
Discovery Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow
Obtain Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less
A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars. [Effect]
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

  • design
  • format
  • Altera
  • Pruinaum Outskirts


Old design

Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Discovery Obtain Description Stats

Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow

Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars.

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

Street Cleaner Achieve Level 32


A token for cleaning the Transporting Tunnel B4-1.

Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Resistance to Nature Attributes +50
Poisoning Effect +1% (when using nature attributed weapon)

Hero of Ponggos Achieve Level 35
Clear Altera Core once
Clear Altera Core twice The token given to whom defeated King Nasod and return Altera to Ponggos.

Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Resistance to Light Attributes +50
Critical +1%
Petrifying Effect +1% (when using light attributed weapon)

New 1


Discovery Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars. Obtain Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less
Street Cleaner
Discovery Achieve Level 32 [Effect]
Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30

Resistance to Nature Attributes +50
Poisoning Effect +1% (when using nature attributed weapon)

A token for cleaning the Transporting Tunnel B4-1. Obtain Defeat:
Hero of Ponggos

Discovery Achieve Level 35
Clear Altera Core once
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10

Resistance to Light Attributes +50
Critical +1%
Petrifying Effect +1% (when using light attributed weapon)

The token given to whom defeated King Nasod and return Altera to Ponggos. Obtain Clear Altera Core twice

New 2

Discovery Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars. Obtain Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less
Street Cleaner
Discovery Achieve Level 32 [Effect]
Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30

Resistance to Nature Attributes +50
Poisoning Effect +1% (when using nature attributed weapon)

A token for cleaning the Transporting Tunnel B4-1. Obtain Defeat:

Hero of Ponggos
Discovery Achieve Level 35
Clear Altera Core once
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10

Resistance to Light Attributes +50
Critical +1%
Petrifying Effect +1% (when using light attributed weapon)

The token given to whom defeated King Nasod and return Altera to Ponggos. Obtain Clear Altera Core twice

New 3

Discovery Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars. Obtain Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less
Street Cleaner
Discovery Achieve Level 32 [Effect]
Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30

Resistance to Nature Attributes +50
Poisoning Effect +1% (when using nature attributed weapon)

A token for cleaning the Transporting Tunnel B4-1. Obtain Defeat:

Hero of Ponggos
Discovery Achieve Level 35
Clear Altera Core once
Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10

Resistance to Light Attributes +50
Critical +1%
Petrifying Effect +1% (when using light attributed weapon)

The token given to whom defeated King Nasod and return Altera to Ponggos. Obtain Clear Altera Core twice

New 4

Discovery Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow
Obtain Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars.

Discovery Acquire Level 29
Clear The Black Crow
Obtain Clear The Black Crow with 25 hits or less
Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20

Action Speed +2%
MP Recovery Attacked +2%

A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars.
