Story/Ruben/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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*'''Add''': ''K'ha! You, did you see a bandit just pass by here from the forest?''
*'''艾迪''': ''啊……!你,刚刚没看到森林里逃跑的盗贼吗?''
*'''Lowe''': ''Hm? I was just watching Banthus as he looked very suspicious but I lost him. Did something happen?''
*'''罗尔''': ''恩?……我本来就觉得班德斯一党聚在森林里有些可疑,一直在注意观察着,但还是错过了。难道发生什么事情了吗?''
*'''Add''': ''Banthus? Was that his name? Kukuku.. interesting, he ran off with El Shard.''
*'''艾迪''': ''班德斯?那小子就是班德斯吗……咳咳,挺有趣的,那家伙拿着艾尔逃跑了。''
*'''Lowe''': ''What?! This is huge... We need help from everyone in Ruben to track him. Let's hurry!''
*'''罗尔''': ''你说什么?!这可大事不妙啊……哪怕是现在追上去,怎么也得有村民帮忙才行吧。赶紧去魔奇村庄吧!''
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*'''Lowe''': ''Banthus have been going around causing trouble... But I didn't know he would go this far.''
*'''罗尔''': ''班德斯这小子,虽说是这一带无人不知的盗贼团头目,但谁能想到他会闯出这么大的祸来。''
*'''Add''': ''I thought he was a mere thief. Didn't think he had the guts to do something like that... Kuahaha!''
*'''艾迪''': ''我没想到那小子胆子大到敢偷艾尔结晶,一个小毛贼……哇哈哈!''
*'''Lowe''': ''There has been sighting of unknown bandits near the Noah's Lake. I am thinking they might be Banthus's bandits. If you find them, we might learn something!''
*'''罗尔''': ''最近诺亚斯湖附近有一帮从未见过的盗贼出没,想来很有可能就是班德斯那家伙的盗贼团,要是在去村庄的路上遇到那帮家伙,应该就能查出点什么来了!''
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*'''Add''': ''Hmph, he was good at retreating unlike combat. Also found this.''
*'''艾迪''': ''哼,战斗力和逃跑能力成反比啊,我找到了这个。''
*'''Lowe''': ''Instructions for Banthus.. They have been after the El Shard in Ruben Forest for a long time!''
*'''罗尔''': ''嗯?!这是班德斯盗贼团的指令书,果然……那帮家伙从很久以前就开始盯上了魔奇森林艾尔之树上的艾尔结晶!!!''
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*'''Add''': ''You're Hagus?''
*'''艾迪''': ''你是夏格斯吗?''
*'''Hagus''': ''That's right, I'm Hagus. What did you need?''
*'''夏格斯''': ''哎嘿,我就是夏格斯,不过,找我有什么事吗?''
*'''Add''': ''Banthus ran off with Ruben's El Shard.''
*'''艾迪''': ''班德斯那家伙拿着魔奇森林的艾尔结晶逃跑了。''
*'''Hagus''': ''What? How could that happen..? That El Shard in the forest was like a symbol of Ruben! It is protected by the forest... Rumor has it that Banthus has an amulet to control the Holy Beast. What do we do...?''
*'''夏格斯''': ''你说什么?!怎么会发生这种事情……位于艾尔之树最高处的艾尔结晶可是如同魔奇村庄象征一般的宝物。受到森林里的神物的保护啊……传闻说,班德斯戴着可以操纵神物的项链……这可如何是好……''
*'''Add''': ''K'ha! He had the brains to use a magic device?''
*'''艾迪''': ''哈哈!那家伙聪明到会使用魔法道具吗?''
*'''Hagus''': ''I'll alert the townsfolk to watch the entrance to the Forest. Elsword, you go and search the El Tree.''
*'''夏格斯''': ''嗯……我会号召全体村民都去监视森林和通行道路,你还是先前往魔奇森林,去艾尔之树附近搜索看看吧。''
*'''Add''': ''Fine. I'll burn him to a crisp with Dynamo.''
*'''艾迪''': ''好吧,就用发电机烧得漆黑好了!''
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*'''Add''': ''Kh.... Damn Phorus! They're annoying!''
*'''艾迪''': ''额啊啊……那些噗鲁,多麻烦啊!''
*'''Hagus''': ''We have no choice, we have to quickly track down Banthus. Let's hurry.''
