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== 序章 ==
为了纪念她拯救了魂石及这片大陆,所以人们将重新的大陆称为'''[[Elsword World/zh-hans#艾里奥斯|艾里奥斯大陆]]''',而新的6种能源石就名为'''艾尔之石''':赤之力(火) 、绿之力(木)、蓝之力(水)、青之力(风)、黄之力(光)、暗之力(亡)。但是……新的战争也再次燃起了!沉睡的纳斯德族为了收集这些艾尔之石,并与人类及精灵再次激战起来……而为了保护这片大陆的命运,人们则开始踏上冒险之旅,寻找从庞大魂石所分裂出来的属性艾尔结晶,并加以保护……
== [[Ruben/zh-hans|魔奇]] ==
[[Ruben/zh-hans|魔奇村庄]],坐落在[[Elsword World/zh-hans#罗兰西亚|罗兰西亚大陆]]北部的一座小村庄,是能结出艾尔结晶果实的巨大艾尔之树的故乡。在班得斯及其盗贼团偷走了艾尔水晶之后,艾尔之树的力量逐渐枯竭……<br>
=== <u>EP.1 觊觎艾尔的班得斯</u> ===
*'''EP.1 #1:'''<u>可疑的行动</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:* 跟着罗尔访问[[Ruben/zh-hans|魔奇村庄]],与村长[[NPCs/zh-hans#魔奇|哈格斯]]交谈。
: <u>简介</u>:安静的魔奇森林出现了<font color=blue>班得斯盗贼团</font>。先跟着艾尔搜查队队长罗尔去<font color=red>魔奇村庄</font>。
: <u>对话</u>:
:: 罗尔:''嗯?你,第一次见啊。新手冒险家吗?这里是距离魔奇森林最近的魔奇村庄,艾尔搜查队驻扎于这个村庄里。如果你是冒险家就好了,班得斯的行踪在魔奇森林里消失了,帮忙追踪他们吧。去找村长哈格斯吧。''
:: 罗尔:''新兵到了。这里是离魔奇森林最近的魔奇村庄,艾尔搜查队已经在村庄了。班得斯从魔奇森林消失了,想找到他需要村民的帮忙。''
:: 罗尔:''什么~?前辈,又要去冒险?真希望你可以一直在魔奇担任艾尔搜查队。嗯?刚刚那些家伙是谁?啊啊,班得斯是吧?他们是周围比较有名的盗贼,班得斯的行踪明明从魔奇消失了,好像是在密谋着什么。路上帮我追踪一下他们吧。哈格斯村长也在找前辈您,去看看吧。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''100
:: '''EXP:'''500
:: '''道具:'''初级体力药水 x 5
*'''EP.1 #2''': <u>[场景] 追击盗贼团</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*进入[[Lake Noahs/zh-hans|诺亚斯湖]]<br>
:*班得斯盗贼团的通知单(土部,诺亚斯湖) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:听说村民在<font color=red>诺亚斯湖</font>附近看到了班得斯盗贼团,<font color=blue>在盗贼团那里找到线索</font>追击班得斯吧。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 哈格斯:''班得斯是附近有名的盗贼团头目,出现在魔奇森林肯定是有什么目的。村庄外面的诺亚斯湖附近出没着陌生的盗贼,也许是班得斯的盗贼团。可以从他们那里打听消息吗?''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 哈格斯:''嗯,在你手里的是盗贼团的通知单啊。让我看看,细看通知单就知道班得斯盗贼团的目的了。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''1500
:: '''EXP:'''800
:: '''道具:'''初级体力药水 x 5,火红巨人鞋子
*'''EP.1 #3''': <u>[副本] 守护艾尔</u>
: <u>任务</u>:
:*打败班得斯(艾尔之树) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:班得斯想要的是魔奇森林的宝物,艾尔。虽然是被森林神物保护的<font color=red>艾尔之树</font>,戴着奇怪项链的班得斯肯定已经到达了最高境界。<font color=blue>守护艾尔</font>就是艾尔搜查队的任务。
: <u>接受任务对话</u>:
:: 哈格斯:''艾尔之树最高处的艾尔是我们魔奇村庄的象征。虽然是受着森林神物的保护,但听说班得斯是想操控神物。果然艾尔很危险。现在就去艾尔之树保护艾尔吧。''
: <u>完成任务对话</u>:
:: 罗尔:''哈,哈,可恶的盗贼。真是可耻!好气愤!喂!先回到村庄吧。既然让他跑了,那就要再次追击了。''
:: 罗尔:''哈,哈,可恶的盗贼。真是可耻!好气愤!喂新人!先回村庄吧。既然跟丢了要再次追击了。''
:: 罗尔:''哈,哈,可恶的盗贼。真是可耻!好气愤!这。。前辈!先回到村庄。既然已经让他们走掉,那就准备追击了。''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''600
:: '''EXP:'''1100
:: '''道具:'''魔法石 x 1,火红巨人手套
*'''EP.1 #4''': <u>[副本] 威廉也敢放肆</u>
: <u>简介</u>:
:*威廉的检讨书(威廉噗鲁,森林废墟“普通”以上) 0/1
: <u>简介</u>:盗贼们引发骚乱的同时,又出现了一帮想偷走精灵遗产的家伙们。到<font color=red>森林废墟</font>找到<font color=blue>盗贼团长</font>并打倒吧。
: <u>对话</u>:
:: 哈格斯:''听罗尔说了。居然丢了艾尔,虽然要急着追回来但出了其他问题。艾尔爆炸之前艾尔之树附近的妖精栖息着的废墟也出现了其他盗贼团。在遗迹损毁之前你去阻止一下吧?''
