Hunting Fields/zh-hans: Difference between revisions

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| rowspan="3" | ''小哈德和她们''
| rowspan="3" | ''小哈德和她们''
| '''小哈德'''  
| '''小哈德'''  
| What '''小哈德''' lack in brain size, he makes up for in muscular hands bigger than his head. He fights side by side with '''闪闪亮''' and '''亮闪闪'''.
| '''小哈德'''缺乏智慧,为了弥补这点,它锻炼了一手的肌肉——甚至比它的头还大。它和'''闪闪亮''''''亮闪闪'''一起战斗。
| align="left" | '''Lanos''' possesses all the moves of '''[[5-1|Uno Hound]]''' and perform them in a similar fashion.<br>
| align="left" | '''小哈德'''拥有'''[[5-1/zh-hans|重装哈德]]'''的所有攻击方式。<br>
''Adrenaline'' - After his health is reduced below a certain percentage, '''小哈德''' can increase his Attack Speed significantly for a short amount of time.
''垂死挣扎'' - 当它的血量低于一定比例的时候,'''小哈德'''会短暂地提高他的攻击速度。
| '''闪闪亮'''  
| '''闪闪亮'''  
| If there weren't anyone else to fight, she and '''Shinee''' would be shooting arrows at each other!
| 如果找不到对手的话,她和'''亮闪闪'''会相互射箭玩耍!
| align="left" | '''闪闪亮''' possesses all the moves of '''[[5-2|Chloe]]''' and perform them in a similar fashion. However, one noticeable difference between them is that '''亮闪闪''''s arrows can inflict [[Status Effects|Confusion]].<br>
| align="left" | '''闪闪亮'''拥有'''[[5-2/zh-hans|珂露尔]]'''的所有攻击方式,唯一的不同是'''亮闪闪''''的箭会造成[[Status Effects/zh-hans|混乱]]状态。<br>
''Encouragement'' - Similar to a [[Pet Guide|Pet]] encouraging their master, '''小哈德''' can regain health by having '''闪闪亮''' and  '''亮闪闪''' cheer him on.
''鼓励'' - 就像[[宠物]]鼓励它们的主人一样,'''闪闪亮''''''亮闪闪'''会使用鼓励并且恢复'''小哈德'''的HP。
| '''亮闪闪'''  
| '''亮闪闪'''  
| A dark elf lady who may have a rivalry with '''亮闪闪''', but she sets it aside during battle.
| '''闪闪亮'''有着竞争关系的暗精灵女士,但在战斗中她会抛弃所有的内部矛盾。
| align="left" | '''亮闪闪''' possesses all the moves of '''[[6-3|Fallen Chloe]]''' and perform them in a similar fashion.<br>
| align="left" | '''亮闪闪'''拥有'''[[6-3/zh-hans|堕落的珂露尔]]'''的所有攻击方式。<br>
''Encouragement'' - Similar to a [[Pet Guide|Pet]] encouraging their master, '''小哈德''' can regain health by having '''闪闪亮''' and '''亮闪闪''' cheer him on.
''鼓励'' - 就像[[宠物]]鼓励它们的主人一样,'''闪闪亮''''''亮闪闪'''会使用鼓励并且恢复'''小哈德'''的HP。
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| '''石帝'''  
| '''石帝'''  
| You're lucky if this one doesn't show up, unless you're looking for an instant, gigantic enemy.
| 如果你没有碰到它的话你非常幸运,除非你想要寻找一个巨大的敌人。
| align="left" | ''Slam'' - This is a simple attack where the '''石帝''' will slam its arms down towards the direction it's facing.<br>
| align="left" | ''拍打'' - '''石帝'''挥舞着它的手臂朝它面对的方向拍去。<br>
''Reflective Aura'' - Similar to the Ancient Nasods, the '''石帝''' can activate its reflective to reflect all Magical projectiles.<br>
''反弹功'' - 和古代纳斯德一样,'''石帝'''可以激活它中间的球体,并且反弹一切魔法发射体。<br>
''God's Blessing'' - The '''石帝''' will release several lightning bolts around it that can [[Status Effects|stun]] any targets.
''全能神的祝福'' - '''石帝'''在它身边召唤几条强大的闪电,可以[[Status Effects/zh-hans|击晕]]任何目标。
| '''暗影'''  
| '''暗影'''  
| align="left" |  '''暗影''' possesses all the moves of '''影夜波特特里斯特''' and perform them in a similar fashion.<br>
| align="left" |  '''暗影'''拥有'''影夜波特特里斯特'''的所有攻击方式。<br>
''Shadow Void'' - '''暗影''' will summon a dark void that draws players near it while causing damage as well. After a while, the void will home in on players and explode.
''暗影空间'' - '''暗影'''会召唤一个黑暗的空间吸引附近的目标并造成伤害。一段时间之后暗影空间会追踪附近的目标并爆炸。
| rowspan="2" |[[Sander/zh-hans|桑德斯]]
| rowspan="2" |[[Sander/zh-hans|桑德斯]]
| ''''
| ''狂犬''
| '''卡耳柏洛斯'''
| '''卡耳柏洛斯'''
| This crazy dog swipes with his rock hard paws. He uses his feral instincts to howl and charge at enemies, causing them to run in panic!
| 这只狂犬挥舞着它岩石般坚硬的爪子。它通过咆哮激发它的野兽本能,并使周围的目标陷入恐慌!
| align="left" | ''Poison Gas'' - '''卡耳柏洛斯''' will exhale toxic gas to its targets, inflicting Poison to all targets.<br>
| align="left" | ''剧毒吐息'' - '''卡耳柏洛斯'''向它的对手喷吐毒液,使你陷入中毒状态。<br>
''Panic Aura'' - '''卡耳柏洛斯''' will emit a large green aura, dealing multiple hits while inflicting [[Status Effects|Panic]] to all targets.<br>
''咆哮'' - '''卡耳柏洛斯'''对天咆哮,对一定范围内的目标造成[[Status Effects/zh-hans|恐慌]]状态。<br>
''Charge'' - '''卡耳柏洛斯''' will dash into his targets while continuously headbutting them.
''爆冲之力'' - '''卡耳柏洛斯'''冲向它身前的目标,同时不断用头撞击它们。