Story/Noah Chapter 3

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[Noah] Chapter 3: House of Fire

Burnt Manor
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Second Life story quest

After showing a brief surprise due to how different it was inside, Noah shows concern that all the evidence might have been burnt by the flames.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • (WHIIRR...)
  • Clamor: Oh! The lights came on. Are we setting off the intruder alarm?
  • Noah: No, I think it's supposed to light up when there are people inside. It was like this last time as well.
  • Clamor: Wow... that's incredible... A taste of technology, 1,000 years in the future, huh.
  • Noah: But, it's strange... It looks really different from last time. I had a hard time maneuvering around because there were vines all over the place...
  • Clamor: Vines? It's a bit cluttered, but I don't see any plants.
  • Noah: I did come here after seasons passed. Maybe it's because the door was open.
  • Clamor: Hm... Oh look! There's a book on that chair.
  • Noah: You're right. Let's see...
  • (CRUMBLE...)
  • Noah: It's burnt. A light touch is causing it to fall apart. I don't think we can read it.
  • Clamor: I thought this was all dust because everything's so old, but now that I look more closely, they look like soot. I think there was a fire.
  • Noah: Fire? That's no good... Let's go downstairs. I hope it's in better condition...
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • (BLAZE)
  • Noah: Ugh... Cough! Cough!
  • Clamor: Noah! Be careful not to breath in the smoke.
  • Noah: Cough, ugh... So this is why there was soot everywhere. The tables and shelves were all burnt. Why are there monsters that use the power of fire? Are they fire spirits?
  • Clamor: They're not spirits. But I believe they're the reason why this manor was closed down.
  • Noah: I think this manor was used as a lab, but I don't think we can find anything with the place like this. I thought we might find something if we just came here early enough...... I knew it. Nothing's going t change.
  • Clamor: It's too early to give up.
  • Noah: But even if there's important evidence here, I don't think it will be in good condition in this kind of environment...
  • Clamor: Ha.ha.ha. Kid, labs suffer through all sorts of disasters. That's why any important research material or ingredients will be under multiple safety measures. One of them being fireproof spells. What was it like last time you were here? Was the entrance destroyed? Or any other sign of outside forces involved?
  • Noah: ... Not really. There was no sign of battle.
  • Clamor: That means someone either released or broke the spell. A magician, like me.
  • Noah: Oh...!
  • Clamor: It's just a hunch, but there must have been a reason that the people in this manor had to close down everything and leave right away. Scholars don't leave their work behind like this. Unless there's some kind of unforeseen circumstance. Or else, their lifelong work can be stolen or used by someone else in a way they did not intend. Now here's the real question. A magician entered an unihabited forest to find an abandoned manor infested with monsters. What could be the reason? 1, because they were bored. 2, because they had nothing better to do. 3, to waste their time. Or 4, to find something.
  • Noah: The examples are way too biased. So you think the magician was here to look for something?
  • Clamor: Yes... or maybe not? I understand it might be better to have no expectation rather than to hope only to be disappointed, but didn't you say it was different this time? Don't give up so easily.
  • Noah: ... Do you actually believe I've done this already? I could be making this up.
  • Clamor: Of course, it's hard to believe a story like that, but there's no other way to describe your behavior otherwise. Considering the circumstances we're in, and your personality, I have made a scholarly deduction that you're telling the truth.
  • Noah: .......
  • Clamor: And, well. My situation isn't much different. I'm a weapon that claims its a magician from an ancient fallen kingdom, 1,000 years ago, yet you believe me, don't you?
  • Noah: ... I suppose... I'm never going to acknowledge you in front of other people though.
  • Clamor: And here I thought we were having a heart-felt moment, bonding over our shared hardship.
  • Noah: Do you really expect us to have a 'heart-felt' moment when you sass like that? And... what do you mean you thought I was telling the truth based on my personality?
  • Clamor: Oh, that? It really shows when you lie.
  • Noah: ... There's nothing scholarly about that. Are you saying I'm an easy read?
  • Clamor: Honestly, yeah. You give short responses when we're on a topic that doesn't interest you, or it's something you're not familiar with. Keep up the good work. You're painfully obvious.
  • Noah: Sigh... Why do I even talk to you. Anyway... You think we can find something important around here? Where should we start?
  • Clamor: Let's check anywhere that might be hiding something. If it has some kind of protection spell on it, it will surely stand out with everything else burnt to crisps.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 114055 Mochi's Ear x1 N/A
ED 323800 Ocean Eyepatch x 1 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Investigating Trails
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Brunt Manor story quest

