Heart of the Ancient Waterway: Difference between revisions

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|'''Shadow Walker''' - This is the basic Shadow monster.
|'''Shadow Walker''' - This is the basic Shadow monster.
-''Claw Attack:'' A basic 3 hit combo with their claws.
*'''Claw Attack:''' A basic 3 hit combo with their claws.
|'''Shadow Charger''' - A large Shadow monster.
|'''Shadow Charger''' - A large Shadow monster.
-''Charge:'' It will run forward, damaging any players within its path.
*'''Charge:''' It will run forward, damaging any players within its path.
*'''Grab:''' It can also grab onto any players, immobilizing them. You can escape from their grasp by rapidly tapping the left and right arrow keys.
-''Grab:'' It can also grab onto any players, immobilizing them. You can escape from their grasp by rapidly tapping the left and right arrow keys.
|'''Shadow Defender''' - A Shadow monster will a sharper less humanoid build.
|'''Shadow Defender''' - A Shadow monster will a sharper less humanoid build.
-''Shadow Spear:'' It will launch spears in and arc towards you. When a player gets hit by the spears, they will be Cursed and will gradually lose mana over time.
*'''Shadow Spear:''' It will launch spears in and arc towards you. When a player gets hit by the spears, they will be Cursed and will gradually lose mana over time.
*'''Dark Aura:''' Emit a dark aura that increases the defense of monsters within range. It will also cause Shadow Charger's Grab to drain HP and MP at a significant rate.
-''Dark Aura:'' Emit a dark aura that increases the defense of monsters within range. It will also cause Shadow Charger's Grab to drain HP and MP at a significant rate.
|'''Laguz''' - This Water Spirit mermaid.
|'''Laguz''' - This Water Spirit mermaid.
-''Bubble Attack:'' She can release 3 bubbles in front of her and popping them, which will damage and inflict [[Status Effects|Frostbite]].
*'''Bubble Attack:''' She can release 3 bubbles in front of her and popping them, which will damage and inflict [[Status Effects|Frostbite]].
*'''Bubble Aura:''' They can also release a bubble aura to encase any players in range in a bubble.
-''Bubble Aura:'' They can also release a bubble aura to encase any players in range in a bubble.
*'''Self-Destruct:''' After killing one, they will trap any players close to them in a bubble. When trapped in a bubble, you will not be able to move.
-''Self-Destruct:'' After killing one, they will trap any players close to them in a bubble. When trapped in a bubble, you will not be able to move.
|'''Iz''' -  An Ice Spirit mermaid.
|'''Iz''' -  An Ice Spirit mermaid.
-''Ice Breath:'' She can spew her frost breath in front of her, which induces Freezing.
*'''Ice Breath:''' She can spew her frost breath in front of her, which induces Freezing.
*'''Self-Destruct:''' After killing one, they will emit an aura that freezes you.
-''Self-Destruct:'' After killing one, they will emit an aura that freezes you.
|'''Shadow Sniper''' - This Shadow monster attacks by slowly charging up their laser and then firing it.
|'''Shadow Sniper''' - This Shadow monster attacks by slowly charging up their laser and then firing it.
-''Light Beam:'' Slowly charges up their laser and then fires it. The laser will travel across the entire stage.
*'''Light Beam:''' Slowly charges up their laser and then fires it. The laser will travel across the entire stage.
|'''Ancient Nasod Guard''' - An enhanced version of the Ancient Nasod Sentinel with ranged capabilities.
|'''Ancient Nasod Guard''' - An enhanced version of the Ancient Nasod Sentinel with ranged capabilities.
-''Activate:'' Upon being approached it will spin dealing damage to those immediately next to it.
*'''Activate:''' Upon being approached it will spin dealing damage to those immediately next to it.
*'''Slam:''' The Nasod will slam players with its arms.
-''Slam:'' The Nasod will slam players with its arms.
*'''Arrow:''' If you are in shooting distance they will shoot arrows.
*'''Projectile Counter:''' They can create a force field to deflect projectiles.
-''Arrow:'' If you are in shooting distance they will shoot arrows.
-''Projectile Counter:'' They can create a force field to deflect projectiles.
|'''Mini Ancient Nasod Sentinel''' - A smaller version of the Ancient Nasod Sentrinel.
|'''Mini Ancient Nasod Sentinel''' - A smaller version of the Ancient Nasod Sentinel.
-''Activate:'' Upon being approached it will spin dealing damage to those immediately next to it.
*'''Activate:''' Upon being approached it will spin dealing damage to those immediately next to it.
*'''Projectile Counter:''' They can create a force field to deflect projectiles.
