Elder Monster

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Revision as of 08:39, 17 May 2014 by Coolcrew1 (talk | contribs)
Fundort Bild Beschreibung Info
Nachtwald Poisonous Bee - A poisonous bee! Make sure not too get too close to it, or it will sting you! The bees spawn from a Poisonous Bee Hive.
Nachtwald Poisonous Mush - A mushroom contaminated by the polluted forest.

They can attack by unleashing a poisonous cloud, which can poison you.

Nachtwald Wisp - A small harmless spirit living in the forest. But don't let it get too close to a Mini Ent or else the Wisp will reanimate it!
Nachtwald Mini Ent - Normally they just stand still, but when they get reanimated by a Wisp, the Ent will start attacking you!
Nachtwald Ghost Magician - A roaming Ghost that can use magic. Don't let it hit you with it's fireballs!
Nachtwald Poisonous Bee Hive - A small beehive that can spawn bees. Make sure to attack it before it does though! It can only spawn a limited number of Poisonous Bees.
Benders Höhle Hungry Bat - A bloodsucking bat that feeds on blood. Don't let it cling onto you!.
Benders Höhle Bat - A bat living in the cave. It attacks people who approach his territory. They can attack by unleashing a poisonous cloud, which can poison you.
Benders Höhle Apple Mong - Monkeys who pick up apples in the Forest. After the forest got polluted, they started living in the Cave. They can attack from distances by throwing apples.
Benders Höhle Little Brother - A thief who tries to attack you with his knife.
Benders Höhle Big Brother - A thief that tries to punch you with its humongous fists.
Benders Höhle Giant Phoru - An enraged Phoru that attacks anything in its way.
Benders Höhle Giant Brother - The biggest of the thieves and also the most powerful, watch out!
Abwasserkanal, Schloss Robo Little Soldier - Instead of a knife-wielding thief, it's now a soldier working for Banthus! But what are soldiers doing here?
Abwasserkanal, Schloss Robo Big Soldier - Instead of a thief that uses its fists, it's now a soldier working for Banthus! But what are soldiers doing here?
Abwasserkanal Mickey - A mischief of mice living in dirty places. But be careful, they spawn from Mickey's House!
Abwasserkanal Micky's House - A passage that mice use. They can also spawn Mickeys!
Abwasserkanal White Ghost Magician - A roaming ghost that wanders in the Waterway... Be careful, they can also use magic to shoot out fireballs!
Wachturm Bomber Mong - A monkey wearing junk parts from the roof of Wally's Castle. He carries a bag full of bombs.
Wachturm Jango - A young Phoru who follows and helps William in search of free wealth and food.
Wachturm Kid Phoru - A Phoru who follows William just like Jango. But be careful, this Phoru uses its torch to burn you!
2-5/schloss Robo Crossbow Soldier - As small as the Little Soldier, the sneaky Crossbow Soldier can use its crossbow to shoot you from a distance. Some Crossbow Soldiers may appear inside of a Bunker.
Schloss Robo Wally's Guardian - A powerful knight that attacks you with its huge sword.
Untergrundlabor Fire Crossbow Soldier - These crossbowmen are similar to those at 2-5, except it has high attack speed (when not in the Bunker), can activate super armor and shoot up to three arrows in a row. Their arrows can cause the burning ailment. Their super armor will end before they can attack. Also, whenever attacked they will gain super armor for the duration of their stun animation.
Untergrundlabor Poison Crossbow Soldier - These crossbowmen are similar to those at 2-5, except it has high attack speed (when not in the Bunker), can activate super armor and shoot up to three arrows in a row. Their arrows can cause the poison ailment. Their super armor will end before they can attack.
Untergrundlabor Royal Guardian - These Knights are similar to Wally's Guardian in 2-5, but can activate super armor if hit 10 times (15 times in Hell mode). Their super armor will last until the end of their counter attack. These will randomly enter a defense stance when under attack. Their attack speed was significantly increased after the Hunting Fields patch.
Untergrundlabor Royal Big Brother - These Knights are similar to Vergent in 2-5 and will activate super armor if hit 10 times (15 times in Hell mode). Their super armor will last until the end of their counter attack. Their attack speed was significantly increased after the Hunting Fields patch
Untergrundlabor Infected Rat - Their attack style is very similar to the Giant Phorus, but their attacks can poison you. (Except Bull Attack)
Untergrundlabor Mini Wally No.8 -Punch- - These are smaller, brown colored variants of Wally No. 8. They have only the most basic abilities all Wally robots have on Normal Mode. They can hover, punch, use a spinning attack similar to Windmill, and do a downward smash when they are hovering. In Hell and Luto Modes, a large amount of debris will fall randomly to either side of itself each time it smashes the ground.
Untergrundlabor Mini Wally No.8 -Laser- - These are smaller, red colored variants of Wally No. 8. They will fire a large laser out of their heads. When they do, the screen will darken like it would if a player used a skill. The laser's hitbox forms a bit away from itself, making standing right in front of these as they are shooting perfectly safe.
Untergrundlabor Mini Wally No.8 -Missile- - These are smaller, yellow colored variants of Wally No. 8. They will activate super armor and launch homing missiles out of both arms. In Hell and Luto Modes, they can also launch a spread of missiles into the air that will come down on both sides of itself (Similar to Wally No 8 MK2 have).
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