Alias Grecalis
Names Lucia "Lu" Rosaline Gaia / Maciel "Ciel" Juan Rosso
Age 19 / Unknown
Class File:CatLuTiny.pngFile:CatCielTiny.png Catastrophe (Master Class)
Weapons Magic Gauntlets/Gunblades and knives, Earth/Fire El Energy, demonic energy
A single soul, a single heart. We are two individuals, yet we are one. Earth and fire unite under the blowing winds of fate. We are Grecalis, and we fear no one!

El Masters Descent

[A young lady and a handsome man adventure in Elrios, united in demonic blood and fate...]

Giving up on their respective positions, Lucia and Maciel choose to go on a journey to further sharpen their skills, both as half-demons and El Masters' descentants.
With the power of elements and demonic blood, going by the name of the most powerful wind, the duo shall never kneel to their opponent.

"I have never seen such a powerful demonic summoning spell in my life. They're dangerous, better keep my guard up." - Rosso
[Earth Dive]
"You will miss the ground under your feet after this one! Uhuhu, did you like my pun?" -Lucia
[Flames of Punishment]
"I am going to turn you into ashes! ...Lu! Stop using my flames to cook your marshmellows!" -Maciel
[Mortal Gaze]
"How dare you soiling my dress?! A century worth of torture will not be enough to pay me back!" -Lucia


  • Coming soon

Special Ability: Elemental Demons

As half-demons, Lucia and Maciel have to fight their inner demon in order to not go mad during a fight. Using Elemental skills depletes their own El energy, making their inner demon gradually stronger. At a certain point, stacked demonic energy has to be released in a single, devastating attack!

File:GrecalisSkill2.png Earth Dive

Lucia makes use of her magical gauntlets to channel Earth energy into her fists, causing her physical attacks to be extremely powerful and dangerous. A single punch coming from her is said to be able to break every single bone of her opponents... at worse. Earth Dive is her own ace technique, consisting in a forward leap, with her landing on her fist and causing a massive shockwave that breaks earth itself under her. However, she does not really like to use this technique, as no regular opponent has been able to survive it so far. As such, she prefers to make use of claw attacks, which she considers most entertaining and versatile.

File:GrecalisSkill4.png Mortal Gaze

Coming soon