Pet Guide/ru

Revision as of 06:46, 10 November 2019 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Physical Attack +1%" to "+1% Physical Attack Power")

Как получить питомца?

Питомца можно получить различными способами. Однако только Pocket Phoru доступен после выполения сюжетного квеста, а некоторых можно получить только во время эвентов.

Для начала требуется выполнить цепочку квестов, получаемых на 10 ур. Начальный квест появляется в Главе 2-1..

Идеальный компаньон для приключений!

  1. Поговорите с Хоффманомв Элдере.
  2. В 2-1 соберите 4 Purified Jewels, которые можно выбить из Ghost Magicians.
  3. Соберите 1 Ent Orb, уничтожив Ent, босса в 2-1.
  4. Уничтожьте Giant Phoru в 2-2.

Поздравляем! Вы получили Pocket Phoru!

Список питомцев

Название Название Информация Получение
  Pocket Phoru An adorable little Phoru that'll be your friend! Episode 2-1 Quest
  Rudolph Phoru A costume for the Pocket Phoru! Currently unavailable in the Korean version of Elsword. Was obtainable during Christmas.
  Ancient Phoru A courageous Ancient Phoru that can breathe fire! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
  Tree Knight A noble Tree Knight that'll defend you at all costs! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
  Magician With her cunning smarts and her knowledge of magic, monsters will cower in fear over her! Currently unavailable in the Korean version of Elsword. Was obtainable during Halloween.
  Mystic: Normal The original pink colored Mystic! Her guided missiles are always sharp-on accurate! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
File:Mystic A.png Mystic: Yellow A limited edition yellow recolor of Mystic! Bought from Cash Shop (9900)
Can only be obtained through the period of 4/28/11 ~ 5/24/11
File:Mystic B.png Mystic: White A limited edition white recolor of Mystic! Bought from Cash Shop (5000)
Can only be obtained through the period of 4/28/11 ~ 5/24/11
File:Mystic C.png Mystic: Red A limited edition red recolor of Mystic! Bought from Cash Shop (9900)
Can only be obtained through the period of 4/28/11 ~ 5/24/11
File:Hatchling.png Hatchling: Normal The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching), Korean Version (3000)
  Hatchling: Wild The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Able to purchase from the cash shop in Korean during a certain event.
  Hatchling: Darkness The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Able to purchase from the cash shop in Korean during a certain event.
  Hatchling: Fire The different properties of their spit fire causes damage to multiple monsters in a party! Able to purchase from the cash shop in Korean during a certain event.
  Uniel The older sister of the light and darkness Unicorn siblings called 'Uniel'. Bought from the Item Mall (400 K-Ching) Korean Version (3000)
  Uniring The younger sister of the light and darkness Unicorn siblings called 'Uniring'. Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time (600 K-Ching)
  Kumiho: Snow Keep a ice shooting freezer as your pet! Buy from Korean Cash shop of 3000NX
  Kumiho: Flame Keep a fire shooting burner as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/7/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
  Kumiho: Cursed Keep a darkness shooting Curser as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/7/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
File:StoneFox.png Kumiho: Stone Keep a stone shooting petrify-er as your pet! Given to players during Ara's release event.
  Mana Eater Adopt a Mana Eater as your pet! Bought from Korean Cash shop. Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/21/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
  Blood Eater Adopt a Blood Eater as your pet! Bought from the Item Mall for a limited time between 8/7/13 ~ 9/17/13 (950 K-Ching)
  Red Panda Red Panda that knows kungfu. Event Time purchase only
  Blue Panda Blue Panda that knows kungfu. Event Time purchase only
File:YellowWeirdThing.png Hat Monster: Yellow


Event Time purchase only for 9900 NX in Korean. 18/7/2013 ~ 29/8/2013
File:BlackWeirdThing.png Hat Monster: Ebony


Event Time purchase only for 9900 NX in Korean. 18/7/2013 ~ 29/8/2013

Начало работы с питомцем

Посе получения питомца, его можно будет найти во вкладке Special в инвентаре.

Правым кликом активируйте предмет.


Осталось только придумать имя.

Меню питомца

Посе того, как питомец создан, нажмите "Р" для вызова меню питомца.

Оно выглядит так:  


  • Нажатие Summon активирует питомца. Нажмите Unsummon, чтобы убрать его.
  • Зелёная полоска - индикатор Голода, она будет уменьшаться с каждым убийством мобов.
  • Синяя полоска ниже - индикатор Привязанности.
  • Во время прохождения данжа Привязанность будет увеличиваться с каждым убийством мобов, если Голод не опустится ниже 40%.

Эволюция питомца

Life Crystal

Питомец имеет три ступени эволюции:

  1. Life Crystal (Кристалл)
  2. Infant (Ребёнок)
  3. Teen (Подросток)
  4. Adult (Взрослый)

Изначально питомец находится в форме Кристалла и не имеет никаких навыков, пока не станет Ребёнком.

Для того, чтобы развить питомца, необходимо увеличить его Привязанность. После того, как Привязанность достигает 100%, рядом с полоской появится кнопка, переводящая питомца в следующую форму.


