Legendäre Meister sind ein Feature welches zum Matchmaking-PvP hinzugefügte wurde, bei dem Spieler gegen andere Spieler mit ähnlichen Fähigkeiten antreten. Doch was hat es mit den Legendären Meistern auf sich? Wenn ein Spieler einen anderen Spieler mithilfe des Matchmaking-Features sucht, besteht eine geringe Chance einen Legendären Meister anzutreffen. Ein Legendärer Meister ist kein echter Spieler sondern eine KI die besondere Technicken und Kombos besitzt. Moment existieren 10 Legendäre Meister, eine spezifische Klasse representierend und ähnliche Skills sowie eigene Skills nutzend. Legendäre Meister sind bekannt dafür, dem Spieler sein bestes abzuverlangen, bieten bei einem Sieg aber sehr höhe Preise welche besondere Titel, eine hohe Zahl an RP (20-30RP), AP und EXP. Selbst wenn man verliert oder wenn kein Kill getätigt wurde werden hohe Zahlen an Punkten vergeben.
Spezielle Titel sind erhaltbar nachdem man einen NPC einige Male besiegt hat. Sie sind zwar schwer zu erhalten, doch bekanntlich ist es die Mühe wert.

Eigenschafften der Legendären Meister

Alle Legendären Meister besitzen folgende Eigenschafften:

  • Jeder hat 30% Angriffsgeschwindigkeit sowie 30% Sprung- und Laufgeschwindigkeit. Dies ermöglicht ihnen fast sofort zu reagieren. Gleichzeitig erholen sie sich auch unglaublich schnell von Hitstuns. Das erklärt ihre Fähigkeit, einen Skill während deiner Kombo oder den Machtbooster zu aktivieren. Auch solltest du darauf achten, sie nicht in die Luft zu werfen, da sie schnell wieder auf die Füße kommen und dich angriefen können.
  • Jeder hat 22% auf Ausweichen, was heisst, dass mindestens 20% Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit empfohlen sind, um gegen sie zu kämpfen.
  • Alle Meister haben einen Passiv, durch den sie unglaublich schnell MP generieren, so wie eine erhöhte MP regeneration beim schlagen oder geschlagen werden. Um aber zu verhindertn, dass sie sich permanent fallen lassen haben sie einen Cooldown dafür in ihrer KI. Ihre passive Manaregeneration beträgt ungefähr 10 MP/s. Einige NPCs haben aber dennoch Probleme mit ihrem Manamanagement - Ethan zum Beispiel nutzt oft Schattenschritt und hat auch eine 99 %ige Wahrscheinlichkeit ihn zu nutzen wenn er von hinten angegriffen wird, weshalb er viel Mana verbraucht.
  • Das Lade-System bei den Legendären Meistern erinnert an das aus den Dungeons; Ein Host wird gewählt (der älteste Spieler im Raum) und dient als temporärer Server für die anderen Spieler. Wenn also der älteste Spieler minimale Laggs gegen die NPCs erfährt, könnten sie den anderen Spielern stark laggenden vorkommen. Es ist also klug, wenn man eine Epic-NPC Jagdgruppe macht den ältesten Spieler so zu wählen, dass er eine stabile Internetverbindung hat.
  • Da Legendäre Meister wie Mobs agieren können sie keine Items aufheben.
  • Debuffs beeinflussen die NPCs genauso wie Monster in Dungeons - zum Beispiel können sie bei einer erlittenen Wunde immernoch sprinten.
  • Epic NPCs sind sehr resistent gegenüber Elementen.
  • Epic NPC damage is highly impacted by Reduced Damage; 30% Reduced Damage will reduce all of their Special Active hits to 1%. Likewise, the damage you deal to Epic NPCs is also highly improved by Additional Damage.
    • This is due to the fact that, against Epic NPCs, your attack and defense are lowered to a "default" value regardlessly of what you have equipped, with only those two attributes (additional/reduced damage) directly aiding you to have greater offensive and defensive powers, exactly how it works for Henir Challenge Mode, Gate of Darkness etc..

