• English
General of Henir's Order
Full Name
General of Henir's Order
I'll use the power for something better. Thank you for the donation, keukeukeuk.

~ Hennon



A mysterious hooded figure drenched in the chaos of Henir. A general of Henir's Order he is in charge of the investigation of the recently reawakened Elrianode.


Ancient Ellian Ruin

Hennon had been searching ruins of the ancient Ellian Kingdom. In his search, he noticed Aisha and her grandfather Kuenbaran performing their search of the same Ellian Ruin. He lurked in the shadows and observed them from afar.

When Aisha went off on her own to search for clues on how to enter the ruins, he followed her. Trailing behind, he saw Aisha discover the entrance to the ruins and even discover information on the Ring of Mimir's location. As Aisha left the ruins and reuniting with her grandfather, Hennon stayed in the shadows out of view. Deeply intrigued by the revelations that had occurred, he decided to continue lurking behind the girl.

Ring of Mimir

To no surprise, when Aisha and her grandfather made it to the supposed location of the Ring of Mimir, the man was not far behind them. As the two traveled through the Ellian ruins, Hennon made sure to follow Aisha, and she led him straight to the Ring of Mimir. After Aisha regained consciousness from first wearing the Ring of Mimir, Hennon appeared before her. Aisha worrying about the ring's power planned to cautiously remove the ring, he agreed with her plans.

Aisha was surprised to find the man, fearing that he might be after the Ring of Mimir, she threatened to launch fireballs at him. Hennon shrugged off Aisha's threat and threatened her back. Aisha in retaliation started firing at the man but he blocked all her attacks and deflected her fireballs towards the walls. He expresses his dissatisfaction with Aisha and tells her that the ring isn't something that should be in the possession of people, expressing that he will remove the ring, even if it means using force.

Aisha shot at the environment to cloak her while she tried to escape. Hennon was blinded for a moment while Aisha hid from him. Searching through the ruin's looking for where the girl was hiding, Aisha took the opening she got to strike him in the back. He disappeared prompting Aisha to try and make her escape, however he cut her off, sending his own fireball back at her. Aisha backed into a corner, the man requested she hand over the ring one last time.

Aisha in a moment of desperation used the power of the Ring of Mimir. Feeling the infinite magical energy coming from the ring, she tried to fire a powerful fireball but instead the ring began to siphon her energy. Hennon expressed his sentiments, that the ring wasn't something for humans to possess. He walked up to the collapsed girl and took the ring. He put in inside his cloak before leisurely walked away and disappearing into the shrine.

With the Ring of Mimir in his possession, he gave the ring to his superiors to further the Order's agenda.

Henir's Passage

After Elsword restored the El and with is reawakened Elrianode, Hennon and his minions had their opportunity to return to the lost city.

With pre-existing knowledge of the location of Henir's Passage, Hennon and his colleagues went to Debrian Laboratory underneath the old palace almost immediately. There they made their way to the Passage to Henir's Core and reactivated it. Using that energy they managed to open a portal to the Demon World. With a gateway open, Hennon was able to extract a piece of the Demon World's Dark El for himself, with half of his plan already completed, he only needed to get the Primal El located in the Water Dragon Sanctum.

Chapter 28: Restored Elrianode

After the El Search Party undid the seals to the Water Dragon Sanctum, Hennon and his minions sprung into action. Appearing before the group fully cloaked, he formally expressed his gratitude and thanked the group for undoing the seal. Lu sensed that the mysterious man was not a normal person and warned the others. Lu sense demonic energy from Hennon, but felt as if the energy was coming from something he had in his possession. At the shrine, Hennon was able to retrieve the power source sealed off in the sanctuary, a piece of the Primal El. With what he was looking for in his possession, he planned to take his leave before Aisha recognized his voice as the same man who had stolen the Ring of Mimir from her. Glancing over, he was surprised to see a familiar face as well. Aisha demanded he return the ring back to her in which he responds that the ring was never her's in the first place. Aisha pleads for her power which is trapped in the ring, however he sees that power as a simple donation for his greater good. After a good laugh, he excuses himself and flees.

Having chased him through the Water Dragon Sanctum, Hennon was impressed by the group having chased him this far. Not taking the compliment, Add demands the El and Elsword demands Aisha's ring. The man tell the group he's on a busy schedule, and has places to be. Instead, he leaves the group behind with the Skin Splitter to keep them entertained. With them distracted by the Henir beast, he takes his leave out of the sanctuary, making his successful escape, losing the El Search Party. However, Ventus who was lurking in the shadows was able to nab the Primal El in his possession and replaced it with a fake without anybody even noticing.

Chapter 31: Interdimensional Colossus and...


Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 헨논 Hennon
  Japan ヘンノン Hennon
  China (Simplified Chinese) 赫农 Hennon

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other