Эволюция пета

Name Infant Teen Adult SPECIAL
Pocket Phoru        
Black Phoru (Event, not permanent)      
Rudolph Phoru  
Witch Phoru  
?? Phoru  
HAT'S ON Phoru  
NAVER Phoru  
?? Phoru  
New Year Phoru  
Chinajoy Phoru  
Hot-blooded Gamania Phoru  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Uruguay?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Brazil)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Germany?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(France?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Spain)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(?)  
Newbie Goalkeeper Phoru(Legend)  
Ancient Phoru      
Ancient Phoru: Dark      
Ghost Phoru: Darkness  
Ghost Phoru: Flame  
Ghost Phoru: Ice  
Ghost Phoru: Light  
Tree Knight      
Tree Knight: Spring      
Tree Knight: Autumn      
Tree Knight: Winter      
Tree Knight: Christmas Tree  
Tree Knight: Father Christmas  
Death Reaper      
Fairy Queen Eldena  
Mystic: Normal      
Mystic: Yellow      
Mystic: White      
Mystic: Red      
Hatchling: Normal      
Hatchling: Light      
Hatchling: Darkness      
Hatchling: Fire      
Hatchling: Wild      
Hatchling: Star  
Kumiho: Snow      
Kumiho: Flame      
Kumiho: Cursed      
Kumiho: Stone  
Mana Eater  
Blood Eater  
Panda Bear - Red      
Panda Bear - Blue      
Royal Panda: Red  
Royal Panda: White  
Son Goku      
Hat Monster: Yellow  
Hat Monster: Ebony  
Reaper - Death      
Reaper - Reverse      
Raincoat Cat - Black      
Raincoat Cat - Yellow      
Raincoat Cat - Blue      
Raincoat Cat - Red      
Arctic Hunter Peng  
Berthe Jr.      

Pet Skills

Pet Energy

With the pet skills, pets will also get access to a skill system called Pet's Energy.

Pet Energy is a passive skill that pets gain that allows the owner to get special effects out of it.

Each Pet has 4 types of Energy :

1. Body

2. Soul

3. Attitude

4. Fetch

Each type of energy gives a different type of stat(Except for Fetch). You can notice the pet energy and what it gives through the Pet Menu itself (Default Hotkey P)


There is a prerequisite in the pet's form to unlock each energy:

- Getting Fluid form will allow your pet to unlock the Body energy

- Getting Adult form will allow your pet to unlock Body and Soul energy

- Getting Completion form will allow your pet to unlock Body, Soul and Attitude Energy (All 3 energies)

- Buying the Fetch Aura   from the cash shop/item mall for (KR-5000NX/NA-500KC) will unlock Fetch for that specific pet.

Once the pet energy is unlock, you immediately get access to the stat if he is equipped and has at least 40% Affinity(Except for Fetch). If his Affinity is less than 40%, the pet energy will not open and the owner will not receive the special stats. As you can see from the above screenshot. Once a pet leaves crystal form, he will gain access to skills that you can see from the 2 icons on his top right. Both skills are used by the pet automatically.


Pets have 2 types of skills:

Attacks: These skills use their skills to attack and aid you in battle. The pet will use this skill once it achieves full mana.

Encouragement: These skills makes the pet encourage the user to fight harder, which gives them additional stats to the player for a certain amount of time. The pet usually uses this skill when you are extremely low on health.

Pet MP is a seperate MP bar that fills up as the player attacks.

Table of Pet Skills

Encouragement and Fetch Aura effects are all the same regardless of pet.

Icon Effect
  Fetch Aura
Fetch Aura does not require any amount of affinity to be active. While active, all ED/Loot will be auto picked up without you having to walk to the ED/Loot.

'Grab them all! Never miss a single ED again!'


When your HP is 20% and below, your pet will begin to encourage you, granting you, for a period of time, additional stats.

  • Infant: Attack / Movement Speed +5%, Critical +6%, Max HP and remaining HP increase by 20%, HP recovery .5% per second, MP recovery 6 MP per second
  • Teen: Attack / Movement Speed +10%, Critical +12%, Max HP and remaining HP increase by 30%, HP recovery 1% per second, MP recovery 12 MP per second
  • Adult: Attack / Movement Speed +15%, Critical +18%, Max HP and remaining HP increase by 40%, HP recovery 1.5% per second, MP recovery 18 MP per second

Normal Phoru

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon
Infant - Body
Natural Physique
Wind Attribute Resistance +25
+1% Piercing Effect Chance (If you have Wind Element)
  Feeding Bottle Toss
The Pocket Phoru hurls a Milk-Bottle at the enemy heavily damaging them
Milk Bottle - 300% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power while pushing them back.
Teen - Soul
Pure Spirit
Physical Defense +1%
Magical Defense +1%
Mug Cup Toss
The Pocket Phoru will now throw a coffee cup and a feeding bottle as his attack
Tosses - dealing 350% of your average Physical and Magical Attack power while pushing them back.
Adult - Attitude
Cowardly Stance
Avoid +2%
Frying Pan Toss
Pocket Phoru will throw a Feeding Bottle, Coffee Mug, and a Frying Pan
Tosses - 400% Damage of your average Physical and Magical attack power while pushing them back

Ruldoph Phoru

Energy Adult Form Preview Attacks
Icon Effect Effect Icon
Infant - Body
Ice Attribute Resistance +50
+1% Slow Effect Chance (If you have Water/Ice Element)
  No Infant Form -
Teen - Soul
Max hp +5%
Physical Defense +2%
Magical Defense +2%
No Teen Form -
Adult - Attitude
Attack Speed +1%
Awaken Charging +4%
Snowball Toss