Encountering Epic NPCs

First, Epic NPCs will only show up in matchmaking Arena; they can appear in 1v1 and in 3v3. While not much is known about the algorithm in which Epic NPCs are generated, experienced players have speculated the following:

  • NPCs replace the opponent you are matched with. For this reason, it is not possible to queue at a time when there are no players in match-making and obtain NPCs. Only one of the players/teams matched will encounter a NPC, the other will be reshelved into queue.
    • Since NPCs replace opponents spontaneously, the first few seconds of NPC combat will be dedicated to loading the NPCs. This will cause a performance spike which may cause users with poorer computers to crash.
  • Rank does not affect your probability of getting NPCs; similarly, the rate of NPC appearances tend to be the same regardless of whether you do 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3.
  • There are a limited number of NPCs at any given time available for combat; if one of the NPCs is currently in a game, they will not appear elsewhere.
    • For this reason, NPCs are more likely when fewer players are playing than when there are more.
    • Randomly, the number of NPC duplicates may increase at certain times or dates, drastically increasing the number of NPC encounters temporarily.
  • NPCs only spawn in a limited number of maps; blocking the maps in which NPCs do not spawn has been known to have some impact on frequency of appearance. Counterwise, if the maps in which NPCs spawn on are blocked, they will be unblocked should a NPC encounter spawn.
  • Random games tend to have a higher rate of NPC spawn over pre-made teams.
  • It's been tested that if the player keeps cancelling a match they know is against a human player instead of an NPC, only willing to accept NPC matches, no NPC whatsoever will appear for that player, thus implying playing matches against players is some kind of requirement for having the chance to meet Epic NPCs.
    • A player or team likely gets replaced by an NPC or NPC team only when both player sides already agreed to fight to begin with.

Epic NPCs

Appearance Introduction Special Properties
  Name: El Search Captain Lowe
Class: Lord Knight
Rank: S
The power of El was once lost then restored back to Elrios by the legendary heroes. Lowe's great-great grandfather was one of these heroes. He perfected the skill 'Mega Slash' and passed it down to his descendants. Lowe now focuses on training the new adventurers of Elrios and hopes one of them will be able to gain back the lost power of the Elstone.
  Name: Red Cross Guard Penensio
Class: Rune Slayer
Rank: SS
Penensio is the leader of the Hamel army and is a skilled Rune Slayer who can summon and combine elemental magic with his runes in order to inflict status effects on his victims and constantly pressure them.
  • Larger Runes
  • Able to "summon" Elemental Runes

One of Penensio's Elemental runes.

  Name: Shadow Witch Speka
Class: Void Princess
Rank: SS
Speka became the shadow witch princess because of her intense love and affection for darkness. Her favorite outfits must have black and purple in them, so that her dark personality manifests itself. She studies her spell book daily and sometimes takes on challenging adventures in Elrios.

She wants to strengthen her darkness skills and bond more with Petit Anger. Her love for darkness and evil surpasses even that of the glitter demons!

File:Noah.png Name: Ice Princess Noah
Class: Elemental Master
Rank: SS
Don't let Noah's heavy armor deceive you. She is an Elemental Master in disguise! Noah has mastered the basic elemental skills of fire and can convert them all to ice skills. You will want to watch out for Ice Magic Balls when in battle against her. Noah also has the ability to freeze opponents that are right in front of her. Gather all the adventurers and come challenge her to see her magical powers!
  • Buffed Blizzard Shower
  • All Fireball attacks converted to Ice Balls, which are capable of inflicting Freezing.
  • Can summon Ice Spikes that freeze victims upon hit
  • Infinite Mana Shield
  Name: Wind Shooter Amelia
Class: Grand Archer
Rank: SS
Believe in the strength of the grand bow and try to follow Amelia's tactics. Friendly Elves are known treasure hunters that practice the mechanisms of archery. She can subdue an enemy from a long distance without getting hurt. Also, Amelia's arrows can be used to attack targets in a wide range.

Velder is a good source of equipment and rare goods for adventurers and information on how to knock down your opponents. Practice those skills there!

