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PvP (Player vs. Player) is a feature of Elsword that allows players to battle each other.


Sparring Lobby

Sparring can be accessed by talking to Camilla, the PvP NPC who appears in every town, and choosing the Sparring option. This will take you to the Sparring Lobby.
Matches in the Sparring Lobby have no effect on your Rank, Rank Points (RP), and neither award nor subtract Arena Points (AP). Consequently, you also cannot gain your rank from Sparring matches.
In the Sparring Lobby, you can either create or join a Sparring Room. Each room can have a maximum of 8 players in it at once, with up to 4 players on each team. When creating a room, there are several settings you can adjust to customize the fights in the room.

Creating a room

Sparring room


There are three channels to choose from in the lobby: Practice, Free, and Competition.

  • Practice Channel: As the name implies, a channel for practice. MP regeneration is much faster than usual in the Practice channel, and both kills and match time are infinite. Stat normalization DOES NOT occur in this channel.
  • Free Channel: Functions closer to Arena PvP, but still suffers from the same stat normalization as the Practice Channel. More modes and options are available in Free Channel, such as being able to adjust kills and playtime, as well as access to the Team Match mode.
  • Competition Channel: Under normal circumstances, this channel is closed. It is only opened for official tournaments run by the staff of the server, and can only be accessed by the GMs and participants of the tournament. Specifics of normalization in this channel are currently unknown. Note: During the NA Winter League Tournament, GM Skillz said in a forum post that the normalizations in the Competition Channel were equivalent to the ones in Sparring. Whether or not this is true is unconfirmed.

Match Type

  • Team Match: A battle that gives each player one life. There must be the same amount of members on each team in order to start. This mode does not exist in the Free Channel.
  • Team Death Match: A battle that gives team points depending on the number of kills for each team. There can be an uneven amount of players on each team, but the team with less players will be granted a damage, awakening charge, and MP buff.
  • Survival: A free-for-all. The player with the most kills in the battle wins. This mode favors the usage of large area-of-effect skills, such as Generate Black Hole and Wind Wall.
  • Winner Match: A tag-team like 1v1 mode where players are substituted with the next player on a given team when they die. Only available maps in this mode are Ash Covered Arena and Room of Greed.
  • Brawl Mode: A battle mode where various buffs, debuffs, and miscellaneous abilities are handed to players through items.

Item Rules

  • Item Mode: Allows random items to appear on the battlefield which can change the tide of the battle.
  • Power Mode: Disables random items from appearing.

NOTE: Survival rooms cannot be changed to Power Mode, they can only be created in Item Mode.

Miscellaneous Options

  • Room Name: Allows you to title your room. You can also edit the room name after creating the room by clicking in the text box at the top of the screen.
  • Playtime: Allows you to set how long the match will last. The minimum time you can choose is 200 seconds, while the maximum is 1100 seconds. Team Matches only allow a maximum of 400 seconds.
  • Kills: The number of kills needed in a Team Death Match or Survival Battle in order to win. The maximum kills allowed in Team Death Match is 28, and 12 in Survival. This option does not appear for Team Match.
  • Number of Players: After creating the room, you may click on character slots to open or close them. In Team/Team Death Match, only an even number of player slots can be opened/closed.
  • Private Room Option: Normally, your room is completely open to anyone who decides to join. By checking the mark next to the lock icon, your room will become private, and users will be required to enter a password before they can join. The password can be any length from 1 to 12 characters, so long as it is only letters and numbers. This can also be changed from inside the room by clicking on the lock next to the room title.
  • Map Select: The Room Leader can click this button after creating the room to choose which map the fight will take place on. If a map is not selected, the map will be chosen randomly once the match begins.
Map select


Arena PvP is, in a sense, the "official" PvP. Each match will have an effect on your server-wide ranking, as well as rewarding AP, a currency used to buy items from Camilla's PvP Shop. Winning a match will also reward RP, which is used to determine your ranking within whatever rank you currently hold. Be careful, as losing a match will also subtract RP!

