Unleash a powerful shot while in Super Armor status. Hold the skill button to charge and release it to shoot forward.
Cannonball Consumption
  • Uses 1 cannonball
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Firing speed and range increased by 1.5 times.


Class Level Required [Enhanced] Level Left Skill Trait Level Right Skill Trait Level
Iron Paladin 35 91 48 56

Skill Information (NA)

Character Level Damage (Magical) Range Ammo Usage MP Usage Cooldown
35 1319% ~ 1846% 0 ~ 600 1 50 MP 7 seconds
[Enhanced] 91 0 ~ 900

Skill Information (KR)


Character Level Damage (Magical) Range Ammo Usage MP Usage Cooldown
35 1162% ~ 1627% 0 ~ 600 1 50 MP 7 seconds
[Enhanced] 91 0 ~ 900

Skill Traits

Empowered Artillery Nova Gigantic Artillery Nova
Level Required Attribute Effect Details Level Required Attribute Effect
48 Damage increased to 130% 1714.7% ~ 2399.8% 56 Skill size increased to 120%

Tips and Details

  • Although not stated in the game, the cannon blow will deal a small amount of Physical damage to the enemy and knock them back, similar to Scare Chase.
  • While charging, Chung will possess Super Armor.
  • When fully charged, the missile will home in to the nearest enemy. It can even hit targets directly behind you if you don't charge it.
  • The longer you charge, the higher the range and damage of the missile will be.
  • Targets will not be knocked down.


  • 07/04/2013 KR
    • Changed so it charges up while holding the key.
    • Fires when key is let go and attack power and range increased depending on amount of time charged.
    • Base damage decreased. (Max Charge is same as current damage)
  • 07/10/2014 KR
    • MP cost decreased.
    • Damage increased.
  • 07/17/2014 KR
    • Fully charged projectile homes in on targets.
  • 10/29/2015 (KR) / 03/16/2016 (NA)
    • Changed so cannon attack does lower damage and pushes targets away.
    • Charging speed increased.
  • 01/25/2017 (KR)
    • Damage decreased.
  • 02/09/2017 KR
    • Fixed issue where cannot charge to max damage when hit the close targets.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea ??? Artillery Nova
  Japan アーティラリーノヴァ Artillery Nova
  China (Simplified Chinese) 火炮新星 Artillery Nova
  France Artillerie-Nova Artillery Nova