-''Projectile Counter:'' They can create a force field to deflect projectiles.
|'''Ancient Nasod Sentinel''' - An ancient Nasod found in Hamel's waterways.
|'''Ancient Nasod Sentinel''' - An ancient Nasod found in Hamel's waterways.
-''Activate:'' Upon being approached it will spin dealing damage to those immediately next to it.
*'''Activate:''' Upon being approached it will spin dealing damage to those immediately next to it.
*'''Slam:''' The Nasod will slam players with its arms.
-''Slam:'' The Nasod will slam players with its arms.
*'''Projectile Counter:''' They can create a force field to deflect projectiles.
-''Projectile Counter:'' They can create a force field to deflect projectiles.
|'''Merman''' - Holds a fish and whacks you with it.
|'''Merman''' - Holds a fish and whacks you with it.
-''Fish Attack:'' Swings his fish like a club to harm players.
*'''Fish Attack:''' Swings his fish like a club to harm players.
|'''Ancient Crab''' - A species of crab with large claws.
|'''Ancient Crab''' - A species of crab with large claws.
-''Defend:'' They can defend oncoming attacks from the front with its claw.
*'''Defend:''' They can defend oncoming attacks from the front with its claw.
*'''Claw:''' Attack with its claw inducing Leg Would.
-''Claw:'' Attack with its claw inducing Leg Would.
|'''Shadow Linker''' - A small Shadow monster that can Soul Link just like [[7-1| Shadow Master]].
|'''Shadow Linker''' - A small Shadow monster that can Soul Link just like [[7-1| Shadow Master]].
-''Link:'' The Shadow Linker will link itself with a player causing them to have significantly reduced movement and attack speed.
*'''Link:''' The Shadow Linker will link itself with a player causing them to have significantly reduced movement and attack speed.
|'''Ancient Cockatrigle''' - A beefed up version of the [[6-1|Cockatrigle]].
|'''Ancient Cockatrigle''' - A beefed up version of the [[6-1|Cockatrigle]].
-''Peck:'' It will peck several times with its beak.
*'''Peck:''' It will peck several times with its beak.
*'''Juggle Charge:''' It will charge forward juggling players in its way with its head.
-''Juggle Charge:'' It will charge forward juggling players in its way with its head.
*'''Bird Laser:''' The Cockatrigle will fire a laser out of its mouth at the grounddealing damage to those in front of it.
-''Bird Laser:'' The Cockatrigle will fire a laser out of its mouth at the grounddealing damage to those in front of it.
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*Many find Chloe significantly more difficult to defeat than Victor due to her extremely high damage output, defense, speed, and ability to combo with special actives.
*Many find Chloe significantly more difficult to defeat than Victor due to her extremely high damage output, defense, speed, and ability to combo with special actives.
-''Advanced Kick Combo:'' Starts with 2 normal kicks followed by 3 powerful kicks: A rear horse kick, knee kick and a long range knee kick. Similar to Wind Sneaker combo ZZ→ZZZ.
*'''Advanced Kick Combo:''' Starts with 2 normal kicks followed by 3 powerful kicks: A rear horse kick, knee kick and a long range knee kick. Similar to Wind Sneaker combo ZZ→ZZZ.
*'''Slash:''' Chloe draws her knife and slashes you twice with it. Induces KD and Bleed (see [[Status Effects]])
-''Slash:'' Chloe draws her knife and slashes you TWICE with it. Induces KD and Bleed (see [[Status Effects]])
*'''Tumble:''' Jumps into the air and turns upside down as it's turning its head into a giant spike before making a sharp fall, tends to do this to attack players through platforms.  Induces KD.
*'''Air Kick Combo 1 & a half:''' Chloe performs the Triple Air Kick maneuver. However, she only stops at the second kick and starts combo-ing you later.Similar to Combat Ranger combo →→↑ZZZ canceled on second Z.
-''Tumble:'' Jumps into the air and turns upside down as it's turning its head into a giant spike before making a sharp fall, tends to do this to attack players through platforms.  Induces KD.
*'''Nature Force: Dark Ver.:''' Chloe imbues her attacks with the power of darkness.  Similar to Wind Sneaker's  [[Nature's Force]] active skill.
*'''Spinning Kick: Dark Ver.:''' Chloe spins horizontally, drilling into opponents with her feet. Similar to Combat Ranger's  [[Spinning Kick]] special active skill.  This does substantial damage.
-''Air Kick Combo 1 & a half:'' Chloe performs the Triple Air Kick maneuver. However, she only stops at the second kick and starts combo-ing you later.Similar to Combat Ranger combo →→↑ZZZ canceled on second Z.
