
Over Taker

Speciality : OverTaker uses his Upgraded Nasod Arm's Power


With every passing fight, his nasod arm reaches new limits to its powers.
Good thing is he is getting stronger and ever; however, bad thing is his body was subject from labatory by
Nasod Factory for Combat arm, that means he might lose his personality and become rage by his Nasod arm.
To prevent this happen, he asked Ponggo race archemist for make a "Rage preventer" to keep his personality and let the Nasod Arm get stronger.
Still.. That cannot prevent it forever. His body is much stronger then any human being but also he could lost his mind by his Nasod Arm.
Of course he knew his arm could take over his body, but he chosen this path to become OverTaker

Additional Control

xx→x →x →x → strike combo after original combo

xx↓x Flew monster after original combo

→→↑zxx Jump Dash combo


To know how damage works, go here Damage

File:Powerful Mind.png

Powerful Mind

Increace Magic Damage by Physical Attack of 20%

Master Lv 5

File:Continuous Cause.png

Infinity Cause

All Attack's Knockdown reduced by 20%

Master Lv 5


Reversal Fighter

When Hp is lower than 20% then All Attack Power go up by 20%

Master Lv 5

File:Shadow Stab.png

Shadow Stab

MP30/ Cool Time: 5sec

Move Quickly about 5M in Stealth mode.

Mastered Lv 5

File:Shadow Piercing.png

Shadow Piercing

Required to have 5Lv 'Shadow Stab'


During Shadow Stab press Z to sudden Stabbing attack

Physical Damage 400%

Master Lv 5

File:Charge Bolt.png

Charge Bolt

MP100/ Cool time: 3sec

Sharp Metal needles surround by Raven and multi hit the enemies

Magic Damage 186% x 4 = 744% 

Master Lv 5

File:Weapon Breaker.png

Weapon Breaker

(Cash or Kamila's Quest skill)(Cash 1200 Won)

MP30/ Cool time: 10sec

Use Powerful Nasod Hand to break enemy's weapon

Physical Damage 400% with 60% rate for enemy's Magic/Physical attack down 70%

Master Lv 5

File:Continuous Cause.png

Infinity Cause

All attack's Knockdown reduced by 20%

Master Lv 5

File:Magic Training.png

Intermedia Magic Training

Increace Magic Attack stat by 150

Master Lv 5

File:Arc Enemy.png

Arc Enemy

MP 170/ Cool Time: 8 sec

Summon 4 Blades and it stand by for 30 sec until these master attack the Enemies

Magic Damage 200%(awaken 300%) X 4 = 800%(1200%)

Master Lv 5

File:Power Adrenalin.png

Power adrenaline

MP 100/ Cool Time: 10 sec

Increace Physical Damage by 40% in 10 sec

Master Lv 3

File:Powerful Mind.png

Powerful Mind

Increace Magic attack stat by Total Physical Attack stat of 5%

Master Lv 5

File:Magic Adrenalin.png

Magic adrenaline

Required to have 5 Lv 'Intermedia Magic Training'

MP 100/ Cool time: 10 sec

Increace Magic Damage by 40% in 10 sec

Master Lv 5


Harder Figher

This will effect when player's hp is lower then 20% than all attack stat will increace by 20%

Master Lv 5

File:Valkyrie's Javelin.png

Valkyrie's Javelin

(Cash or kamila's Quest skill)(Cash 1700 Won)

MP 200/ Cool Time: 10 sec

Summon 6 Black Javelins and Strike down to Enemies.

A Black Javelin Physical Damage 632% / Explosion Magic Damage 117% x 8 = 936%

on really big target you could do 5 hit of javelin

Physical 632% x 5 = 3160%  / Magic 117% x 10 = 1117%

It can be use while your are in the air

Master Lv 5

File:Guardian Strike.png

Guardian Strike

MP 300/ Cool time: 30 sec

Over flow Mana from Raven's Heart and explode shape like Cross(Aoe Attack)

Magic Damage 553% x 7 = 3871% / Awaken 613% x 9 =  5517%

Master Lv 5



MP: 300/ Coll time: 30 sec

Drops huge nuclear the missle on the field, then it explode and gives huge explosion damage.

Magic Damage 658%(missle) + (explosion damage 136% x 20~70) = 3378% ~ 10178%

Master Lv 5

Character Development

Reckless Fist
