Sheath Knight
Full Name
Sheath Knight
Sword, Conwell
Class Tree
Elsword > Sheath Knight > Infinity Sword
Slice and dice!

Sheath Knight


The Sheath Knight is able to materialize the legendary "Conwell" sword at will after harnessing its power, allowing him to attack with two swords at any time and inflict endless amounts of hits in an instant with his new combos not thought possible before.


Already a veteran of many battles at a young age, Elsword still feels the need to become even stronger, and the need to create his own sword-fighting art. During his quests, he discovers an ancient hidden treasure, a scabbard named Conwell.

This scabbard was imbued by its creator with the power to summon a second great sword at will. With this power, Elsword could wield 2 massive swords at the same time and become a peerless warrior. Elsword makes a pact with the mystical scabbard and quickly begins to develop his own fighting style using the dual-wielding technique.

Elsword travels the land of Elrios with friends in search of the El, making a name for himself wherever he goes. People of the land soon begin to talk of the great swordsman who travels with the magic scabbard Conwell - the Sheath Knight.

First Class Advancement

Sheath Knight can also be obtained by using the Item Mall item: Sheath Knight's Medal

Elsword is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.
After completing the Knight quest chain, Elsword can decide between advancing as a Sword Knight, Magic Knight, or Sheath Knight.

Sheath Knight

  1. Talk to Hoffman in Elder.
  2. Clear 2-3 on Very Hard within 10 minutes (☆☆☆).
  3. Clear 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  4. Collect 1 drop from Wally No.8 (Boss) from 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

Upon reaching level 35, a Sheath Knight can job advance to a Infinity Sword.

Skill Tree

  File:ElSkill1.png File:Rolling.png 0 SP
  5 SP
10 SP
File:ElSkill4.png 15 SP
20 SP
  25 SP
File:ElSkill6.png File:ElSkill2.png
35 SP
40 SP
45 SP
50 SP
  File:ElSkill8.png   55 SP
    60 SP
    65 SP

Additional Combos

Image Description Damage
  Endless Slashes Combo

A revamped combo for Sheath Knight, Elsword does his normal Z combo but then summons out his Conwell, attacking twice, launching the opponent into the air, and sending the victim flying back.

  • ZZZX can no longer be performed.

  100% Phy. Damage
  120% Phy. Damage
  101% Phy. Damage + 65% Phy. Damage
  125% Phy. Damage + 85% Phy. Damage
  125% Phy. Damage + 85% Phy. Damage

File:Sheathmove2.png Constant Slashing

Elsword summons out his Conwell and repeatedly delivers a barrage of downward slashes at the enemy, ending it with a final slash knocking down the enemy. When pressing Z while Elsword is slashing the enemy, he ends the combo with an upward slice, launching the opponent into the air. While slashing he will be in Super Armor. Slices also hits behind Elsword as well.

  160% Phy. Damage
  101% Phy. Damage + 65% Phy. Damage
  125% Phy. Damage + 85% Phy. Damage (x1~x4)
  300% Phy. Damage + 120% Phy. Damage
  125% Phy. Damage + 85% Phy. Damage

File:Sheathmove3.png Dash Pull

Elsword does his normal dash combo, except after it ends, he summons out his Conwell and pulls the enemy toward him, leaving the opponent vulnerable for a combo.

  120% Phy. Damage
  85% Phy. Damage + 103% Phy. Damage + 150% Phy. Damage


Special Active

  Crescent Cut
  Sword Fall
  Maelstrom Rage  
  Final Strike
  Phantom Sword  


File:ElSkill8.png Iron Body
  Harsh Chaser  


  Power Adrenaline


  Counter Chance
  Intermediate Strength Training
  Sagacious Counterattack
  Cruel Slayer



  • Elsword does not regularly carry his Conwell, and instead summons it when attacking via a special rune.
    • The rune that is used summons a "sheath" from which the Conwell is pulled, thus the name of the class.
  • Unlike other Elsword's first class, his Sheath Knight's Promotional Sword doesn't transform when in Awakening Mode.
  • Strangely, attacks dealt with the Conwell while in Awakening Mode still give off a blue hue rather than red.