*'''Slide Double Kick: Dark Ver.:''' Chloe slide kicks behind the you followed by a kick and another kick into the air. Similar to Wind Sneaker's [[Slide Double Kick]] special active skill.  This does enormous damage.
-''Nature Force: Dark Ver.:'' Chloe imbues her attacks with the power of darkness.  Similar to Wind Sneaker's  [[Nature's Force]] active skill.
-''Spinning Kick: Dark Ver.:'' Chloe spins horizontally, drilling into opponents with her feet. Similar to Combat Ranger's  [[Spinning Kick]] special active skill.  This does substantial damage.
-''Slide Double Kick: Dark Ver.:'' Chloe slide kicks behind the you followed by a kick and another kick into the air. Similar to Wind Sneaker's [[Slide Double Kick]] special active skill.  This does enormous damage.
*Has a stoic threshold of 20 hits.
-Has a stoic threshold of 20 hits.
*Like most Dark Elves she has 10% evasion allowing her to avoid attacks.
**This works differently than a player's evasion and makes her immune to that player's attacks for several seconds each time it activates.
-Like most Dark Elves she has 10% evasion allowing her to avoid attacks.
*This works differently than a player's evasion and makes her immune to that player's attacks for several seconds each time it activates.
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|'''Victor''' - One of the more aggressive bosses in Elrios. Possesses superhuman strength and loves violence.
|'''Victor''' - One of the more aggressive bosses in Elrios. Possesses superhuman strength and loves violence.
-''Dynamic Entry!:'' Only does it at the start of the match. Victor leaps down from his post and smashes the center of the stage, roaring once he hits the ground. He cannot be damaged until he has finished roaring.<br>
*'''Dynamic Entry!:''' Only does it at the start of the match. Victor leaps down from his post and smashes the center of the stage, roaring once he hits the ground. He cannot be damaged until he has finished roaring.
*Both the impact and roar can deal damage.
**Both the impact and roar can deal damage.
**On each side of the stage there are two starting positions for players, the one on the left closest to the center is in range of the impact. Simply move a little to the left to avoid getting hit.
***On each side of the stage there are two starting positions for players, the one on the left closest to the center is in range of the impact. Simply move a little to the left to avoid getting hit.
-''Victor Combo:'' Poses then strikes in a certain direction three times.  Unlike when fighting him as a boss this attack has no super armor frames.
*'''Victor Combo:''' Poses then strikes in a certain direction three times.  Unlike when fighting him as a boss this attack has no super armor frames.
*'''Victor Swing:''' Poses then swings his fists into the air to throw you upwards while in super armor.
-''Victor Swing:'' Poses then swings his fists into the air to throw you upwards while in super armor.
*'''Victor Charge:''' Occurs only if you are at a certain distance away from him. It's similar to [[Burning Rush]], except debris will fall from the ceiling on impact with a wall.
*'''Victor Assault:''' Victor roars, beats his chest rapidly, and then launches himself at the nearest target.  He lands on them and violently attacks them repeatedly for enormous damage.
-''Victor Charge:'' Occurs only if you are at a certain distance away from him. It's similar to [[Burning Rush]], except debris will fall from the ceiling on impact with a wall.
**If he fails to land on a valid target he will not continue with his combo.
*'''Body Slam:''' Body Slam that will inflict [[Status Effects|Flattening]] for a period of time.  Very fast and powerful but requires that he jumps before performing it.
-''Victor Assault:'' Victor roars, beats his chest rapidly, and then launches himself at the nearest target.  He lands on them and violently attacks them repeatedly for enormous damage.<br>
*'''It's Showtime!:''' Victor leaps into the air and tries to crush you with his weight. He roars after he lands. However, this move can be avoided easily as he only lands on your initial spot, so walk away from it.
*If he fails to land on a valid target he will not continue with his combo.
-''Body Slam:'' Body Slam that will inflict [[Status Effects|Flattening]] for a period of time.  Very fast and powerful but requires that he jumps before performing it.
-''It's Showtime!:'' Victor leaps into the air and tries to crush you with his weight. He roars after he lands. However, this move can be avoided easily as he only lands on your initial spot, so walk away from it.
*Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.
-Has a stoic threshold of 30 hits.
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| BDrop={{tabs|name=1|tab1=Eroded Abyss Staff|contents1={{:7-4Bdrop1}} |tab2=Eroded Abyss Blade|contents2={{:7-4Bdrop2}}|tab3=Champion Ring|contents3={{:7-4Bdrop3}}}}
| BDrop={{tabs|name=1|tab1=Eroded Abyss Staff|contents1={{:7-4Bdrop1}} |tab2=Eroded Abyss Blade|contents2={{:7-4Bdrop2}}|tab3=Champion Ring|contents3={{:7-4Bdrop3}}}}
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