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Revision as of 01:31, 28 October 2019 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Max HP +" to "HP Increase +")
Icon (KR) Title Obtain Stats
Elsword Commando Participate in Elsword vs Bubble Fighter Round 2 events

Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Critical +1%
All Elements Resistance +10
HP Increase +2%

? ? ?
? ?

Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Attack Speed +1%

? ? No Effects
2NE1 Purchase 2NE1 avatar packages (titles are also obtainable from market as it is tradable)

HP +1200
Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Critical +2%
Additional Damage +1%

Heroic Story Use the "Heroic Story" title item.

Physical Attack +30
Magical Attack +30
Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +2%
Awakening Duration +3%
All Elements Resistance +10

? ? ?
Tooniland Use the "Tooniland Style" title item.

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Attack Speed +1%
Add. Damage +1%
Dark Resistance +10
ED received +5% (Dungeon)

? ? ?
Rebirth Obtain Iron Paladin or Deadly Chaser during the release event.

Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Attack Speed +2%
Awakening Charge Speed +3%
HP Increase +2955

BigBang!! Sun Use the "BigBang!! Sun" title item. HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
BigBang!! T.O.P. Use the "BigBang!! T.O.P." title item. HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
BigBang!! Victory Use the "BigBang!! Victory" title item. HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
BigBang!! Daesung Use the "BigBang!! Daesung" title item. HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
BigBang!! G-Dragon Use the "BigBang!! G-Dragon" title item. HP +1000
Physical Attack +50
Magic Attack +50
Physical Defense +20
Magic Defense +20
Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
The Birth of Heroes ? Actives, Special Actives, Buffs Skill Level +1 (Arena only)
Critical +3%
HP Increase +10%
All Elements Resistance +10
Hero's Honor ? 2% chance to get 18 MP when hit
Attack Speed +3%
2% chance of inflicting Strong Flame effect when attacking
2% chance of inflicting Cold Shock effect when attacking
All Elements Resistance +10
? ? ?
Pioneer of Fluone ?

Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Critical +3%
All Elements Resistance +20

Explorer of Fluone ?

Physical Attack +50
Magical Attack +50
Attack Speed +1%
Critical +1%
All Elements Resistance +10

1st EWE ? No Effects
Elrios Candidates ? ?
? ? ?
Miracle in the Ruben Forest Use the "Miracle in the Ruben Forest" title item.

Magical Attack +20
Physical Attack +20
Critical +2%
HP Increase +2%
Jump Speed +4%
Water Resistance +10
Wind Resistance +10
Nature Resistance +10

Luto's Contract

Physical Attack +65
Magical Attack +65
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
All Elements Resistance +40

Blessings of the Trees

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
HP Increase +2%
Critical +2%
Nature Resistance +40

110 Rescuer Available from an old event, where if you bought the 110 lifes pack you would get it for 15 days

Physical Defense +50
Magical Defense +50
HP Increase +15%
MP Gain when attacked +5%
All Elements Resistance+30

V.I.P. Log into Elsword from a PC Bang net cafe in Korea. Physical Attack +28
Magical attack +28
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
Critical +3%
Movement Speed +1%
Jump Speed +1%
Majestic White Tiger Obtained by completing the 2010 event
Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Critical +2%
Movement Speed +4%
Elsword 2nd Year 2nd year Anniversary Event HP Increase +2222
Physical Attack +22
Magical attack +22
Physical Defense +22
Magical Defense +22
Attack Speed +2%
Movement Speed +2%
Jump Speed +2%
MP Gain when attacking +2%
MP Gain when attacked +2%
All Elements Resistance +22
Edge Style ? Physical Attack +48
Magical attack +48
Physical Defense +16
Magical Defense +16
MP Gain when attacked +2%
Attack Speed +3%
Rich harvesting Season ? Physical Attack +40
Magical attack +40
Physical Defense +20
Magical Defense +20
Awakening Charge Speed +10%
HP Increase +2%
Attack Speed +2%
Valentine's Star 2009 Valentines Event. Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Awakening Duration +5s
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Critical +2%
Valentine's Messenger 2009 Valentines Event.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +8
Magical Defense +8
Awakening Duration +5s
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
MP Gain when attacked +2%
New Year's Determination ? Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Physical Defense +10
Magical Defense +10
MP Gain when attacked +1%
Pioneer of Elios Obtained by playing Elsword beta, and the first few weeks of a new server opening.
Physical Attack +20
Magical attack +20
Critical +2%
Movement Speed +3%
Attack Speed +1%
Infinite Spirit '300 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +16
Magical attack +16
Physical Defense +6
Magical Defense +6
HP Increase +3%
ED received +10% (Dungeon)
Elsword 200th Day '200 days of Elsword since it started' event. (Cannot be obtained anymore)
Physical Attack +15
Magical attack +15
12th Warrior

Attack Speed +2%
Movement Speed +12%
Jump Speed +12%

File:Explorer.png El Explorer Participate in testing field map system Attack Speed +2%
Critical +2%
File:KoreanMemorialDayTitle.png Memorial Day Awarded to players who logged in on Memorial Day in South Korea (June 6, 2017) Physical Attack +6.6% (Dungeon)
Physical Defense +6.6% (Dungeon)
Magical Attack +6.6% (Dungeon)
Magical Defense +6.6% (Dungeon)
All skill damage +6.6% (Excluding Hyperactive/Extreme Heavenly Love skill) (Dungeon)