[Passive] Increases magical damage and max MP capacity.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost per Level Alternative
Void Princess Lv. 20 60 5 Limited Mana Management

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Max Mana Increased Magical Damage Increase
1 60 +15 MP 0.5%
2 60 +30 MP 1%
3 63 +45 MP 1.5%
4 +60 MP 2%
5 +75 MP 2.5%
6 +90 MP 3%
7 +105 MP 3.5%
8 +120 MP 4%
9 +135 MP 4.5%
10 +150 MP 5%
11 +165 MP 5.5%
12 +180 MP 6%
13 +195 MP 6.5%
14 +210 MP 7%
15 +225 MP 7.5%
16 +240 MP 8%
17 +255 MP 8.5%
18 +270 MP 9%
19 +285 MP 9.5%
20 (M) +300 MP 10%

Tips & Details

  • Allows Void Princess to have a higher max MP, similar to High Mage's Infinite Energy, with the added bonus of providing a small boost in magical damage stat.

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