Story/Master Road: Difference between revisions

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*Talk to [[Denif]]
*Talk to [[Denif]]
Inside the compass, Aisha and Chung meets the seal, in the form of Denif. The seal to test their resolve.
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*'''???:''' ''-''
*'''Chung:''' ''So this is the inside of the compass...!''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Amazing... It's like another dimension! Everything is so realistic! Is this the power of the Sage?''
*'''Chung:''' ''I've never been here before, but everything feels strangely familiar... I wonder why?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Maybe it reminds you of Hamel, because there's so much water.''
*'''Denif:''' ''Who's there.''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Master Denif?''
*'''Chung:''' ''Master Denif, are you coming with us?''
*'''Denif:''' ''Identify yourself. Who are you, and what purpose do you have coming here?''
*'''Chung:''' ''... I don't think this is the Master Denif we know. He's acting like this is the first time he's seen us.''
*'''Aisha:''' ''This could be the 'thing inside' Master Denif was talking about... It's probably a seal of some type.''
*'''Chung:''' ''That's unexpected... I thought there would be something much more terrifying.''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Me too... Maybe it will be easier than we thought. Let's talk to him to learn more about the seal. Hello, Master Denif! My name is Aisha Landar. I'm here to ask for your assistance.''
*'''Denif:''' ''... A Landar?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Yes! I'm...''
*'''Denif:''' ''What is a Landar doing here without proper procedure? Go back. I have no time for your schemes.''
*'''Aisha:''' ''I, uh, what? Schemes?''
*'''Chung:''' ''As expected. He's not going to let us in easily.''
*''Aisha:''' ''Yeah... (How strange... Master Denif definitely reacted positively to the Landar name before... What does he mean by 'scheme'?)''
*'''Chung:''' ''Hello, Master Denif. I am Chung, from Senace.''
*'''Denif:''' ''Senace... You still haven't given up to borrow the power of El?''
*'''Chung:''' ''What? What do you...?''
*'''Denif:''' ''There has been many before you who wished to use the power of El. I cannot help but suspect your true intentions. As an El Master who sworn to protect the El, I cannot condone anyone using the El for their personal interest. Do not bother me again about the 'Guardian Stone'... As I would never allow it.''
*'''Chung:''' ''! The Guardian Stone? Using the El for personal interest...?''
*'''Denif:''' ''......''
*'''Chung:''' ''What is Master Denif talking about?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''I think... He's talking about the past, long ago. That has to be him before the El explosion. The seal is taking the form of the sealer with his memories.''
*'''Chung:''' ''He mentioned the Guardian Stone. The stone that's been passed down in the Seiker family for generations... But the fact that it's made with the Water El is not very well know... Did they try to create the Guardian Stone before the split?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Ugh...! I want to ask about the Landar family as well! But seeing how stubborn he looks, I don't think he'll answer my questions. Master Denif, we need your help to find the Dark El. We can't just back down!''
*'''Denif:''' ''I see. Then show me your resolve. If you fail my trials, you will go back empty-handed.''
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*'''???:''' ''-''
*'''Aisha:''' ''So we'll be facing Master Denif...! We didn't see him fight because he was guarding the El even when Hennon attacked Elrianode. Though this is only an illusion created by the seal, when will we ever get a chance to see an El Master in action? I will make sure to learn everything I can!''
*'''Denif:''' ''Daughter of Landar, you told me you wish to go to the Demon Realm. Why do you wish to journey to the Demon Realm?''
*''Aisha:''' ''(He's talking to me...? Why would he create a seal that can talk? Unless it has spells to befuddle those who wish to unseal it! Let's proceed with care. I will not let it interfere with my mind!) I must find something in the Demon Realm.''
*'''Denif:''' ''I understand there was an unfortunate circumstance that befell your family. Do you believe the Demon Realm holds the answer you seek?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''(Ooops... I almost answered him...! What is he talking about? Grandpa never told me any of these stuff!)''
*'''Denif:''' ''... I sense pride clouding your judgement... Child of Senace, why do you wish to journey to the Demon Realm?''
*'''Chung:''' ''I have a responsibility, to protect my friends and save my father!''
*'''Denif:''' ''Which responsibility is more important to you?''
*'''Chung:''' ''...! ... To protect my friends...''
*'''Denif:''' ''You lie. I sense a lack of resolve.''
*'''Chung:''' ''Grr...?!''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Chung! Don't respond to him! He's just goading us to protect the seal!''
*'''Chung:''' ''I lack resolve? You are mistaken! I mean what I say!''
*'''Denif:''' ''You failed to protect your friend. Even now, you are drowning in a sea of guilt.''
*'''Chung:''' ''... I will gladly receive any criticism pointing out my failures! But... But I understand I have a duty and am responsible for my actions!''
*'''Denif:''' ''You are conflicted. In fact, you have been conflicted for a long time. You say you stand by your friends, but once you realized you were close to your goal, you wanted to focus on finding Helputt.''
*'''Chung:''' ''I! I...''
*'''Denif:''' ''Even when Elrianode was not fully restored, and all your friends were disheartened, I know you secretly found relief to hear the news of Helputt. But the lead you had was obscured. And you had to retreat dishonorably with your friends heavily injured. You resent yourself for your failure. Yet, you have not let your desire to find Helputt go. Am I wrong?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''(This is not good... Don't answer him, Chung...!''
*'''Chung:''' ''... You're right.''
*'''Aisha:''' ''!! Chung...''
*'''Chung:''' ''When we were trapped in the Demon Realm... I was happy to have another opportunity to find my father. I knew everyone was exhausted... But I just couldn't help but hope. I was anxious, between my hopes to find my father... and my fear that it was already too late. Even now... I wish to go to the Demon Realm to find my father, by myself if I have to!''
*'''Denif:''' ''And is that wrong?''
*'''Chung:''' ''It is... I mustn't... Even though I have began my journey to find my father... I cannot prioritize my selfish desire when the whole world is at stake. I am the heir of the Seiker family, guardian of the people... I am honor-bound to guard this world as it is expected of me by the people of Senace and for the people of Elrios.''
*'''Denif:''' ''Is it not natural for a child to wish to find his parent?''
*'''Chung:''' ''That is just my personal desire. I should not throw away my duty or hold anyone back because of it...!''
*'''Aisha:''' ''No, you shouldn't think that way!''
*'''Chung:''' ''... Aisha?''
*'''Aisha:''' ''Why are you saying it like that? You just want to find your family, how can that be a bad thing?! We all understand! We know the effort you put in to save Sir Helputt! None of us think you are holding us back! We know how you feel, Chung. Even if you want to leave us to look for your father, we'd all understand...''
*'''Denif:''' ''The water is sensitive to its surroundings. I see great turmoil rippling within you. You suffer from the altruistic wish to save others. But that desire will not help you if you cannot help yourself. If you are going to live as a prisoner of your own making, you are not worthy.''
*'''Chung:''' ''.......''
*'''Aisha:''' ''(Why would he say such a thing... Oh, could it be?)''
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