PNJ de village


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  Lou Responsable de l'aire d'entraînement de Ruben Lowe has experience in all forms of physical combat and can improve the melee skills of any character. He may look innocent, but he’s fearless in battle.

Lowe also appears in PvP as an "Epic" NPC. He fights using traditional Lord Knight attacks.

  Hagard Maire du village de Ruben Hagus is not much to look at, but he’s got the mind of a master strategist. He never shaves his beard because it represents his long-time experience as a battle tactician. As the Chief of the village, his duty is to give several quests to warriors and travellers to prove their strength.
  Anne Tenancière de la boutique de Ruben Ann is a purveyor of the basic equipment needed to explore a dungeon. She is the only NPC in Ruben who has the ability to enhance equipment items.


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  Lelia Marchande d'accessoires An ex-thief, Luichel is Elder Village’s jeweler. She sells bracelets, bonnets and baubles of all sorts that aren't just for looks. Her goods are as enchanted as she is.
  Hofmann Grossiste et représentant de la guilde des marchands d'Elder This refined fellow is the head of the Velder Commerce Association. His products are of quality, and so are the rewards one can gain from his requests. So work hard!
  Ekko Alchimiste Elder Village’s lollipop-loving Echo was trained in the ways of the Alchemist by her parents. Her enchanting and crafting skills are without equal. Go to her if you need something special.
  Lennart Forgeron You can enhance your equipment items with Lenphad’s help. People get easily intimidated by his grouchy appearance, but he really is a kind person who aims to please.


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  Richard Marchand d'accessoires The misunderstood, purple-haired, Bethma accessory shop proprietor, Richian is one of Luichel’s business rivals – mostly because he has great conversational skills and is a workaholic. He also owns Richie Mine, which his father passed down to him.
  Solène Responsable de la sécurité de Besma Stella is the type of woman who makes all the boys stop and stare. Don’t stare too long, or you may be looking up at her from the flat of your back or through a pair of black eyes. Check her out, though (carefully), because she might have something for you to do.
  Chachabuk Alchimiste A Lizardman who resides in Bethma Village. This old Shaman’s crafts have a tribal flavor to them, as do the potions he sells. Contrary to his looks, he doesn’t bite (probably).
  Toma Forgeron This smiling youth may not look like it, but he is the best blacksmith in Bethma. He’ll have your gear upgraded and repaired in a jiffy with the skills his parents passed on to him.


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  Aida Marchande d'accessoires For a kid who owns an accessory shop, Aida is timid and weak. Amidst the battle between Nasod and Ponggo, she is found in her shop poring over pretty and shiny ornaments. She believes that life is too short for fighting, and that it is better spent seeking and enjoying beauty.
  Aron Maire d'Altera Chief Adel is the wise man of Altera Village. He oversees the welfare of his villagers while also teaching young Ponggo about literature and writing. The Chief is over 100 years old – quite unusual for a Ponggo whose average life span is much shorter than humans.
  Amon Alchimiste Amos is well-versed in alchemy, chemistry and science. Thoughtful despite his age, he is good at making plans though a bit too shy to carry them out. The Ponggo Alchemist hopes to help others with his knowledge.
  Agda Marchande d'équipements An aggressive and hearty weapons dealer, Agatha is boastful and cunning. Her figure may be the envy of health buffs everywhere, but she often gets sick. She speaks her mind even though the timid nature of Ponggo runs in her blood.


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  Lento Chevalier royal de Parte A knight designated to the Feita Region, Lento used to be a field general of the Suburbs of Feita. He has been sent to guard Allegro, who was assigned some tasks to perform in Feita. Like most other soldiers, he is tough and rarely shows emotion, but he does his best to accomplish his duties. He is trying his hardest to keep Allegro safe.
  Alvar Secrétaire de Parte A typical bookworm, Allegro is timid and often terrified of talking to other people. Workwise, he does his job really well, and this has earned him the trust of the Lord of Feita. He and Lento are old friends.


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  Moss Marchand d'accessoires Praus began making necklaces for Hanna, to express his love that remains unrequited. He enjoyed it so much that he became a jeweler. That’s just as well, because his proposal was rejected. He is passionate, sensitive, considerate, but also blinded and bubbly.
  Vanessa Générale de la garde royale A leader of the Velder troops, Vanessa is known for her intellectual manners and exceptional beauty. Her fearsome eyes and full lips are the obsession of many soldiers, but she is not into dating at all. Responsible and stern, she always thinks about protecting Velder civilians and how to solve issues fairly. She guided the refugees to the suburb of Velder and built a camp, with plans of rescuing the captured king.
  Graoul Alchimiste At first glance, Grail looks like a dog with a cup in his paw. But at second glance, this dog is actually the most famous alchemist

in Velder. The reason Grail is a dog is due to an accident after he tried to conduct an experiment. But one should not be fooled by his exterior: Behind the puppy dog ​​eyes lies a alert and razor-sharp mind. But Grail still sometimes has the urge to chase bouncing balls.