Arena can currently be accessed in two ways: Talking to Camilla and choosing Arena, or simply clicking the Arena tab when in a town or field. From there, you can choose either a one-on-one fight, two-versus-two or a three-versus-three fight. If you are in a party of two or three, you may only choose either 2v2 or 3v3.


When you first create a character, they will have no rank. To obtain a PvP rank, you must participate in ten qualifier matches. After the end of your tenth match, you will be awarded your rank. The ranks, from lowest to highest, are E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. Your rank determines many things, such as:

-The amount of AP you can gain from matches.
-The strength of the players you are matched with.
-The strength of Epic NPCs you can encounter.
-The items you can purchase from Camilla's Shop.

To increase your rank, you must consistently win matches in Arena. Doing so will increase your AP Tier, an unspecified variable that can be determined by finding the amount of AP you receive from winning a 1v1 match. Upon reaching certain AP Tiers, you can rank up by winning a few matches at that tier. Conversely, you can rank down by consistently losing and dropping down AP Tiers.

In 2v2 and 3v3, AP tier can be calculated using the formulas below.

n = (K + A) / 2 = (average of kills and assists)

2v2 Win: (AP won) / (n + 3)
2v2 Lose: (AP won) / (n + 0.75)

3v3 Win: (AP won) / (n + 4)
3v3 Lose: (AP won) / (n + 1)

File:Pvp 7.jpg
You can also check the rank gauge which shows the current percentage of their rank.

Take note that disconnecting and/or leaving a match early does not negatively impact your AP tier. Rather, you will lose RP instead, which has NO bearing on your letter rank, and only becomes relevant at SSS for board placement.

Also, every time you rank up, your RP will be RESET to zero. Ranking down will yield a little bit of RP.

Required AP to rank up:
Required AP 20 26 30 36 46 60 72 82

After reaching SSS, you may continue rising in AP Tiers until you reach the maximum AP gain of ??. However, losing a single match on ?? AP Tier will immediately drop you back to the ?? AP Tier.

Star Rank

New Ranking: Star

The new rank, Star, will be given to the top 1% of SSS ranked players.
Only a maximum of 100 players can achieve the Star rank.
Star ranked players are renewed every week.

Players who are in the Star rank will be given a title which can be used for 7 days.

Icon Title Discovery Obtain Stats
Master of Battle Discovered at the start Achieve Star Rank in the weekly ranking of PvP (Ranking based on periodic inspections every week) Attack Speed +2%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Additional Damage +2%
Damage Reduction +2.5%
Awakening Charge Speed +2.5%
MP Gain when attacking +1.5%
File:Battle Master Brawl.png Master of Battle (Brawl) Discovered at the start Achieve Star Rank in the weekly ranking of Brawl Mode (Ranking based on periodic inspections every week) Attack Speed +2%
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Additional Damage +2%
Damage Reduction +2.5%
Awakening Charge Speed +2.5%
MP Gain when attacking +1.5%


Image Name Image Name Image Name

Tree of El - Top
Size: Medium
The tree of El contains 4 long branches to fight on. Be sure not to fall off from the tree!

Cargo Airship
Size: Medium
Raven once commanded this ship before he joined Elsword. The cargo ship is massive once inside.

Garpai Sandstorm
Size: Small
A 1v1 map in Garpai Rock with swirling sandstorms. Use the sandstorms to make the battle more fun.

Tree of El - Bottom
Size: Small
The heroes of Elrios once fought on these grounds to defend against the Ancient Nasods.

Elrios Bay
Size: Small
Elrios citizens prefer this location as the designated vacation spot for adventurers.

Sander Oasis
Size: Large
A large 4v4 PVP map with Sander's luscious oasis as the background. The air pad in the middle will allow a variety of play styles to defeat your enemies!

Banthus Room
Size: Medium
Banthus hideout is full of stolen treasures. Possibly, maybe some were stolen from you?

Durahan Coliseum
Size: Small
The ancient heroes once challenged one another in this coliseum before Durahan took over.

Lanox Lava
Size: Small
A largely curved map. May receive damage from lava.

