[Active] Strike the enemy in front. Hitting the back of an enemy will deal additional damage.


Class Master Level Required SP Cost Per Level Alternative
Chiliarch Lv. 20 35 3 Terror Chain

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Strike (Physical) Additional Damage on Back Attack (Physical) MP Usage Cooldown
1 35 % % 30 MP 7 seconds
2 % %
3 36 % %
4 39 368% 202%
5 42 379% 214%
6 45 389% 226%
7 48 400% 239%
8 51 411% 252%
9 54 % %
10 57 % %
11 60 % %
12 63 % %
13 66 % %
14 69 % %
15 72 % %
16 75 % %
17 78 % %

Tips and Details

  • This skill ignores enemy guard and defense when used at the back of a target.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 암습 Ambush


  • 01/22/2015 KR
    • Added back attack damage increase and defense ignore effect.
  • 02/12/2015 KR
    • MP Usage decreased to 30.
