the [[Hernia|El Lady]].
Those who survived the rough environment started to rebuild the continent with the highly powered Nasods. Although the power of El is not as strong as before, the continent is slowly returning to life. Ever since the revival of the continent, the people greatly venerated the [[Hernia|El Lady]].
Those who survived the rough environment started to rebuild the continent with the highly powered Nasods. Although the power of El was not as strong as before, the continent is slowly returning to life. Ever since the revival of the continent, the people worshiped the El Lady for being the one which maintained and stabilized the El's power.

== Order of El and the Harmony Festival ==
== Order of El and the Harmony Festival ==
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