  Hanna Forgeronne Hanna is Lenphad’s big sister who runs Swordsmith Cats, the biggest equipment shop in Velder. She looks so much younger than her age, that others think she is the same age as Ann or Stella. She has a small figure, a youthful face, and a beautiful smile, but her muscles have been toned by welding so many weapons. She’s strong enough to win an arm wrestling match with a Velder Guard.
  Noël Troubadour A Wandering Bard named Noel happened to settle in Velder. He now calls himself a bard, but he used to serve as mercenary, armed with double blades. He lost many comrades, even more than the enemies he slayed. When his last friend fell, he picked up his lute and started to travel with a skeptical mind. He cannot sing, but he knows how to play the lute.


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  Lucie Marchande d'accessoires Lucy has been all over the world collecting rare accessories. Her knowledge is second to none when it comes to her trade. With all the commotion going on in Hamel, she thought it would be a good opportunity to collect some rare ancient pieces from the town. She likes to collect anything related to accessories, from the rarest to the most beautiful kinds. She will even use her cute looks to her advantage in order to get the items she wants or to make a sale.
  Penentio Chef de la confrérie des chevaliers pourpres Penensio is very diligent and dedicated in safeguarding Hamel. He was promoted as the chief after his work ethic caught the attention of the high official Talon. He likes to approach matters in a rational and logical way. He is currently working with Hamel’s damage control center to restore the city.

Penensio also appears in PvP as an "Epic" NPC. He fights using traditional Rune Slayer attacks.

  Denka Alchimiste An otter alchemist who possesses the knowledge and alchemy insights beyond human limitation. His curiosity often causes big and small accidents, yet he’s always very calm about it. He is very reserved, with a very gentle personality. He uses all kinds of slang when he talks.
  Horatio Forgeron Horatio’s constant smithing is the reason why he’s always soaked in sweat. He aspires to become the best blacksmith in all of Elrios and devotes himself to creating the best equipment. He has a quiet but cool vibe about him, and his seemingly ageless muscular body is admired by all the citizens. In Hamel, he is known as the “Flaming Horatio”.
  Daisy Secrétaire du Comte Hagen The secretary of Duke Rod Ross is also, quite arguably, his biggest follower. Daisy is very proud of her role. She likes to be trusted by others and be recognized for her work. She will do anything and everything in order to gain Rod Ross’s trust. She likes expensive bags and jewelry.


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  Rosanna Marchande d'accessoires Rosean is sister to Richian, an accessory merchant in Bethma Village. Beautiful, strong, and confident, Rosean tends to look down on others due to her privileged upbringing—she even embarrasses her own customers by asking a high price for her goods. She and Vapor don’t get along, although she wants to find out the secret to endless youth from Sander’s alchemist.
  Emir Représentant de Sander When Sander faced desertification, Emirate led the efforts to build a new village and soon became the chief. Fondly known as Red Beard, he is an excellent leader and an experienced former mercenary, virtuous and considerate, though meddlesome at times. He still thinks of Barren Sander’s future, and aims to maintain good relations with the Caluso Tribe.
  Reyka Alchimiste A colleague of Chacha Buch, Vapor is proud of her achievements. She believes Sander Village would have already fallen if not for her efforts. She keeps studying ways to fulfill the villagers’ needs even if they think she is too strange and moody. Her studies are on the alchemy of water extraction, wind and steam amplification, and immortality, which is proven successful by her youthful looks.
  Dafarr Marchand d'équipements It is disappointing for many to find out Dafarr can be such a huge bluff, but this trait of his leads to an unbelievable 90% success rate in sales. He acquires items from unknown weapon makers and boasts as if he makes them himself. Despise him all you want, but with his discerning eyes, he still deserves the recognition of weapons expert.

PNJ ambulants

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  Aranka Employée du service CoBo Tous les villages sauf Ruben. Ariel has superb multitasking, negotiation and social skills that make her the perfect woman to handle the El Search Party’s Travel Documents and Guild Registration.
  Camille Responsable de l'espace d'entraînement Tous les villages sauf Ruben. The charming but feisty Camilla is a weapon enthusiast, and perhaps the ideal person to lecture wannabe heroes who want to acquire additional survival skills. Apply or die!
  Luriel Responsable de l'agence bancaire CoBo Tous les villages sauf Ruben. Luriel is our most trustworthy citizen. Entrust her with your gear and gold at Cobo Bank Service. You can deposit and withdraw your items through her anytime.
  Hélène Marchande itinérante Toutes les aires de repos. Helen is the legendary merchant who sells essentials for adventurers, mainly potions that can be used during battle. A frequent visitor of scenic destinations, she has become an expert in avoiding roaming baddies.
  Glave Responsable de l'espace-temps d'Henir Toutes les aires de repos et Parte. Glave was once a human who went searching for the absolute truth. The greater being punished him, and in his transformation, he lost all human emotion. He now deals with his boredom by opening the challenge of Henir’s Time and Space to young adventurers.