:: 哈格斯:''噗鲁群?住在森林里的那些温顺的动物怎么会做这种事?对,就是威廉这个噗鲁煽动的,现在反省着吧?''
: <u>奖励</u>:
:: '''ED:'''1,200
:: '''EXP:'''1,400
:: '''道具:'''魔法石 x 1,防具强化石 Lv. 1 x 1,冒险者背包,中级青铜武器
*'''EP.1 #5''': <u>[场景] 行窃噗鲁</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Enter [[Lake Noahs]]<br>
:*Stolen Relics (Thief Phoru, Lake Noahs) 0/5
: <u>Description</u>: You’ve learned that William, the leader of the Phorus, has commanded the others to cause all this trouble. Let’s go to <font color=red>Lake Noahs</font> per Anne’s Request and find the <font color=blue>Stolen Relics</font>.
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Ann: ''Relics are being stolen? Those Elf relics are precious tourist attractions for our village. We can’t let them take even a single piece.
:: Hagus: ''Hmm...It seems like those phorus didn’t stop stealing. We need your help to restore things to the way they were.
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Ann: ''Thank you for your help. This is a small token of appreciation from me.
:: Lowe: ''Heard you helped out the villagers while we were gone? Very nice!
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 4200
:: '''EXP''': 1700
:: Items: Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1, Red Giant Bottom Piece
*'''Ch.1 #6''': <u>[Dungeon] Sacred Animal</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*[[1-3|White Mist Swamp]], ‘Any Difficulty’
:*Ancient Phoru (White Mist Swamp, ‘Any Difficulty’) 0/1
: <u>Description</u>: The El Scouts have been chasing the Banthus Thieves and ended up in a foggy swamp near the Tree of El.
Ancient Phoru and the Monkey King are furious about the stolen El.
This is a major threat to all the residents!
Let’s listen to Ann and go to <font color=red>White Mist Swamp</font> and make all of the robbers <font color=blue>surrender</font>!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Lowe: ''We weren’t just playing around either, we followed the trail to the White Mist Swamp but had to retreat because of a giant phoru.
:: Player: ''Are you telling me you've lost them?
:: Chung: ''You missed it...
:: Elesis: ''What are you saying? You lost him in the end?
:: Add: ''What? So you're saying you lost him?
:: Lowe: ''Q...Quiet! We did our best. Hmhm...We got to get rid of it if it keeps bothering us...
:: Ann: ''Please no! It’s a good creature that has been protecting our forest ever since ancient times. The bad ones are the bandits! It’s their fault!
:: Lowe: '' she says...Well, let’s try to find a way without harming it...all you rookie.
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Ancient Phoru: ''Grr...
:: Lowe: ''Couldn’t avoid a fight but this should be ok...
:: Ann: ''Thank you for listening to my demand. Hope you can retrieve the El too.
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 1800
:: '''EXP''': 2000
:: Items: Magic Stone x 1, Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1, Red Giant Top Piece
*'''Ch.1 #7''': <u>[Field] Clues for Pursuit</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Enter [[Lake Noahs]]
:*Banthus Bandits Escape Plan (Bor, Lake Noahs) 0/1
: <u>Description</u>: Clues of Banthus have been found in <font color=red>Lake Noahs</font>!
We must find him!
The remaining <font color=blue>Banthus Thieves</font> might know the answer!
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Hagus: ''The Bandits still have the El and we don’t know where they have fled to...We heard that towards the end of Lake Noahs, there are still some Banthus bandits remaining. We can find some clues.
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Hagus: ''This escape plan from the bandits. Let’s see...Hm...seems like Banthus ran to Elder Castle...
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 6000
:: '''EXP''': 2300
:: Items: Ruben Forest’s Spirits x 4, Weapon Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1, Red Giant Weapon
=== <u>Chapter 1-1: Lesson from Lowe</u> ===
*'''Ch.1-1 #1''': <u>Learn about Skill Points (SP)</u>
: <u>Objective</u>:
:*Open the Skill Window with the "K" key and spend "SP" (Skill Point)
: <u>Description</u>: Low taught his know-hows on spending SP. Let's <font color=blue>spend SP.</font>
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Lowe: ''No way! You already leveled up? That is pretty impressive, newbie. Every time you level up you will receive skill points. We call it SP to make it short. Then you can use the SP to level up your skills!''
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Lowe: ''You feel that? That's the strategy to improving your powers! You never know when you might be asked to do important tasks! Don't make me keep nagging on you. You should use the SP right after you level up. Saving isn't always helping, you know! Am I clear, newbie?''
: <u>Quest accepted dialogue</u>:
:: Lowe: '' have grown even more since we last met! You think so? Thank you, but I want to fill you in on what happened. Every time you level up you will receive skill points. We call it SP to make it short. Then you can use the SP to level up your skills!''
: <u>Quest cleared dialogue</u>:
:: Lowe: ''You feel that? That's the strategy to improving your powers! You never know when you might be asked to do important tasks! Don't make me keep nagging on you. You should use the SP right after you level up. It's all good and I'm sure you'll have advice to give me too. more preaching! Haha''
: <u>Rewards</u>:
:: '''ED''': 200
:: '''EXP''': 90