We leave it as locked since cash isn't the only way, and due to it's minimal difficulty, not doing the quest is more of impatience than anything else. The cash symbol is used more cash skill notes, since there's no other way to get them. On the other hand, a locked skill can be bought with cash if wanted, but not necessary, you can put a note on the bottom if you wish. Or better yet, include that info in the SQ guide and then link all locked skills to that page.

Character Quotes

I noticed the character quotes that you've been putting up for each class at the top of their pages...

Is it possible for you to either use different quotes for some of the characters or omit the section completely? To be honest, it feels very cluttered and useless as many of the quotes you have chosen are very generic. Cases in point - Elemental Master's "I'm ready!", Wind Sneaker's "Shall we start?", LK's "I hope you're ready", Iron Paladin's "I'll take care of this..." and even Grand Archer's "it was obvious I was going to win~" all seem like they're the type of things that virtually anyone can say and don't seem to reflect the character's personality at all.

Perhaps it would be better to take quotes from elsewhere rather than opening/finishing battle cries? It's a completely different thing listening to them actually say it (where they can say it with feeling and personality that reflects them) than reading it (where it just reads generically).

Well do you have any suggestions to where I can obtain other quotes? Most people don't like it if I just get them from text or dialogue. And I really like the quotes ._. .... They're okay if I just get it straight from the VA but that's about it.

I like the concept, but the problem is that if you're going to pick spoken quotes, it's not going to reflect the personality of the character since most lines are very short, generic and not very unique. What about the ending character pictures when you win a dungeon and they say something in a text box about that dungeon?