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The original Elsword

Overall usefulness

Pretty crappy at combos(in the beginning), the character also knocks down enemies down a lot too, mostly not a team player(until you know how to use him well).


  • After awhile, you'd know how to do combos without knocking him down
  1. When you learn that. gaining MP is much faster, making you one of the faster mp gainers for first job
  • Being short, believe it or not, being short is very good, there are some bosses that will lose around 1/3 of their move set because they just can't hit you with it, though that is still only viable for maybe 4 bosses.
  • Has two skills for super armor mobs and when bosses gain limited superarmor, great 3rd Magic Skill, actually better than his later jobs' third skill.


  • No range moves, meaning you're going to get hit a lot later on(until you know how to dodge), also really bad against super armor mobs(unless you have something like flame geyser and you have enough MP).
  • Crappy physical skills in comparison to magical attacks


Every Elsword attack(not skill) is in here Elsword Attacks


If you want to know how damage works, go here How Damage works

Physcial Atrribute Skills:

Image Mega Slash
File:Mega SLash.jpg MP Usage: 100 MP
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Skill Description: Just a horizontal strike...that mega powerful.
Skill Mastery: 1181% Physical Damage
Info: It's more like a bash. You can use it on stoics

and in the end of combos.

Image Fatal Fury
File:Fata Fury.jpg MP Usage: 170 MP
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Skill Description: Five vertical bashes,it's like a caveman attack
Skill Mastery: (I don't have it)
Info: It's useless, never use it
Image Assault Slash
File:Assault Slash.jpg MP Usage: 100 MP
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Skill Description: A dash, then several hits(forgot how many)
Skill Mastery: (Don't have it)
Info: While the move is actually decent, since you

need Fatal Fury to actually start it, you

shouldn't get it either.

Image Unlimited Blade
File:Unlimited Blade.jpg MP Usage: 250 MP
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Skill Description: 7 forward slashes, then one mega slash,

if in awakening mode, it replaces the

mega slash with a battle aura that does

multiple hits to the enemy(hits depend

on size and if they're stoic.

Skill Mastery: 7*279% Physical Damage and 1181%

Physical Damage(normal), or

(variable)*319% Magical Damage(awakening)

Info: Triple Geyser is better, though this works

better in pvp(still not recommended).

Magic Attribute Skills

Image Flame Geyser
File:Geyser.jpg MP Usage: 200 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: It's a flame geyser >_>, what else were you expecting? Does 8 hits
Skill Mastery: 495% Magical Damage
Info: Pretty useful for super armor mobs and when bosses have their limited super armor on.
Image Triple Geyser
File:Triple Geyser.jpg MP Usage: 300 MP
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Skill Description: It's Fmae geyserx3.
Skill Mastery: 527% Magical Damage(it can hit from 0 to 24, sometimes 26 but 24 is actually better)
Info: You need to max Flame Geyser to learn this skill. The best 3rd skill that elsword has

in the game, as one is a field/pvp type and the other loses its shine later on, only serving

a purpose in pvp.

Special Actives

Image Kick
File:Fail Kick.jpg MP Usage: 10 MP
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Skill Description: It's a kick
Skill Mastery: I don't use it
Info: Don't really see the use, but some people use it in pvp.
Image Stoic
File:Stoic.PNG MP Usage: 70 MP
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Skill Description: Become Super Armoured for a few seconds, but receive

50% more damage in this state.

Skill Mastery: (5SP) 4 seconds of super armour
Prerequisites: 55SP invested in skill tree
Info: Mainly for PvP, this skill allows you to start a combo on

opponents without worrying about being interrupted. It is

uncommon for Magic Knights to use this skill.

Do note that, while this is a beginner ability,

it only appears after you pick either 1st job.


Image Counter Chance
File:Counter Chance.PNG Skill Description: Pressing the X button when you are knocked down

has a chance to counterattack enemies without

knocking them down.

Skill Mastery: (5SP) Pressing the X button when you are knocked

down has a 100% chance to counterattack enemies

without knocking them down.

Info: Mainly for PvP, this skill allows you to start a combo

after you're knocked down by an enemy if they are

standing above you. Do Note that while this skill is a

beginner passive, it only shows up after you pick either

first job.

Venji Note: It's useless.

Image Counter Passive
File:Counter passive.jpg Skill Description: Launches enemy in the air after counter.
Skill Mastery: 100% chance of launching
Info: Get it, it's good for pvp and it's useful in some bosses.
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Character Development

Magic Knight

If you chose this path, go here Magic Knight

Sword Knight

If you chose this path, go here Sword Knight
