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Battle Magician
Full Name
Battle Magician
Class Tree

Battle Magician


Specializes in Physical Combat.

Battle Magician can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Battle Magician's Lost Memory

First Class Advancement

Aisha is required to be Lv15 to begin her first class advancement.


  1. Clear 2-4 on Hard or above with at least a B rank.
  2. Collect 1 drop from Kira-Kira (Mini-boss) at 2-1 on Very Hard. (☆☆☆)
    • Collect 2 drops from Wally No.8 at 2-5 on any difficulty.
    • Collect 2 drop from Nasod Banthus in 2-3 on any difficulty.
    • Collect 4 drop from the White Ghost Magicians in 2-3 on Very Hard. (☆☆☆)
    • Buy or collect 5 Medium MP Potions (See this potion is in Item Database: Consumable).

After completing the Magician quest chain, Aisha can decide between advancing as High Mage, Dark Mage, or Battle Magician.

Battle Magician

  1. Speak to Hoffman in Elder.
  2. Collect one drop from William Phoru (Boss) from 2-4 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).
  3. Eliminate 5 Wally Guardians, 9 Little Soldiers, and Wally No.8 (Boss) on 2-5 at any difficulty.
  4. Complete 2-5 on Very Hard (☆☆☆).

At Lv 35, Battle Magician may advance to...... ???!

Skill Tree


Additional Combos

Image Description
File:Bamcombo1.png Smack Combo

Aisha does three wide whacks with her staff and ends it with a downward bash, knocking down the enemy.

File:Bamcombo2.png Magical Thrust

An upgrade of her old dash combo, Aisha dashes towards the enemy and hits them with her staff, after she teleports Aisha does a quick lunge with her staff and lets out a magical field blast, launching the opponent into the air.

File:Bamcombo3.png Starball

When dashing and jumping into the air, instead of a fireball, Aisha shoots out a magical orb instead. The magic orb does not knockdown and is slower than the original fireball.

Basic Combo Damage

Combo Physical Attack Magical Attack
z 125%
zz 125%
zzz 170%
zzzz 200%
zz↑z 100%
zz↑zz 60%
x 130%
xx 130%
xxx 270%
xx↓x 170%
xx→x 60%
↑z 130%
↑x 200%
→→z 150%
→→zz 220%
→→zx 220%
→→zxx 140%
→→zxxx 170%
→→x 200%
→→↑z 170%
→→↑x 50%


Special Active

  Heavy Press
  Energy Spurt
File:GuillotinePress.png Guillotine Press  
  Super Nova
  Magical Makeup  


  Flame Circle
  Energy Drain  


  Aura Speed Accelerator


  Spirit Acceleration
  Intermediate Strength Training
  Manaflow Overdrive

