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The Mana Embed System is a new system to empower certain weapons by embedding mana stones into them. Essentially, players can give their weapon a random additional stat by embedding these new mana stones, similar to magic stone socketing.

General Information

The Mana Embed System utilizes a new type of item, the Mana Stones. These items can drop randomly from Vanimir dungeons. These Mana Stones can come in four different types: red, blue, orange, and giant; and three different grades: normal (rare), refined (elite), and radiant (unique). The better the mana stone grade, the higher the random stat it can give. There does not seem to be a difference between what stats red and blue mana stones can give.

How to Use It

The Mana Embed System can only be accessed from Hugo, the alchemist of Elysion, or the Alchemy Refiner in Elrianode. It can then be accessed via the Mana Embed (마력 부여) option. The cursor will change for you to select an applicable weapon to embed mana stones in your inventory. Applicable weapons include Secret, Heroic, Henir, Perkisas, Eltrion, and Apocalypse Type - Void Weapon weapons, but only the unique or legend grade versions.

The Mana Embed System window, with a weapon with no embedded mana stones on the left and a weapon with some embedded mana stones on the right.

After selecting a weapon, the Mana Embed window will appear. There are four columns, one for each type. By default, there are 5 slots for each color and 1 giant slot unlocked. There are 4 more colored slots and 2 more giants slots locked, but are currently unavailable. Starting from the top of a column, players can embed a mana stone of the corresponding type. (So red mana stones can only be embed into the red column.) However, you can embed in any column. (So one column doesn't have to be completed to start embedding in another.) Each mana stone embed costs 200,000 ED. Once a mana stone is embedded, the weapon will gain a random additional stat.

List of All Possible Effects

  • Physical Attack + x / x% / Lv. x
  • Physical Defense + x / x% / Lv. x
  • Magical Attack + x / x% / Lv. x
  • Magical Defense + x / x% / Lv. x
  • Increase Damage Dealt to Boss Monster (Dungeon)
  • Decrease Damage Dealt by Boss Monster (Dungeon)
  • Increase Damage to Enemy with <30% HP (Dungeon)
  • Increase Damage to Proportion of HP Lost (Dungeon)
  • Increase Damage to Knocked Down Enemy (Dungeon)
  • Double Attack Chance
  • Increase All Skill Damage {Dungeon)
  • Increase Critical Damage
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Item Drop Rate (Dungeon)
  • EXP Gain
  • All Elemental Activation Rate
  • All Elemental Resistance
  • Single Elemental Resistance
  • Increase MP Recovery when Attacking
  • Increase MP Recovery when Attacked
  • Max HP Increase
  • Max MP Increase
  • Critical
  • Maximize
  • Add. Damage
  • Red. Damage
  • Awakening Charge
  • Awakening Time
  • Attack Speed
  • Movement Speed
  • Jump Speed

Identifiable Effects

Icon Type Stats (Rare/Elite/Unique)
  • All Elemental Resistance +2
  • Attack Speed 1.2%
  • Damage Increase to Knocked Down Enemy x1.02
  • HP Increased +5596
  • ?
  • Awakening Time +1.7%
  • Attack Speed 1.3%
  • Damage increase to enemies with <30% HP +1.1%
  • Dark Resistance +3
  • Item Drop Rate +2.1%
  • Magic Attack Power +35
  • Maximization 1.1% [Dungeon]
  • Movement Speed 1.2%
  • Skill Cooldown -1.2%
  • ?
  • ?
    Orange mana stones have not been released yet.
  • Magic Attack + Lv. 2/4/6
  • Max MP +10
  • ?

Mana Stones

Type Rare Elite Unique
Image Name Image Name Image Name
Red File:ManaStoneRed1.png Red Normal Mana Stone File:ManaStoneRed2.png Red Refined Mana Stone File:ManaStoneRed3.png Red Radiant Mana Stone
Blue File:ManaStoneBlue1.png Blue Normal Mana Stone File:ManaStoneBlue2.png Blue Refined Mana Stone File:ManaStoneBlue3.png Blue Radiant Mana Stone
Orange File:ManaStoneOrange1.png Orange Normal Mana Stone File:ManaStoneOrange2.png Orange Refined Mana Stone File:ManaStoneOrange3.png Orange Radiant Mana Stone
Giant File:ManaStoneGiant1.png Giant Normal Mana Stone File:ManaStoneGiant2.png Giant Refined Mana Stone File:ManaStoneGiant3.png Giant Radiant Mana Stone

Apocalypse Type-Void

The stage system of Apocalypse Type - Void Weapon has changed somewhat, being incorporated into the Mana Embed System. Basically, the 15 stages are now separated into the three colored columns: red, blue and orange. Stages 1-5 comprise the red column, stages 6-10 comprise the blue column, and 11-15 comprise the orange column. Obtaining these stages is done by applying the new, corresponding, colored Energy Disks, which are still crafted from alchemists using Energy Shards. The amount of shards needed to craft the corresponding stage has not changed, nor have the effects the stages give. Thus, any progress in the stage system before the change is carried over. So the main difference is that you can obtain the effects in a different order than before, embedding in any column starting from the top. For example, you can start with the first two blue stages, get the first orange stage, get all the red stages, then continue down the orange column stages. As the stage system is part of the Mana Embed System, an Apocalypse Type-Void weapon can be enhanced by both its stage system and the normal Mana Embed System. However, the available slots are shared between the two. So if the slots of the red column are already filled by red energy disks, one cannot embed a red mana stone without replacing one of the slots. Therefore, when using the Mana Embed System with their Apocalypse Type-Void weapon, players must carefully choose whether they prefer the fixed effects of the stage or a random effect of a mana stone. However, a Mana Stone cannot be used to skip an Energy Disk stage.

Stage Number Red Blue Orange
Additional Stat Effect(s) File:EnergyShard.png Energy Shards Requirement Additional Stat Effect(s) File:EnergyShard.png Energy Shards Requirement Additional Stat Effect(s) File:EnergyShard.png Energy Shards Requirement
Stage Cumulative Stage Cumulative Stage Cumulative
Stage 1 Critical +3% 5 5 Red. Damage +5%
Awakening Charge +5%
65 65 All Resistance +75 540 540
Stage 2 Attack Speed +3% 10 15 HP +13590 85 150 5% Chance of Double Attack (Except Special Active Skills) 645 1185
Stage 3 Maximize +3% 15 30 MP Gain on Attack +25% 110 260 Damage increase by +10% when attacking enemies with less than 30% HP 750 1935
Stage 4 Add. Damage +3% 25 55 All Weapon Attribute Activation Chance +2.5% 150 410 Critical +7%
Maximize +7%
Add. Damage +7%
900 2835
Stage 5 Physical/Magical Attack + Lv. 3 50 105 When attacking knocked down enemies, damage is increased by 2.5x
(Damage in knocked down state does not exceed the damage of normal state) (Dungeon)
450 860 All Skill Damage +10% 1200 4035
File:EnergyShard.png Total Energy Shards Required: 5000


  • 06/28/2018 KR
    • System added

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