File:PhotonTracker.png 喷发出强力的能量,向前方进行迅速突进,对前进范围内的敌人造成电流爆炸.


Class Level Required
Code: Battle Seraph 50

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Energy Release Electrical Explosions Energy Release Electrical Explosions
50 4920% 218% 1 7 300 MP 22 Seconds
[Enhanced] 5904% 262%


Level Required Damage (Magical)
Energy Release Electrical Explosions
50 1874% 83%
[Enhanced] 2249% 100%

Skill Traits

Haste Photon Tracker Gigantic Photon Tracker
Attribute Effect Cooldown Attribute Effect
Cooldown decreased to 80% 17.6 Seconds Skill size increased to 120%

Total Damage

Mode Regular
PvE 7,738%
PvP 2,949%
  • Does not account for splash damage.

Tips and Details

  • While not mentioned, the skill can also be used in midair.
  • You are able to use any air movement after the skill ends.
  • The skill dashes forward to just outside of your screen from where you activated it. It also has an impressive vertical range, hitting 2 platforms above and below you, and almost 3 platforms with the Gigantic trait, making it an excellent clearing skill.
  • The Electrical Explosions will deal splash damage to nearby enemies, allowing the skill to deal high damage to grouped enemies.


Date Changes
06/20/2019 07/17/2019
  • Photon Tracker added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 포톤 트래커 Photon Tracker
  Germany Photonen-Explosion Photon Explosion
  Spain Explosión de fotones Photon Explosion
  France Explosion de photons Photon Explosion
  Italy Esplosione fotonica Photon Explosion
  Poland Eksplozja Fotonów Photon Explosion
  United Kingdom Photon Explosion
