Village sous les cendres

Tu as suivi le forgeron jusqu'ici pour le trouver les grandes prêtresses qui ont été enlevées, mais tu ne sais pas exactement où elles sont.
Le quartier général doit se trouver dans ce village. Trouve-le !
Tu as suivi le forgeron d'acier jusqu'ici afin de retrouver les grandes prêtresses. Le quartier général doit se trouver dans ce village. Trouve-le !
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise
Plan du donjon
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Image Description Attaques
  Ouvrier d'acier - A chubby Black Smith.
  Travailleur d'acier - A very masculine Black Smith, he wields two large hammer which he will use to harm you.
  Larbin d'acier - A tiny goblin wielding a pickax, on his back he carries bombs which he'll toss at you.
  Constructeur de machines d'acier - A tiny goblin who specializes in planting mines which will countdown upon a player standing on them.
  Charretier d'acier - One of the Black Smiths tasked with transporting materials, be wary as he will run into you.
  Machine aux rayons mortels X2 - A bulky automaton equipped with machine guns.


Boss intermédiaire
{{ {{
Image Description Attaques
  Superviseur d'aluminium - One of the head Black Smiths, guarding the entrance into the mines and his boss's door.

- Hammer Smash: Aluminu will take his giant hammer and smash the area in front of him several times.
- Run Away: Aluminu can run to the side while in super armor.
- Hammer Throw: He will start chucking hammers in a parabolic arc. }}

{{ {{
Image Description Attaques
  Ambroise Durenklum

- Giga-Hammer: Sdeing will take out his anvil and create a giant hammer, he'll then leap into the air and smash the are directly in front of him.
- 180 Smasher: Sdeing will take out his anvil and prep a hammer which he'll swing back and forth covering his left and right.
- Super Enhancement Success!: Will take out his anvil and craft a hammer, he'll then swing his arms in a circle sucking players in and repetitively hitting anybody within its range before throwing the hammer into the air. A giant hammer will fall from the sky which also smashes him into the ground.
- Failed Crafting: Sdeing will take out his anvil and try to create something but end up failing causing the anvil to explode knocking him back.
- Run Away: Sdeing can run to the side while in super armor. }}

Butins de bossMusique de fond
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Sword of the Steel Anvil
Supervisor Aluminu

Lv72 Great Sword:

Physical Attack +4364

Magical Attack +4364

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

Critical +4.5%

3% chance of additional Vibration Hit







  • Aluminium est le père de Stala.
Noms alternatifs
Serveur Nom Traduction
  Corée du Sud 재 덮인 마을 Village recouvert de cendres
  Chine (chinois simplifié) 散落灰烬的村庄 Village recouvert de cendres
  Amérique du Nord Ash Covered Village Village recouvert de cendres
  Allemagne Dorf unter Asche Village sous les cendres
  Espagne Aldea Calcinada Village calciné
  Italie Villaggio Incenerito Village incinéré
  Pologne Wioska Przykryta Popiołem Village recouvert de cendres
  Royaume-Uni Ash Covered Village Village recouvert de cendres
  Brésil Vila Cinzenta Village gris