Wally Castle Centre
Size: Medium
Wally uses these grounds to train his soldiers. A lot of blood shed has tainted the castle's ground.

Tyrant's Arena
Size: Large
Tyrant built this arena to use as a demon's training ground. Many glitters fought for dominancy here.

Judge's Heart
Size: Medium
A map with both curved and straight aspects. Many variations of fighting available with jumping platforms at both ends of the map.

Wally Castle Rooftop
Size: Small
Wally's personal training ground where he practiced shooting missiles down at the peasants.

Hope Bridge
Size: Large
Velder's famous hope bridge was their primary defensive location.

Bethma Lake
Size: Large
One of Bethma's most beautiful lakes that was created from the lizard men.

Wintery Velder
Size: Medium
Velder's soldiers practied in this location during the winters. It's beautifully covered in snow.

Free Season

This is where everyone who starts PvP while there is a new PvP season revamp. Everyone can get RP, but they will not rank up, only stay with no rank. Once the season revamp is over or complete, then depending on your RP, you will receive a rank (see the amount of RP needed to get a certain rank)

PvP Shop

You can use the AP you obtain from Arena matches to purchase special items from Alchemists or Camilla. Below are some of the items you can get:

Name Description Image Cost
Magic Stone Used to socket weapons and armor with a random stat.
1000 ED

150 AP

Advanced Magic Stone Used to socket weapons and armor with a random stat, with a higher chance of better values than a basic Magic Stone.
1000 ED

450 AP

The new Season 4 PvP gear can also be purchased from Camilla, see Arena Sets (S4) for information on the sets for your class. Buying these from Camilla is unnecessary, as you acquire them during the Champions Condition story quest for free.

Tips and Tricks

The Arena is a cut-throat competition that takes hours of practice and perseverance to master, but there are some basic tips that every character should follow:

  • Establish good baseline stats before PvPing: The main stats that are vital to PvP are Attack speed, Movement Speed, Jump Speed, Critical, HP, Additional Damage, Reduced damage. Having a minimum of 20% in your speeds allows you to both move and attack at a brisk pace, staying one step ahead of your enemies. This is the most important thing you should work on with sockets, as low speeds will allow other players to easily catch you and even slip out of your combos. Having around 30% critical will greatly help your damage output, and stacking HP will increase your overall durability. Having a minimum of 30% reduced damage is almost as essential as HP, and serves the same purpose. Additional damage benefits Multi-hit classes more than others, (CBS, NW, YR) but it is still helpful to have around 4k Additional damage. Also, Evasion is unpopular to others but important when you are facing other opponents/skills such as: Aiming Shot, Magic Missile, Reckless Fist due to brute attacks, Night Watcher's Twigs, etc. Sometimes it can save you in such situations like: You've been combo lock then the dodge hits, you're able to counterattack or to flee. Hyper Active Skills have possibility to evade the attack without doing the Manabreak.
    • Edit: Evasion no longer exists. It has been replaced with new stats in the new season: Maximize (higher chance of higher damage output per hit), and the Specializations A + B (exclusive to each character, hover over it on your Character Menu to see what effects it has). In Maximize, it is suggested to also have around 3k to 4k if you want to hit like a truck.

  • Aim for "End-game" gear: Most of the higher ranked players sport one of the so-called end-game gear sets, and you should aim to do the same. Which set you should use is dependent on your character and your own play style. The first easy-to-get endgame gear are the Secret Dungeon sets. Harder-to-get but more powerful ones include Henir Time & Space Set, Heroic Dungeon sets or the Boss Raid weapon. Until you acquire these equips, the PvP gear you get through the story can be a nice alternative, as they are easy to socket and attribute.

  • Don't do 3v3 for your qualifying matches: 3v3 can be a fun, fast-paced battle mode as you advance in your Arena career, but don't try to dive right into it. A large element of 3v3 is luck, so you should stick to the more reliable and predictable 1v1 until you feel confident enough to attempt 3v3. You should also avoid 3v3 if you dislike battling against spammers.