*'''夏格斯''': ''事已至此,也就只有赶紧去追踪班德斯了。来,抓紧时间吧。''
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*'''Hagus''': ''Ah, there you are. Townsfolk found some bandits while searchign the forest for Banthus. They were causing trouble in the fairy grounds that existed before the El's explosion. They might be related to Banthus, can you go stop them before they cause more trouble?''
*'''夏格斯''': ''啊,在这里呢啊,村里人在追踪班德斯的过程中,在森林里的废墟中发现了破坏遗迹的其他盗贼,他们正在艾尔爆炸之前妖精生活过的废墟里折腾呢。也许此事会和班德斯有关,你要不要在遗迹被破坏之前过去调查一下呢?''
*'''Add''': ''What? Now he's into roleplaying?''
*'''艾迪''': ''什么嘛,现在就不玩过家家了吗?''
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*'''Hagus''': ''Phorus? Those docile creatures are causing trouble in the ruins?''
*'''夏格斯''': ''—群噗鲁?你是说那些原本在森林里乖乖生活的动物正在糟蹋遗迹吗?''
*'''Add''': ''Phoru called William was leading the other Phorus to play bandit. Whatever, I've made it so that he can't do that ever again.''
*'''艾迪''': ''有个叫威廉的家伙煽动其他家伙行盗窃之事,反正,我已经让他们不敢再这么做了。''
*'''Hagus''': ''Good work, they won't be able to cause any more trouble. But what are we going to do with Banthus..''
*'''夏格斯''': ''这可真是挺好的,以后这帮家伙应该不会再来闹事了。不过还是没有得到任何有关班德斯的消息,这可如何是好……''
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*'''Ann''': ''William is still playing bandit in the ruins? Elven Ruins are a big part of our village's tourism. We have to protect it!''
*'''Add''': ''Why are you acting like the ruins are yours?''
*'''艾迪''': ''搞什么,就搞得遗迹像自己的似的。''
*'''Hagus''': ''Hmm... I guess the Phorus are still acting like bandits. We need your help to protect the ruins.''
*'''Add''': ''Idiots, they'll need to be taught a lesson or two.''
*'''艾迪''': ''一帮愚蠢的家伙……看来都得需要教育教育。''
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*'''Lowe''': ''We left as soon as we heard that Banthus was headed for Elder. Fastest way to get to Elder is to go through White Mist Swamp. We suddenly got attacked by a Phoru and lost him.''
*'''Add''': ''I lost him... Tsk!''
*'''艾迪''': ''结果还是跟丢了吗,哼!''
*'''Lowe''': ''...Shut up! We tried our best! Anyways! We can't really treat the Ancient Phoru bad because it's a holy beast. Not to mention that Banthus has an amulet that can control it so he can come and go as he please in the White Mist Swamp.''
*'''Hagus''': ''There's a myth that the Ancient Phoru that resides within the White Mist Swamp is actually created by the El Shard to protect itself from harm.''
*'''Add''': ''It's stupid from all the other Phorus?''
*'''艾迪''': ''和满森林都是的那些愚蠢的噗鲁不一样吧?''
*'''Hagus''': ''Holy Beast or not, if it keeps getting in our way we have no choice.''
*'''Ann''': ''No! He's been protecting the forest for a very long time! The bad guys are the ones who stole the El, he's at fault!''
*'''Lowe''': ''As they say.. You have to do it without killing. Can I leave it to you?''
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*'''Ancient Phoru''': ''Growl......''
*'''Lowe''': ''There was no way around it.. I guess this is enough.''
*'''Add''': ''My bad, I couldn't control my power. K'haha.''
*'''艾迪''': ''抱歉,我不太会控制力量,哈哈!''
*'''Ann''': ''Thank you for your understanding. I hope you find the El too!''
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*'''Hagus''': ''El is still in the bandits' hand. Rumor has it that there are some of Banthus' bandits at the edge of Noahs Lake.''
*'''Add''': ''Ha, brought time. I'll burn them until they tell me where Banthus is.''
*'''艾迪''': ''哈!得争取时间了,在找出班德斯的位置之前,我就认输好了。''
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*'''Hagus''': ''Hm? This is the bandits' escape plan? I see, Banthus fled to Elder.''
*'''Add''': ''He's already there? Kukuku.. I'll give him that, he's really good at running.''
*'''艾迪''': ''已经走到那儿了吗,逃跑能力可真是惊人啊……咳咳。''