Noah and Clamor search for traces that might remain in the lab.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Noah: We've collected quite a bit already. It was surprisingly easy to spot the ones with protection spells on them, since everything else was burnt.
  • Clamor: Would you like to take a look?
  • Noah: Now? Hold on... '... As such, Elrians refer to those who are sensitive to El and can harness its power regardless of their race. According to the jurisdiction of Elrian Kingdom in the following...' ... What is this talking about?
  • Clamor: Heh... Heheh... Here, read this one.
  • Noah: '... put the meat on boil, and add three tablespoons. The softest mana herbs can be harvested as the beginning of the month. The ones harvested at night are preferable over those harvested in daytime. Mana herbs soften the meat when used as spice, and adds additional nutrients necessary for one's health. It is especially beneficial to those who use magic often or...' This... just looks like a recipe... Is this some kind of code? Am I supposed to read it vertically?
  • Clamor: Heh... Hahahaha!!
  • Noah: Why are you laughing! Why would anyone put a protection spell on something like this!
  • Clamor: Hahaha! Obviously to protect the precious meat recipe using mana herbs! Why else?
  • Noah: Stop teasing! What's going on?
  • Clamor: Haha, ha... Don't be upset. It probably is an important document. It just has a misinterpretation spell to show random content.
  • Noah: Misinterpretation spell?
  • Clamor: Yes. You can't have just anyone reading top secret documents, right? So thee's a spell that shows something completely different from its original content.
  • Noah: Does this work? Isn't it easy for magicians who know about the spell to undo it?
  • Clamor: It's not hard to notice them, but only if you take a close look at it. That's not easy to do when there's lots of paper and you have to look at every single page carefully.
  • Noah: But, a cooking recipe in a lab is so obviously strange, isn't it?
  • Clamor: Hey, researchers got to eat too, you know.
  • Noah: ... I suppose.
  • Clamor: The only reason why we were able to find the documents with ease was because the monsters essentially destroyed everything that didn't already have a protection spell on it. Plus, it was easy to trace magic since this place was uninhabited for a long time. I mean, who would use magic on a useless piece of paper?
  • Noah: ... I get it. I don't think I would have noticed if I were here by myself... But, I guess it all worked out. Maybe there were some things that I missed because I didn't know. It would have been useful if I knew magic.
  • Clamor: Yeah? Well, there's no harm in learning. Now, let's go check out that desk over there.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Noah: The back of this desk looks pretty intact. I guess monsters didn't really come this way.
  • Clamor: The documents in these shelves don't have protection spells on them. I guess they're not that important, but it should still be rare. Want to see?
  • Noah: Hm... It's not burnt, but there's still holes from bugs eating through the document. It looks like a report. '... and a sealed temple was found not far from the lab. During our investigation, something of interest was found, so it was decided to be implemented using... with...'
  • Clamor: A temple not that far from here? Are they talking about the temple where we woke up?
  • Noah: I think so. Let me read further. '... a place to gather... ealed relics... ... found a door to the past that could potentially be used to experiment...'
  • Clamor: What?
  • Noah: Wait, hold on. 'However, after further investigation, it was found that the door merely reenacts the past of the subject in front of it rather than actually opening a door to the past. The past is set to the moment the subject feels most regret in their past... It cannot change, therefore was unfit for experimentation.'
  • Clamor: I see. It only reflects the past of the user...
  • Noah: 'During the investigation, Dr... was caught in...' I think this was supposed to be the name of the researcher. It's blurred out, so I can't read it. Anyway... '... leading to suspension. The influence on... seemed to... as the attempts to change the past increased.'
  • Clamor: It only looks like you can change the past, but in reality, it does not.
  • Noah: Looks like it. I didn't realize something like this existed... If only I knew...
  • Clamor: ... Noah. It states here...
  • Noah: I know. You can't change the past. It's just that...... If I had known, I would have been able to see Harque's face again...
  • Clamor: .......
  • Noah: ... Oh, there's more. 'There was a sealed door within the temple. Upon investigation, energy of an unidentified element was observed beyond the door. It was found unnecessary to open the door with an unknown threat. The temple was sealed. Investigation complete.' This...
  • Clamor: It's the room we were in. I wonder when this investigation took place?
  • Noah: I want to check the date, but it's removed. The last entry... 'Suggestions were made at a later date to utilize the door to replicate successful experiments, but were discarded once the Incubator was brought in.' Incubator? That's the name of your invention, right? I wonder what these people were working on?
  • Clamor: (... Incubator?)
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 114055 Intermediate HP Potion x 10 N/A
ED 382600 Intermediate MP Potion x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
[Village] Symbol of Fire
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Investigating Trails story quest

