[Special Active] Levering his Nasod Arm, Raven rapidly shoots as many blasts of heat as he can, dealing heavy cumulative damage.


Skill Requirement
Weapon Taker

Skill Information

Skill Level Magical Damage Magical Damage
Hits Max Hits
MP Cooldown
1 113% 63% 40 Hits 70 Hits 300MP 30 Seconds
2 136% 76%
3 159% 88%
4 181% 101%
5 (M) 215% 120%
6 (M) 215% 120%
7 (M) 284% 158%

Tips and Details

  • Hellfire Gatling is unlocked through the High Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv32 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • This skill can cause Overheat.
    • When Overheated, the blasts will deal more damage along with more hits.
  • Very similar to Seven Burst, except x10 the fire balls and lacking an endblast.
  • Very High Damage Skill, good for Bosses.