  • Able to "throw" arrows
  • Revamped Siege Mode
  • Increased Arrow attack speed
  • Buffed and increased range for Humming Wind
  Name: Green Forest Ranger Lime
Class: Wind Sneaker
Rank: SS
Lime's purpose is to guard the forest and protect mother nature. She trains her combat skills in the forests of Elrios and focuses mostly on her kicks, which are proven deadly, though her skills with the bow are lacking. However, she can summon the wind spirit to strengthen her bow if she is in a tight situation.
  Name: Blood Colonel Edan
Class: Blade Master
Rank: SS
Edan uses a powerful bloody sword that is one of a kind. It is said that he made a deal with something outside the realm of Elrios. No one really knows if it's true or not, but his uniform used to be white. The red is from all the blood stains from his fallen opponents. There is an old Feita folklore about a cursed demon sword hidden in this region's caves. Could he have made a contract with the sword?
  • Infinite Bloody Excel buff
  • Increased Attack Speed
  • Exclusive "slash" combo
  Name: Lord of Pain Valak
Class: Reckless Fist
Rank: SS
Valak roamed around Velder in his heavy armor. In fact, we don't think he takes it off when he showers. He believed everyone was jealous of his powers and keeps it on in order to protect himself if he's ever ambushed. The demon that bonded into the armor has taken over his true personality. His armor can be damaged but his claw can still tear enemies apart. One day, he encountered Edan in the forest and they fought day and night. No one dared enter the forest until the clashing sound of swords stopped. Now...there is a search party looking for Colonel Edan.
  • Enlarged Charged Bolt
  • Increased Critical Rate
  • Exclusive "claw" combo
  • Able to Howl, which does TREMENDOUS damage and drains the victim of all their MP, the range of this attack fills nearly the entire map
  Name: Code: Q-PROTO_00
Class: Code Nemesis
Rank: SS
Code: Q-PROTO_00 is known as one of the most powerful Ancient Nasod Prototype Drones. She failed to develop normal human senses, so instead she became one of the strongest Nasod combat troopers that ever existed in Elrios. She has the potential to do everything herself by installing a core of countless data to progress her self-image. She has the ability to maximize combat capability by destroying thousands at a time and making them disappear! After some time, some unknown spirit from Altera Core has revealed another hidden Ancient Nasod, 'Apple'. Apple is known to be reckless. Visit the Arena and find out what these Ancient Nasods are up to!
  • Infinite Queen's Throne buff
  • Increased Critical Rate
  • Increased Attack Speed
  • Exclusive "Stinger Field" combo
  Name: Ancient Nasod Princess Apple
Class: Code Empress
Rank: S
Apple is the Ancient Nasod Princess that has been asleep for centuries but was awakened by King Nasod. Apple is very gentle and intelligent. She was quietly hiding at Altera Core until it was time to come out. However, the Ancient Nasod Code: Q-PROTO_00 was not able to rest due to the El's explosion. Now, Code: Q-PROTO_00 is aware of Apple's existence and is headed to Altera Core. Apple intends to use all of the power remaining from the El and use it against Code: Q-PROTO_00 to modify and control her code. Apple seeks to gain more of the Elstone's power but realizes that Colonel Edan, the Bloody Officer, holds the power of El. She now hopes to use the modified Q-PROTO_00 to attack him.
  • Increased Attack Speed

Epic NPC Titles

Icon (KR) Icon (NA) Title Type Discovery Obtain Stats
    El Search Party Valedictorian Special Title Kill El Search Party Master Lowe (Lord Knight Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lowe 7 times in PVP Physical Attack +100
Mega Slash Skill Level +1 (Dungeon)
Critical Rate +1%
Repair Discount +10% (Max 10%)
    Centurion Special Title Kill Red Knight Captain Penensio (Rune Slayer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Penensio 25 times in PVP Physical Attack +100
Magical Attack +100
Physical Defense +100
Magical Defense +100
Flame Resistance 100%
Ice Resistance 100%
    Break the Impregnable Special Title Kill Ice Princess Noah (Elemental Master Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Noah 25 times in PVP Critical Rate +3%
Additional Damage +3%
    The Fallen Angkor Queen Special Title Kill Shadow Witch Speka (Void Princess Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Speka 15 times in PVP Dark Resistance +250
Movement Speed +5%
Jump Speed +5%
    Combat Expert Special Title Kill Green Forest Lime (Wind Sneaker Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Lime 15 times in PVP Additional Damage +2.5%
Reduced Damage +12.5%
    Broken Arrow Special Title Kill Wind Archer Amelia (Grand Archer Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Amelia 15 times in PVP Wind Resistance +250
Piercing Effect +1.5% (if you use piercing)
    Born to Blood Special Title Kill Blood Colonel Edan (Blade Master Epic NPC) in PVP Kill Edan 25 times in PVP When debuffed, MP regen per second +5
15% chance of inflicting Bleeding status when hit
Additional Damage +4%
    Painkiller Special Title Kill Lord of Pain Valak (Reckless Fist Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Valak 40 times in PVP Reduced Damage +10%
Damage increased by 1.5 times to enemies in down state (Dungeon)
5% chance to gain 7 MP when hit
    Souless Ego Special Title Kill Code Q-Proto_00 (Code Nemesis Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Q-Proto_00 40 times in PVP Awakening Charge Speed +20%
Max HP -50%
Actives, Special Actives, Buffs Skill Level +1
Max MP -33%
    Ancient History Special Title Kill Nasod Princess Apple (Code Empress Epic NPC) once in PVP Kill Apple 10 times in PVP Magical Attack +100
Illusion Strike Skill +1 (Dungeon)
Action Speed +1%
7% chance of Super Armor activating for 1 second when attacked (Dungeon)

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media
Epic NPCs
Event Epic NPCs