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  Myu Représentante des ventes CoBo Tous les villages sauf Ruben, seulement durant les événements. Despite the removal of the old Selling Service with the Market Revamp, Myu still appears in towns occasionally as an Event NPC, handling Ariel's role of providing event quests and exchanges.
  Adams Ancien alchimiste Ruben Despite his removal after Ruben's revamp, Adams can still be seen by the riverside. Sometimes he appears in towns as an Event NPC, handling Ariel's role of providing event quests and exchanges.


Région PNJ de village PNJ secondaires
Ruben LouHagardAnneEsprit purifié et Esprit timide BendersTokarAncêtre Porou
Elder HofmannLeliaEkkoLennart BendersTokarLord Robo
Besma SolèneChachabukRichardToma BeurkeKayaLord Robo
Altera AinaAronAmonAgda Roi Nasod
Parte AlvarLentoPane Berrut
Belder MossHannaGraoulNoëlVanessa ChloéPyromar
Hamel PenentioHoratioLucieDenkaDaisy Comte HagenAvalancheHeinrichComte BelmezArenShasha
Sander RosannaEmirReykaDafarr AnedranKellaynoTraktaKaruBeigaKarisBéhémoth
Ranox Bernie SteinÉdèle et SébastienPochettesurprixStalaAmbroise DurenklumIgniaMay et Mace GloriaNoireluneSirenaJin et InIplitanArtéaScarShashaAnedran
Élysion Yuno et NonoDurendaHugoBernardThéodoreOiseau nasodArbre d'énergie d'Eldrit DécaMayaHerbaonAdrianSolaceHarnySigmundIlunisAgaur
Le monde fantastique de Laby Élios Est Source des souvenirsBibby somnolentePokko tranquilleOokiee vivant BellondCapitaine
Naios Nord MaoKallonGénéral de la défense du palaisGunthorAncien lordDéborahNenya
Naios Centre BellondAmi de Laby
Élyanod Affineur d'alchimieAffineur d'équipementAffineur d'accessoiresIgniaArtéaAnedranAgaurVentusLinaGajarShashaGloriaNoirelune HennonSolaceHarnyRossou
Varnimyr Petit esprit ChloéCommandante sentinelleEdithSeigneur NéphilRossouVentusLinaNéroStirgaben
Rigomor Winster
Ambulants ArankaLurielCamilleAdanGlaveHélèneMiyu LudoFanatique rouge
Autres PNJ

Autres PNJ
AegirphAlter EgoAméliaBargatBarzackBatonBerngartBêtes sacrées gardiennesBethelBouddicaBranderkBranweClarisseComte HagosCornwellDynamoElkashuEliaEskerEthanFredGaïaGénéral CornwellGénéral TestarossaGraceHécateHenirHergéIshmaëlIsilladJohannKeyperaKorkusLianaLilliaNevaOwenQ-Proto_00QuenbaranRoi des démonsRuaSurrutTedTereVictoriaWolvernian


Armée aux yeux noirsArmée des démons rougesArmée des espritsChercheurs d'EldritChevaliers-gardiensChevaliers pourpresKorbaksLégion démoniaqueNasod dominateurOrdre de HenirSept toursService CoBoYeux de la nuit

Histoire ChronologieHistoireMonde d'ElswordPNJUnivers
Modes de jeu ChampsDonjonsJcJ
Fonctionnalités de jeu Arbre de compétencesCompétencesCompétences de forceGuide de l'interfaceQuêtesQuêtes de compétenceRésonance d'EldritTable d'expérienceSuccèsTitres
Mécaniques de jeu Attributs de compétencesBoosterEffets d'étatEffets spéciauxFièvreMana-breakPower-upsSeuil de protection K.O.StatistiquesSystèmes des personnagesVolonté
Progression du personnage Premières spécialisationsDeuxièmes spécialisationsTranscendanceTroisièmes spécialisationsClasse de maître
Guides de systèmes BanqueGarde-robe magiqueMissions aléatoiresSources chaudesStudio d'ÉliosSystème d'apprentissageSystème de mariageSystème de métiersSystème de verrouillage
Contenu de vie Système de pêcheTroupe d'expédition de bestiole
Contenu de guilde Drapeau de guildeExpédition de guildeFerme de guildeGuildeQuartier général
Objets BestiolesCartes de monstresConsommablesCubesMonnaiesMontures
Équipements et accessoires Butins de bossEnsembles de JcJÉquipement légendaireÉquipement régionalÉquipement unique (ÉlyanodDonjons secretsDonjon des hérosPrisme céleste)
Fonctions d'équipement AméliorationDémontageEnchantementEnchantement mystiqueIdentificationSertissage
Contenu payant BingoChauffeurs de statue en glacePersonnalisation
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