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友方图片 友方介绍
  Elevator - The elevator that leads to Adrian's room. Defeat all the PooPang monsters to power up the elevator.


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怪物图片 怪物介绍 攻击方式
  安培拉希德兰斯 - A more powerful lance wielding angel Hernacyd.
  • Double Stab: Stab twice leaving behind a sphere of dark energy.
  • Spear Barrage: Perform a rapid barrage of spear stabs in front of it.
  安培拉希德观察者 - A more powerful magician like angel Hernacyd who attacks with energy rather than a weapon.
  • Energy Tracker: Casts a ball of dark energy that homes onto players and implodes on impact.
  • Silencer: Shoot out a cloud of dark energy in front of itself that inflicts Silence.
  安培纳希德护卫 - A more powerful large hammer wielding angel Hernacyd.
  • Judgement: Release a large pillar of dark energy out of its body upwards but becoming completely immobile for a brief amount of time after.
  • Smash: Perform a downward smash with its hammer.
  • Ram and Smash: Perform a shield ram then a downward smash with its hammer which stuns players.
  • Dark Lasso: Fire one large dark orb forward which he can use to pull you closer to him.
  赫尔纳希德护佑 - A more powerful bow wielding angel Hernacyd archer.
  • Arrow Shot: Fire a single arrow straight forward.
  • Arrow Barrage: Backflip then follow with three consecutive arrow shots.
  • Arched Shot: Fire three arrows in a parabolic arc aimed at players from a distance six times.
    • Can fire behind him.
  普潘 - A tiny ball Nasod created by Herbaon.
  • Puff: It will jump and cause the area in front of it to burst.
  亡潘 - A tiny ball PooPang Nasod wielding a large hammer.
  • Hammer: Perform a single hammer smash.
  • Hammer Twirl: Perform a series of spinning strikes with the hammer.
  • Roll: It will bloat up then roll forwards before rolling back.
  • Self-Destruct: After being defeated they will bloat up and pop.
  BoomPang - A tiny ball PooPang Nasod with a bomb strapped to its back.
  • Bomb Plant: Plant its bomb in the ground while they retreat. The bomb will explode momentarily.
  • Bomb Throw: It can also throw its bomb causing explosions a short distance away from it.
  ShingPang - A tiny ball PooPang Nasod with a large hat.
  • Sleeper: It will flip its hat over then start dancing on top of it. It will release several yellow orbs which inflict Sleep and burning 15 MP.
  • Blast Attack: If players are close by it will take its hat then shoot out a large orb of light that harms players.


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怪物图片 Boss介绍 攻击方式
  德卡 - 德卡又回来了!这次还带着改良版的椅子!
  • 宝箱释放:德卡会180度全方位释放出8个作为导弹的能源晶体。
  • 宝箱爆炸:德卡在移动时将会向地面释放出能源晶体,任何站在蓝色能源场的人都会受到伤害。
    • 尽管能源场不会造成普通伤害然而它会直接扣除你HP中不可抵抗的一部分。
  • 能量波动:德卡将会移动至舞台的中央并且释放出一道能够同时经过左右平地的冲击波。
  • Concentrated Explosion:Dekal will create a vortex of energy underneath his chair witha powerful suction force that does continuous damage before exploding.


  • 不受普通攻击硬直影响,相反会触发霸体效果使其反击。
  • 免疫Debuff影响。


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障碍图片 障碍介绍
  深坑 - 地面上的深坑,掉下去会损失一定比例的HP。
  风之踏板 - 能把落在上面的玩家高高弹起,让你到达更高的地方。
  消失的踏板 - Platforms that can phase in and out of existence.
  移动踏板 - Platforms that are not in a fixed position and will travel in a variety of patterns.
  电磁场 - Machines which create fans of electrical energy that will rapidly push players outward and harm players during platform segments.
  激光 - Powerful lasers which fire out at players. Do not provide hitstun but hit many times.
  能量流动 - Ramps of energy which drag players forward.
  巨型箭矢 - Giant spikes that launch out from the background harming players in their path.


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怪物图片 Boss介绍 攻击方式
  赫尔巴欧 - The ruler of Elysion in Adrian Nasod's stead. He will stop at nothing to defend his father.
  • Light Arrow: Forms a bow-like structure out of his drones, then fires two spheres of light energy a distance forwards.
  • Light Trap: Imprison players in a suction of light energy before sending a piece of debris straight down from the sky. Can be escaped by mashing back and forth.
  • Light Barrier: Covers himself with his drones, empowering them with light energy, then slides forward harming players in his path.
  • Light Explosion: Expels a blast of light energy around him, dealing high damage.
  • Lasers: Either the horizontal or two vertical lasers will close in. Standing on the bottom most layer will avoid the horizontal laser and the two vertical lasers will stop before they collide with each other.
  • Iris Blade: Herbaon will warp to the center and cause laser beams to close in around him. Herbaon will not lose HP, but can still be damaged. Will always follow up with Laser Onslaught if this attack is not cancelled.
  • Laser Onslaught: Two lasers will try to home onto a player, one vertical and one horizontal. An additional vertical laser that exclusively homes onto players is added off screen for every player. Herbaon is completely invincible during this attack.


  • 免疫Debuff影响。


  • 德卡:We meet again, you little rascals.. Now it's goodbye!
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Elysion's Hernacyd Staff

Lv86 Staff:

Physical Attack +5078

Magical Attack +5078

[Unidentified * ?]

[Unidentified * ?]

2% chance of double attack (Except special active skills)

Critical +6%






  • This is the first dungeon that truly integrates platforming into its design, with moving platforms, disappearing and re-appearing platforms, and obstacles that will try and knock you off the map.
  • Adrian, being a normal human, is no older than is normally possible. He does however, have a hibernation chamber that preserves his body as he sleeps for centuries at a time.
  • Herbaon is supposed to be Herjuno's replacement, who was abandoned on Atlas after trying to warn Adrian about Solace, explaining their similar designs.
  • Looking at the images above of Adiran's room and Herbaon, it can be noted that the floor texture was changed from an opaque off white striped pattern to a translucent blue hexagonal pattern before it was released.

  • 地区13~18
  • 地区1~6
  • 地区7~12
  • 地区19
  • 娜薇
  • 诺亚
  • 其他