Story/Noah Chapter 4: Difference between revisions

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|Description=Noah opens his eyes again inside the temple. Though he saves Yuria, he cannot stop the despair that he begins to feel.
|Description=Noah opens his eyes again inside the temple. Though he saves Yuria, he cannot stop the despair that he begins to feel.
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''....... Gasp. Ugh, ahh... Where...? The temple...? Why am I here again...? What happened? I was at Rosso's manor... The monsters... no, it wasn't the monsters. Someone attacked... Clamor took the hit...!''
*{{StoryIcon|Clamor}} '''Clamor:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...Oh, I see. This time... Clamor... went back to the state before the seal was removed... Everything that I did, no longer happened... Haha... It's even worse than before. If it's going to be like this, just take my memory away. At least then, it won't hurt as much... No, if I just never wake up... I... How much longer until...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...There's no time to lie around like this. I need to go save Yuria. She would have lost her staff by now. Once I meet Yuria, I'll ask her to remove the seal on... On... Clamor... And then what? What... do I want to do after I meet him again...?''
*{{StoryIcon|?}} '''???:''' ''-''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Waaah... Thanks! I thought I was really... done... for...? Hey, are you alright? Why are you crying?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Are you hurt? It doesn't look like it... Oh, don't cry.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I don't know. I don't know why Clamor did it. I don't think he was trying to trick me...''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Huh...?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I shouldn't have met anyone. It was better alone. It wasn't complicated like this, when I was focusing on revenging my brother. It's too late... Even though everything went back in time, I can't do it. The meeting, the bond we had, I can't remove it from my memory! I should have known that anything I do is doomed from the start... I was overconfident I could change things, only to regret it again and...''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Phew... Cheer up. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but... is there any way I can help?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''No... You will forget about me soon. Just like before.''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Huh?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Meeting me, talking to me, anything you do with me will soon have no meaning. No matter what I do, nothing change. No matter how much I struggle, this moment will repeat endlessly, like clockwork! I'm sick of it. I just want to take a break.''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Hey, um...''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''I don't really know what's going on... and, talking to me might not be in your best interest... But I still want to help cheer you up.''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''.......''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''You said I'm going to forget everything, right? Then why don't you use this chance to just, vent everything that's on your mind? So um... First off... Why did you fight with your friend?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...It's not... I was the only one angry. I think Clamor just listened.''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''I don't know why you were angry at your friend, but did your friend just listen because he acknowledged it was his fault?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''... I don't know. I don't think it was Clamor who did it. His animosity towards the Order seems genuine. I know, he's right... It's not the right time period. But... I, I for one, can't say everything's fine because it's all in the past...''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''(The Order?) Um, so, you don't think your friend did anything wrong... right? Then why are you still hesitant?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''But what if he did? What if Clamor did all those things? I don't know how I could handle that if that were the case...''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Hm... How complicated. Are you still worried because you think he's not trustworthy? What kind of person is he?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''...A magician. He said he's a scholar who invents magical items.''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''...That's, uh, it? What else?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''What... else? Do I need anything else?''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Hm, well, where he was born, his likes and dislikes, his hobby, his life time goal... You know, things like that, that helps you understand what kind of person he is?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I... don't know. I never asked. (...It feels strange.)''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Huh? You're friends though, right? You weren't curious?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''No. Not once... (Am I feeling guilty? Why? Because I don't know about Clamor?)''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Oh, uh... There are people like that, too! Haha, I'm a bit nosy. I ask a lot of questions until I'm satisfied. When I'm close to someone, I want to know them, so I ask. Then I wonder about something else... and it goes on! You don't have to know each other well to be friends, but when you know more, you can do more, you know?''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''Like what?''
*{{StoryIcon|Yuria}} '''Yuria:''' ''Hm... If you know what they like, you can give them a surprise gift. If you know what they don't like, you can avoid that topic... Something like that!''
*{{StoryIcon|Noah}} '''Noah:''' ''I wasn't like that. ...Though I think Clamor was.''