  • Know your attributes: Attributing your weapon and armor can mean the difference between life and death. Certain characters and classes can utilize elements better than others, refer to the Enchanting Equipment guide to see what some options are for your setup. Furthermore, remember to add resists smartly. All elements can be deadly if used correctly, so learn which ones you're most vulnerable to and attribute your armor to resist them.

  • Aim for a Magic Necklace: While not necessary, a Magic Necklace can give you a serious leg-up in Arena. 30% extra MP from attacks both dealt and received adds up quickly, and lets you both break more often and dish out more damage with more Special Actives.

  • Consider a B-Slot: Another unnecessary item, but it can be a nice tool to have. More skills available to use at once will increase your versatility and unpredictability.

  • Mana breaking is not a "noob" tactic, use it to your advantage: Contrary to what the ragers would have you believe, mana breaking is an incredibly useful technique that can save you from losing a match in one catch. There are plenty of players who know how to reset the knockdown counter, and have no qualms about killing you in a single combo. Of course, there are some situations where it's better to simply take some hits, but when those are is something you can only learn through experience.

  • Hit And Run: Although this may seem like a noob tactic, but this may come in handy when you're about to die in a match. It also might provoke your opponent to try a high-mp attack and they end up losing it all if you evade.

  • Awaken when necessary: The delay from awakening as well as the damage increase can easily turn the tide in a match, allowing you to escape combos, catch opponents in combos, and power up your attacks. Don't be afraid to use it when your back is against the wall.

  • Mute your opponents: This can be helpful because, there might be players that will distract you through chatting. To mute your opponents press Tab then go to the score-tab located at the bottom-right corner, then press the chat bubble icon. Alternatively, you can disable PVP chat completely with the "Block PVP Chat" selection under the game options


Judge's Heart - field_elysion001

Room of Greed - field_raid005_ready01

Lanox Lava - field_ranox001

Adrian's Celestial Room - li_boss_elysion002

Tree of El - Bottom - music005_stage

Tree of El - Top - music006_boss

Wintery Velder - music007_boss

Elrios Bay - music007_boss

Wally's Castle Rooftop - music009_boss

Banthus Room - music011_boss

Bethma Lake - music012_stage

Wally's Castle Centre - music017_boss

Cargo Airship - music020_stage

Durahan Coliseum - music026_stage

Tyrant's Arena - music026_stage

Hope Bridge - music032_stage

Resiam Triangle - music043_stage

Ash Covered Arena - music047_boss

Garpai Sandstorm - music055_stage

Sander Oasis - music056_stage


  • There is a secret Dark Forest PvP map made for Developing Purposes. Information about this map is currently unknown. Can only be accessed through debug map-select.
  • Before the PvP revamp (commonly known as Season 1 Arena), all matches took place in the Sparring Arena.
    • At this point, the ranks only went from D to SS, and all players started at D.
    • AP also didn't exist at this point. Instead, winning gave you VP (Victory Points). These were mainly used to buy items from Camilla, but her shop was much more limited than the Season 2 shop.
  • In Season 1 Arena, all players started at F Rank, and had to work their way up to higher ranks. Anyone with a rank from pre-Season 1 got to keep their rank.
  • Season 1 wiped all players' VP, and introduced AP. They were used to purchase Season 1 PvP gear from Camilla, and also for some items at the Accessory shops.
    • Season 2 PvP introduced the concept of qualifier matches, wiped all players' current ranks and RP, and also removed F Rank and added SSS Rank.
    • It also introduced a new damage table that heavily nerfed most skills over 120MP in Arena.
    • Furthermore, most of the normalization that existed in Season 1 was removed, the most prominent being the restrictions on HP.
  • Prior to the Season 2 revamp, 2v2 mode existed in Arena queuing. However, it was removed due to its unpopularity in Korea. Despite being much more popular in the North American and European server, it was also removed there due to coding conflicts.
    • However in NA, 2v2 mode was reinstated after the July 15th, 2014 Patch (In EU after the July 30th, 2014 Patch).

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media