Sun Priestess
Full Name
Sun Priestess
For peace, I can do anything.

~ Gloria



The Priestess of the Sun El, Gloria was rescued after the party defeats Sdeing in the Ash Covered Village.


Lanox Conspiracy

Alarmed by the visions of the incoming calamity, Gloria and Darkmoon both rushed their way to Lanox, where they came into contact with the Fire Priestess Ignia. Ignia promised to protect the two Priestesses as they made their way to Lanox. However, without the either of the Priestesses realizing it, Ignia double crossed them and knocked them unconscious. With the two knocked out, Ignia gave the Priestesses to the now entranced Steel Blacksmiths in the Ash Covered Village.

Chapter 17: Scorched Harbingers of Darkness

Now held deep inside the Steel Blacksmith's mines, following a trail of clues, the El Search Party find Gloria and Darkmoon held captive in some sort of demonic looking altar. They were able to free the Sun and Moon Priestesses and the two reunited with Ignia. Ara asked them what had happened to them but Darkmoon stated that they don't remember anything, having been unconscious during the whole process. Add disappointing, threw out a rude remark causing Gloria to cry.

Chapter 18: An Exposed Dark Secret

After the El Search Party scaled the Volcanic Flames Entrance with Ignia, they ran back to Lanox with news of her betrayal. Both Gloria and Darkmoon could not believe the news that Ignia was working alongside the Demons. Gloria became saddened by the news while Darkmoon helped hold Gloria together.

Chapter 19: A Broken World

When the group successfully were able to tire out Ifritan, Darkmoon and Gloria arrived to help make peace with the Holy Beast. Gloria looks after the Holy Beast and tells the El Search Party to obtain Fire El fragments to rejuvenate the Ifritan's energy. Once they returned with the Fire El, Gloria was able to heal Ifritan. Ifritan tells the group that the Demons were using the Earth Priestess to help summon the Demon God. Gloria worries that the Earth Priestess Artea is being controlled by the Demons just as Ifritan was.

Acting more assertively, Gloria tells a panicking Edel to calm herself down and make sure the village was fine while she commanded the El Search Party enter the Chasm and find Artea before the Grand Cavern: Chasm of the Divide Land gets worse. When the group report that Artea is being held prisoner, Gloria worries that they may be too late, that Artea's role had already been complete and the Demons here on the brink of reviving the Demon God. As the El Search Party was about to save Artea, the cavern collapse, but she was saved by Ignia. Ignia explains the situation and tells the two Priestesses she had used them to gain the El Search Party's trust. She also told them that she also felt compelled to protect them in the end, but Scar was too powerful for her to push forward her desires. Gloria and Darkmoon forgive Ignia as they approach the final confrontation with Scar. Having defeated Scar and the Demon God Sult sealed away by the El Lady, the Priestesses are left in the dark with what the El Lady's words. Concerned about the situation, Gloria told Elsword that the Priestesses could help them find the El Lady.

Chapter 20: Prophetic Mission

Gloria geared up alongside the other Priestesses and made her way to the Abyssal Ruins in the Distant Ruins, where they would perform their ritual to open a gate to wherever the El Lady may be. Trusting of the Priestesses the El Search Party walking into the pillar of light then it closed. The ruins growing silent, Gloria states that they have left, and tells everybody that it is time that they once again part ways, to protect their El and pray for Elsword and his friends.

Chapter 27: The Boy and the El

After Elsword chose to sacrifice himself to restore the El, the Sun El that Gloria protected suddenly combined back with the other El in order to reform the original large El. She as well as the other Priestesses were all teleported to where the El combined, the newly reawakened city of Elrianode.

Chapter 31: Interdimensional Colossus and...

Solace and Hernia arrived in response to the threat of an all-out war for the El Tower. Hernia insisted on sacrificing herself to the El to keep is stable, however Denif insisted she now and all the El Priestesses arrived to convince her out of her plan. Artea explains that all the Priestesses have been training for generations for the day to protect the El, that Hernia can trust them and not have to deal with it on her own. Ignia tells Hernia that it should have been that way from the start, that they should have always worked together. Gloria points to the El Search Party to show her what teamwork can do and Anduran insists that Hernia put her trust in them. Hernia realizes she had been blinded by her duties that she had ignored those around her that wanted to help and agrees to their request. The Masters, Priestesses, and El Lady all prepare themselves for their duty to protect the El as Henir monsters soon begin to swarm the El Tower.

When Hennon turned into the Interdimensional Colossus, Anduran and Gloria were shocked to see such a massive beast outside the El Tower. They quickly alerted Denif and he called for everybody in the El Tower to help him place up a barrier. Using their power, they manage to surround the El Tower in a protective barrier to prevent monsters and the colossus from doing harm to it, and the El.

When the Interdimensional Colossus had been slain by the El Search Party, things began to become quieter at the monster stopped attacking. The Masters and Priestesses were able to let down the barrier and the threat facing Elrianode had dissipated. Denif and Ventus both believed that the El Lady should not be bound by her duty as the sole protector of the El, the El Priestesses took on the role in the El Lady's place, stabilizing the El as a group.

Chapter 32: Recuperation

After the El Search Party left, the priestesses and the El Masters talked about their history and everything that has happened since the El Explosion. Gloria notices Darkmoon staring off and asks her what it wrong. She felt a deep regret for having failed to protect the Moon El in Ara's village. The other priestesses reflect on their own failures to protect their El. Denif eases the Priestesses and tells them to look towards the future and what they choose to do next.

Anduran breaks the tension and asks the group if they would want to help her prepare her signature vegetable stew.

Chapter 33: In the Demon Realm

After the El Search Party came back from Add's failed plan to use the Debrian Portal, the group called the El Masters and Priestesses when they arrived back in Elrianode to tell them about their hypothesis about the El. They came to a conclusion to try and investigate what they believed to be a seal underneath the El Tower, the priestesses and El Masters followed. Reaching the ancient primordial seal, Denif requested the help of the priestesses to use their powers to pry a hole into the seal, just enough to let the El Search Party through before it closed back up.



  • In Gloria's original portrait from Lanox, Darkmoon's thumb is fixed onto her sleeve and will appear in quest dialogue, even when Darkmoon isn't present.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 글로리아 Gloria
  Japan グロリア Gloria

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other