Story/Side Story/Elesis: Difference between revisions

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*'''Elkashu''': ''We don't have much time so I'll explain briefly.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''We don't have much time so I'll explain briefly.''
*''Girl wordlessly sat beside the man and looked down at the strategy map. Red Mercenary Knights and the rebel forces were confronting each other with the 'Glenore Plains' in between them.''
*''Girl wordlessly sat beside the man and looked down at the strategy map. Red Mercenary Knights and the rebel forces were confronting each other with the 'Glornir Plains' in between them.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''General of the enemy across the plains is Sir Branderk. Sir Branderk's forces are second to none amongst the lords that joined the rebels. Shortest road to his fortress is this Glenore Plains. But…''
*'''Elkashu''': ''General of the enemy across the plains is Sir Branderk. Sir Branderk's forces are second to none amongst the lords that joined the rebels. Shortest road to his fortress is this Glornir Plains. But…''
*''Man's hands pointed towards both sides of the plains.''
*''Man's hands pointed towards both sides of the plains.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''These plains are surrounded by one side with a cliff and other side with a Dark Forest Marden where demonic monsters supposedly appear. It's a situation where we can't go around in either direction so Sir Branderk has been only defending from inside his fortress and waiting for us knights to give up and retreat. We must take the Glenore Plains in order to end this civil war quickly…. But Sir Corkus's Black Tiger Knights are holding their position across the plains as well so we cannot advance so easily.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''These plains are surrounded by one side with a cliff and other side with a Dark Forest Marden where demonic monsters supposedly appear. It's a situation where we can't go around in either direction so Sir Branderk has been only defending from inside his fortress and waiting for us knights to give up and retreat. We must take the Glornir Plains in order to end this civil war quickly…. But Sir Corkus's Black Tiger Knights are holding their position across the plains as well so we cannot advance so easily.''
*''Girl nodded as she quietly opened her mouth.''
*''Girl nodded as she quietly opened her mouth.''
*'''Elesis''': ''And with problem with the supplies added, that's why the situation turned this bad.''
*'''Elesis''': ''And with problem with the supplies added, that's why the situation turned this bad.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''That's right. If we fight head on with Sir Cokus's Black Tiger Knights right now, we'll be defeated without even being able to put up a fight. But we must somehow capture the Glenore Plains in order to be victorious against Sir Branderk. To be honest though…. Us Red Mercenary Knights are at our limit.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''That's right. If we fight head on with Sir Cokus's Black Tiger Knights right now, we'll be defeated without even being able to put up a fight. But we must somehow capture the Glornir Plains in order to be victorious against Sir Branderk. To be honest though…. Us Red Mercenary Knights are at our limit.''
*''Man's voice sunk heavily. Girl turned her head to steal a glance at the man's face. Man had an extremely vexed expression. It was the first time she saw her father's face like this.''
*''Man's voice sunk heavily. Girl turned her head to steal a glance at the man's face. Man had an extremely vexed expression. It was the first time she saw her father's face like this.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''We need take a….. special measure.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''We need take a….. special measure.''
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*'''Elkashu''': ''Before we start the strategy meeting to capture Glornir Plains…. I have someone to introduce to everyone.''
*''At the man's signal, the girl walked up and bowed. Inside of the commander's tent became noisy all of a sudden.''
*'''Commander 1''': ''So that girl is…. the rumored…..?''
*'''Commander 2''': ''She's that 'genius' who completed the El Search Party program in shortest time ever.''
*'''Commander 1''': ''But why is she here….?''
*'''Commander 3''': ''Hmph, she's still a little girl. She won't be of any help to our forces…''
*'''Penensio''': ''Hmm, hmm…!''
*''The ruckus continued on for a while. The girl looked up at the man with a startled expression but the man just sat quietly with his eyes closed so it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. In the end, vice captain of the Red Mercenary Knights, Penensio had to step up. He made fake coughs multiple times and tried to say he was going to explain their strategy multiple times.''
*'''Penensio''': ''Our main force led by Sir Elkashu will confront the enemies directly on the Glornir Plains. But if we charge in with all our forces right now, we won't even last two days and be annihilated. We need to send a detachment force that will move across the Marden forest and strike the enemy from the rear.''
*'''Commander''': ''You're joking right? Go across Marden forest?''
*'''Penensio''': ''That's right. If the detachment force moves through the Marden forest and distract the enemies by destroying their camps, enemies will naturally have to divide their forces. Our main forces will use this chance to defeat the enemy forces at the front.''
*''Inside of the tent became noisy from worried filled voices of the commanders even before Penensio's words ended.''
*'''Commander 1''': ''But don't dangerous demonic monsters dwell inside Marden forest? Sending soldiers in there basically means giving up those soldiers….''
*'''Commander 2''': ''Will anyone even volunteer to go inside a forest filled with demonic monsters? This is a ridiculous plan.''
*'''Elesis''': ''Let me take command of those detachment forces.''
*''Everyone's gazes turned towards the girl. The girl had one hand held up with a confident expression.''
*'''Commander 3''': ''Don't make me laugh brat, do you think this place is your playground?''
*'''Commander 1''': ''You can't Sir Elkashu. There's no way we can leave a mission this important to a brat who just finished the El Search Party program.''
*'''Elesis''': ''There should be soldiers that went through the El Search Party program in the Red Mercenary Knights. Give me command of them and those that were born and grew up in forest areas, 500 soldiers in total.''
*'''Commander 2''': ''Don't take her seriously Sir Elkashu! She's still a young child.''
*''The man who was listening to everything quietly opened his eyes and asked the girl.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''What is the reason behind you trying to compose your forces like this?''
*'''Elesis''': ''It's because training inside the Shadow Forest is included in the El Search Party program. Those that went through the El Search Party program naturally learn how to face demonic monsters. They are also specialized in moving through forests quickly so they possess perfect qualifications for this mission's detachment forces. I'll….lead the mission of the detachment forces into success for sure!''
*''The man wordlessly stared at the girl. The girl's eyes were shining, she was filled with confidence. The man nodded in the end. Those that tried to protest later had to leave the tent because they were blocked by Elkashu's words saying the strategy meeting was over.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''….. I'd like you to help Elesis from beside her.''
*'''Penensio''': ''Me….?''
*''The man smiled as she stared for a long time at the spot that the girl was standing just before.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''She's still an inexperienced child so soldiers might not listen to her orders well. I'd like you to aid her well from beside her and convince the soldiers.''
*'''Penensio''': ''…. I understand.''
*''Penensio bowed and left the tent. The man was alone again.''
*'''Elkashu''': ''You grew up well, Elesis…. My proud daughter.''
*''The man leaned his fatigued body on the chair and closed his eyes amidst the silence.''
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