Clamor finds a symbol of one corner of the lab.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Clamor: Noah? There's some kind of symbol of this wall.
  • Noah: This... is fire...? Is this the house of Rosso? I never heard that they've operated a lab like this... Ah, I suppose there are places kept hidden from the public's eye, with all the families competing viciously over the position of El Master.
  • Clamor: Rosso? You mean the Fire Master family, right? What kind of research were they conducting to require such a large facility? Did other houses also have facilities like this?
  • Noah: This is just my speculation... But I think this is because of a unique trait of the power of Fire. I heard that it's not easy to harness the power of Fire even for Masters, because fire energy is inherently violent and volatile. Even those who are selected as Fire Master, don't manage to keep their position for long.
  • Clamor: It's true, fire is hardest to control among all the elements... I suppose they were researching on how to control that power here.
  • Noah: Thee last Fire Master was selected way before I was born and he was a Rosso. I guess they managed to find a way to safely control the power of Fire after long research.
  • Clamor: ... Then these monsters... must be the result of the experiment.
  • Noah: ... I don't get it.
  • Clamor: (Incubator... I got a bad feeling...)
  • Noah: If this truly was the lab for the House of Rosso studying the elements of the El, then it probably has nothing to do with Henir's Order. Let's get out of here.
  • Clamor: Ummm... Noah. I have a favor to ask you.
  • Noah: Huh? What is it?
  • Clamor: ... Though this may have nothing to do with the Order, those monsters could be the by-products of the experiment, right? All this research could fall into the hands of someone nefarious if we leave them like this, which could potentially be disastrous. And since I've essentially rendered the door useless, the monsters could end up in the nearest village...
  • Noah: Mm... Oh, I understand. You're right. Since we've managed to save some time, let's take another look around this place.
  • Clamor: ... Thank you.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0 Magic Stone x 10 N/A
ED 0 File:Blessed Enhacment Stone.png Blessed Enhancement Stone x 10 N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
What You Can Do
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Symbol of Fire story quest

Clamor decides to teach Noah how to lift spells. Though Noah is unsure, he decides to try after Clamor's insistence.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Noah: -
  • Clamor: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 496923 Intermediate Hydro Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 444500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Dark Side
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the What You Can Do story quest

A shocking information was found in the documents from inside the lab.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 496923 File:Consume41.png Yggdrasil Leaf x 10 N/A
ED 509500 Lympy Jelly x20 N/A
EP 0 Papilleo Honey x20 N/A
AP 0
Broken Trust
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Dark Side story quest

Noah finds out the inhumane experiments done by the Rosso family was based on Clamor's research. Clamor tries to explain but Noah is unwilling to listen.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 496923 Intermediate Giant Weapon Cube x1 N/A
ED 577500 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

General Guides
Character Progression
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
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  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other