File:LKTrans6.png [Special Active: Bravery]
Apply sword aura into the ground to blow up the area. Can charge while skill key is being held, increasing explosion range and damage per charge.

Destruction Skill

  • Consumes Destruction gauge and acquire Vitality gauge
  • Attack Power ↑ when Destruction is activated
Final Enhanced Skill
  • All speed decrease increased by 10%
  • All defense reduction increased by 5%.


Class Level Required
Lord Knight : Transcendent 95

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Physical) Charged Lethargy
(At Stage 2)
Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Shockwave Explosion Massive Explosion Damage Range Duration Stages All Speed Decrease Physical/Magical Defense Decrease Duration Shockwave Explosion Massive Explosion Initial Additional
Per Pillar Pillar Count Per Pillar Pillar Count Explosion Count
95 312% 352% 1916% +25% per Stage +50% per Stage 0.5 Seconds per Stage 2 -10% -15% 10 Seconds 2 6 (3 per side) 3 6 (3 per side) 2 1 250 MP 25~50 MP 21 Seconds
[Enhanced] -20% -20%


Level Required Damage (Physical)
Shockwave Explosion Massive Explosion
95 75% 85% 462%

Skill Traits

Heavy Grand Cross Killing Blow (1) Grand Cross
Attribute Effect Cooldown Attribute Effect Lethargy Duration
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
25.2 Seconds Skill effect's duration increased to 130% 13 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • While the skill is cross-shaped, the Z-axis parts of the skill are just for visual effect and do not deal damage. As such, the skill is unable to hit any foreground or background enemies, such as on the split paths in Forgotten Elrian Sanctum.
  • The Explosion will only do 3 hits per pillar on tall enough targets. On most enemies, it will do 2 hits.
  • When the Massive Explosion occurs, the Explosion part of the skill also occurs a second time, this time instantaneously instead of appearing one pillar at a time.
  • Due to the small size of the Shockwave's pillars, it is rather easy to land all 3 on one side on a single target with some good positioning.
  • The Explosion's pillars are already rather large by default, and most enemies will not be hit by more than 2 of them, and often times even just 1. Only large enough enemies can be hit by all 3.
    • When charging the skill, the pillars become so massive that it actually becomes harder to land 2 pillars on enemies, and even more unlikely all 3 pillars will connect even on large targets.
  • On most enemies, Grand Cross will deal an average of 8,970% (2,163% in PvP) Physical Damage when fully charged. With the Heavy trait, it will deal an average of 12,916.8% (3,114.72% in PvP) Physical Damage.
  • Since the skill appears on both sides of you, only enemies that you can pass through, such as Debrian Nasod Carrier or Drabaki can take damage from the pillars on that side as well. As such, if all 6 pillars hit, Grand Cross can deal a maximum total of up to 23,754% Physical Damage when fully charged. With the Heavy trait, it can deal up to 34,205.76% Physical Damage.
  • While charging the attack, the charge aura does not do damage, but it does inflict hitstun.
  • MP Cost reduction also applies to charging.


Date Changes
11/03/2016 -

Damage decreased.

12/15/2016 -
  • Fixed issue where cannot hit the target behind you sometimes.
01/25/2017 -

Shockwave damage increased.

Explosion minimum damage increased.

Giant Explosion minimum damage increased.

Explosion maximum damage decreased.

Giant Explosion maximum damage decreased.

04/27/2017 -

Damage increased.

Shockwave damage decreased.

07/27/2017 -
  • None

Damage decreased.

09/28/2017 10/18/2017
  • None

Damage decreased.

12/28/2017 -
  • MP Usage error when charging fixed.
01/11/2018 -
  • Fixed issue where can inflict hitstun to the enemies out of the range.
02/22/2018 -

Damage decreased.

04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • None

Damage increased.

01/17/2019 02/20/2019

MP usage per 0.5s while charging increased. (Total charging time reduced)

Damage/Range increase per stage increased. (Total increase unchanged)

  • None

Damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 그랜드 크로스 Grand Cross
  Japan グランドクロス Grand Cross
  China (Simplified Chinese) 巨型十字斩 Grand Cross Slash
  Germany Großkreuz Grand Cross
  Spain Gran cruz Grand Cross
  France Grande croix Grand Cross
  Italy Gran croce Grand Cross
  Poland Wielki Krzyż Grand Cross
  Brazil Cruz Grandiosa Grand Cross