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====Chapter 33: In the Demon Realm====
====Chapter 33: In the Demon Realm====
After the El Search Party came back from [[Add]]'s failed plan to use the Debrian Portal, the group called the El Masters and Priestesses when they arrived back in [[Elrianode]] to tell them about their hypothesis about the El. [[Add]] pointing out that the El has appeared in distant lands, most notably the world where [[Rose]] comes from. Sasha hypothesizes that it may have ended up there due to the El Explosion, however the group end up concluding that the El has the power to connect and restrict movement between worlds. They came to a conclusion to try and investigate what they believed to be a seal underneath the El Tower, the priestesses and El Masters followed. Reaching the ancient primordial seal, [[Denif]] requested the help of the priestesses to use their powers to pry a hole into the seal, just enough to let the El Search Party through before it closed back up.
After the El Search Party came back from [[Add]]'s failed plan to use the Debrian Portal, the group called the El Masters and Priestesses when they arrived back in [[Elrianode]] to tell them about their hypothesis about the El. [[Add]] pointing out that the El has appeared in distant lands, most notably the world where [[Rose]] comes from. Sasha hypothesizes that it may have ended up there due to the El Explosion, however the group end up concluding that the El has the power to connect and restrict movement between worlds. They came to a conclusion to try and investigate what they believed to be a seal underneath the El Tower, the priestesses and El Masters followed. Reaching the ancient primordial seal, [[Denif]] requested the help of the priestesses to use their powers to pry a hole into the seal, just enough to let the El Search Party through before it closed back up.
====Sage of Fluone====
When [[Gaia]] and [[Laby]] arrived in [[Elrianode]], Sasha was the first to notice their arrival, shocked at how they got here. She was quickly accompanied by the other priestesses and [[Denif]]. She and the other priestesses took Laby to tend to her injuries. When Laby came to, seeking out her teacher, Sasha informed her that he was speaking with Master Denif. Realizing Denif was her teacher's teacher, Laby sprang and ran off.
A little bit later when Laby began to tell her story to Denif, the master called upon the other priestesses to listen in. When Laby began to speak of the three mornings she experienced, the priestesses deduced they were related to the major El events. Sasha deducing the first morning as the Nasod War. Sasha wonders why it is that Laby wasn't able to leave her forest when the El was at its fullest in the past, [[Artea]] and [[Denif]] suggesting [[Elsword]]'s involvement may be the key difference. Hearing it, [[Darkmoon]] suggests the possibility Laby may be a demon, prompting Laby to speak of [[Calonne]] and the other demons in [[North Fluone]], news which took the priestesses by surprise, news which caught [[Gloria]] and Sasha in particular by surprise. When Gloria began lamenting the demon's attack on Darkmoon's El, Sasha brings up that they trust [[Lu/Ciel|Lu]]. Sasha tells them her belief that any human or demon is capable of both good and evil, recounting the actions of [[Rod Ross]], telling her to not deny Laby just because she may be a demon. After the situation calmed down, Denif suggested Gaia and Laby rest as the other prepared food.
====Answer to Belief====
When [[Laby]] came out to tell them the truth about Nisha, many of them were confused, Sasha wondering if she was being metaphoric. After further elaboration they propose Laby may have come from a Henir portal which spawned within the Black Forest. During their conversation, Sasha noticed the Spirit Stone react, prompting them to all open the seal where [[Ventus]] and [[Rosso]] return.
====You and I Are One====
After the Fire Master had returned, the Priestesses conversed among one another, noticing that the arrival of [[Rosso]] and [[Ventus]] had greatly relieved them of the stress of maintaining the El, despite the masters appearing to simply stroll around. Sasha herself very much glad that the Henir energy spewing out the seal had ceased and had no long term effects. As the priestesses suggested to [[Ignia]] she should make up with Rosso, Laby returned to [[Elrianode]] from her trip to the [[Forgotten Elrian Sanctum]].
====Meeting the El Search Party====
When the El Search Party neared [[Elrianode]] all the master and priestesses went to undo the seal to allow them back to Elrios. When they did so, things were in chaos as Henir's realm had descended into disarray. Nobody could move from their spot except [[Laby]] who volunteers to aid the El Search Party. [[Denif]] agrees and the girl jumps in, she does stop the monsters from swarming into Elrianode but the realm shifts, causing her and the El Search Party to fall into a fissure.

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